def text(): if request.method == 'POST': if request.form['text']: #for mac: airport -s pattern1 = r"\s*(.*)\s+(([0-9a-f]{2}:){5}[0-9a-f]{2})" #for windows: powershell or cmd -- netsh wlan show network mode=bssid pattern2 = r"SSID \d{1,2} : (.*)\n.*\n.*\n.*\n.*(([0-9a-f]{2}:){5}[0-9a-f]{2})" #order is very important! if re.compile(pattern2, re.M).findall(request.form['text']): pattern = pattern2 else: pattern = pattern1 ssid = [] bssid = [] for ss, bss, dummy in re.compile(pattern, re.M).findall(request.form['text']): ssid.append(ss) bssid.append(bss) if len(ssid) == 0 or len(bssid) == 0: return redirect(url_for('index')) w = wifilib.wifi() wifi = w.query(ssid, bssid) if wifi['err']: return jsonify({'total':0, 'err':wifi['err'], 'msg':wifi['msg']}) total = len(wifi['ssid']) if total == 0: return jsonify({'total':0, 'err':0, 'msg':'not found!'}) task = query_task.apply_async((wifi['ssid'], wifi['bssid'])) return jsonify({'total':total, 'err':0, 'msg':'waiting...'}), 202, {'Location': url_for('taskstatus',} return redirect(url_for('index'))
def text(): if request.method == 'POST': res='' if request.form['text']: res=request.form['text'] else: p = subprocess.Popen('netsh wlan show network mode=bssid', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) for line in p.stdout.readlines(): res+=line #for windows: powershell or cmd -- netsh wlan show network mode=bssid pattern2 = r"SSID \d{1,2} : (.*)\n.*\n.*\n.*\n.*(([0-9a-f]{2}:){5}[0-9a-f]{2})" #order is very important! if re.compile(pattern2, re.M).findall(res): pattern = pattern2 ssid = [] bssid = [] for ss, bss, dummy in re.compile(pattern, re.M).findall(res): ssid.append(ss.strip('\r')) bssid.append(bss) if len(ssid) == 0 or len(bssid) == 0: return redirect(url_for('index')) w = wifilib.wifi() wifi = w.query(ssid, bssid) if wifi['err']: return jsonify({'total':0, 'err':wifi['err'], 'msg':wifi['msg']}) total = len(wifi['ssid']) if total == 0: return jsonify({'total':0, 'err':0, 'msg':'not found!'}) task = query_task.apply_async((wifi['ssid'], wifi['bssid'])) return jsonify({'total':total, 'err':0, 'msg':'waiting...'}), 202, {'Location': url_for('taskstatus',} return redirect(url_for('index'))
def request_task(self, ssid, bssid): w = wifilib.wifi() self.update_state(state='REQUEST', meta={'ssid':ssid, 'bssid':bssid}) rsp = w.request(ssid, bssid) if rsp['flag']: del rsp['flag'] del rsp['msg'] return rsp else: return rsp
def runtest(self): c = c.checkForContacts() w = wifi.wifi() w.wifiTest() n = note.Note() n.testNotes() a = a.apptest() p = p.phototest() v = v.videotest() m = media.Media() m.MediaCheck()
def query_task(self, ssid, bssid): ''' err:0, data:[{'ssid':xx, 'bssid':xx}, ...] ''' w = wifilib.wifi() data = [] total = len(ssid) for i in xrange(total): self.update_state(state='REQUEST', meta={'ssid':ssid[i], 'bssid':bssid[i], 'index':i, 'total':total}) rsp = w.request(ssid[i], bssid[i]) if rsp['flag']: del rsp['flag'] del rsp['msg'] data.append(rsp) return {'err':0,'total':len(data),'data':data, 'index':len(data)}
def text(): if request.method == 'POST': if request.form['text']: #for mac: airport -s pattern1 = r"\s*(.*)\s+(([0-9a-f]{2}:){5}[0-9a-f]{2})" #for windows: powershell or cmd -- netsh wlan show network mode=bssid pattern2 = r"SSID \d{1,2} : (.*)\n.*\n.*\n.*\n.*(([0-9a-f]{2}:){5}[0-9a-f]{2})" #order is very important! if re.compile(pattern2, re.M).findall(request.form['text']): pattern = pattern2 else: pattern = pattern1 ssid = [] bssid = [] for ss, bss, dummy in re.compile(pattern, re.M).findall( request.form['text']): ssid.append(ss) bssid.append(bss) if len(ssid) == 0 or len(bssid) == 0: return redirect(url_for('index')) w = wifilib.wifi() wifi = w.query(ssid, bssid) if wifi['err']: return jsonify({ 'total': 0, 'err': wifi['err'], 'msg': wifi['msg'] }) total = len(wifi['ssid']) if total == 0: return jsonify({'total': 0, 'err': 0, 'msg': 'not found!'}) task = query_task.apply_async((wifi['ssid'], wifi['bssid'])) return jsonify({ 'total': total, 'err': 0, 'msg': 'waiting...' }), 202, { 'Location': url_for('taskstatus', } return redirect(url_for('index'))
def wifi(self): w = wifi.wifi() w.wifiTest()
import asyncio import statusled import logger from time import sleep import wifi import sensor log = logger.logger() led = statusled.led() wifi = wifi.wifi() #log.action("work") led.checkLed() #import setup #wifi.isInternetOn() #wifi.setWifi('<ssid>','<passphrase>') #wifi.isInternetOn()
