def test_DLC_envelope(self): opt_tags = dlcdefs.excel_stabcon('./DLCs/', fext='xls', silent=True) reader = HAWC2InputReader() reader.htc_master_file = '' reader.execute() for icase, case in enumerate(opt_tags): case['[run_dir]'] = '' writer = HAWC2InputWriter() writer.vartrees = reader.vartrees = 'data/' + case[ '[case_id]'] + '_ae.dat' = 'data/' + case[ '[case_id]'] + '_pc.dat' writer.case_id = case['[case_id]'] writer.vartrees.tags2var(case) writer.execute() wrapper = HAWC2Wrapper() wrapper.copyback_results = False wrapper.hawc2bin = 'HAWC2mb.exe' wrapper.log_directory = case['[log_dir]'] wrapper.case_id = writer.case_id wrapper.verbose = False wrapper.compute() config = {} config['neq'] = 4 config['no_bins'] = 46 config['m'] = [12] ch_list = [] string = 'blade%i-blade%i-node-%3.3i-' for iblade in range(1, 4): for i in range(1, 6): ch_list.append([ string % (iblade, iblade, i) + 'momentvec-x', string % (iblade, iblade, i) + 'momentvec-y', string % (iblade, iblade, i) + 'momentvec-z', string % (iblade, iblade, i) + 'forcevec-x', string % (iblade, iblade, i) + 'forcevec-y', string % (iblade, iblade, i) + 'forcevec-z' ]) config['ch_envelope'] = ch_list output = HAWC2OutputBase(config) output.execute(case)
def get_dlc_casedefs(self): """ Create iter_dict and opt_tags based on spreadsheets """ iter_dict = dict() iter_dict['[empty]'] = [False] # see if a htc/DLCs dir exists dlcs_dir = os.path.join(self.P_SOURCE, 'htc', 'DLCs') if os.path.exists(dlcs_dir): opt_tags = dlcdefs.excel_stabcon(dlcs_dir) else: opt_tags = dlcdefs.excel_stabcon(os.path.join(self.P_SOURCE, 'htc')) if len(opt_tags) < 1: raise ValueError('There are is not a single case defined. Make sure ' 'the DLC spreadsheets are configured properly.') # add all the root files, except anything with *.zip f_ziproot = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, fnames) in os.walk(self.P_SOURCE): # remove all zip files for i, fname in enumerate(fnames): if fname.endswith('.zip'): fnames.pop(i) f_ziproot.extend(fnames) break # and add those files for opt in opt_tags: opt['[zip_root_files]'] = f_ziproot self.master.output_dirs.extend('[Case folder]') self.master.output_dirs.extend('[case_id]') return iter_dict, opt_tags
def launch_dlcs_excel(sim_id, silent=False, verbose=False, pbs_turb=False, runmethod=None, write_htc=True, zipchunks=False, walltime='04:00:00', postpro_node=False, compress=False, dlcs_dir='htc/DLCs', postpro_node_zipchunks=True, wine_arch='win32', wine_prefix='~/.wine32', m=[3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12], prelude='', linux=False): """ Launch load cases defined in Excel files """ iter_dict = dict() iter_dict['[empty]'] = [False] if postpro_node or postpro_node_zipchunks: # pyenv = 'py36-wetb' pyenv = 'wetb_py3' else: pyenv = None # FIXME: THIS IS VERY MESSY, we have wine_prefix/arch and exesingle/chunks if linux: wine_arch = None wine_prefix = None prelude = 'module load mpi/openmpi_1.6.5_intelv14.0.0\n' # if linux: # pyenv = 'wetb_py3' # pyenv_cmd = 'source /home/python/miniconda3/bin/activate' # exesingle = "{hawc2_exe:} {fname_htc:}" # exechunks = "({winenumactl:} {hawc2_exe:} {fname_htc:}) " # exechunks += "2>&1 | tee {fname_pbs_out:}" # else: # pyenv = '' # pyenv_cmd = 'source /home/ozgo/bin/' # exesingle = "time {hawc2_exe:} {fname_htc:}" # exechunks = "(time numactl --physcpubind=$CPU_NR {hawc2_exe:} {fname_htc:}) " # exechunks += "2>&1 | tee {fname_pbs_out:}" # see if a htc/DLCs dir exists # Load all DLC definitions and make some assumptions on tags that are not # defined if