def _graphical_sudo(self): import which if which.whichall('pkexec'): return ['pkexec'] elif which.whichall('gksudo'): return ['gksudo', '--'] return ['sudo', '--']
def _locateExecutables(self, exeName, interpreterPrefName=None, exts=None, paths=None): is_windows = sys.platform.startswith('win') if exts is None and is_windows: exts = ['.exe'] if paths is None: paths = self._userPath executables = which.whichall(exeName, exts=exts, path=paths) if self.versionCheckExecutables: # Only want supported versions. executables = [exe for exe in executables if self._isValidExecutable(exe)] if interpreterPrefName: prefs = self._prefSvc.prefs if prefs.hasStringPref(interpreterPrefName): prefexe = prefs.getStringPref(interpreterPrefName) if prefexe and os.path.exists(prefexe): if is_windows or sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): prefexe_lc = prefexe.lower() executables_lc = [x.lower() for x in executables] else: prefexe_lc = prefexe executables_lc = executables # Make sure the user-chosen interpreter is always first if prefexe_lc not in executables_lc: executables.insert(0, prefexe) else: found_prefexe = executables_lc.index(prefexe_lc) if found_prefexe > 0: del executables[found_prefexe] executables.insert(0, prefexe) return [os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(exe)) for exe in executables]
def _gen_pythons(): python_from_ver = {} for name in _gen_python_names(): for python in which.whichall(name): ver = _python_ver_from_python(python) if ver not in python_from_ver: python_from_ver[ver] = python for ver, python in sorted(python_from_ver.items()): yield ver, python
def _gen_pythons(self): import which # `pypm|pip install which` python_from_ver = {} for name in self._gen_python_names(): for python in which.whichall(name): ver = self._python_ver_from_python(python) if ver not in python_from_ver: python_from_ver[ver] = python for ver, python in sorted(python_from_ver.items()): yield ver, python
def _gen_pythons(self): import which # get it from python_from_ver = {} for name in self._gen_python_names(): for python in which.whichall(name): ver = self._python_ver_from_python(python) if ver not in python_from_ver: python_from_ver[ver] = python for ver, python in sorted(python_from_ver.items()): yield ver, python
def get_firefox_paths(self): #TODO: Could just use the new `self._gen_possible_browsers_and_types()` # and only use the `browser_type == 'firefox'` results. firefoxes = [] # If on Windows, add the browser(s) assigned as the default handlers # for .html, .htm, etc. (i.e. for common browser-y filetypes). if sys.platform.startswith("win"): import wininteg for ext in (".html", ".htm"): try: type, name, actions = wininteg.getFileAssociation(ext) except wininteg.WinIntegError: pass else: if actions: command = actions[0][2] argv = self._parseAssociationAction(command) if argv and "firefox" in argv[0].lower(): firefoxes.append(argv[0]) # Search the PATH as it was when Komodo started, otherwise Komodo's # internal mozilla.exe might be listed as a possible browser. # PATH = koprocessutils.getUserEnv().get("PATH", "") path = PATH.split(os.pathsep) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): firefoxes += which.whichall("firefox", exts=['.exe'], path=path) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': path = ['/Applications', '/Network/Applications'] + path firefoxes += which.whichall("", path=path) else: firefoxes += which.whichall("firefox", path=path) # check for duplicates firefoxesWithoutDups = [] for i in range(len(firefoxes)): for j in range(i + 1, len(firefoxes)): if self._SameFile(firefoxes[i], firefoxes[j]): break else: firefoxesWithoutDups.append(firefoxes[i]) return firefoxesWithoutDups
