def plot_shap_value_maps( X_train, masked_shap_arrs, masked_shap_arrs_std, vmin, vmax, std_vmin, std_vmax, map_figure_saver, ): for i, feature in enumerate(tqdm(X_train.columns, desc="Mapping SHAP values")): fig = cube_plotting( masked_shap_arrs[i], fig=plt.figure(figsize=(5.1, 2.8)), title=f"Mean SHAP value for '{shorten_features(feature)}'", cmap="Spectral_r", nbins=7, cmap_midpoint=0, cmap_symmetric=True, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, log=True, log_auto_bins=False, min_edge=1e-3, extend="neither", colorbar_kwargs={ "format": "%0.1e", "label": f"SHAP ('{shorten_features(feature)}')", }, coastline_kwargs={"linewidth": 0.3}, ) map_figure_saver.save_figure( fig, f"shap_value_map_{feature}", sub_directory="shap_map" ) fig = cube_plotting( masked_shap_arrs_std[i], fig=plt.figure(figsize=(5.1, 2.8)), title=f"STD SHAP value for '{shorten_features(feature)}'", cmap="YlOrRd", nbins=7, vmin=std_vmin, vmax=std_vmax, log=True, log_auto_bins=False, min_edge=1e-3, extend="neither", colorbar_kwargs={ "format": "%0.1e", "label": f"SHAP ('{shorten_features(feature)}')", }, coastline_kwargs={"linewidth": 0.3}, ) map_figure_saver.save_figure( fig, f"shap_value_std_map_{feature}", sub_directory="shap_map_std" )
def outputs_plotting(thres, outputs): """Plotting of fire season statistics. Args: thres (float): Threshold used to generate the data. outputs: Output of `wildfires.analysis.thres_fire_season_stats`. """ enable_logging() FigureSaver.debug = True = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "tmp", "fire_season") os.makedirs(, exist_ok=True) for dataset_outputs in outputs: name = dataset_outputs[0] starts = dataset_outputs[1] ends = dataset_outputs[2] sizes = dataset_outputs[3] fractions = dataset_outputs[5] for plot_type, data, cmap, boundaries in zip( ("start (month)", "end (month)", "length (months)", "fraction (1)"), (starts, ends, sizes, fractions), (*("twilight", ) * 2, *("brewer_RdYlBu_11_r", ) * 2), (*(np.arange(0, 12), ) * 3, None), ): with FigureSaver( f"{name}_thres_{str(thres).replace('.', '_')}_{plot_type}" ): mpl.rc("figure", figsize=(7.4, 3.3)) cube_plotting( data, coastline_kwargs=dict(linewidth=0.5), cmap=cmap, label=plot_type, title=name, boundaries=boundaries, ) # Close all figures after saving. plt.close("all")
def outputs_plotting(thres, outputs): """Plotting of fire season fractions in South Africa. Args: thres (float): Threshold used to generate the data. outputs: Output of `wildfires.analysis.thres_fire_season_stats`. """ enable_logging() FigureSaver.debug = True = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "tmp", "south_africa_fire_season_fraction") os.makedirs(, exist_ok=True) for dataset_outputs in outputs: name = dataset_outputs[0] # if name != "GFEDv4": # continue fractions = dataset_outputs[5] for plot_type, data, cmap, boundaries in zip( ("fraction (1)", ), (fractions, ), (*("brewer_RdYlBu_11_r", ) * 1, ), (None, )): data.mask |= get_south_africa_mask() with FigureSaver( f"{name}_thres_{str(thres).replace('.', '_')}_{plot_type}" ): mpl.rc("figure", figsize=(7.4, 3.3)) cube_plotting( data, coastline_kwargs=dict(linewidth=0.5), cmap=cmap, label=plot_type, title=name, boundaries=boundaries, select_valid=True, ) # Close all figures after saving. plt.close("all")