os.path.exists(dlcs_dir): opt_tags = dlcdefs.excel_stabcon(dlcs_dir, silent=silent, p_source=P_SOURCE) else: opt_tags = dlcdefs.excel_stabcon(os.path.join(P_SOURCE, 'htc'), silent=silent, p_source=P_SOURCE) if len(opt_tags) < 1: raise ValueError('There are is not a single case defined. Make sure ' 'the DLC spreadsheets are configured properly.') # add all the root files, except anything with *.zip f_ziproot = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, fnames) in os.walk(P_SOURCE): # remove all zip files for i, fname in enumerate(fnames): if not fname.endswith('.zip'): f_ziproot.append(fname) break # and add those files for opt in opt_tags: opt['[zip_root_files]'] = f_ziproot if runmethod == None: runmethod = RUNMETHOD master = master_tags(sim_id, runmethod=runmethod, silent=silent, verbose=verbose) master.tags['[sim_id]'] = sim_id master.tags['[walltime]'] = walltime master.output_dirs.append('[Case folder]') master.output_dirs.append('[Case id.]') # TODO: copy master and DLC exchange files to p_root too!! # all tags set in master_tags will be overwritten by the values set in # variable_tag_func(), iter_dict and opt_tags # values set in iter_dict have precedence over opt_tags vartag_func() # has precedense over iter_dict, which has precedence over opt_tags. # dlcdefs.vartag_excel_stabcon adds support for creating hydro files vartag_func = dlcdefs.vartag_excel_stabcon cases = sim.prepare_launch(iter_dict, opt_tags, master, vartag_func, write_htc=write_htc, runmethod=runmethod, copyback_turb=True, update_cases=False, msg='', ignore_non_unique=False, run_only_new=False, pbs_fname_appendix=False, short_job_names=False, silent=silent, verbose=verbose, pyenv=pyenv, m=[3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12], postpro_node=postpro_node, exechunks=None, exesingle=None, prelude=prelude, postpro_node_zipchunks=postpro_node_zipchunks, wine_arch=wine_arch, wine_prefix=wine_prefix) if pbs_turb: # to avoid confusing HAWC2 simulations and Mann64 generator PBS files, # MannTurb64 places PBS launch scripts in a "pbs_in_turb" folder mann64 = sim.MannTurb64(silent=silent) mann64.walltime = '00:59:59' mann64.queue = 'workq' mann64.gen_pbs(cases) if zipchunks: # create chunks # sort so we have minimal copying turb files from mimer to node/scratch # note that walltime here is for running all cases assigned to the # respective nodes. It is not walltime per case. sorts_on = ['[DLC]', '[Windspeed]'] create_chunks_htc_pbs(cases, sort_by_values=sorts_on, queue='workq', ppn=20, nr_procs_series=3, walltime='20:00:00', chunks_dir='zip-chunks-jess', compress=compress, wine_arch=wine_arch, wine_prefix=wine_prefix, prelude=prelude) # create_chunks_htc_pbs(cases, sort_by_values=sorts_on, queue='workq', # ppn=12, nr_procs_series=3, walltime='20:00:00', # chunks_dir='zip-chunks-gorm', compress=compress, # wine_arch=wine_arch, wine_prefix=wine_prefix) df = sim.Cases(cases).cases2df() df.to_excel(os.path.join(POST_DIR, sim_id + '.xls'))
def __init__(self, config, dlcs_folder, dlcs_fext='xls', cssize=None, pfsize=None): super(HAWC2AeroElasticSolver, self).