def get_firefox_paths(self): #TODO: Could just use the new `self._gen_possible_browsers_and_types()` # and only use the `browser_type == 'firefox'` results. firefoxes = [] # If on Windows, add the browser(s) assigned as the default handlers # for .html, .htm, etc. (i.e. for common browser-y filetypes). if sys.platform.startswith("win"): import wininteg for ext in (".html", ".htm"): try: type, name, actions = wininteg.getFileAssociation(ext) except wininteg.WinIntegError: pass else: if actions: command = actions[0][2] argv = self._parseAssociationAction(command) if argv and "firefox" in argv[0].lower(): firefoxes.append(argv[0]) # Search the PATH as it was when Komodo started, otherwise Komodo's # internal mozilla.exe might be listed as a possible browser. # PATH = koprocessutils.getUserEnv().get("PATH", "") path = PATH.split(os.pathsep) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): firefoxes += which.whichall("firefox", exts=['.exe'], path=path) elif sys.platform == 'darwin': path = ['/Applications', '/Network/Applications'] + path firefoxes += which.whichall("", path=path) else: firefoxes += which.whichall("firefox", path=path) # check for duplicates firefoxesWithoutDups = [] for i in range(len(firefoxes)): for j in range(i+1, len(firefoxes)): if self._SameFile(firefoxes[i], firefoxes[j]): break else: firefoxesWithoutDups.append(firefoxes[i]) return firefoxesWithoutDups
def _haveSufficientPHP(self, stopOnFirst=1, minVersion=None): """Return true iff a PHP installation meeting the above conditions can be found. "stopOnFirst" is a boolean indicating if the search should stop on the "first" found interpreter. This is because things like syntax checking are just going to use this one anyway. Default is true. If false is returned, then the last error (see koILastErrorService) is set with a reason why. """ # Try the user's selected php interpreter. phpDefaultInterp = self._prefProxy.prefs.getStringPref( "phpDefaultInterpreter") if phpDefaultInterp: self._phpInfoEx.installationPath =\ self._phpInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(phpDefaultInterp) if self._isSufficientPHP(self._phpInfoEx, minVersion): return 1 elif stopOnFirst: return 0 # Look on PATH. if sys.platform.startswith('win'): exts = ['.exe'] else: exts = None phps = which.whichall('php', exts=exts, path=self._userPath) + \ which.whichall('php-cgi', exts=exts, path=self._userPath) + \ which.whichall('php4', exts=exts, path=self._userPath) + \ which.whichall('php-cli', exts=exts, path=self._userPath) for php in phps: self._phpInfoEx.installationPath =\ self._phpInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(php) if self._isSufficientPHP(self._phpInfoEx, minVersion): return 1 elif stopOnFirst: return 0 errmsg = "Could not find a suitable PHP installation." self._lastErrorProxy.setLastError(0, errmsg) return 0
def _gen_pythons(self): sys.path.insert(0, join(self.dir, "externals", "which")) import which # get it from python_from_ver = {} for name in self._gen_python_names(): for python in which.whichall(name): ver = self._python_ver_from_python(python) if ver not in python_from_ver: python_from_ver[ver] = python for ver, python in sorted(python_from_ver.items()): yield ver, python
def _haveSufficientPHP(self, stopOnFirst=1, minVersion=None): """Return true iff a PHP installation meeting the above conditions can be found. "stopOnFirst" is a boolean indicating if the search should stop on the "first" found interpreter. This is because things like syntax checking are just going to use this one anyway. Default is true. If false is returned, then the last error (see koILastErrorService) is set with a reason why. """ # Try the user's selected php interpreter. phpDefaultInterp = self._prefs.getStringPref("phpDefaultInterpreter") if phpDefaultInterp: self._phpInfoEx.installationPath = self._phpInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(phpDefaultInterp) if self._isSufficientPHP(self._phpInfoEx, minVersion): return 1 elif stopOnFirst: return 0 # Look on PATH. if sys.platform.startswith("win"): exts = [".exe"] else: exts = None phps = ( which.whichall("php", exts=exts, path=self._userPath) + which.whichall("php-cgi", exts=exts, path=self._userPath) + which.whichall("php4", exts=exts, path=self._userPath) + which.whichall("php-cli", exts=exts, path=self._userPath) ) for php in phps: self._phpInfoEx.installationPath = self._phpInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(php) if self._isSufficientPHP(self._phpInfoEx, minVersion): return 1 elif stopOnFirst: return 0 errmsg = "Could not find a suitable PHP installation." self._lastErrorSvc.setLastError(0, errmsg) return 0
