def test_iaas_auth(provider_id, auth_token): status = { "command": "test_iaas_auth", "status": False, "message": "FALSE", 'provider_id': provider_id } # Verify Provider db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Provider id: %s" % provider_id) get_provider_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_providers WHERE id=" + provider_id # query db for provider cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit digitalocean provider if get_provider_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider Does Not Exist" return status provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] if provider_type == 1: # DigitalOcean Provider. Test token. regions = do.get_do_regions(provider_id, auth_token) if regions is False: status['message'] = "Unable to get DigitalOcean regions" return status status['message'] = "Success" status['status'] = True return status
def detach_client(client_id): status = { 'command': 'detach_gw', 'status': False, 'message': "Fail", "client": client_id } # Get client, make sure it's legit, die otherwise db_conn = wgm_db.connect() cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) get_client_sql = "SELECT * FROM clients WHERE id=" + client_id cur.execute(get_client_sql) get_client_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_client_ret is None: status['message'] = "Failed to fetch client" return status detach_cmd = 'ssh ' + SSH_USER + '@' + get_client_ret[ 'gw_addr'] + ' "wg set wg0 peer ' + get_client_ret[ 'pub_key'] + ' remove"' print(detach_cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(detach_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) detach_out = p.communicate()[1] wg_detach_message = str(detach_out)[2:-1] status['message'] = wg_detach_message status['status'] = True return status
def attach_client(client_id): status = { 'command': 'attach_gw', 'status': False, 'message': "Fail", "client": client_id } # Get client, make sure it's legit, die otherwise db_conn = wgm_db.connect() cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) get_client_sql = "SELECT * FROM clients WHERE id=" + client_id cur.execute(get_client_sql) get_client_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_client_ret is None: status['message'] = "Failed to fetch client" return status # Client is legit. Let's attach it to the server attach_cmd = 'ssh ' + SSH_USER + '@' + get_client_ret[ 'gw_addr'] + ' "wg set wg0 peer ' + get_client_ret[ 'pub_key'] + ' allowed-ips ' + get_client_ret[ 'ipv4_addr'] + '/32,' + get_client_ret['ipv6_addr'] + '/128"' #print(attach_cmd) p = subprocess.Popen(attach_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) attach_out = p.communicate()[1] wg_attach_message = str(attach_out)[2:-1] # Client is attached, let's setup it's config. For now we wont touch the <PRIVATEKEY> section # the client should already know it's <PRIVATEKEY> get_config_sql = "SELECT * FROM templates WHERE name='" + DEFAULT_CLIENT_CONFIG_TEMPLATE + "'" cur.execute(get_config_sql) get_config_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_config_ret is None: status['message'] = "Failed to get default config" return status # Now let's fill the config with our variables #print(get_config_ret['data']) step1 = get_config_ret['data'].replace('<IPV4>', get_client_ret['ipv4_addr']) step2 = step1.replace('<V4MASK>', '/32') step3 = step2.replace('<IPV6>', get_client_ret['ipv6_addr']) step4 = step3.replace('<V6MASK>', '/128') step5 = step4.replace('<DNS>', get_client_ret['dns_ip']) step6 = step5.replace('<GWKEY>', get_client_ret['gw_key']) step7 = step6.replace('<GWADDR>', get_client_ret['gw_addr']) step8 = step7.replace('<GWPORT>', get_client_ret['gw_port']) # Insert Config in DB insert_config_sql = "UPDATE clients set client_config='" + step8 + "' WHERE id=" + client_id cur.execute(insert_config_sql) db_conn.commit() status['message'] = wg_attach_message status['status'] = True return status
def detach_gw(gw, loc): status = { 'command': 'attach_gw', 'status': False, 'message': "Fail", "gw": gw, "loc": loc } # First make sure this is a valid gateway and location db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Provider id: %s" % provider_id) get_gw_sql = "SELECT * FROM gw_servers WHERE id=" + gw cur.execute(get_gw_sql) get_gw_ret = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit gw if get_gw_ret is None: status['message'] = "GW Does Not Exist" return status get_loc_sql = "SELECT * FROM locations WHERE id=" + loc cur.execute(get_loc_sql) get_loc_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_loc_ret is None: status['message'] = "Location Does Not Exist" return status # Stop WireGuard, delete config stop_wg_cmd = 'ssh %s %s@%s "wg-quick down wg0"' % ( SSH_OPTS, SSH_USER, get_gw_ret['pub_ipv4_addr']) p = subprocess.Popen(stop_wg_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stop_wg_out = p.communicate()[1] delete_config_cmd = 'ssh %s %s@%s "rm -rf /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf"' % ( SSH_OPTS, SSH_USER, get_gw_ret['pub_ipv4_addr']) p = subprocess.Popen(delete_config_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) delete_config_out = p.communicate()[0] #print(gen_key_out) status['message'] = str(stop_wg_out)[2:-1] status['status'] = True return status
