def on_message(client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, message: mqtt.MQTTMessage) -> None: """Processes messages from MQTT and forwards them to netlink. Arguments: client: the client instance for this callback. userdata: the private user data. message: The MQTT message. """ # TODO(ruairi): Check bounds and raise exception here. logger.debug("Got message %s from MTQQ", message) domain_prefix = load_config().get("domain_prefix") domain ="/.*" + domain_prefix + "(\w+)/", message.topic) if not domain: raise ValueError("Could not find a match for %s on %s", domain_prefix, message.topic) domain = logger.debug("Found domain %s", domain) client = WireGuardClient( public_key=str(message.payload.decode("utf-8")), domain=domain, remove=False, ) f"Received create message for key {client.public_key} on domain {domain} with lladdr {client.lladdr}" ) # TODO(ruairi): Verify return type here. logger.debug(link_handler(client))
def on_connect(client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, flags, rc) -> None: """Handles MQTT connect and subscribes to topics on connect Arguments: client: the client instance for this callback. userdata: the private user data. flags: The MQTT flags. rc: The MQTT rc. """ logger.debug("Connected with result code " + str(rc)) domains = load_config().get("domains") # Subscribing in on_connect() means that if we lose the connection and # reconnect then subscriptions will be renewed. for domain in domains: topic = f"wireguard/{domain}/+""Subscribing to topic {topic}") client.subscribe(topic)
def wg_key_exchange() -> Tuple[str, int]: """Retrieves a new key and validates. Returns: Status message. """ try: data = KeyExchange.from_dict(request.get_json(force=True)) except TypeError as ex: return abort(400, jsonify({"error": {"message": str(ex)}})) key = data.public_key domain = data.domain # in case we want to decide here later we want to publish it only to dedicated gateways gateway = "all""wg_key_exchange: Domain: {domain}, Key:{key}") mqtt.publish(f"wireguard/{domain}/{gateway}", key) return jsonify({"Message": "OK"}), 200
def wg_flush_stale_peers(domain: str) -> List[Dict]: """Removes stale peers. Arguments: domain: The domain to detect peers on. Returns: The peers which we can remove. """"Searching for stale clients for %s", domain) stale_clients = [ stale_client for stale_client in find_stale_wireguard_clients("wg-" + domain) ] logger.debug("Found stale clients: %s", stale_clients)"Searching for stale WireGuard clients.") stale_wireguard_clients = [ WireGuardClient(public_key=stale_client, domain=domain, remove=True) for stale_client in stale_clients ] logger.debug("Found stable WireGuard clients: %s", stale_wireguard_clients)"Processing clients.") link_handled = [ link_handler(stale_client) for stale_client in stale_wireguard_clients ] logger.debug("Handled the following clients: %s", link_handled) return link_handled
def find_stale_wireguard_clients(wg_interface: str) -> List: """Fetches and returns a list of peers which have not had recent handshakes. Arguments: wg_interface: The WireGuard interface to query. Returns: # A list of peers which have not recently seen a handshake. """ three_hrs_in_secs = int( ( - timedelta(hours=_PEER_TIMEOUT_HOURS)).timestamp() ) "Starting search for stale wireguard peers for interface %s.", wg_interface ) with pyroute2.WireGuard() as wg: all_clients = [] peers_on_interface ="Got infos: %s.", peers_on_interface) for peer in peers_on_interface: clients = peer.get_attr("WGDEVICE_A_PEERS")"Got clients: %s.", clients) if clients: all_clients.extend(clients) ret = [ client.get_attr("WGPEER_A_PUBLIC_KEY").decode("utf-8") for client in all_clients if client.get_attr("WGPEER_A_LAST_HANDSHAKE_TIME").get("tv_sec", int()) < three_hrs_in_secs ] return ret
def clean_up_worker(domains: List[Text]) -> None: """Wraps flush_workers in a thread for all given domains. Arguments: domains: list of domains. """ logger.debug("Cleaning up the following domains: %s", domains) prefix = config.load_config().get("domain_prefix") for domain in domains:"Scheduling cleanup task for %s, ", domain) try: cleaned_domain = domain.split(prefix)[1] except IndexError: logger.error( "Cannot strip domain with prefix %s from passed value %s. Skipping cleanup operation", prefix, domain, ) continue thread = threading.Thread(target=flush_workers, args=(cleaned_domain, )) thread.start()
def connect() -> None: """Connect to MQTT for the given domains. Argument: domains: The domains to connect to. """ base_config = fetch_from_config("mqtt") broker_address = base_config.get("broker_url") broker_port = base_config.get("broker_port") broker_keepalive = base_config.get("keepalive") # TODO(ruairi): Move the hostname to a global variable. client = mqtt.Client(socket.gethostname()) # Register handlers client.on_connect = on_connect client.on_message = on_message"connecting to broker %s", broker_address) client.connect(broker_address, port=broker_port, keepalive=broker_keepalive) client.loop_forever()
def link_handler(client: WireGuardClient) -> Dict: """Updates fdb, route and WireGuard peers tables for a given WireGuard peer. Arguments: client: A WireGuard peer to manipulate. Returns: The outcome of each operation. """ results = dict() # Updates WireGuard peers. results.update({"Wireguard": update_wireguard_peer(client)}) logger.debug("Handling links for %s", client) try: # Updates routes to the WireGuard Peer. results.update({"Route": route_handler(client)})"Updated route for %s", client) except Exception as e: # TODO(ruairi): re-raise exception here. logger.error("Failed to update route for %s (%s)", client, e) results.update({"Route": e}) # Updates WireGuard FDB. results.update({"Bridge FDB": bridge_fdb_handler(client)}) logger.debug("Updated Bridge FDB for %s", client) return results
def flush_workers(domain: Text) -> None: """Calls peer flush every _CLEANUP_TIME interval.""" while True: time.sleep(_CLEANUP_TIME)"Running cleanup task for {domain}")"Cleaned up domains: %s", wg_flush_stale_peers(domain))