def get_py_ci_executable(): global _py_ci_executable if _py_ci_executable is None: from glob import glob from os.path import abspath, dirname, join ci_dir = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))))) eggfiles = glob(join(ci_dir, "lib", "ciElementTree-*.egg-info")) if not eggfiles: raise RuntimeError("No ciElementTree .egg-info file found in %r" % (join(ci_dir, "lib"))) if len(eggfiles) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Too many ciElementTree .egg-info files in %r" % (join(ci_dir, "lib"))) wanted_version = re.match(".*-py(\d.\d).egg-info$", eggfiles[0]).group(1) import subprocess try: import which except ImportError: # Try adding support to the PYTHONPATH. sys.path.append(join(ci_dir, "support")) import which python_exe = "python" if sys.platform.startswith('win'): python_exe = "python.exe" for python_exe in which.whichall(python_exe): version = "" cwd = os.path.dirname(python_exe) argv = [ python_exe, "-c", "import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.version)" ] p = subprocess.Popen(argv, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if not p.returncode: # Some example output: # 2.0 (#8, Mar 7 2001, 16:04:37) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] # 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Mar 27 2008, 17:57:18) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] # 2.6rc2 (r26rc2:66504, Sep 26 2008, 15:20:44) [MSC v.1500 32 # bit (Intel)] version_re = re.compile("^(\d+\.\d+)") if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: stdout = str(stdout, "ascii") match = version_re.match(stdout) if match: version = if version.startswith(wanted_version): _py_ci_executable = python_exe break if _py_ci_executable is None: raise RuntimeError("No Python %s executable found for ciling." % (wanted_version, )) return _py_ci_executable
def _haveSufficientNodeJS(self, stopOnFirst=1, minVersion=None): """Return true iff a NodeJS installation meeting the above conditions can be found. "stopOnFirst" is a boolean indicating if the search should stop on the "first" found interpreter. This is because things like syntax checking are just going to use this one anyway. Default is true. If false is returned, then the last error (see koILastErrorService) is set with a reason why. """ # Try the user's selected nodejs interpreter. nodejsDefaultInterp = self._prefs.getStringPref( "nodejsDefaultInterpreter") if nodejsDefaultInterp: log.debug("nodejsDefaultInterp") self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath =\ self._nodejsInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(nodejsDefaultInterp) log.debug("self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath=%r", self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath) if self._isSufficientNodeJS(self._nodejsInfoEx, minVersion): log.debug("self._isSufficientNodeJS: 1") return 1 elif stopOnFirst: log.debug("self._isSufficientNodeJS: 0, stopOnFirst") return 0 else: log.debug("self._isSufficientNodeJS: 0") else: log.debug("no nodejsDefaultInterp") # Look on PATH. if sys.platform.startswith('win'): exts = ['.exe'] else: exts = None nodejses = which.whichall('node', exts=exts, path=self._userPath) log.debug("no nodejsDefaultInterp") for nodejs in nodejses: self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath =\ self._nodejsInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(nodejs) log.debug("self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath=%r", self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath) if self._isSufficientNodeJS(self._nodejsInfoEx, minVersion): return 1 elif stopOnFirst: return 0 errmsg = "Could not find a suitable NodeJS installation." self._lastErrorSvc.setLastError(0, errmsg) return 0
