def write_dict(infile, outfile): chat = whatstat.load_chat(sys.argv[1]) res = {} for author in chat.authors: res[] = [] with open(outfile, "w") as f: f.write("authors = %r" % res)
code = template.substitute(messages=aux1, characters=aux2, words=aux3, author_columns=author_columns, messages_per_day=messages_per_day, trending_topics=tt, chatname=chat.get_subject(),[-1].datetime.strftime("el %A, %d de %B de %Y a las %H:%M")) # Save the result. if not os.path.exists(destpath): os.makedirs(destpath) # Create the positives graph. g = stats.positives(chat) destdot = os.path.join(destpath, "") destpng = os.path.join(destpath, "positives.png") nx.write_dot(g, destdot) os.system("dot {0} -Tpng > {1}".format(destdot, destpng)) # Create the html. desthtml = os.path.join(destpath, "index.html") # Write the html file. f = open(desthtml, "w") f.write(code.encode("utf-8")) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': chat = stats.load_chat(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) common_words = parser.parse_words(sys.argv[3]) write_stats(sys.argv[4], chat, common_words)
messages_per_day=messages_per_day, trending_topics=tt, chatname=chat.get_subject(),[-1].datetime.strftime( "el %A, %d de %B de %Y a las %H:%M")) # Save the result. if not os.path.exists(destpath): os.makedirs(destpath) # Create the positives graph. g = stats.positives(chat) destdot = os.path.join(destpath, "") destpng = os.path.join(destpath, "positives.png") nx.write_dot(g, destdot) os.system("dot {0} -Tpng > {1}".format(destdot, destpng)) # Create the html. desthtml = os.path.join(destpath, "index.html") # Write the html file. f = open(desthtml, "w") f.write(code.encode("utf-8")) f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': chat = stats.load_chat(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) common_words = parser.parse_words(sys.argv[3]) write_stats(sys.argv[4], chat, common_words)