예제 #1
파일: frame.py 프로젝트: sproaty/whyteboard
    def on_import_preferences(self, event=None):
        Imports a preference file. Backs up the user's current preference file
        into a directory, with a timestamp on the filename
        logger.debug("Prompting to import preferences")
        wildcard = _("Whyteboard Preference Files") + u" (*.pref)|*.pref"

        filename = file_dialog(self, _("Import Preferences From..."), wx.OPEN,
                               wildcard, get_home_dir())

        if filename:
            _dir = os.path.join(get_home_dir(), u"pref-bkup")

            if not os.path.isdir(_dir):

            home = os.path.join(get_home_dir(), u"user.pref")
            if os.path.exists(home):
                stamp = time.strftime(u"%d-%m-%Y_%H-%M_%S")
                logger.debug("Renaming old preferences file to [%s]", stamp)
                os.rename(home, os.path.join(_dir, stamp + u".user.pref"))
            config = Config().clone()
예제 #2
    def load_file(self, evt):
        Display a file chooser window and try to load the file
        _dir = self.directory or u""
        vids = u"*.avi; *.mkv; *.mov; *.mpg; *ogg; *.wmv"
        audio = u"*.mp3; *.oga; *.ogg; *.wav"

        wildcard = u"%s |%s;%s|" % (_("Media Files"), vids, audio)
        wildcard += u"%s (%s)|%s|" % (_("Video Files"), vids, vids)
        wildcard += u"%s (%s)|%s" % (_("Audio Files"), audio, audio)

        name = file_dialog(self, _("Choose a media file"), wx.OPEN, wildcard, _dir)
        if name:
예제 #3
파일: frame.py 프로젝트: sproaty/whyteboard
    def on_export_preferences(self, event=None):
        Copies the user's preferences file to another file.
        if not os.path.exists(Config().filename()):
            wx.MessageBox(_("You have not set any preferences"), _("Export Error"))
        wildcard = _("Whyteboard Preference Files") + u" (*.pref)|*.pref"

        filename = file_dialog(self, _("Export preferences to..."),
                               wx.SAVE | wx.OVERWRITE_PROMPT, wildcard)
        if filename:
            if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1]:
                filename += u".pref"
            shutil.copy(os.path.join(get_home_dir(), u"user.pref"), filename)
예제 #4
파일: frame.py 프로젝트: sproaty/whyteboard
    def on_open(self, event=None, text=None):
        Opens a file, sets Utility's temp. file to the chosen file, prompts for
        an unsaved file and calls do_open().
        text is img/pdf/ps for the "import file" menu item
        wildcard = meta.dialog_wildcard
        if text == u"img":
            wildcard = wildcard[wildcard.find(_(u"Image Files")) :
                                wildcard.find(u"|" + _(u'Whyteboard files')) ]  # image to page
        elif text:
            wildcard = wildcard[wildcard.find(u"PDF/PS/SVG") :
                                wildcard.find(u"*.SVG|")]  # page descriptions

        _dir = Config().get('last_opened_dir') or u""

        filename = file_dialog(self, _("Open file..."), wx.OPEN, wildcard, _dir)
        if filename:
예제 #5
파일: frame.py 프로젝트: sproaty/whyteboard
    def on_save_as(self, event=None):
        Prompts for the filename and location to save to.
        wildcard = _("Whyteboard file ") + u"(*.wtbd)|*.wtbd"
        _dir = Config().get('last_opened_dir') or u""
        _file = self.util.filename
        if not _file:
            _file = u""
        name = file_dialog(self, _("Save Whyteboard As..."),
                           wx.SAVE | wx.OVERWRITE_PROMPT, wildcard, _dir, _file)
        if name:
            if not os.path.splitext(name)[1]:  # no file extension
                name += u'.wtbd'

            if is_save_file(name):
                self.util.filename = name
예제 #6
파일: frame.py 프로젝트: sproaty/whyteboard
    def on_export_pdf(self, event=None):
        Exports the all the sheets as a PDF. Must first export all sheets as
        imgages, convert to PDF (displaying a progress bar) and then remove
        all the temporary files
        if not self.util.im_location:
        if not self.util.im_location:
        filename = file_dialog(self, _("Export data to..."),
                               wx.SAVE | wx.OVERWRITE_PROMPT, u"PDF (*.pdf)|*.pdf")

        if filename:
            ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
            if not ext:  # no file extension
                filename += u'.pdf'
            elif ext.lower() != u".pdf":
                wx.MessageBox(_("Invalid filetype to export as:") + u" .%s" % ext,

            names = []
            canvas = self.canvas
            for x in range(self.tab_count):
                self.canvas = self.tabs.GetPage(x)
                name = u"%s-tempblahhahh-%s-.jpg" % (filename, x)
            self.canvas = canvas

            self.process = wx.Process(self)
            files = ""
            for x in names:
                files += u'"%s" ' % x  # quote filenames for windows

            cmd = u'%s -define pdf:use-trimbox=true %s"%s"' % (self.util.im_location, files, filename)
            self.pid = wx.Execute(cmd, wx.EXEC_ASYNC, self.process)
            self.show_progress_dialog(_("Converting..."), True, True)

            [os.remove(x) for x in names]
예제 #7
파일: frame.py 프로젝트: sproaty/whyteboard
    def export_prompt(self):
        Find out the filename to save to
        val = None  # return value
        wildcard = (u"PNG (*.png)|*.png|JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg)|*.jpeg;*.jpg|" +
                    u"BMP (*.bmp)|*.bmp|TIFF (*.tiff)|*.tiff")

        filename = file_dialog(self, _("Export data to..."),
                           wx.SAVE | wx.OVERWRITE_PROMPT, wildcard)
        if filename:
            _name = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].replace(u".", u"")
            types = {0: u"png", 1: u"jpg", 2: u"bmp", 3: u"tiff"}

            if not os.path.splitext(filename)[1]:
                _name = types[dlg.GetFilterIndex()]
                filename += u"." + _name
                val = filename
            if not _name in meta.types[2:]:
                wx.MessageBox(u"%s .%s" % (_("Invalid filetype to export as:"), _name),
                val = filename
        return val