def get_py_ci_executable(): global _py_ci_executable if _py_ci_executable is None: from glob import glob from os.path import abspath, dirname, join ci_dir = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__))))) eggfiles = glob(join(ci_dir, "lib", "ciElementTree-*.egg-info")) if not eggfiles: raise RuntimeError("No ciElementTree .egg-info file found in %r" % (join(ci_dir, "lib"))) if len(eggfiles) > 1: raise RuntimeError("Too many ciElementTree .egg-info files in %r" % (join(ci_dir, "lib"))) wanted_version = re.match( ".*-py(\d.\d).egg-info$", eggfiles[0]).group(1) import subprocess try: import which except ImportError: # Try adding support to the PYTHONPATH. sys.path.append(join(ci_dir, "support")) import which python_exe = "python" if sys.platform.startswith('win'): python_exe = "python.exe" for python_exe in which.whichall(python_exe): version = "" cwd = os.path.dirname(python_exe) argv = [ python_exe, "-c", "import sys; sys.stdout.write(sys.version)"] p = subprocess.Popen(argv, cwd=cwd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() if not p.returncode: # Some example output: # 2.0 (#8, Mar 7 2001, 16:04:37) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] # 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Mar 27 2008, 17:57:18) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] # 2.6rc2 (r26rc2:66504, Sep 26 2008, 15:20:44) [MSC v.1500 32 # bit (Intel)] version_re = re.compile("^(\d+\.\d+)") if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: stdout = str(stdout, "ascii") match = version_re.match(stdout) if match: version = if version.startswith(wanted_version): _py_ci_executable = python_exe break if _py_ci_executable is None: raise RuntimeError("No Python %s executable found for ciling." % (wanted_version, )) return _py_ci_executable
def _gen_pythons(self): test_dir = join(self.dir, "test") sys.path.insert(0, test_dir) import which sys.path.remove(test_dir) python_from_ver = {} for name in self._gen_python_names(): for python in which.whichall(name): ver = self._python_ver_from_python(python) if ver not in python_from_ver: python_from_ver[ver] = python for ver, python in sorted(python_from_ver.items()): yield ver, python
def FindInstallationPaths(self): if sys.platform.startswith('win'): exts = ['.exe'] else: exts = None interpreters = ['cl','gcc','cc'] self._executables = [] installationPaths = None for interp in interpreters: self._executables += which.whichall(interp, exts=exts, path=self._userPath) if self._executables: installationPaths = [self.getInstallationPathFromBinary(p)\ for p in self._executables] return installationPaths
def _haveSufficientNodeJS(self, stopOnFirst=1, minVersion=None): """Return true iff a NodeJS installation meeting the above conditions can be found. "stopOnFirst" is a boolean indicating if the search should stop on the "first" found interpreter. This is because things like syntax checking are just going to use this one anyway. Default is true. If false is returned, then the last error (see koILastErrorService) is set with a reason why. """ # Try the user's selected nodejs interpreter. nodejsDefaultInterp = self._prefs.getStringPref("nodejsDefaultInterpreter") if nodejsDefaultInterp: log.debug("nodejsDefaultInterp") self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath =\ self._nodejsInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(nodejsDefaultInterp) log.debug("self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath=%r", self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath) if self._isSufficientNodeJS(self._nodejsInfoEx, minVersion): log.debug("self._isSufficientNodeJS: 1") return 1 elif stopOnFirst: log.debug("self._isSufficientNodeJS: 0, stopOnFirst") return 0 else: log.debug("self._isSufficientNodeJS: 0") else: log.debug("no nodejsDefaultInterp") # Look on PATH. if sys.platform.startswith('win'): exts = ['.exe'] else: exts = None nodejses = which.whichall('node', exts=exts, path=self._userPath) log.debug("no nodejsDefaultInterp") for nodejs in nodejses: self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath =\ self._nodejsInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(nodejs) log.debug("self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath=%r", self._nodejsInfoEx.installationPath) if self._isSufficientNodeJS(self._nodejsInfoEx, minVersion): return 1 elif stopOnFirst: return 0 errmsg = "Could not find a suitable NodeJS installation." self._lastErrorSvc.setLastError(0, errmsg) return 0