def test_dns_auth(provider_id, auth_token): status = {"command": "test_dns_auth", "status": False, "message": "FALSE"} # Now check to make sure provider id is valid, die quickly otherwise. db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Provider id: %s" % provider_id) get_provider_sql = "SELECT * FROM dns_providers WHERE id=%s;" % provider_id # query db for provider cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit provider if get_provider_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider Does Not Exist" return status provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] #print("Provider Type: "+provider_type) if provider_type == "1": #print("Cloudflare DNS Provider") result = cf.test_cf_auth(auth_token) if result['success'] != True: status['message'] = "Not an active Cloudflare token" return status else: if result['result']['status'] != "active": status['message'] = "Not an active Cloudflare token" return status else: status['message'] = "Unsupported DNS Provider" return status status['status'] = True status['message'] = "Success" return status
def setup_dns_records(provider_id): status = { "command": "setup_dns_records", "status": False, "message": "FALSE" } # Now check to make sure provider id is valid, die quickly otherwise. db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Provider id: %s" % provider_id) get_provider_sql = "SELECT * FROM dns_providers WHERE id=%s;" % provider_id # query db for provider cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit provider if get_provider_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider Does Not Exist" return status provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] #print("Provider Type: "+provider_type) if provider_type == "1": #print("Cloudflare DNS Provider") # get auth_token get_auth_sql = "SELECT auth_key0 FROM dns_auth_configs WHERE provider=" + str( provider_id) cur.execute(get_auth_sql) get_auth_row = cur.fetchone() if get_auth_row is None: status['message'] = "Can't get Auth Token for Provider" return status # Auth Acquired auth_token = get_auth_row['auth_key0'] # foreach provider zone, update A records get_zones_sql = "SELECT id, value FROM dns_zones WHERE provider=" + str( provider_id) cur.execute(get_zones_sql) #print("Getting Records") get_zones_result = cur.fetchall() # Foreach zone, get records for res in get_zones_result: #print("Zone: "+res['value']) #print("ID: "+str(res['id'])) zone_id = str(res['id']) # Delete all records for current zone, the unique ids from the provider should remain the same so this doesn't impact current configured servers delete_zone_records_sql = "DELETE FROM dns_zone_records WHERE zone=" + zone_id cur.execute(delete_zone_records_sql) db_conn.commit() zone_records = cf.get_dns_records(res['value'], auth_token) # foreach record, make entry in DB for record in zone_records: uid = wgm_db.get_unique_id(64, 'dns_zone_records', db_conn) insert_records_sql = "INSERT INTO dns_zone_records (name, type, content, zone, ttl, unique_id, provider_uid) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" cur.execute(insert_records_sql, (record['name'], record['type'], record['content'], res['id'], record['ttl'], uid, record['id'])) db_conn.commit() status['status'] = True status['message'] = "Success" return status
def add_dns_record(zone_id, name, rtype, content, ttl): record_name = name record_type = rtype record_content = content record_ttl = ttl status = { "command": "add_dns_record", "status": False, "message": "False", "record_uid": "" } db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) print("Zone id: %s" % zone_id) # Find out Zone specific information get_zone_sql = "SELECT * FROM dns_zones WHERE id=" + zone_id cur.execute(get_zone_sql) get_zone_row = cur.fetchone() if get_zone_row is None: #print("Zone Not Found") status['message'] = "Zone Not Found" return status # Setup Zone provider_uid zone_uid = get_zone_row['value'] #print("Zone value: "+zone_uid) # Find out Provider Specific Information get_provider_sql = "SELECT p.type, FROM dns_providers AS p JOIN dns_zones AS z ON WHERE" + zone_id # query db for zone cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit digitalocean provider if get_provider_row is None: #print("Provider Does Not Exist") status['message'] = "Provider Does Not Exist" return status # Set up provider variables provider_id = str(get_provider_row['id']) provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] if provider_type == "1": ## ADD A RECORD FOR A CLOUDFLARE DNS PROVIDER TYPE #print("Cloudflare DNS Provider") #print("Unique Provider ID: "+provider_id) # Now we can get the auth_token get_auth_sql = "SELECT auth_key0 FROM dns_auth_configs WHERE provider=" + provider_id cur.execute(get_auth_sql) get_auth_row = cur.fetchone() if get_auth_row is None: #print("Auth Token Unavailable") status['message'] = "Auth Token Unavailable" return status # Setup Auth token auth_token = get_auth_row['auth_key0'] # We should have everything we need now to create the record in Cloudflare #print("Creating