예제 #1
    def __init__(self, response=None, status=200, headers=None, mimetype=None,
        Response can be any kind of iterable or string.  If it's a string it's
        considered being an iterable with one item which is the string passed.
        headers can be a list of tuples or a `Headers` object.

        Special note for `mimetype` and `content_type`.  For most mime types
        `mimetype` and `content_type` work the same, the difference affects
        only 'text' mimetypes.  If the mimetype passed with `mimetype` is a
        mimetype starting with `text/` it becomes a charset parameter defined
        with the charset of the response object.  In constrast the
        `content_type` parameter is always added as header unmodified.
        if response is None:
            self.response = []
        elif isinstance(response, basestring):
            self.response = [response]
            self.response = iter(response)
        if not headers:
            self.headers = Headers()
        elif isinstance(headers, Headers):
            self.headers = headers
            self.headers = Headers(headers)
        if content_type is None:
            if mimetype is None and 'Content-Type' not in self.headers:
                mimetype = self.default_mimetype
            if mimetype is not None and mimetype.startswith('text/'):
                mimetype += '; charset=' + self.charset
            content_type = mimetype
        if content_type is not None:
            self.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
        if isinstance(status, (int, long)):
            self.status_code = status
            self.status = status