예제 #1
def setup_custom_environment(custom_module_path):
    """Load custom environment setup from a Python source file and run the setup
    module = import_file("wetectron.utils.env.custom_module",
    assert hasattr(module, "setup_environment") and callable(
        module.setup_environment), (
            "Custom environment module defined in {} does not have the "
            "required callable attribute 'setup_environment'."
예제 #2
 def _load_file(self, f):
     # catalog lookup
     if f.startswith("catalog://"):
         paths_catalog = import_file("wetectron.config.paths_catalog",
                                     self.cfg.PATHS_CATALOG, True)
         catalog_f = paths_catalog.ModelCatalog.get(f[len("catalog://"):])
         self.logger.info("{} points to {}".format(f, catalog_f))
         f = catalog_f
     # download url files
     if f.startswith("http"):
         # if the file is a url path, download it and cache it
         cached_f = cache_url(f)
         self.logger.info("url {} cached in {}".format(f, cached_f))
         f = cached_f
     # convert Caffe2 checkpoint from pkl
     if f.endswith(".pkl"):
         return load_c2_format(self.cfg, f)
     # load native detectron.pytorch checkpoint
     loaded = super(DetectronCheckpointer, self)._load_file(f)
     if "model" not in loaded:
         loaded = dict(model=loaded)
     return loaded
예제 #3
파일: build.py 프로젝트: jhseo92/wetectron
def make_data_loader(cfg, is_train=True, is_distributed=False, start_iter=0):
    # seed = cfg.SEED
    # def _init_fn(worker_id):
    #     np.random.seed(int(seed))
    num_gpus = get_world_size()
    if is_train:
        images_per_batch = cfg.SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH
        assert (
            images_per_batch % num_gpus == 0
        ), "SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH ({}) must be divisible by the number of GPUs ({}) used.".format(
            images_per_batch, num_gpus)
        images_per_gpu = images_per_batch // num_gpus
        shuffle = True
        num_iters = cfg.SOLVER.MAX_ITER
        images_per_batch = cfg.TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH
        assert (
            images_per_batch % num_gpus == 0
        ), "TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH ({}) must be divisible by the number of GPUs ({}) used.".format(
            images_per_batch, num_gpus)
        images_per_gpu = images_per_batch // num_gpus
        shuffle = False if not is_distributed else True
        num_iters = None
        start_iter = 0

    if images_per_gpu > 1:
        logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
            "When using more than one image per GPU you may encounter "
            "an out-of-memory (OOM) error if your GPU does not have "
            "sufficient memory. If this happens, you can reduce "
            "SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH (for training) or "
            "TEST.IMS_PER_BATCH (for inference). For training, you must "
            "also adjust the learning rate and schedule length according "
            "to the linear scaling rule. See for example: "

    # group images which have similar aspect ratio. In this case, we only
    # group in two cases: those with width / height > 1, and the other way around,
    # but the code supports more general grouping strategy
    aspect_grouping = [1] if cfg.DATALOADER.ASPECT_RATIO_GROUPING else []

    paths_catalog = import_file("wetectron.config.paths_catalog",
                                cfg.PATHS_CATALOG, True)
    DatasetCatalog = paths_catalog.DatasetCatalog
    dataset_list = cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN if is_train else cfg.DATASETS.TEST
    proposal_files = cfg.PROPOSAL_FILES.TRAIN if is_train else cfg.PROPOSAL_FILES.TEST

    # If bbox aug is enabled in testing, simply set transforms to None and we will apply transforms later
    transforms = None if not is_train and cfg.TEST.BBOX_AUG.ENABLED else build_transforms(
        cfg, is_train)
    datasets, data_args = build_dataset(dataset_list, transforms,
                                        DatasetCatalog, is_train,
    if is_train:
        # save category_id to label name mapping
        save_labels(datasets, cfg.OUTPUT_DIR)

    data_loaders = []
    for dataset in datasets:
        #shuffle = False if cfg.SOLVER.CLASS_BATCH else True
        sampler = make_data_sampler(dataset, shuffle,
                                    is_distributed)  ##Randomsampler

        batch_sampler = make_batch_data_sampler(
            dataset, sampler, aspect_grouping, images_per_gpu, data_args,
            is_train, cfg.SOLVER.CLASS_BATCH, num_iters, start_iter)

        collator = BBoxAugCollator() if not is_train and cfg.TEST.BBOX_AUG.ENABLED else \
        num_workers = cfg.DATALOADER.NUM_WORKERS
        data_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
    '''co_mat = np.zeros([20,20])
    if is_train:
        for data in data_loaders[0]:
            for d in data[1]:
                im_labels = d.get_field('labels').unique().subtract(1).tolist()
                for l in im_labels:
                    co_mat[l,l] += 1

                if len(im_labels) >= 2:
                    comb = list(itertools.combinations(im_labels,2))
                    for c in comb:
                        co_mat[c[0], c[1]] += 1

        import IPython; IPython.embed()
    '''for a in range(20):
        for b in range(20):
            co_mat[b,a] = co_mat[a,b]

    for i in range(20):
        co_mat2[i] = co_mat[i]/co_mat[i][i]

    for x in range(20):
        for y in range(20):
            if co_mat2[x,y] == 0:
                co_mat2[x,y] = 1e-9
    co_occur = torch.Tensor(co_mat2).to('cuda')
    if is_train:
        # during training, a single (possibly concatenated) data_loader is returned
        assert len(data_loaders) == 1
        return data_loaders[0]
    return data_loaders