def buffered_leave_one_out( exog_data, endog_data, master_mask, radius, max_rad, seed=0, max_tries=50, extrapolation_check=False, verbose=False, dpi=400, ): """Split data with a single test sample surrounded by ignored data. Data is excluded using a given number of radii up to a given maximum radius (in units of pixels, i.e. grid cells). Args: exog_data, endog_data (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series): Predictor and target variables. master_mask (numpy.ndarray): Mask controlling mapping from `exog_data`, `endog_data` to mapped data. radius (float): Radius (number of pixels) to exclude. max_rad (float): Maximum radius to be attempted. seed (int): Random number generator seed used to dictate where test samples are located. max_tries (int): Number of allowed attempts to find a test sample that is within the train observations, given the maximum excluded radius `max_rad`. extrapolation_check (bool): If True, require that no extrapolation is done during testing relative to the training set. verbose (bool): Plot the training and test masks. dpi (int): Figure dpi. Only used if `verbose` is True. Returns: n_ignored (int): Number of ignored samples. n_train (int): Number of train samples. n_test (int): Number of test samples. total_samples (int): Total number of samples. train_X: Training predictor data. test_X: Test predictor data. train_y: Training target data. test_y: Test training data. Raises: ValueError: If `master_mask` is not a rank 3 array. ValueError: If `master_mask` is not identical across each slice along its first (temporal) dimension. ValueError: If `radius` is larger than `max_rad`. RuntimeError: If no suitable test site can be found within `max_tries`. """ if master_mask.ndim != 3: raise ValueError(f"Expected a rank 3 array, got: {master_mask.ndim}.") if not np.all(np.all(master_mask[:1] == master_mask, axis=0)): raise ValueError("'master_mask' was not identical across each temporal slice.") if radius > (max_rad + 1e-7): raise ValueError("'radius' was larger than 'max_rad'") rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) collapsed_master_mask = master_mask[0] single_total_samples = np.sum(~collapsed_master_mask) total_samples = single_total_samples * master_mask.shape[0] possible_indices = np.array(list(zip(*np.where(~collapsed_master_mask)))) def get_structure(radius): # Generate a rank 2 structure. N = math.ceil(radius * 2) if N % 2 == 0: # Ensure there is an odd number of elements. This results in a symmetric # structure. N += 1 if N > 1: # Calculate the differences to the central index. diffs = (np.arange(N) - N // 2) ** 2 structure = np.sqrt(diffs[np.newaxis] + diffs[:, np.newaxis]) <= ( radius + 1e-7 ) else: structure = np.array([[True]]) # Trim excess False elements. if not np.any(structure[0]): structure = structure[1:] if not np.any(structure[-1]): structure = structure[:-1] if not np.any(structure[:, 0]): structure = structure[:, 1:] if not np.any(structure[:, -1]): structure = structure[:, :-1] if verbose: plt.figure() plt.imshow(structure, cmap="Greys", vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.axis("off") plt.title(f"N={N}, Total={np.sum(structure)}") return structure structure = get_structure(radius) max_rad_structure = get_structure(max_rad) n_train_samples = single_total_samples - np.sum(max_rad_structure) tries = 0 while tries < max_tries: # Select a single test sample. test_indices = possible_indices[rng.integers(len(possible_indices), size=(1,))] hold_out_selection = np.zeros_like(collapsed_master_mask) hold_out_selection[(test_indices[:, 0], test_indices[:, 