def _haveSufficientPerl(self, stopOnFirst=1, minVersion=None, isActivePerl=None, minActivePerlBuild=None, haveModules=[]): """Return true iff a Perl installation meeting the above conditions can be found. "stopOnFirst" is a boolean indicating if the search should stop on the "first" found interpreter. This is because things like syntax checking are just going to use this one anyway. Default is true. If false is returned, then the last error (see koILastErrorService) is set with a reason why. """ # Try the user's selected perl interpreter. perlDefaultInterp = self._prefs.getStringPref("perlDefaultInterpreter") if perlDefaultInterp: self._perlInfoEx.installationPath =\ self._perlInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(perlDefaultInterp) if self._isSufficientPerl(self._perlInfoEx, minVersion, isActivePerl, minActivePerlBuild, haveModules): return 1 elif stopOnFirst: return 0 # Look on PATH. if sys.platform.startswith('win'): exts = ['.exe'] else: exts = None perls = which.whichall('perl', exts=exts, path=self._userPath) for perl in perls: self._perlInfoEx.installationPath =\ self._perlInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(perl) if self._isSufficientPerl(self._perlInfoEx, minVersion, isActivePerl, minActivePerlBuild, haveModules): return 1 elif stopOnFirst: return 0 errmsg = "Could not find a suitable Perl installation." self._lastErrorSvc.setLastError(0, errmsg) return 0
def version(cmd): """ Returns a true response only if a valid version was found. """ item("Commands","%s" % " ".join(cmd)) try: p = self.ctx.popen(cmd) except OSError: self.ctx.err("not found") return False rv = p.wait() io = p.communicate() try: v = io[0].split() v.extend(io[1].split()) v = "".join(v) m = re.match("^\D*(\d[.\d]+\d)\D?.*$", v) v = "%-10s" % self.ctx.out(v, False) try: where = whichall(cmd[0]) sz = len(where) if sz == 0: where = "unknown" else: where = where[0] if sz > 1: where += " -- %s others" % sz except: where = "unknown" self.ctx.out("(%s)" % where) return True except exceptions.Exception, e: self.ctx.err("error:%s" % e) return False
def _haveSufficientRuby(self, stopOnFirst=1, minVersion=None): """Return true iff a Ruby installation meeting the above conditions can be found. "stopOnFirst" is a boolean indicating if the search should stop on the "first" found interpreter. This is because things like syntax checking are just going to use this one anyway. Default is true. If false is returned, then the last error (see koILastErrorService) is set with a reason why. """ # Try the user's selected ruby interpreter. rubyDefaultInterp = self._prefs.getStringPref("rubyDefaultInterpreter") if rubyDefaultInterp: self._rubyInfoEx.installationPath =\ self._rubyInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(rubyDefaultInterp) if self._isSufficientRuby(self._rubyInfoEx, minVersion): return 1 elif stopOnFirst: return 0 # Look on PATH. if sys.platform.startswith('win'): exts = ['.exe'] else: exts = None rubys = which.whichall('ruby', exts=exts, path=self._userPath) for ruby in rubys: self._rubyInfoEx.installationPath =\ self._rubyInfoEx.getInstallationPathFromBinary(ruby) if self._isSufficientRuby(self._rubyInfoEx, minVersion): return 1 elif stopOnFirst: return 0 errmsg = "Could not find a suitable Ruby installation." self._lastErrorSvc.setLastError(0, errmsg) return 0
def _locateExecutables(self, exeName, interpreterPrefName=None, exts=None, paths=None): is_windows = sys.platform.startswith('win') if exts is None and is_windows: exts = ['.exe'] if paths is None: paths = self._userPath executables = which.whichall(exeName, exts=exts, path=paths) if self.versionCheckExecutables: # Only want supported versions. # _isValidExecutable can throw exceptions, so don't use a # list comprehension valid_executables = [] for exe in executables: try: if self._isValidExecutable(exe): valid_executables.append(exe) except ValueError: pass executables = valid_executables if interpreterPrefName: prefexe = self._prefs.getString(interpreterPrefName, "") if prefexe and os.path.exists(prefexe): if is_windows or sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): prefexe_lc = prefexe.lower() executables_lc = [x.lower() for x in executables] else: prefexe_lc = prefexe executables_lc = executables # Make sure the user-chosen interpreter is always first if prefexe_lc not in executables_lc: executables.insert(0, prefexe) else: found_prefexe = executables_lc.index(prefexe_lc) if found_prefexe > 0: del executables[found_prefexe] executables.insert(0, prefexe) return [os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(exe)) for exe in executables]