Record in Cloudflare") record_uid = cf.add_dns_record(zone_uid, auth_token, record_name, record_type, record_content, record_ttl) if record_uid != "FALSE": #print("Successfully created record in Cloudflare with uid: "+record_uid) #print("---SUCCESS---") #print("Updating Database") new_unique_id = wgm_db.get_unique_id(64, 'dns_zone_records', db_conn) sql = "INSERT INTO dns_zone_records (name, type, content, zone, ttl, unique_id, provider_uid) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" cur.execute(sql, (record_name, record_type, record_content, zone_id, record_ttl, new_unique_id, record_uid)) db_conn.commit() #print("DB Updated") else: #print("---FAILED---") status['message'] = "Failed to Create DNS Record" return status else: #print("Unknown Provider Type, Failing") status['message'] = "Unknown Provider Type" return status status['message'] = "Success" status['status'] = True status['record_uid'] = record_uid return status
def update_dns_record(zone_id, record_id, name, rtype, content, ttl): record_name = name record_type = rtype record_content = content record_ttl = ttl status = { "command": "update_dns_record", "status": False, "message": "False" } # Should have everything we need. Let's find out what type of provider this is. # Now check to make sure provider id is valid, die quickly otherwise. db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Zone id: %s" % zone_id) # Find out Zone specific information get_zone_sql = "SELECT * FROM dns_zones WHERE id=" + zone_id cur.execute(get_zone_sql) get_zone_row = cur.fetchone() if get_zone_row is None: status['message'] = "Zone Not Found" return status # Setup Zone provider_uid zone_uid = get_zone_row['value'] #print("Zone value: "+zone_uid) # Find out Provider Specific Information get_provider_sql = "SELECT p.type, FROM dns_providers AS p JOIN dns_zones AS z ON WHERE" + zone_id # query db for zone cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit digitalocean provider if get_provider_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider Does Not Exist" return status # Set up provider variables provider_id = str(get_provider_row['id']) provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] # Find out Record UID get_record_sql = "SELECT provider_uid FROM dns_zone_records WHERE id=" + record_id cur.execute(get_record_sql) get_record_row = cur.fetchone() if get_record_row is None: status['message'] = "Record has no uid" return status # Setup record variables record_uid = get_record_row['provider_uid'] if provider_type == "1": ## UPDATE A RECORD FOR A CLOUDFLARE DNS PROVIDER TYPE #print("Cloudflare DNS Provider") #print("Unique Provider ID: "+provider_id) # Now we can get the auth_token get_auth_sql = "SELECT auth_key0 FROM dns_auth_configs WHERE provider=" + provider_id cur.execute(get_auth_sql) get_auth_row = cur.fetchone() if get_auth_row is None: status['message'] = "Auth Token Unavailable" return status # Setup Auth Token auth_token = get_auth_row['auth_key0'] success = cf.update_dns_record(zone_uid, record_uid, auth_token, record_name, record_type, record_content, record_ttl) if success == True: #print("---SUCCESS---") #print("Updating db") update_rec_sql = "UPDATE dns_zone_records SET name = %s, type = %s, content = %s, ttl = %s WHERE id = %s" cur.execute(update_rec_sql, (record_name, record_type, record_content, record_ttl, record_id)) db_conn.commit() #print("DB Updated") else: status['message'] = "Failed to update DNS record" return status else: status['message'] = "Provider Type Unknown" return status status['status'] = True status['message'] = "Success" return status
def delete_dns_record(zone_id, record_id): status = { "command": "delete_dns_record", "status": False, "message": "False" } # Find out what kind of provider this is. # Should have everything we need. Let's find out what type of provider this is. # Now check to make sure provider id is valid, die quickly otherwise. db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Zone id: %s" % zone_id) # Find out Zone specific information get_zone_sql = "SELECT * FROM dns_zones WHERE id=" + str(zone_id) cur.execute(get_zone_sql) get_zone_row = cur.fetchone() if get_zone_row is None: #print("Zone Not Found") status['message'] = "Zone Not Found" return status # Setup Zone provider_uid zone_uid = get_zone_row['value'] #print("Zone value: "+zone_uid) # Find out Provider Specific Information get_provider_sql = "SELECT p.type, FROM dns_providers AS p JOIN dns_zones AS z ON WHERE" + str( zone_id) # query db for zone cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit digitalocean provider if get_provider_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider Does Not Exist" return status # Set up provider variables provider_id = str(get_provider_row['id']) provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] # Find Record provider_uid get_record_sql = "SELECT provider_uid FROM dns_zone_records WHERE id=" + str( record_id) cur.execute(get_record_sql) get_record_row = cur.fetchone() if get_record_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider uid does not exist" return status record_uid = get_record_row['provider_uid'] if