예제 #1
import sys
import urllib
import json

from wekeypedia.wikipedia_page import WikipediaPage as Page, url2title, url2lang
from wekeypedia.wikipedia_network import WikipediaNetwork
from wekeypedia.exporter.nx_json import NetworkxJson

source = "List_of_geometry_topics"

hl = WikipediaNetwork("")
hl.keywords = hl.get_page_links(source)


exporter = NetworkxJson(hl.graph)
exporter.nx_export("adjacency", "_data/network.json")

# print hl.keywords
print ""

def fetch_page(source):
  print "📄  fetching: %s" % source.encode('utf-8-sig')

  p = Page()
  r = p.fetch_from_api_title(source.strip(), { "redirects":"true", "rvparse" : "true", "prop": "info|revisions", "inprop": "url", "rvprop": "content" })

  with open("path_points/%s.json" % (source), "w") as f:
    json.dump(r, f)

  with codecs.open("_path_points/%s.md" % (source), "w", "utf-8-sig") as file:
  da_list = []

  da_list = map(parse_source_line, open(da_source, "r"))

  return da_list

def store_mapping(mapping):
  m = Mapping(mapping)
  m.csv("%s.mapping.csv" % (sys.argv[1]))

def get_wikipedia_network_structure(concepts):

  wkn = WikipediaNetwork(concepts)


  return wkn.graph

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
  source = sys.argv[1]

  concepts = open_source_list(source)
  graph = get_wikipedia_network_structure(concepts)

  for export_type in ["node_link", "adjacency"]:
    target_name = "%s.%s.json" % (source, export_type)

    exporter = NetworkxJson(graph)
    exporter.nx_export(export_type, target_name)