def _locateExecutables(self, exeName, interpreterPrefName=None, exts=None, paths=None): is_windows = sys.platform.startswith('win') if exts is None and is_windows: exts = ['.exe'] if paths is None: paths = self._userPath executables = which.whichall(exeName, exts=exts, path=paths) if self.versionCheckExecutables: # Only want supported versions. executables = [ exe for exe in executables if self._isValidExecutable(exe) ] if interpreterPrefName: prefs = self._prefSvc.prefs if prefs.hasStringPref(interpreterPrefName): prefexe = prefs.getStringPref(interpreterPrefName) if prefexe and os.path.exists(prefexe): if is_windows or sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): prefexe_lc = prefexe.lower() executables_lc = [x.lower() for x in executables] else: prefexe_lc = prefexe executables_lc = executables # Make sure the user-chosen interpreter is always first if prefexe_lc not in executables_lc: executables.insert(0, prefexe) else: found_prefexe = executables_lc.index(prefexe_lc) if found_prefexe > 0: del executables[found_prefexe] executables.insert(0, prefexe) return [os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(exe)) for exe in executables]
def WhichAll(self, exeName): path = self._userEnvSvc.get("PATH", "").split(os.pathsep) return which.whichall(exeName, path=path)
browser_type, browser_type) bpath = path + default_install_dirs_from_browser_type.get( browser_type, []) for browser in which.whichall(exe_name, exts=[".exe"], path=bpath): if browser not in browser_paths: browser_paths.add(browser) yield browser, browser_type elif sys.platform == 'darwin': path = ['/Applications', '/Network/Applications'] + path for browser_type in ("firefox", "safari", "camino", "googlechrome", "chromium", "opera", "mozilla", "flock"): app_name = self._mac_app_name_from_browser_type.get( browser_type, browser_type) for browser in which.whichall(app_name, path=path): if browser not in browser_paths: browser_paths.add(browser) yield browser, browser_type else: for browser_type in ("firefox", "konqueror", "mozilla", "googlechrome", "chromium", "opera", "flock", "kfm"): exe_name = self._exe_name_from_browser_type.get( browser_type, browser_type) for browser in which.whichall(exe_name, path=path): if browser not in browser_paths: browser_paths.add(browser) yield browser, browser_type def get_firefox_paths(self):
def _gen_possible_browsers_and_types(self): browser_paths = _PathSet( ) # set of yielded browser paths, used to avoid dupes # If on Windows, add the browser(s) assigned as the default handlers # for .html, .htm, etc. (i.e. for common browser-y filetypes). if sys.platform.startswith("win"): import wininteg for ext in (".html", ".htm"): try: type, name, actions = wininteg.getFileAssociation(ext) except wininteg.WinIntegError: pass else: if actions: command = actions[0][2] argv = self._parseAssociationAction(command) if not argv: continue browser = argv[0] if browser not in browser_paths: browser_paths.add(browser) yield browser, self._guess_browser_type_from_path( browser) # Search the PATH as it was when Komodo started, otherwise Komodo's # internal mozilla.exe might be listed as a possible browser. # PATH = koprocessutils.getUserEnv().get("PATH", "") path = PATH.split(os.pathsep) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): from applib import _get_win_folder # Gather some default install dirs on Windows, because some of the # current stock of Windows browsers don't register themselves in # the usual ways. default_install_dirs_from_browser_type = defaultdict(list) programFiles = os.environ.get("ProgramFiles") if