def test_13():
    payload              = '{"sentence":value_not_string}'

    with app.test_client() as client:
        # send request to server, and get response
            response ='http://localhost:98/curl',
                                   json = JSONMixin().json_module.loads(payload,
                                                                        object_pairs_hook = my_obj_pairs_hook))
        except JSONDecodeError as e:
            # check whether we get the expected response back
            assert e.args == ('Expecting value: line 1 column 13 (char 12)',)
def test_14():
    payload = '{sentence:"key_not_string"}'

    with app.test_client() as client:
        # send request to server, and get response
            response ='http://localhost:98/curl',
        except JSONDecodeError as e:
            # check whether we get the expected response back
            assert e.args == ('Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 2 (char 1)',)
def test_12():
    payload              = '{"not_sentence": "I feel good."}'
    expected_status_code = 400
    expected_response    = {
        "error_message": "Failed to decode JSON object: Expecting key/value pair with key of 'sentence'.",
        "status":        "error",
        "status_code":   "400 - Bad Request"

    with app.test_client() as client:
        # send request to server, and get response
        response ='http://localhost:98/curl',
                               json = JSONMixin().json_module.loads(payload,
                                                                    object_pairs_hook = my_obj_pairs_hook))
        # check whether we get the expected response back
        assert response.status_code      == expected_status_code
        assert json.loads( == expected_response
def test_102():
    payload              = '{"sentence": "I feel bad."}'
    expected_status_code = 200
    expected_response    = {
       "score": {
         "compound": -0.5423,
         "neg":       0.778,
         "neu":       0.222,
         "pos":       0.0
       "sentence": "feel bad",
       "status":   "complete"

    with app.test_client() as client:
        # send request to server, and get response
        response ='http://localhost:98/curl',
                               json = JSONMixin().json_module.loads(payload,
                                                                    object_pairs_hook = my_obj_pairs_hook))
        # check whether we get the expected response back
        assert response.status_code      == expected_status_code
        assert json.loads( == expected_response
def test_21():
    payload              = '{"sentence": "I\'D l@&$%%^ov*)e t+++o '    \
                           '<p>haVe<h1> thRee cUPs   of Lat81405878tè' \
                           '<br /><br />frOM yo74593ur caffè. "}'
    expected_status_code = 200
    expected_response    = {
       "score": {
         "compound": 0.6369,
         "neg":      0.0,
         "neu":      0.543,
         "pos":      0.457
       "sentence": "id love three cups latte caffe",
       "status":   "complete"

    with app.test_client() as client:
        # send request to server, and get response
        response ='http://localhost:98/curl',
                               json = JSONMixin().json_module.loads(payload,
                                                                    object_pairs_hook = my_obj_pairs_hook))
        # check whether we get the expected response back
        assert response.status_code      == expected_status_code
        assert json.loads( == expected_response