예제 #1
class RootController(BaseController):
    The root controller for the Wiki-20 application.
    All the other controllers and WSGI applications should be mounted on this
    controller. For example::
        panel = ControlPanelController()
        another_app = AnotherWSGIApplication()
    Keep in mind that WSGI applications shouldn't be mounted directly: They
    must be wrapped around with :class:`tg.controllers.WSGIAppController`.

    error = ErrorController()

    def index(self, pagename="FrontPage"):
        page = DBSession.query(Page).filter_by(pagename=pagename).one()
        return dict(wikipage=page)

    def edit(self, pagename):
        page = DBSession.query(Page).filter_by(pagename=pagename).one()
        return dict(wikipage=page)

    def about(self):
        """Handle the 'about' page."""
        return dict(page='about')
예제 #2
class RootController(BaseController):
    The root controller for the Wiki-20 application.
    All the other controllers and WSGI applications should be mounted on this
    controller. For example::
        panel = ControlPanelController()
        another_app = AnotherWSGIApplication()
    Keep in mind that WSGI applications shouldn't be mounted directly: They
    must be wrapped around with :class:`tg.controllers.WSGIAppController`.
    error = ErrorController()

    def index(self):
        """Handle the front-page."""
        return dict(page='index')

    def about(self):
        """Handle the 'about' page."""
        return dict(page='about')
예제 #3
class RootController(BaseController):
    The root controller for the Wiki-20 application.
    All the other controllers and WSGI applications should be mounted on this
    controller. For example::
        panel = ControlPanelController()
        another_app = AnotherWSGIApplication()
    Keep in mind that WSGI applications shouldn't be mounted directly: They
    must be wrapped around with :class:`tg.controllers.WSGIAppController`.
    error = ErrorController()

    def _default(self, pagename="FrontPage"):
            page = DBSession.query(Page).filter_by(pagename=pagename).one()
        except InvalidRequestError:
            raise redirect("notfound", pagename = pagename)
        content = publish_parts(page.data, writer_name="html")["html_body"]
        root = url('/')
        content = wikiwords.sub(r'<a href="%s\1">\1</a>' % root, content)
        return dict(content=content, wikipage=page)

    def edit(self, pagename):
        page = DBSession.query(Page).filter_by(pagename=pagename).one()
        return dict(wikipage=page)

    def about(self):
        """Handle the 'about' page."""
        return dict(page='about')

    def save(self, pagename, data, submit):
        page = DBSession.query(Page).filter_by(pagename=pagename).one()
        page.data = data
        redirect("/" + pagename)
    def notfound(self, pagename):
        page = Page(pagename=pagename, data="")
        return dict(wikipage=page)
    def pagelist(self):
        pages = [page.pagename for page in DBSession.query(Page)]
        return dict(pages=pages)
예제 #4
class RootController(BaseController):
    def index(self, username, password):
        return {
            str("Hello world via template replacement. Username is: " +
                username + " Password is: " + password),

    The root controller for the Wiki-20 application.

    All the other controllers and WSGI applications should be mounted on this
    controller. For example::

        panel = ControlPanelController()
        another_app = AnotherWSGIApplication()

    Keep in mind that WSGI applications shouldn't be mounted directly: They
    must be wrapped around with :class:`tg.controllers.WSGIAppController`.

    secc = SecureController()

    admin = AdminController(model, DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig)

    error = ErrorController()

    #def index(self):
    #   """Handle the front-page."""
    #  return dict(hello='=-)',page='index')

    def about(self):
        """Handle the 'about' page."""
        return dict(page='about')

    def environ(self):
        """This method showcases TG's access to the wsgi environment."""
        return dict(environment=request.environ)

    def data(self, **kw):
        """This method showcases how you can use the same controller for a data page and a display page"""
        return dict(params=kw)

    def auth(self):
        """Display some information about auth* on this application."""
        return dict(page='auth')

    @require(predicates.has_permission('manage', msg=l_('Only for managers')))
    def manage_permission_only(self, **kw):
        """Illustrate how a page for managers only works."""
        return dict(page='managers stuff')

    @require(predicates.is_user('editor', msg=l_('Only for the editor')))
    def editor_user_only(self, **kw):
        """Illustrate how a page exclusive for the editor works."""
        return dict(page='editor stuff')

    def hello(self):
        return "Hello world from the controller"

    def login(self, came_from=url('/')):
        """Start the user login."""
        login_counter = request.environ['repoze.who.logins']
        if login_counter > 0:
            flash(_('Wrong credentials'), 'warning')
        return dict(page='login',

    def post_login(self, came_from='/'):
        Redirect the user to the initially requested page on successful
        authentication or redirect her back to the login page if login failed.

        if not request.identity:
            login_counter = request.environ['repoze.who.logins'] + 1
            redirect('/login', came_from=came_from, __logins=login_counter)
        userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid']
        flash(_('Welcome back, %s!') % userid)

    def post_logout(self, came_from=url('/')):
        Redirect the user to the initially requested page on logout and say
        goodbye as well.

        flash(_('We hope to see you soon!'))
예제 #5
class RootController(BaseController):
    The root controller for the Wiki-20 application.