1])] = True # Select data around the test sample to ignore. ignored_data = apply_structure(hold_out_selection, structure) & ( ~hold_out_selection ) max_rad_ignored_data = apply_structure( hold_out_selection, max_rad_structure ) & (~hold_out_selection) # The remaining data is then used for training, depending on train_frac. possible_train_selection = ( ~(hold_out_selection | ignored_data) & ~collapsed_master_mask ) max_rad_possible_train_selection = ( ~(hold_out_selection | max_rad_ignored_data) & ~collapsed_master_mask ) possible_train_indices = np.array( list(zip(*np.where(possible_train_selection))) ) if len(possible_train_indices) < n_train_samples: raise ValueError( f"Need at least {n_train_samples} samples, but only have " f"{len(possible_train_indices)}." ) # Select train data. train_indices = possible_train_indices[ rng.choice( np.arange(len(possible_train_indices)), size=n_train_samples, replace=False, ) ] train_selection = np.zeros_like(collapsed_master_mask) train_selection[(train_indices[:, 0], train_indices[:, 1])] = True max_rad_train_selection = train_selection & max_rad_possible_train_selection # Apply the master_mask to the training and test data to arrive at the final 3D mask. train_selection = train_selection[None] & (~master_mask) hold_out_selection = hold_out_selection[None] & (~master_mask) max_rad_train_selection = max_rad_train_selection[None] & (~master_mask) if verbose: # Plot a map of the selections. mask_vis = np.zeros_like(master_mask, dtype=np.int32) mask_vis[hold_out_selection] = 1 mask_vis[train_selection] = 2 cube_plotting( np.mean(mask_vis, axis=0), title=str(seed), fig=plt.figure(dpi=dpi), ) # Transform X, y to 3D arrays before selecting using the above masks. mm_endog = get_map_data(endog_data.values, master_mask) train_y =[train_selection] hold_out_y =[hold_out_selection] # Repeat for all columns in X. train_X_data = {} hold_out_X_data = {} max_rad_train_X_data = {} for col in exog_data.columns: mm_x_col = get_map_data(exog_data[col].values, master_mask) train_X_data[col] =[train_selection] hold_out_X_data[col] =[hold_out_selection] max_rad_train_X_data[col] =[max_rad_train_selection] train_X = pd.DataFrame(train_X_data) hold_out_X = pd.DataFrame(hold_out_X_data) max_rad_train_X = pd.DataFrame(max_rad_train_X_data) # Verify that test data for the largest radius is within the range of # observations in the train data. # For each test sample, require at least one train sample where ALL variables # exceed all test variables, and likewise require at least one train sample # where ALL variables are lower. for test_values in hold_out_X.values: if extrapolation_check and ( not np.any(np.all(test_values <= max_rad_train_X.values, axis=1)) or not np.any(np.all(test_values >= max_rad_train_X.values, axis=1)) ): logger.warning("Data range test failed.") break else: # If the test above passed, i.e. 'break' was never encountered. n_ignored = np.sum(ignored_data[None] & (~master_mask)) n_train = np.sum(train_selection) n_hold_out = np.sum(hold_out_selection) assert np.sum(max_rad_train_selection) <= n_train predicted_y = threading_get_model_predict( X_train=train_X, y_train=train_y, predict_X=hold_out_X, ) return ( test_indices[0], n_ignored, n_train, n_hold_out, total_samples, hold_out_y, predicted_y, ) tries += 1 logger.warning(f"Trying another sample location ({tries} failed tries).") raise RuntimeError("No suitable site could be found.")