__init__() if cssize is not None: print 'Warning: cssize should be set in config["structural_sections"]' config['structural_sections'] = cssize if pfsize is not None: print 'Warning: pfsize should be set in config["aerodynamic_sections"]' config['aerodynamic_sections'] = pfsize # check that the config is ok self._check_config(config) # load cases and their tags dlcs = dlcdefs.excel_stabcon(dlcs_folder, fext=dlcs_fext, silent=True) self.ncases = len(dlcs) if self.ncases == 0: raise RuntimeError('Something went wrong when reading the DLCs, ncases=0!') promote = [] if config['with_tsr']: promote.append('tsr') if config['with_structure']: promote.append('blade_beam_structure') if config['with_geom']: var = ['s', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'rot_x', 'rot_y', 'rot_z', 'chord', 'rthick', 'p_le'] for v in var: promote.append(v) promote.append('blade_length') if 'with_aero_coeffs' in config.keys(): if config['with_aero_coeffs']: promote.append('airfoildata:blend_var') for i in range(config['naero_coeffs']): promote.extend(['airfoildata:aoa%02d' % i, 'airfoildata:cl%02d' % i, 'airfoildata:cd%02d' % i, 'airfoildata:cm%02d' % i]) # Add outputs agg_promo = [] for stat in config['HAWC2Outputs']['stat_list']: name = 'stat_'+stat agg_promo.append(name) for m in config['HAWC2Outputs']['m']: name = 'fatigue_m%i' % m agg_promo.append(name) if 'ch_envelope' in config['HAWC2Outputs'].keys(): for isec in range(config['structural_sections']): name = 'blade_loads_envelope_sec%03d' % isec agg_promo.append(name) self.add('aggregate', OutputsAggregator(config, len(dlcs)), promotes=agg_promo) pg = self.add('pg', ParallelGroup(), promotes=promote) for icase, case in enumerate(dlcs): case_id = case['[case_id]'].replace('-', '_') pg.add(case_id, HAWC2Workflow(config, case), promotes=promote) self.connect('pg.%s.outputs_statistics' % case_id, 'aggregate.outputs_statistics_%d' % icase) self.connect('pg.%s.outputs_fatigue' % case_id, 'aggregate.outputs_fatigue_%d' % icase) if 'ch_envelope' in config['HAWC2Outputs'].keys(): self.connect('pg.%s.outputs_envelope' % case_id, 'aggregate.outputs_envelope_%d' % icase)
def test_DLC(self): opt_tags = dlcdefs.excel_stabcon('./DLCs/', fext='xls', silent=True) reader = HAWC2InputReader() reader.htc_master_file = '' reader.execute() nan = np.nan std_ref = [ [ 1.15468610453, 20.623820042, 0.0740770493071, 0.0, 1.63883455995e-13, 0.0, 2.92527680742e-13, 0.0, 1.05186187846e-13, 0.00448084986512, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0667195480442, 0.0399570220043, 0.0472457197536, 8274.98592144, 2262.75202353, 1757.4399563, 1312.15413729, 160.871998807, 1728.97639082, 2342.04778773, 2037.83218151, 642.926932085, 528.301580539, 1863.59205836, 28.5365363394, 623.07691339, 3799.86728189, 97.9153652396, 1184.56277166, 4311.55945802, 91.3815558524, 337.08531561, 716.108650974, 9.8802695592, 393.601651419, 2052.93701803, 35.1914829007, 566.294446379, 2164.10365741, 31.2861603289, 0.00519990875458, 0.0317126196777, 0.152721894284, 0.112067971908, 0.158007178759, 0.181269098788, 0.010676652669, 0.433596301372, 0.175455345668, 0.013016978806, 0.434643362013, 0.359175518897, 0.0214229824982, 18.6265089573, 2.06803508288, 25.0941539507, 0.212244149063, 1.31535369178, 1.02342877799, 2.57083866195, 0.131488392814, 0.0976950118386, 0.233573131863, 0.00221016870252, 0.00374349100002, 0.00730561627894, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0158365766493, 0.000246378358914, 0.000246373116992, 0.0, 17355.3928633, 17298.5867446, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000246376550094, 1825.73496434, 0.00514181322312, 0.00511408917708, 0.0, 2.38418579102e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.76987012183e-19, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00607777508278, 62.6460368858, 19.4451050235, 0.0, 62.6460368858, 0.0206862416792, 642931.690171, 1.78813934326e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 12.84568112 ], [ 1.15468610453, 20.623820042, 