    All the other controllers and WSGI applications should be mounted on this
    controller. For example::

        panel = ControlPanelController()
        another_app = AnotherWSGIApplication()

    Keep in mind that WSGI applications shouldn't be mounted directly: They
    must be wrapped around with :class:`tg.controllers.WSGIAppController`.

    secc = SecureController()

    admin = AdminController(model, DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig)

    error = ErrorController()

    def _default(self, pagename="FrontPage"):
        """Handle the front-page."""
            page = DBSession.query(Page).filter_by(pagename=pagename).one()
        except InvalidRequestError:
            raise redirect("notfound", pagename=pagename)
        content = publish_parts(page.data, writer_name="html")["html_body"]
        root = url('/')
        content = wikiwords.sub(r'<a href="%s\1">\1</a>' % root, content)
        return dict(content=content, wikipage=page)

    def notfound(self, pagename):
        page = Page(pagename=pagename, data="")
        return dict(wikipage=page)

    def edit(self, pagename):
        page = DBSession.query(Page).filter_by(pagename=pagename).one()
        return dict(wikipage=page)

    def save(self, pagename, data, submit):
        page = DBSession.query(Page).filter_by(pagename=pagename).one()
        page.data = data
        redirect("/" + pagename)

    def pagelist(self):
        pages = [
            for page in DBSession.query(Page).order_by(Page.pagename)
        return dict(pages=pages)

    def about(self):
        """Handle the 'about' page."""
        return dict(page='about')

    def environ(self):
        """This method showcases TG's access to the wsgi environment."""
        return dict(environment=request.environ)

    def data(self, **kw):
        """This method showcases how you can use the same controller for a data page and a display page"""
        return dict(params=kw)

    def auth(self):
        """Display some information about auth* on this application."""
        return dict(page='auth')

    @require(predicates.has_permission('manage', msg=l_('Only for managers')))
    def manage_permission_only(self, **kw):
        """Illustrate how a page for managers only works."""
        return dict(page='managers stuff')

    @require(predicates.is_user('editor', msg=l_('Only for the editor')))
    def editor_user_only(self, **kw):
        """Illustrate how a page exclusive for the editor works."""
        return dict(page='editor stuff')

    def login(self, came_from=url('/')):
        """Start the user login."""
        login_counter = request.environ['repoze.who.logins']
        if login_counter > 0:
            flash(_('Wrong credentials'), 'warning')
        return dict(page='login',

    def post_login(self, came_from='/'):
        Redirect the user to the initially requested page on successful
        authentication or redirect her back to the login page if login failed.

        if not request.identity:
            login_counter = request.environ['repoze.who.logins'] + 1
                     params=dict(came_from=came_from, __logins=login_counter))
        userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid']
        flash(_('Welcome back, %s!') % userid)

    def post_logout(self, came_from=url('/')):
        Redirect the user to the initially requested page on logout and say
        goodbye as well.

        flash(_('We hope to see you soon!'))
예제 #6
파일: root.py 프로젝트: jacksonyoudi/wiki20
class RootController(BaseController):
    The root controller for the wiki20 application.

    All the other controllers and WSGI applications should be mounted on this
    controller. For example::

        panel = ControlPanelController()
        another_app = AnotherWSGIApplication()

    Keep in mind that WSGI applications shouldn't be mounted directly: They
    must be wrapped around with :class:`tg.controllers.WSGIAppController`.

    secc = SecureController()
    admin = AdminController(model, DBSession, config_type=TGAdminConfig)

    error = ErrorController()

    def _before(self, *args, **kw):
        tmpl_context.project_name = "wiki20"

    def index(self):
        """Handle the front-page."""
        return dict(page='index')
    def about(self):
        """Handle the 'about' page."""
        return dict(page='about')

    def environ(self):
        """This method showcases TG's access to the wsgi environment."""
        return dict(page='environ', environment=request.environ)

    def data(self, **kw):
        This method showcases how you can use the same controller
        for a data page and a display page.
        return dict(page='data', params=kw)
    @require(predicates.has_permission('manage', msg=l_('Only for managers')))
    def manage_permission_only(self, **kw):
        """Illustrate how a page for managers only works."""
        return dict(page='managers stuff')

    @require(predicates.is_user('editor', msg=l_('Only for the editor')))
    def editor_user_only(self, **kw):
        """Illustrate how a page exclusive for the editor works."""
        return dict(page='editor stuff')

    def login(self, came_from=lurl('/'), failure=None, login=''):
        """Start the user login."""
        if failure is not None:
            if failure == 'user-not-found':
                flash(_('User not found'), 'error')
            elif failure == 'invalid-password':
                flash(_('Invalid Password'), 'error')

        login_counter = request.environ.get('repoze.who.logins', 0)
        if failure is None and login_counter > 0:
            flash(_('Wrong credentials'), 'warning')

        return dict(page='login', login_counter=str(login_counter),
                    came_from=came_from, login=login)

    def post_login(self, came_from=lurl('/')):
        Redirect the user to the initially requested page on successful
        authentication or redirect her back to the login page if login failed.

        if not request.identity:
            login_counter = request.environ.get('repoze.who.logins', 0) + 1
                     params=dict(came_from=came_from, __logins=login_counter))
        userid = request.identity['repoze.who.userid']
        flash(_('Welcome back, %s!') % userid)

        # Do not use tg.redirect with tg.url as it will add the mountpoint
        # of the application twice.
        return HTTPFound(location=came_from)

    def post_logout(self, came_from=lurl('/')):
        Redirect the user to the initially requested page on logout and say
        goodbye as well.

        flash(_('We hope to see you soon!'))
        return HTTPFound(location=came_from)