def initialize_board(screen, player1, player2, against): """ To initialize the board. """ screen.fill(screenfill) srect = pygame.Rect(0, 5, hsize, 55) brect = pygame.Rect(margin_left, margin_top, box_width*3, box_height*3) pygame.draw.rect(screen, fill_color, srect) pygame.draw.rect(screen, fill_color, brect) #buttons title = TextInput("Tic-Tac-Toe", hsize//2 - 130, 10, white, 60) if against == "is_human": pl1, pl2 = "Player 1", "Player 2" elif against == "is_random": pl1, pl2 = "Player", "Random agent" elif against == "is_ai": pl1, pl2 = "Player", "AI agent" players_def1 = Button(pl1 +" - " + player1, hsize//2-300, 100, white, 36, fill_color) players_def2 = Button(pl2+" - " + player2, hsize//2+120, 100, white, 36, fill_color) #vertical and horizontal lines pygame.draw.line(screen, white, (margin_left, margin_top+box_height), (hsize-margin_right, margin_top+box_height), 5) pygame.draw.line(screen, white, (margin_left, margin_top+box_height*2), (hsize-margin_right, margin_top+box_height*2), 5) pygame.draw.line(screen, white, (margin_left+box_width, margin_top), (margin_left+box_width, vsize-margin_bottom), 5) pygame.draw.line(screen, white, (hsize-margin_right-box_width, margin_top), (hsize-margin_right-box_width, vsize-margin_bottom), 5) title.add_text(screen) players_def1.add_button(screen) players_def2.add_button(screen) return screen
def screen3(text="Generated Plots"): screen.fill((250, 250, 250)) screen.blit(icon, (10, 10)) tex = TextInput(text, 100, 250, blue) tex.add_text(screen) back.add_button(screen) title.add_button(screen)
def screen2(text="Generated Plots"): screen.fill((250, 250, 250)) screen.blit(icon, (10, 10)) screen.blit(plots, (80, 220)) pspace.add_button(screen) ptime.add_button(screen) pspacetime.add_button(screen) back.add_button(screen) tex = TextInput(text, 50, 180, blue) tex2 = TextInput("Select a plot to view: ", 50, 750, blue) tex.add_text(screen) tex2.add_text(screen) title.add_button(screen)
def screen1(text="Enter reservoir properties: "): screen.fill((250, 250, 250)) screen.blit(icon, (10, 10)) rec = pygame.Rect(left_margin, top_margin - 10, win_width - left_margin * 2, win_height - top_margin * 1.15) pygame.draw.rect(screen, (10, 10, 200), rec, border_radius=25) solve.add_button(screen) clear.add_button(screen) tex = TextInput(text, 150, 150, blue) tex.add_text(screen) title.add_button(screen) add_texts(screen, texts) add_textboxes(screen, boxes)
pygame.display.flip() def loop1(): first_screen(screen) while 1: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos() if versus_ra.rect.collidepoint(pos): screen.fill((250, 250, 250)) title.add_button(screen) Xbutton.add_button(screen) Obutton.add_button(screen) choose.add_text(screen) loop_select("is_random") if versus_hu.rect.collidepoint(pos): player1, player2 = "X", "O" cplayer = choice([player1, player2]) p1 = Player(player1) p2 = Player(player2) is_human(p1, p2, cplayer) pygame.display.flip() def loop_select(against): while 1: for event in pygame.event.get():