from qrReader import qrReader from wifi import wifi from statusled import led from time import sleep led = led() qr = qrReader() wifi = wifi() if(wifi.isInternetOn()): ssid, password = led.yellow() wifi.setWifi(ssid,password) while(not wifi.isInternetOn()): sleep(1) """ ssid=<SSID> psk=<passphrase> """
import ds3231 i2c = I2C(0, scl=22, sda=21) ds = ds3231.DS3231(i2c) rtc = RTC() ds.alarm1_tm ds.rtc_tm import settings import wifi wifi_settings = settings.load_settings("wifi.json") ip_addr = wifi.connect_sta(wifi_settings['SSID'], wifi_settings['Password'], wifi_settings['Hostname']) import ntptime ntp_settings = settings.load_settings("ntp.json") ntptime.ntp_query("") ds.rtc import settings import wifi wifi_settings = settings.load_settings("wifi.json") ip_addr = wifi.connect_sta(wifi_settings['SSID'], wifi_settings['Password'], wifi_settings['Hostname']) print(''.join('{:02x} '.format(x) for x in ds.read_ds3231_rtc())) import settings import wifi ws = settings.load_settings("wifi.json") w = wifi.wifi(ws) w.connect()
def main(): # LED output - turn it on whilst we're booting... led = Pin(2, Pin.OUT) led.value(1) # Initialise the DS3231 battery-backed RTC i2c = I2C(0, scl=22, sda=21) ds = ds3231.DS3231(i2c) print("DS3231 time : {}".format(ds.rtc_tm)) print("Hands position: {}".format(ds.alarm1_tm)) # Initialise the mechanical clock clock = dgclock.DGClock("clock.json", ds.alarm1) # Read the config file, and initialise hands at last known position # Intialise the display ui = dgui.DGUI(clock.hands_tm) # Read the WiFi settings wifi_settings = settings.load_settings("wifi.json") network = wifi.wifi(wifi_settings) # Read the NTP server to use ntp_settings = settings.load_settings("ntp.json") next_ntp_sync = ds.rtc + 30 # First sync attempt after 30 seconds set_time = 0 # Resetting the DS RTC not needed try: while True: # Tell the UI what the time is ui.now_tm = ds.rtc_tod_tm now = ds.rtc_tod # Move the clock to show current TOD unless stopped if ui.mode == 'Normal' or ui.mode == 'Set': clock.move(now) # Update the non-volatile copy of the hand position ds.alarm1_tm = clock.hands_tm sleep_ms(10) # Allow time for this to complete - DS3231 write can fail otherwise # LED states if clock.mode == "Run" and ui.now_tm[3] == 22 and ui.now_tm[4] == 0: # Run mode - on at 22:00:00 until 22:01:00 led.value(1) elif clock.mode == "Wait": # Wait mode - on led.value(1) elif clock.mode == "Fast" and clock.hands_tm[5] % 2 == 0: # Fast mode - on for even seconds led.value(1) else: # Otherwise off led.value(0) # Tell the UI where the clock thinks the hands are ui.hands_tm = clock.hands_tm ui.clock_mode = clock.mode # Check that we have a WiFi connection, and attempt to reconnect if it's dropped network.connect() # Handle any button presses if ui.handle_buttons(): # Adjust hands was selected, so copy from UI to the clock clock.hands_tm = ui.time_to_set # Update the screen ui.update_screen() # Periodically re-sync the clocks if ds.rtc > next_ntp_sync: print("Querying {}".format(ntp_settings['NTP'])) (ntp_time, millis, ticks) = ntptime.ntp_query(ntp_settings['NTP']) old_time = ds.rtc if ntp_time is not None: #ds.rtc = ntp_time # Copy the received time into the RTC as quickly as possible to minimise error error_ms = 1000 - millis # Convert fractional part to error in milliseconds set_at_ticks = ticks_add(ticks, error_ms) set_time = ntp_time + 1 print("Got {}.{:03d} @ {} - error in milliseconds {} - setting {} @ {}".format(ntp_time, millis, ticks, error_ms, set_time, set_at_ticks)) next_ntp_sync = ntp_time + 3654 # Just a bit less than once an hour #print("Sync (disabled) RTC to NTP - {} (delta {})".format(ds.rtc_tod_tm, old_time - ntp_time)) else: ui.ntp_sync = False next_ntp_sync = ds.rtc + 321 # Just a bit more than five minutes print("NTP sync failed at {}".format(ui.now_tm)) else: gc.collect() # Don't waste time garbage collecting if we're also setting the clock if set_time > 0: tick_err = ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), set_at_ticks) if -100 < tick_err and tick_err < 100: # Allow a 100ms "buffer" ds.rtc = set_time ui.ntp_sync = True print("Set DS RTC {} ({}) @ {}".format(set_time, ds.rtc_tm, ticks_ms())) set_time = 0 elif tick_err > 100: # Missed - try again on the next second set_time += 1 set_at_ticks = ticks_add(set_at_ticks, 1000) print("Missed the ticks - trying again @ {}".format(set_at_ticks)) else: print("Tick error {}".format(tick_err)) except KeyboardInterrupt: # Try to relinquish the I2C bus print("Hands left at : {}".format(ds.alarm1_tm)) i2c.deinit() ui.tft.deinit()