예제 #1
def main():
    KNN, zone_int_dict = get_model()
    # no duplicate value, so reverse this dictionary
    int_zone_dict = dict(zip(zone_int_dict.values(), zone_int_dict.keys()))
    file_list = glob.glob(local_path + date_time + '/*csv.gz')
    # mac_sn_dict : { (mac_address,time_accurate_to_10_seconds):[signal_strength according to the routers] }
    mac_sn_dict = {}
    for f in file_list:
        placement_name = re.findall("\d{7}", f)[0]
        router_bssid = PLC_ROUTER_DICT[placement_name]
            with gzip.open(f, 'rb') as fp:
                reader = csv.reader(fp)
                for row in reader:
                    # jump first row
                    if reader.line_num == 1:
                    # process each ros
                    mac = str(row[3]).lower()
                    ssid = str(row[7])
                    time = int(row[0]) / 10 * 10
                    sn = int(row[6])
                    if router_bssid in ROUTERS:
                        index = ROUTERS.index(router_bssid)
                        # routers a,b,c if phone send 2 pkgs(c,d) c is detected by a, d is detected by b,c ,can get good result without seqid as key
                        tmp_key = (mac, time)
                        if tmp_key not in mac_sn_dict:
                            mac_sn_dict[tmp_key] = [-100] * ROUTERS_NUM
                        mac_sn_dict[tmp_key][index] = sn

        except Exception as e:
            print e
            print f
    fout = open(RESULT_CSV, 'w')
    writer = csv.writer(fout)
    writer.writerow(['mac', 'time'] + ROUTERS + ['zone'])
    vender_checker = get_vendor_checker()
    data_row_cache = []

    for key in mac_sn_dict:
        mac = key[0]
        if str(mac) in ROUTERS:
        vender = vender_checker.get_manuf(str(mac))
        time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(key[1] - 8 * 60 * 60)  # transfer to local time
        x_data = np.array([map(int, mac_sn_dict[key])])
        predict_result = int_zone_dict[int((KNN.predict(x_data)[0]))]
        tmp_probability = max(KNN.predict_proba(x_data)[0])
        data_row_cache.append([mac, time] + mac_sn_dict[key] + [predict_result, vender])

    print 'sort the result'
    data_row_cache = sorted(data_row_cache, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))

    for row in data_row_cache:
    print 'finished'
def main_process():
    KNN, path_int_dict = get_model()
    # no duplicate value, so reverse this dictionary
    int_path_dict = dict(zip(path_int_dict.values(), path_int_dict.keys()))
    file_list = glob.glob(SRC_FOLDER + '/*csv.gz')
    # mac_sn_dict : { (mac_address,time_accurate_to_10_seconds):[signal_strength according to the routers] }
    mac_sn_dict = {}
    for f in file_list:
        placement_name = re.findall("\d{7}", f)[0]
        router_bssid = PLC_ROUTER_DICT[placement_name]
            with gzip.open(f, 'rb') as fp:
                reader = csv.reader(fp)
                for row in reader:
                    # jump first row
                    if reader.line_num == 1:
                    # process each ros
                    mac = str(row[3]).lower()
                    ssid = str(row[7])
                    time = int(row[0]) / 10 * 10
                    sn = int(row[6])
                    if router_bssid in ROUTERS:
                        index = ROUTERS.index(router_bssid)
                        tmp_key = (mac, time)
                        if tmp_key not in mac_sn_dict:
                            mac_sn_dict[tmp_key] = [-100] * ROUTERS_NUM
                        mac_sn_dict[tmp_key][index] = sn

        except Exception as e:
            print e
            print f
    fout = open(RESULT_CSV, 'w')
    writer = csv.writer(fout)
    writer.writerow(['mac', 'time'] + ROUTERS + ['path', 'probability', 'vendor'])
    data_row_cache = []
    for key in mac_sn_dict:
        mac = key[0]
        if str(mac) in ROUTERS:
        time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(key[1] + 8 * 60 * 60)  # transfer to local time
        data_row_cache.append([mac, time] + mac_sn_dict[key])

    print 'sort the result'
    data_row_cache = sorted(data_row_cache, key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1]))

    row_len = len(data_row_cache)
    diff_sn_cache = []
    new_data_row_cache = []
    for i in range(row_len - 2):
        mac_a = data_row_cache[i][0]
        mac_b = data_row_cache[i + 1][0]
        # delete last row, save the info in new_data_row_cache
        if mac_a != mac_b:
        start_sn_list = data_row_cache[i][-3:]
        end_sn_list = data_row_cache[i + 1][-3:]
        # A to B
        diff_sn = [x - y for (x, y) in zip(end_sn_list, start_sn_list)]

    # predict
    predict_result = KNN.predict(numpy.array(diff_sn_cache))
    proba_result = KNN.predict_proba(numpy.array(diff_sn_cache))

    # add path,probability,vendor
    row_len = len(new_data_row_cache)
    vender_checker = get_vendor_checker()
    for i in range(row_len - 1):
        mac = new_data_row_cache[i][0]
        tmp_path = int_path_dict[predict_result[i]]
        tmp_proba = max(proba_result[i])
        vender = vender_checker.get_manuf(str(mac))
        new_data_row_cache[i] += [str(tmp_path), tmp_proba, vender]

    # save in csv
    for row in new_data_row_cache:
    print 'finished'