예제 #1
 def all(self, *args):
     if len(args) == 1:
         return args[0]
     fv, qv = set(), set()
     for a in args:
         assert wff.is_well_formed_formula(a)
         fv |= wff.get_free_variables(a)
         qv |= wff.get_quantified_variables(a)
     assert not (qv & fv)
     return u'<%s∧%s>' % (args[0], self.all(*args[1:]))
예제 #2
    def is_valid_by_double_tilde(self, s):
        s = U(s)
        if not wff.is_well_formed_formula(s):
            return False

        for theorem in self.theorems:
            if self.is_removal_of_double_tilde(
                    s, theorem) or self.is_removal_of_double_tilde(theorem, s):
                return True
        return False
예제 #3
 def is_valid_by_separation(self, s):
     s = U(s)
     if not wff.is_well_formed_formula(s):
         return False
     for theorem in self.theorems:
         if theorem[0] == '<' and theorem[-1] == '>':
             if theorem.startswith(u'<%s∧' % s):
                 return True
             if theorem.endswith(u'∧%s>' % s):
                 return True
     return False
예제 #4
 def abs_kth_term_is_x(self, a, b, k, x):
     # The finite sequence "AB" is defined as
     #   AB(0) = a mod (b+1)
     #   AB(1) = a mod (2b+1)
     #   AB(2) = a mod (3b+1)
     #   ...
     # According to http://math.stackexchange.com/a/312915/121469,
     # any finite sequence can be represented in this way for at least one pair (a,b).
     result = self.a_mod_b_equals_c(a, u'S({b}⋅S{k})'.format(**locals()), x)
     assert wff.is_well_formed_formula(result)
     return result
예제 #5
 def _is_valid_by_substituting(self, s, a, b):
     s = U(s)
     for xi in range(0, len(s)):
         for xj in range(xi + 1, len(s)):
             x = s[xi:xj]
             if wff.is_well_formed_formula(x):
                 for yi in range(0, len(s)):
                     for yj in range(yi + 1, len(s)):
                         y = s[yi:yj]
                         if wff.is_well_formed_formula(y):
                             first = a.replace('X', x).replace('Y', y)
                             if len(first) > len(s):
                             second = b.replace('X', x).replace('Y', y)
                             i = s.find(first)
                             while i != -1:
                                 substituted_s = s[:i] + second + s[
                                     i + len(first):]
                                 if substituted_s in self.theorems:
                                     return True
                                 i = s.find(first, i + 1)
     return False
예제 #6
 def is_valid_by_induction(self, s):
     s = U(s)
     if wff.is_well_formed_formula(s) and s[0] == u'∀':
         colon = s.find(':')
         assert colon >= 0
         u, x = s[1:colon], s[colon + 1:]
         assert is_variable(u)
         base_case = x.replace(u, '0')
         if base_case in self.theorems:
             inductive_case = u'∀%s:<%s⊃%s>' % (u, x, x.replace(u, 'S' + u))
             if inductive_case in self.theorems:
                 return True
     return False
예제 #7
        f.step('∃b:b=Sb')     # specification (Wrong!)
        assert False
    except InvalidStep:

# Exercise, page 220: Derive "Different numbers have different successors" as a theorem of TNT.
d = Derivation()
with d.fantasy('Sa=Sb') as f:

# Page 221: Something Is Missing
assert is_well_formed_formula('∀a:(0+a)=a')
assert is_well_formed_formula('~∀a:(0+a)=a')

# Page 224: Induction
d = Derivation()
d.step('∀a:∀b:(a+Sb)=S(a+b)')     # axiom 3
d.step('∀b:(0+Sb)=S(0+b)')        # specification
d.step('(0+Sb)=S(0+b)')           # specification
with d.fantasy('(0+b)=b') as f:
    f.step('S(0+b)=Sb')           # add S
    f.step('(0+Sb)=S(0+b)')       # carry over line 3
    f.step('(0+Sb)=Sb')           # transitivity
d.step('<(0+b)=b⊃(0+Sb)=Sb>')     # fantasy rule
d.step('∀b:<(0+b)=b⊃(0+Sb)=Sb>')  # generalization
d.step('(0+0)=0')                 # specialization of axiom 2
d.step('∀b:(0+b)=b')              # induction
예제 #8
    def t_mod_3_is_0(self, t):
        x = self.reg()
        return u'∃{x}:(SSS0⋅{x})={t}'.format(**locals())

    def mumon(self):
        return self.s_is_derivable_from_t(

if __name__ == '__main__':
    assert wff.is_well_formed_formula(
        MIUEncoder().s_is_directly_derivable_from_t(u's', u't'))
    assert wff.is_well_formed_formula(MIUEncoder().s_is_derivable_from_t(
        u's', u't'))

    b_is_a_power_of_10 = u'∃c:' + Encoder().a_raised_to_b_is_c(
        Encoder().numeral(10), 'c', 'b')
    print 'A TNT expression encoding the statement "b is a power of 10" is:'
    print b_is_a_power_of_10
    assert wff.is_well_formed_formula(b_is_a_power_of_10)

    print 'Computing MUMON...'
    mumon = MIUEncoder().mumon()
    print mumon

    e = MIUEncoder()
    print 'Lemma 1 for proving MU underivable:'