provider_type == "1": ## DELETE A RECORD FOR A CLOUDFLARE DNS PROVIDER TYPE #print("Cloudflare provider") #print("Unique Provider ID: "+provider_id) # Now we can get the auth_token get_auth_sql = "SELECT auth_key0 FROM dns_auth_configs WHERE provider=" + str( provider_id) cur.execute(get_auth_sql) get_auth_row = cur.fetchone() if get_auth_row is None: status['message'] = "Auth Token Unavailable" return status # Setup Auth Token auth_token = get_auth_row['auth_key0'] # Deleting DNS Record #print("Deleting Record in Cloudflare") success = cf.delete_dns_record(zone_uid, record_uid, auth_token) if success == True: #print("---SUCCESS---") #print("Deleting from DB") delete_rec_sql = "DELETE FROM dns_zone_records WHERE id=" + str( record_id) cur.execute(delete_rec_sql) db_conn.commit() else: status['Message'] = "Failed to delete DNS Record" return status else: status['message'] = "Unknown Provider" return status status['status'] = True status['message'] = "Success" return status
def destroy_dns_server(dns_server_id): status = {"status": False, "message": "FALSE"} # Make sure this is a valid server_id db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) get_dns_server_sql = "SELECT * FROM dns_servers WHERE id=" + dns_server_id cur.execute(get_dns_server_sql) get_dns_server_row = cur.fetchone() if get_dns_server_row is None: status['message'] = "Invalid DNS Server ID" return status provider_id = get_dns_server_row['provider'] provider_uid = get_dns_server_row['provider_uid'] print("Provider: " + str(provider_id)) print("Provider UID: " + provider_uid) # Now let's make sure this is a legit provider and get type get_provider_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_providers WHERE id=" + str( provider_id) cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() if get_provider_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider is invalid" return status provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] print("Provider Type: " + str(provider_type)) if provider_type == 1: print("DigitalOcean DNS Server") # Get Auth Token get_auth_sql = "SELECT auth_key0 FROM iaas_auth_configs WHERE provider=" + str( provider_id) cur.execute(get_auth_sql) get_auth_row = cur.fetchone() if get_auth_row is None: status['message'] = "Failed to get Auth Token" return status auth_token = get_auth_row['auth_key0'] result = do.destroy_do_droplet(provider_uid, auth_token) if result == False: status['message'] = "Failed to destroy DNS Server" return status else: status['message'] = "Unknown IaaS Provider" return status # Update DB delete_dns_sql = "DELETE FROM dns_servers WHERE id=" + str(dns_server_id) cur.execute(delete_dns_sql) db_conn.commit() status['status'] = True status['message'] = "Success" return status
def create_dns_server(name, dns_type, provider_id, provider_image, provider_zone): status = {"status": False, "message": "FALSE"} # Now check to make sure provider id is valid, die quickly otherwise. db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Provider id: %s" % provider_id) get_provider_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_providers WHERE id=" + provider_id # query db for provider cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit digitalocean provider if get_provider_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider Does Not Exist" return status provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] # Now check to make sure provider image is valid, die quickly otherwise. get_image_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_vm_images WHERE provider=%s AND id=%s" cur.execute(get_image_sql, (provider_id, provider_image)) get_image_row = cur.fetchone() if get_image_row is None: status['message'] = "Image does not exist" return status image_value = get_image_row['value'] # Now check to make sure provider zone is valid, die quickly otherwise. get_zone_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_zones WHERE id=%s AND provider=%s" cur.execute(get_zone_sql, (provider_zone, provider_id)) get_zone_row = cur.fetchone() if get_zone_row is None: status['message'] = "Image does not exist" return status zone_value = get_zone_row['value'] if provider_type == 1: #print("DigitalOcean IaaS Provider") # THERE ARE SOME DEFAULTS ASSUMED AT THE MOMENT ipv6 = True backups = False size = "s-1vcpu-2gb" tags = ["wgm", "dns"] # Get Auth token get_auth_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_auth_configs WHERE provider=" + provider_id cur.execute(get_auth_sql) get_auth_row = cur.fetchone() if get_auth_row is None: status['message'] = "Unable to get Auth Token" return status auth_token = get_auth_row['auth_key0'] db_keys = [ get_auth_row['ssh_key0'], get_auth_row['ssh_key1'], get_auth_row['ssh_key2'] ] config_keys = [] for key in db_keys: if key != "-": ssh = sshpubkeys.SSHKey(key) config_keys.append(ssh.hash_md5().replace('MD5:', '')) config = { "token": auth_token, "name": name, "region": zone_value, "image": image_value, "size": size, "ssh_keys": config_keys, "tags": tags, "ipv6": ipv6, "backups": ipv6 } #print(config) print("Deploying DNS Server") result = do.create_do_droplet(config) server = result['droplet'] if server is None: status['message'] = result['message'] return status else: print("Unknown IaaS Provider") status['message'] = "Unknown IaaS Provider" return status # Update DB new_unique_id = wgm_db.get_unique_id(64, 'dns_servers', db_conn) new_dns_server_sql = "INSERT INTO dns_servers (dns_name,type,ipv4_addr,ipv6_addr,unique_id,provider,provider_uid) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" cur.execute(new_dns_server_sql, (name, dns_type, server.ip_address, server.ip_v6_address, new_unique_id, provider_id, str( db_conn.commit() status['status'] = True status['message'] = "Success" return status