0.0740770493071, 0.0, 1.63883455995e-13, 0.0, 2.92527680742e-13, 0.0, 1.05186187846e-13, 0.00448084986512, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0618272310876, 0.136897588111, 0.0416334075112, 8274.98592144, 2262.75202353, 1757.4399563, 1312.15413729, 160.871998807, 1728.97639082, 2342.04778773, 2037.83218151, 642.926932085, 528.301580539, 1863.59205836, 28.5365363394, 623.07691339, 3799.86728189, 97.9153652396, 1184.56277166, 4311.55945802, 91.3815558524, 337.08531561, 716.108650974, 9.8802695592, 393.601651419, 2052.93701803, 35.1914829007, 566.294446379, 2164.10365741, 31.2861603289, 0.00519990875458, 0.0317126196777, 0.152721894284, 0.112067971908, 0.158007178759, 0.181269098788, 0.010676652669, 0.433596301372, 0.175455345668, 0.013016978806, 0.434643362013, 0.359175518897, 0.0214229824982, 18.6265089573, 2.06803508288, 25.0941539507, 0.0772392568926, 0.922723143347, 1.26687366066, 2.22751007797, 0.0900142147177, 0.12071187503, 0.202693610237, 0.00358832154051, 0.00394294579261, 0.00862773061716, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0237388360613, 0.000246378358914, 0.000246373116992, 0.0, 17355.3928633, 17298.5867446, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000246376550094, 1825.73496434, 0.00514181322312, 0.00511408917708, 0.0, 2.38418579102e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.76987012183e-19, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00607777508278, 62.6460368858, 19.4451050235, 0.0, 62.6460368858, 0.0206862416792, 642931.690171, 1.78813934326e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 12.84568112 ], [ 1.15468610453, 20.623820042, 0.0740770493071, 0.0, 1.63883455995e-13, 0.0, 2.92527680742e-13, 0.0, 1.05186187846e-13, 0.00448084986512, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0304850999051, 0.0493848314637, 0.018868019291, 8274.98592144, 2262.75202353, 1757.4399563, 1312.15413729, 160.871998807, 1728.97639082, 2342.04778773, 2037.83218151, 642.926932085, 528.301580539, 1863.59205836, 28.5365363394, 623.07691339, 3799.86728189, 97.9153652396, 1184.56277166, 4311.55945802, 91.3815558524, 337.08531561, 716.108650974, 9.8802695592, 393.601651419, 2052.93701803, 35.1914829007, 566.294446379, 2164.10365741, 31.2861603289, 0.00519990875458, 0.0317126196777, 0.152721894284, 0.112067971908, 0.158007178759, 0.181269098788, 0.010676652669, 0.433596301372, 0.175455345668, 0.013016978806, 0.434643362013, 0.359175518897, 0.0214229824982, 18.6265089573, 2.06803508288, 25.0941539507, 0.0290628277852, 0.995506567128, 1.02838432033, 2.19556951898, 0.0950211339582, 0.093436891305, 0.203007308904, 0.00434149608136, 0.00352270188921, 0.00959668564148, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0171455782373, 0.000246378358914, 0.000246373116992, 0.0, 17355.3928633, 17298.5867446, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.000246376550094, 1825.73496434, 0.00514181322312, 0.00511408917708, 0.0, 2.38418579102e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 6.76987012183e-19, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00607777508278, 62.6460368858, 19.4451050235, 0.0, 62.6460368858, 0.0206862416792, 642931.690171, 1.78813934326e-07, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 12.84568112 ] ] min_ref = [ [ 1.02, 18.2528, 2.71844, 0.0, -4.37326e-13, 0.0, -8.74653e-13, 0.0, -3.57812e-13, 0.295914, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.163887, 0.10136, -0.0705254, -20387.8, -4770.09, -3219.08, -8557.29, -331.309, -3094.91, -8273.69, -10273.5, -1914.08, -1927.65, 1908.95, 