programFiles: default_install_dirs_from_browser_type["safari"].append( join(programFiles, "Safari")) default_install_dirs_from_browser_type["opera"].append( join(programFiles, "Opera")) try: localAppDataDir = _get_win_folder("CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA") except Exception, ex: log.warn("error getting local appdata dir: %s", ex) else: if localAppDataDir: default_install_dirs_from_browser_type[ "googlechrome"].append( join(localAppDataDir, "Google", "Chrome", "Application")) matches = [] for browser_type in ("firefox", "internetexplorer", "safari", "googlechrome", "chromium", "opera", "mozilla", "msnexplorer", "flock"): exe_name = self._exe_name_from_browser_type.get( browser_type, browser_type) bpath = path + default_install_dirs_from_browser_type.get( browser_type, []) for browser in which.whichall(exe_name, exts=[".exe"], path=bpath): if browser not in browser_paths: browser_paths.add(browser) yield browser, browser_type
def WhichAll(self, exeName): path = self._userEnvProxy.get("PATH").split(os.pathsep) return which.whichall(exeName, path=path)
for browser in which.whichall(exe_name, exts=[".exe"], path=bpath): if browser not in browser_paths: browser_paths.add(browser) yield browser, browser_type elif sys.platform == 'darwin': path = ['/Applications','/Network/Applications'] + path for browser_type in ("firefox", "safari", "camino", "googlechrome", "chromium", "opera", "mozilla", "flock"): app_name = self._mac_app_name_from_browser_type.get(browser_type, browser_type) for browser in which.whichall(app_name, path=path): if browser not in browser_paths: browser_paths.add(browser) yield browser, browser_type else: for browser_type in ("firefox", "konqueror", "mozilla", "googlechrome", "chromium", "opera", "flock", "kfm"): exe_name = self._exe_name_from_browser_type.get(browser_type, browser_type) for browser in which.whichall(exe_name, path=path): if browser not in browser_paths:
def _gen_possible_browsers_and_types(self): browser_paths = _PathSet() # set of yielded browser paths, used to avoid dupes # If on Windows, add the browser(s) assigned as the default handlers # for .html, .htm, etc. (i.e. for common browser-y filetypes). if sys.platform.startswith("win"): import wininteg for ext in (".html", ".htm"): try: type, name, actions = wininteg.getFileAssociation(ext) except wininteg.WinIntegError: pass else: if actions: command = actions[0][2] argv = self._parseAssociationAction(command) if not argv: continue browser = argv[0] if browser not in browser_paths: browser_paths.add(browser) yield browser, self._guess_browser_type_from_path(browser) # Search the PATH as it was when Komodo started, otherwise Komodo's # internal mozilla.exe might be listed as a possible browser. # PATH = koprocessutils.getUserEnv().get("PATH", "") path = PATH.split(os.pathsep) if sys.platform.startswith('win'): from applib import _get_win_folder # Gather some default install dirs on Windows, because some of the # current stock of Windows browsers don't register themselves in # the usual ways. default_install_dirs_from_browser_type = defaultdict(list) programFiles = os.environ.get("ProgramFiles") if programFiles: default_install_dirs_from_browser_type["safari"].append( join(programFiles, "Safari")) default_install_dirs_from_browser_type["opera"].append( join(programFiles, "Opera")) try: localAppDataDir = _get_win_folder("CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA") except Exception, ex: log.warn("error getting local appdata dir: %s", ex) else: if localAppDataDir: default_install_dirs_from_browser_type["googlechrome"].append( join(localAppDataDir, "Google", "Chrome", "Application")) matches = [] for browser_type in ("firefox", "internetexplorer", "safari", "googlechrome", "chromium", "opera", "mozilla", "msnexplorer", "flock"): exe_name = self._exe_name_from_browser_type.get(browser_type, browser_type) bpath = path + default_install_dirs_from_browser_type.get(browser_type, []) for browser in which.whichall(exe_name, exts=[".exe"], path=bpath): if browser not in browser_paths: browser_paths.add(browser) yield browser, browser_type