def create_gw_server(name, dns_zone, provider_id, provider_image, provider_zone): status = { "command": "create_gw_server", "status": False, "message": "FALSE" } vm_exists = False # Now check to make sure provider id is valid, die quickly otherwise. db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Provider id: %s" % provider_id) get_provider_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_providers WHERE id=" + provider_id # query db for provider cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit digitalocean provider if get_provider_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider Does Not Exist" return status provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] # Now check to make sure dns_zone is valid, die quickly otherwise get_dns_zone_sql = "SELECT * FROM dns_zones WHERE id=" + dns_zone cur.execute(get_dns_zone_sql) get_dns_zone_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_dns_zone_ret is None: status['message'] = "DNS Zone Does Not Exist" return status # Now check to makesure the dns_provider is valid, die quickly otherwise get_dns_provider_sql = "SELECT * FROM dns_providers WHERE id=" + str( get_dns_zone_ret['provider']) cur.execute(get_dns_provider_sql) get_dns_provider_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_dns_provider_ret is None: status['message'] = "DNS Provider Does Not Exist" return status dns_provider_id = str(get_dns_zone_ret['provider']) dns_provider_type = get_dns_provider_ret['type'] # Now check to make sure provider image is valid, die quickly otherwise. get_image_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_vm_images WHERE provider=%s AND id=%s" cur.execute(get_image_sql, (provider_id, provider_image)) get_image_row = cur.fetchone() if get_image_row is None: status['message'] = "Image does not exist" return status image_value = get_image_row['value'] # Now check to make sure provider zone is valid, die quickly otherwise. get_zone_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_zones WHERE id=%s AND provider=%s" cur.execute(get_zone_sql, (provider_zone, provider_id)) get_zone_row = cur.fetchone() if get_zone_row is None: status['message'] = "Image does not exist" return status zone_value = get_zone_row['value'] if provider_type == 1: print("DigitalOcean IaaS Provider") #print("DigitalOcean IaaS Provider") # THERE ARE SOME DEFAULTS ASSUMED AT THE MOMENT ipv6 = True backups = False size = "s-1vcpu-2gb" tags = ["wgm", "wg", "vpn"] # Get Auth token get_auth_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_auth_configs WHERE provider=" + provider_id cur.execute(get_auth_sql) get_auth_row = cur.fetchone() if get_auth_row is None: status['message'] = "Unable to get Auth Token" return status auth_token = get_auth_row['auth_key0'] db_keys = [ get_auth_row['ssh_key0'], get_auth_row['ssh_key1'], get_auth_row['ssh_key2'] ] config_keys = [] for key in db_keys: if key != "-": ssh = sshpubkeys.SSHKey(key) config_keys.append(ssh.hash_md5().replace('MD5:', '')) config = { "token": auth_token, "name": name, "region": zone_value, "image": image_value, "size": size, "ssh_keys": config_keys, "tags": tags, "ipv6": ipv6, "backups": ipv6 } #print(config) # Build Server #print("Deploying GW Server") result = do.create_do_droplet(config) server = result['droplet'] if result['droplet'] is None: status['message'] = result['message'] return status else: status['message'] = "Unsupported IaaS Provider" return status # Server is deployed, let's setup DNS if dns_provider_type == "1": print("Cloudflare DNS Provider") # Some Defaults are Assumed rtype = "A" ttl = "120" #def add_dns_record(zone_id,name,rtype,content,ttl) record_status = dns.add_dns_record(dns_zone, name, rtype, server.ip_address, ttl) if record_status['status'] == False: status['message'] = "Failed to Create DNS Record" # Failed to create the DNS Record, let's destroy the droplet result = do.destroy_do_droplet(str(, auth_token) if result == False: status[ 'message'] = "Failed to create the DNS Record, Also Failed to Destroy DigitalOcean Droplet" return status #print(record_status['record_uid']) else: status['message'] = "Unsupported DNS Provider" # Okay, server was successfully deployed and the DNS record was successfully created. Let's update the DB new_unique_id = wgm_db.get_unique_id(64, 'gw_servers', db_conn) new_gw_server_sql = "INSERT INTO gw_servers (name,pub_ipv4_addr,pub_ipv6_addr,dns_record_uid,provider,provider_uid,dns_zone, unique_id, dns_provider) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)" cur.execute(new_gw_server_sql, (name, server.ip_address, server.ip_v6_address, record_status['record_uid'], provider_id,, dns_zone, new_unique_id, dns_provider_id)) db_conn.commit() status['message'] = "Success" status['status'] = True return status