14.4236, -2336.55, -15279.6, -307.368, -3830.56, -7509.66, -154.559, -1508.59, 559.788, -7.70657, -505.606, -6453.2, -113.679, -1734.36, -3971.15, -52.0381, -0.0103338, -0.093089, -0.280412, -0.170996, 0.0414103, -3.35387, 86.3581, -1.38289, -3.61419, 86.3357, -0.771033, -3.6373, 86.3418, -88.9843, -13.8366, -203.745, -0.80437, -2.58734, -0.0269182, -4.64975, 0.0696768, 0.342503, -0.0503314, 0.00624713, 0.00382888, -0.00087769, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00716154, 0.311282, -0.316718, 0.0, -2.24362e+07, 2.22475e+07, 0.0, 5.13464e+06, 0.0, -0.693718, -1.00068e+07, -5.94435, 5.88228, 0.0, 1.43117, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.96412e-18, 0.0, 0.0, 0.13194, -397.661, -179.295, 0.0, -397.661, -0.190739, -2.7327e+06, 0.94, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 19.3039 ], [ 1.02, 18.2528, 2.71844, 0.0, -4.37326e-13, 0.0, -8.74653e-13, 0.0, -3.57812e-13, 0.295914, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.0786841, 0.052737, -0.0416812, -20387.8, -4770.09, -3219.08, -8557.29, -331.309, -3094.91, -8273.69, -10273.5, -1914.08, -1927.65, 1908.95, 14.4236, -2336.55, -15279.6, -307.368, -3830.56, -7509.66, -154.559, -1508.59, 559.788, -7.70657, -505.606, -6453.2, -113.679, -1734.36, -3971.15, -52.0381, -0.0103338, -0.093089, -0.280412, -0.170996, 0.0414103, -3.35387, 86.3581, -1.38289, -3.61419, 86.3357, -0.771033, -3.6373, 86.3418, -88.9843, -13.8366, -203.745, -0.0582635, 0.618724, -0.90401, -2.7911, 0.436152, 0.290172, 0.147358, 0.00412495, 0.00295085, -0.00239838, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00323438, 0.311282, -0.316718, 0.0, -2.24362e+07, 2.22475e+07, 0.0, 5.13464e+06, 0.0, -0.693718, -1.00068e+07, -5.94435, 5.88228, 0.0, 1.43117, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.96412e-18, 0.0, 0.0, 0.13194, -397.661, -179.295, 0.0, -397.661, -0.190739, -2.7327e+06, 0.94, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 19.3039 ], [ 1.02, 18.2528, 2.71844, 0.0, -4.37326e-13, 0.0, -8.74653e-13, 0.0, -3.57812e-13, 0.295914, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.020951, 0.0971278, -0.0560079, -20387.8, -4770.09, -3219.08, -8557.29, -331.309, -3094.91, -8273.69, -10273.5, -1914.08, -1927.65, 1908.95, 14.4236, -2336.55, -15279.6, -307.368, -3830.56, -7509.66, -154.559, -1508.59, 559.788, -7.70657, -505.606, -6453.2, -113.679, -1734.36, -3971.15, -52.0381, -0.0103338, -0.093089, -0.280412, -0.170996, 0.0414103, -3.35387, 86.3581, -1.38289, -3.61419, 86.3357, -0.771033, -3.6373, 86.3418, -88.9843, -13.8366, -203.745, -0.0530781, 0.461831, -0.272344, -2.18937, 0.428871, 0.344658, 0.211512, 0.0052319, 0.0040271, -0.00574167, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.00633216, 0.311282, -0.316718, 0.0, -2.24362e+07, 2.22475e+07, 0.0, 5.13464e+06, 0.0, -0.693718, -1.00068e+07, -5.94435, 5.88228, 0.0, 1.43117, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.96412e-18, 0.0, 0.0, 0.13194, -397.661, -179.295, 0.0, -397.661, -0.190739, -2.7327e+06, 0.94, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 19.3039 ] ] m12_ref = [ [ 3.34676773271, 59.7548542476, 0.468059943101, nan, 7.76083600193e-13, nan, 1.49054185128e-12, nan, 5.62240977778e-13, 0.0248237883755, nan, nan, nan, 0.214395394717, 0.143972797391, 0.164388856447, 23175.7579878, 8263.14369097, 5629.17003676, 4144.20611741, 598.314219059, 5506.35573909, 7120.33780651, 7408.99315106, 3919.978416, 2002.69311878, 6421.48847582, 116.400749013, 2322.37864321, 12700.9957402, 283.781644151, 4139.58768945, 14634.4856958, 