def random_binary_dilation_split( exog_data, endog_data, structure, master_mask, test_frac=0.05, train_frac=None, seed=0, verbose=False, dpi=400, ): """Split data with the test data surrounded by ignored data. The shape and quantity of ignored data is dictated by `structure`. Note: Need ~dpi=1400 to see the divisions clearly (`verbose=True`). Args: exog_data, endog_data (pd.DataFrame, pd.Series): Predictor and target variables. structure ((N, N) numpy.ndarray): Structure used to dictate ignored data around the test samples. master_mask (numpy.ndarray): Mask controlling mapping from `exog_data`, `endog_data` to mapped data. test_frac (float): Fraction of samples to reserve for testing. train_frac (float or None): Fraction of samples to use for training. If `None` is given, all possible samples will be used. seed (int): Random number generator seed used to dictate where test samples are located. verbose (bool): Plot the training and test masks. dpi (int): Figure dpi. Only used if `verbose` is True. Returns: desc_str: Descriptive string. (total_samples, n_ignored, n_train, n_hold_out): Split statistics. train_X: Training predictor data. hold_out_X: Test predictor data. train_y: Training target data. hold_out_y: Test training data. Raises: ValueError: If `master_mask` is not a rank 3 array. ValueError: If `master_mask` is not identical across each slice along its first (temporal) dimension. ValueError: If `train_frac` cannot be satisfied, e.g. because too many samples are being used for testing and exclusion zones around test samples. """ if master_mask.ndim != 3: raise ValueError(f"Expected a rank 3 array, got: {master_mask.ndim}.") if not np.all(np.all(master_mask[:1] == master_mask, axis=0)): raise ValueError("'master_mask' was not identical across each temporal slice.") rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) collapsed_master_mask = master_mask[0] single_total_samples = np.sum(~collapsed_master_mask) total_samples = single_total_samples * master_mask.shape[0] possible_indices = np.array(list(zip(*np.where(~collapsed_master_mask)))) # Per time slice. n_test_samples = round(single_total_samples * test_frac) # Select test data. test_indices = possible_indices[ rng.choice(np.arange(len(possible_indices)), size=n_test_samples, replace=False) ] hold_out_selection = np.zeros_like(collapsed_master_mask) hold_out_selection[(test_indices[:, 0], test_indices[:, 1])] = True # Select data around the test data to ignore. ignored_data = ndimage.binary_dilation(hold_out_selection, structure) & ( ~hold_out_selection ) # The remaining data is then used for training, depending on train_frac. possible_train_selection = ( ~(hold_out_selection | ignored_data) & ~collapsed_master_mask ) if train_frac is None: train_selection = possible_train_selection else: possible_train_indices = np.array( list(zip(*np.where(possible_train_selection))) ) n_train_samples = round(single_total_samples * train_frac) if len(possible_train_indices) < n_train_samples: raise ValueError( f"Need at least {n_train_samples} samples to satisfy train_frac: " f"{train_frac}, but only have {len(possible_train_indices)} " f"({len(possible_train_indices) / single_total_samples:0.4f})." ) # Select train data. train_indices = possible_train_indices[ rng.choice( np.arange(len(possible_train_indices)), size=n_train_samples, replace=False, ) ] train_selection = np.zeros_like(collapsed_master_mask) train_selection[(train_indices[:, 0], train_indices[:, 1])] = True # Apply the master_mask to the training and test data to arrive at the final 3D mask. train_selection = train_selection[None] & (~master_mask) hold_out_selection = hold_out_selection[None] & (~master_mask) if verbose: # Plot a map of the selections. mask_vis = np.zeros_like(master_mask, dtype=np.int32) mask_vis[hold_out_selection] = 1 mask_vis[train_selection] = 2 cube_plotting( np.mean(mask_vis, axis=0), title=str(seed), fig=plt.figure(dpi=dpi), ) # Transform X, y to 3D arrays before selecting using the above masks. mm_endog = get_map_data(endog_data.values, master_mask) train_y =[train_selection] hold_out_y =[hold_out_selection] # Repeat for all columns in X. train_X_data = {} hold_out_X_data = {} for col in exog_data.columns: mm_x_col = get_map_data(exog_data[col].values, master_mask) train_X_data[col] =[train_selection] hold_out_X_data[col] =[hold_out_selection] train_X = pd.DataFrame(train_X_data) hold_out_X = pd.DataFrame(hold_out_X_data) n_ignored = np.sum(ignored_data[None] & (~master_mask)) n_train = np.sum(train_selection) n_hold_out = np.sum(hold_out_selection) desc_str = ( f"Total samples: {total_samples:0.1e}, " f"Ignored: {100 * n_ignored / total_samples: 0.1f}%, " f"Train: {100 * n_train / total_samples: 0.1f}%, " f"Test: {100 * n_hold_out / total_samples: 0.1f}%" ) return ( desc_str, (total_samples, n_ignored, n_train, n_hold_out), train_X, hold_out_X, train_y, hold_out_y, )