if int( <= 4: connected_count += 1 print('has connected: ' + str(has_connected_count)) print('still connected: ' + str(connected_count)) new_list = [net,location,server,peer_count,has_connected_count,connected_count] wg_usage_table.append(new_list) return # Get Network Servers for net in NETWORKS: # Get client, make sure it's legit, die otherwise db_conn = wgm_db.connect() cur1 = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory = psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) # cur2 = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory = psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) get_network_servers_sql = "SELECT * FROM gw_servers gw JOIN rel_net_loc_gw rel ON JOIN locations loc ON WHERE rel.net_id="+str(net) cur1.execute(get_network_servers_sql) server = cur1.fetchone() while server: print("-----------------------") print("| SERVER "+str(server['id'])+": "+server['name'].upper()+" : "+server['pub_ipv4_addr']+" |") print("-----------------------") cmd = os.system("ssh root@%s \"wg\" > %s" % (server['pub_ipv4_addr'], wg_output_path)) parsewg(str(net),str(server['geo_name']),str(server['pub_ipv4_addr']),wg_output_path,wg_usage_table) # Next Server server = cur1.fetchone()
def attach_gw(gw, loc): status = { 'command': 'attach_gw', 'status': False, 'message': "Fail", "gw": gw, "pub_key": "" } #print("attaching gw") # First make sure this is a valid gateway and location db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Provider id: %s" % provider_id) get_gw_sql = "SELECT * FROM gw_servers WHERE id=" + gw cur.execute(get_gw_sql) get_gw_ret = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit gw if get_gw_ret is None: status['message'] = "GW Does Not Exist" return status get_loc_sql = "SELECT * FROM locations WHERE id=" + loc cur.execute(get_loc_sql) get_loc_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_loc_ret is None: status['message'] = "Location Does Not Exist" return status # Location and GW exist. Get IP Addresses for GW get_net_sql = "SELECT * FROM networks WHERE id=" + str( get_loc_ret['network_id']) cur.execute(get_net_sql) get_net_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_net_ret is None: status['message'] = "Failed to find network" return status #mask_pattern = re.compile("(/\d{1,3})") ipv4_address = get_net_ret['ipv4_gateway'] v4_network = get_net_ret['ipv4_netmask'] m ='(/\d{1,3})', v4_network) v4_mask = m.groups()[0] ipv6_address = get_net_ret['ipv6_gateway'] v6_network = get_net_ret['ipv6_netmask'] m ='(/\d{1,3})', v6_network) v6_mask = m.groups()[0] # Should have all the network info we need. Now let's generate the initial wireguard keys gen_keys = 'ssh %s %s@%s "wg genkey | tee private.key | wg pubkey > public.key"' % ( SSH_OPTS, SSH_USER, get_gw_ret['pub_ipv4_addr']) p = subprocess.Popen(gen_keys, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) gen_key_out = p.communicate()[0] #print(gen_key_out) get_priv_key = 'ssh %s %s@%s "cat /root/private.key"' % ( SSH_OPTS, SSH_USER, get_gw_ret['pub_ipv4_addr']) p = subprocess.Popen(get_priv_key, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) get_priv_key_out = p.communicate()[0] priv_key = str(get_priv_key_out)[2:-3] #print("Private: "+str(get_priv_key_out)) #print("Private: "+priv_key) get_pub_key = 'ssh %s %s@%s "cat /root/public.key"' % ( SSH_OPTS, SSH_USER, get_gw_ret['pub_ipv4_addr']) p = subprocess.Popen(get_pub_key, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) get_pub_key_out = p.communicate()[0] pub_key = str(get_pub_key_out)[2:-3] #print("Public: "+str(get_pub_key_out)) #print("Public: "+pub_key) # Now get the wg_gw_config_template from the DB get_config_sql = "SELECT * FROM templates WHERE name='" + DEFAULT_CONFIG_TEMPLATE + "'" cur.execute(get_config_sql) get_config_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_config_ret is None: status['message'] = "Failed to get default config" return status # Now let's fill the config with our variables #print(get_config_ret['data']) step1 = get_config_ret['data'].replace('<IPV4>', ipv4_address) step2 = step1.replace('<V4MASK>', v4_mask) step3 = step2.replace('<IPV6>', ipv6_address) step4 = step3.replace('<V6MASK>', v6_mask) step5 = step4.replace('<LISTENPORT>', GW_PORT) step6 = step5.replace('<PRIVATEKEY>', priv_key) #print(step6) temp = open(TEMP_CONFIG_FILE, "w") temp.write(step6) temp.write('\r\n') temp.close() # Write config file and start the interface write_config_cmd = 'scp %s %s@%s:/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf' % ( TEMP_CONFIG_FILE, SSH_USER, get_gw_ret['pub_ipv4_addr']) p = subprocess.Popen(write_config_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) write_out = p.communicate()[0] #print(str(write_out)) start_wg_cmd = 'ssh %s %s@%s "wg-quick up wg0"' % ( SSH_OPTS, SSH_USER, get_gw_ret['pub_ipv4_addr']) p = subprocess.Popen(start_wg_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) start_out = p.communicate()[1] wg_start_message = str(start_out)[2:-1] #print(wg_start_message) os.remove(TEMP_CONFIG_FILE) # Make sure WireGuard starts at boot systemd_cmd = 'ssh %s %s@%s "systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0"' % ( SSH_OPTS, SSH_USER, get_gw_ret['pub_ipv4_addr']) p = subprocess.Popen(systemd_cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) systemd_out = p.communicate()[1] # Update GW in database with port, ipv4, ipv6, and public key update_gw_sql = "UPDATE gw_servers SET port='" + GW_PORT + "', ipv4_addr='" + ipv4_address + "', ipv6_addr='" + ipv6_address + "', pub_key='" + pub_key + "' WHERE id=" + gw cur.execute(update_gw_sql) db_conn.commit() status['status'] = True status['message'] = wg_start_message status['pub_key'] = pub_key return status
def setup_iaas_images(provider_id): status = { "command": "setup_iaas_images", "status": False, "message": "FALSE", 'provider_id': provider_id } # Now check to make sure provider id is valid, die quickly otherwise. db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Provider id: %s" % provider_id) get_provider_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_providers WHERE id=" + provider_id # query db for provider cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit digitalocean provider if get_provider_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider Does Not Exist" return status provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] if provider_type == 1: #print("DigitalOcean IaaS Provider") # provider is digitalocean type, let's get the token get_auth_sql = "SELECT auth_key0 FROM iaas_auth_configs WHERE provider=%s" % provider_id cur.execute(get_auth_sql) get_auth_row = cur.fetchone() if get_auth_row is None: status['message'] = "No Auth Token Found" return status auth_token = get_auth_row['auth_key0'] # Get current images current_images = dict() get_cur_images_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_vm_images" cur.execute(get_cur_images_sql) get_cur_images_ret = cur.fetchall() for image in get_cur_images_ret: current_images[image['id']] = image['value'] #print(image['value']) #print(current_images) # Let's get the relevant available images and update the database new_images = do.get_do_images(provider_id, auth_token) new_image_values = list() for image in new_images: new_image_values.append(str( matching_record = False for key in current_images: if current_images[key] == str( matching_record = True # This is an image we already know about. Update name #print("Image Name: " #print("Record ID: "+str(key)) update_image_sql = "UPDATE iaas_vm_images SET name = %s WHERE id=%s" cur.execute(update_image_sql, (, key)) db_conn.commit() if matching_record is False: # No matching record currently, make a new one new_uid = wgm_db.get_unique_id(64, 'iaas_vm_images', db_conn) new_image_sql = "INSERT INTO iaas_vm_images (name,value,unique_id,provider) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" cur.execute(new_image_sql, (, str(, new_uid, provider_id)) db_conn.commit() # Now let's cleanup the old images for key in current_images: if current_images[key] not in new_image_values: # Old image, delete it delete_image_sql = "DELETE FROM iaas_vm_images WHERE id=" + str( key) cur.execute(delete_image_sql) db_conn.commit() status['status'] = True status['message'] = "Success" return status
def destroy_gw_server(server_id): status = { "commad": "destroy_gw_server", "status": False, "message": "FALSE" } # Get the server information db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) get_server_sql = "SELECT * FROM gw_servers WHERE id=" + server_id cur.execute(get_server_sql) get_server_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_server_ret is None: status['message'] = "Failed to find GW Server" return status # Delete the Server in IaaS # Get Provider Type get_provider_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_providers WHERE id=" + str( get_server_ret['provider']) cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_provider_ret is None: status['message'] = "Failed to find IaaS Provider" return status provider_type = get_provider_ret['type'] if provider_type == 1: print("DigitalOcean Provider") # get Auth get_auth_sql = "SELECT auth_key0 FROM iaas_auth_configs WHERE provider=" + str( get_server_ret['provider']) cur.execute(get_auth_sql) get_auth_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_auth_ret is None: status['message'] = "Failed to get Auth Token" auth_token = get_auth_ret['auth_key0'] # Delete DO VM result = do.destroy_do_droplet(get_server_ret['provider_uid'], auth_token) print(result) if result is False: status['message'] = "Failed to destroy DigitalOcean Droplet" return status else: status['message'] = "Unsupported IaaS Provider" return status # Delete the DNS record # Get record id get_dns_record_sql = "SELECT * FROM dns_zone_records WHERE provider_uid='" + get_server_ret[ 'dns_record_uid'] + "' AND zone=" + str(get_server_ret['dns_zone']) cur.execute(get_dns_record_sql) get_dns_record_ret = cur.fetchone() if get_dns_record_ret is None: status['message'] = "Failed to get DNS Record" return status dns_result = dns.delete_dns_record(get_dns_record_ret['zone'], get_dns_record_ret['id']) print(dns_result) if dns_result['status'] is False: status['message'] = "Failed to delete DNS Record" return status # VM and DNS record removed Update DB delete_server_sql = "DELETE FROM gw_servers WHERE id=" + server_id cur.execute(delete_server_sql) db_conn.commit() status['message'] = "Success" status['status'] = True return status