287.905841024, 1263.10491073, 2599.44022781, 42.4278111763, 1310.31010198, 5982.42125634, 118.97185467, 1783.03402345, 7017.21799324, 108.920729664, 0.017825860875, 0.0764152462997, 0.515002924131, 0.411861132403, 0.606506071365, 0.624728509324, 0.0371483988949, 1.20104703452, 0.576028926024, 0.0458456186893, 1.27743259762, 1.02915696571, 0.0638579250184, 51.3860015957, 5.78773035326, 70.463754011, 0.772368825253, 4.46989677658, 3.09977639807, 8.32214929559, 0.419068094375, 0.296971698047, 0.722744001694, 0.00882688351975, 0.0127246329558, 0.0263877197342, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 0.0448986227494, 0.0010587898629, 0.00105881494617, nan, 74317.6676684, 74065.1727613, nan, nan, nan, 0.00105881494617, 9995.68097918, 0.0223128089364, 0.0222036427514, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 1.87259744285e-18, nan, nan, 0.0181154282518, 810.407157775, 260.90408433, nan, 810.407157775, 0.277556892867, 3920433.62154, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 38.0249079495 ], [ 3.34676773271, 59.7548542476, 0.468059943101, nan, 7.76083600193e-13, nan, 1.49054185128e-12, nan, 5.62240977778e-13, 0.0248237883755, nan, nan, nan, 0.206887549082, 0.386371713228, 0.13328230517, 23175.7579878, 8263.14369097, 5629.17003676, 4144.20611741, 598.314219059, 5506.35573909, 7120.33780651, 7408.99315106, 3919.978416, 2002.69311878, 6421.48847582, 116.400749013, 2322.37864321, 12700.9957402, 283.781644151, 4139.58768945, 14634.4856958, 287.905841024, 1263.10491073, 2599.44022781, 42.4278111763, 1310.31010198, 5982.42125634, 118.97185467, 1783.03402345, 7017.21799324, 108.920729664, 0.017825860875, 0.0764152462997, 0.515002924131, 0.411861132403, 0.606506071365, 0.624728509324, 0.0371483988949, 1.20104703452, 0.576028926024, 0.0458456186893, 1.27743259762, 1.02915696571, 0.0638579250184, 51.3860015957, 5.78773035326, 70.463754011, 0.313304240049, 3.29159645251, 3.98032516206, 7.2300707241, 0.317039631799, 0.361070772872, 0.629128964369, 0.0134177222875, 0.0141452199232, 0.0295225026225, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 0.0659000592328, 0.0010587898629, 0.00105881494617, nan, 74317.6676684, 74065.1727613, nan, nan, nan, 0.00105881494617, 9995.68097918, 0.0223128089364, 0.0222036427514, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 1.87259744285e-18, nan, nan, 0.0181154282518, 810.407157775, 260.90408433, nan, 810.407157775, 0.277556892867, 3920433.62154, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 38.0249079495 ], [ 3.34676773271, 59.7548542476, 0.468059943101, nan, 7.76083600193e-13, nan, 1.49054185128e-12, nan, 5.62240977778e-13, 0.0248237883755, nan, nan, nan, 0.10360011273, 0.152019126971, 0.0618277615999, 23175.7579878, 8263.14369097, 5629.17003676, 4144.20611741, 598.314219059, 5506.35573909, 7120.33780651, 7408.99315106, 3919.978416, 2002.69311878, 6421.48847582, 116.400749013, 2322.37864321, 12700.9957402, 283.781644151, 4139.58768945, 14634.4856958, 287.905841024, 1263.10491073, 2599.44022781, 42.4278111763, 1310.31010198, 5982.42125634, 118.97185467, 1783.03402345, 7017.21799324, 108.920729664, 0.017825860875, 0.0764152462997, 0.515002924131, 0.411861132403, 0.606506071365, 0.624728509324, 0.0371483988949, 1.20104703452, 0.576028926024, 0.0458456186893, 1.27743259762, 1.02915696571, 0.0638579250184, 51.3860015957, 5.78773035326, 70.463754011, 0.127498417605, 3.86710462969, 3.42210684433, 7.35967487136, 0.362446030724, 0.292646731593, 0.660302374728, 0.0162588393672, 0.0133652432195, 0.0340428561448, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 