def setup_dns_zones(provider_id): status = { "command": "setup_dns_zones", "status": False, "message": "FALSE" } # Now check to make sure provider id is valid, die quickly otherwise. db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Provider id: %s" % provider_id) get_provider_sql = "SELECT * FROM dns_providers WHERE id=%s;" % provider_id # query db for provider cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit provider if get_provider_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider Does Not Exist" return status provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] #print("Provider Type: "+provider_type) if provider_type == "1": #print("Cloudflare Provider") current_zones = list() # Get current zones get_cur_zones_sql = "SELECT * FROM dns_zones WHERE provider=" + str( provider_id) cur.execute(get_cur_zones_sql) get_cur_zones_ret = cur.fetchall() #print(len(get_cur_zones_ret)) for cur_zone in get_cur_zones_ret: #print(cur_zone['name']) current_zones.append(cur_zone['value']) #print(current_zones) get_auth_sql = "SELECT auth_key0 FROM dns_auth_configs WHERE provider=%s" % provider_id cur.execute(get_auth_sql) get_auth_row = cur.fetchone() if get_auth_row is None: status['message'] = "Can't get Auth Token for Provider" return status # Auth Acquired auth_token = get_auth_row['auth_key0'] # Get Zones from DNS Provider zones = cf.get_dns_zones(auth_token) # Update with New Zones Only new_zones = list() for zone in zones: new_zones.append(zone['id']) if zone['id'] not in current_zones: uid = wgm_db.get_unique_id(64, 'dns_zones', db_conn) #print("Found Zone: "+zone['name']) insert_zone_sql = "INSERT INTO dns_zones (name, value, unique_id, provider) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)" cur.execute(insert_zone_sql, (zone['name'], zone['id'], uid, provider_id)) db_conn.commit() # Cleanup Old Zones for zone in current_zones: if zone not in new_zones: print("Old Zone") get_zone_id_sql = "SELECT id FROM dns_zones WHERE value='" + zone + "'" cur.execute(get_zone_id_sql) get_zone_id_ret = cur.fetchone() zid = get_zone_id_ret['id'] delete_zone_records_sql = "DELETE FROM dns_zone_records WHERE zone=" + str( zid) cur.execute(delete_zone_records_sql) db_conn.commit() cur.execute("DELETE FROM dns_zones WHERE id=" + str(zid)) db_conn.commit() else: status['message'] = "Provider type unsupported" return status status['status'] = True status['message'] = "Success" return status
def setup_iaas_zones(provider_id): status = { "command": "setup_iaas_zones", "status": False, "message": "FALSE", 'provider_id': provider_id } # Now check to make sure provider id is valid, die quickly otherwise. db_conn = wgm_db.connect() #print("DB Connection Open") cur = db_conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) #print("Provider id: %s" % provider_id) get_provider_sql = "SELECT * FROM iaas_providers WHERE id=" + provider_id # query db for provider cur.execute(get_provider_sql) get_provider_row = cur.fetchone() # make sure we have a legit digitalocean provider if get_provider_row is None: status['message'] = "Provider Does Not Exist" return status provider_type = get_provider_row['type'] if provider_type == 1: #print("DigitalOcean IaaS Provider") # provider is digitalocean type, let's get the token get_auth_sql = "SELECT auth_key0 FROM iaas_auth_configs WHERE provider=" + provider_id cur.execute(get_auth_sql) get_auth_row = cur.fetchone() if get_auth_row is None: status['message'] = "No Auth Token Found" return status auth_token = get_auth_row['auth_key0'] # Get current zones(regions) to check against get_cur_zones = "SELECT * FROM iaas_zones WHERE provider=" + provider_id cur.execute(get_cur_zones, (provider_id)) get_cur_zones_ret = cur.fetchall() cur_zones = list() for zone in get_cur_zones_ret: cur_zones.append(zone['value']) #print(cur_zones) # Let's get the available regions and update the database regions = do.get_do_regions(provider_id, auth_token) new_slugs = list() for region in regions: new_slugs.append(region.slug) if region.slug not in cur_zones: # This is a new slug, add it to the DB new_uid = wgm_db.get_unique_id(64, 'iaas_zones', db_conn) new_slug_sql = "INSERT INTO iaas_zones (name, value,unique_id,provider) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)" cur.execute(new_slug_sql, (, region.slug, new_uid, provider_id)) db_conn.commit() # Great, now let's delete zones that don't exist anymore for zone in cur_zones: if zone not in new_slugs: #print(zone) delete_zone_sql = "DELETE FROM iaas_zones WHERE value='" + zone + "' AND provider=" + provider_id cur.execute(delete_zone_sql) db_conn.commit() else: status['message'] = "Provider Type Unknown" return status status['status'] = True status['message'] = "Success" return status