0.047025988233, 0.0010587898629, 0.00105881494617, nan, 74317.6676684, 74065.1727613, nan, nan, nan, 0.00105881494617, 9995.68097918, 0.0223128089364, 0.0222036427514, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 1.87259744285e-18, nan, nan, 0.0181154282518, 810.407157775, 260.90408433, nan, 810.407157775, 0.277556892867, 3920433.62154, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, 38.0249079495 ] ] for icase, case in enumerate(opt_tags): case['[run_dir]'] = '' writer = HAWC2InputWriter() writer.vartrees = reader.vartrees = 'data/' + case[ '[Case id.]'] + '_ae.dat' = 'data/' + case[ '[Case id.]'] + '_pc.dat' writer.case_id = case['[case_id]'] writer.vartrees.tags2var(case) writer.execute() wrapper = HAWC2Wrapper() wrapper.copyback_results = False wrapper.hawc2bin = 'HAWC2mb.exe' wrapper.log_directory = case['[log_dir]'] wrapper.case_id = writer.case_id wrapper.verbose = False wrapper.compute() config = {} config['neq'] = 4 config['no_bins'] = 46 config['m'] = [12] output = HAWC2OutputBase(config) output.execute(case) self.compare_lists(output.stats['min'], min_ref[icase]) self.compare_lists(output.stats['std'], std_ref[icase]) self.compare_lists([eq[:1] for eq in output.eq], m12_ref[icase])
def __init__(self, config, dlcs_folder, dlcs_fext='xls', cssize=None, pfsize=None): super(HAWC2AeroElasticSolver, self).__init__() if cssize is not None: print 'Warning: cssize should be set in config["structural_sections"]' config['structural_sections'] = cssize if pfsize is not None: print 'Warning: pfsize should be set in config["aerodynamic_sections"]' config['aerodynamic_sections'] = pfsize # check that the config is ok self._check_config(config) # load cases and their tags dlcs = dlcdefs.excel_stabcon(dlcs_folder, fext=dlcs_fext, silent=True) self.ncases = len(dlcs) if self.ncases == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Something went wrong when reading the DLCs, ncases=0!') promote = [] if config['with_tsr']: promote.append('tsr') if config['with_structure']: promote.append('blade_beam_structure') if config['with_geom']: var = [ 's', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'rot_x', 'rot_y', 'rot_z', 'chord', 'rthick', 'p_le' ] for v in var: promote.append(v) promote.append('blade_length') if 'with_aero_coeffs' in config.keys(): if config['with_aero_coeffs']: promote.append('airfoildata:blend_var') for i in range(config['naero_coeffs']): promote.extend([ 'airfoildata:aoa%02d' % i, 'airfoildata:cl%02d' % i, 'airfoildata:cd%02d' % i, 'airfoildata:cm%02d' % i ]) # Add outputs agg_promo = [] for stat in config['HAWC2Outputs']['stat_list']: name = 'stat_' + stat agg_promo.append(name) for m in config['HAWC2Outputs']['m']: name = 'fatigue_m%i' % m agg_promo.append(name) if 'ch_envelope' in config['HAWC2Outputs'].keys(): for isec in range(config['structural_sections']): name = 'blade_loads_envelope_sec%03d' % isec agg_promo.append(name) self.add('aggregate', OutputsAggregator(config, len(dlcs)), promotes=agg_promo) pg = self.add('pg', ParallelGroup(), promotes=promote) for icase, case in enumerate(dlcs): case_id = case['[case_id]'].replace('-', '_') pg.add(case_id, HAWC2Workflow(config, case), promotes=promote) self.connect('pg.%s.outputs_statistics' % case_id, 'aggregate.outputs_statistics_%d' % icase) self.connect('pg.%s.outputs_fatigue' % case_id, 'aggregate.outputs_fatigue_%d' % icase) if 'ch_envelope' in config['HAWC2Outputs'].keys(): self.connect('pg.%s.outputs_envelope' % case_id, 'aggregate.outputs_envelope_%d' % icase)