def chng_passwd(log_crd): sg.change_look_and_feel(th) passwd = sg.Window('Change Password', keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0),gsys(1)), element_justification='c') # begin with a blank form layout = [ [sg.Text('')], [sg.Text('')], [sg.Text('Change Password !\n\n',font='Ariel 32')], [sg.Text("New Password", font="Ariel 20", size=(20, 1)), sg.InputText(password_char='*',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text('')], [sg.Text("Confirm Password", font="Ariel 20", size=(20, 1)), sg.InputText(password_char='*',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text('')], [sg.Submit(font="Ariel 20", size=(20, 1))] ] button, values = passwd.Layout(layout).Read() new_passwd = values[0] confirm_passwd = values[1] passwd.Close() if (new_passwd==confirm_passwd) : crdent.passwd = new_passwd return crdent.uname + '::' + new_passwd + '::' else: return chng_passwd(log_crd)
def usercheck(): check = str('false') sg.change_look_and_feel(th) layout = [ [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Create Account \n', font='Ariel 32')], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Username', font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText('Username', font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("(Username must be of atleast 4 characters)")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Submit( size=(20, 2), font="Ariel 20"), sg.Button("Cancel", size=(20, 2), font="Ariel 20")] ] usrname = sg.Window('Create Account', layout, keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0), gsys(1)), element_justification='c') while True: button, values = if (button == sg.WIN_CLOSED or button == 'Cancel'): usr = "******" break if (button == 'Submit'): if (len(values[0]) < 4): sg.popup_ok("Username must be of atleast 4 characters !", keep_on_top=True) elif (len(values[0]) > 20): sg.popup_ok("Username must be of atmost 20 characters !", keep_on_top=True) else: usr = values[0] break usrname.Close() return usr
def menu(): sg.change_look_and_feel(th) menu = sg.Window('Main Menu', keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0),gsys(1)), element_justification='c') # begin with a blank form layout = [ [sg.Text("\n"*int(gsys(1)/100))], [sg.Button('Login',size=(32,3), font="Ariel 32", button_color=('white','lime'))], [sg.Text('')], [sg.Button('Create Account',size=(32,3), font="Ariel 32",button_color=('white','blue'))], [sg.Text('')], [sg.Button('Exit', size=(32,3), font="Ariel 32",button_color=('white','red'))] ] button ,values = menu.Layout(layout).Read() b1=button menu.Close() return b1
def create_acc(usr): wrong_text='' sg.change_look_and_feel(th) layout = [ [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Create Account \n',font='Ariel 32')], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Username',font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.Text(f'{usr}',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('First name',font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText('First name',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Last name', font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText('Last name',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Email', font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText('Email',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Phone no.', font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText('Phone no.',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Password', font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText('Password', password_char='*',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Confirm Password',font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText('Password', password_char='*',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("\n")], [sg.Submit(size=(20,2),font="Ariel 20"),sg.Cancel(size=(20,2),font="Ariel 20")] ] form = sg.Window('Create Account',layout, keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0), gsys(1)),element_justification='c') # begin with a blank form while True : button, values = if (button == "Cancel" or button == sg.WIN_CLOSED): form.Close() return "return code 913372" if len(values[0]) >= 4 and len(values[0]) >= 3 and len(values[1]) >= 3 and len(values[4]) >= 8 and len(values[2]) < 50 and len(values[3]) == 10 : if values[4] == values[5]: details = usr + '::' + values[4] + '::' + values[0] + '::' + values[1] + '::' + values[2] + '::' + values[3] form.Close() sg.popup_ok(f"Creating Account with username {usr}",keep_on_top=True) return details else: sg.popup_ok("Password didn't match !",keep_on_top=True) else : sg.popup_ok("Username should have atleast 4 characters !\nFirst name should have atleast 3 characters !\nLast name should have atleast 3 characters !\nPhone number must be of 10 digits !\nEmail should not have more than 50 characters !\nPassword should have atleast 8 characters !",keep_on_top=True)
def edit(): sg.change_look_and_feel(th) form = sg.Window('Edit Details', keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0),gsys(1)), element_justification='c') # begin with a blank form layout = [ [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Edit Details \n',font="Ariel 32")], [sg.Text(f'Username {crdent.uname}\n',font="Ariel 26")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('First name',font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText(f'{crdent.fname}',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Last name',font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText(f'{crdent.lname}',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Email',font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText(f'{}',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Phone no.',font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText(f'{[:10]}',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("\n")], [sg.Submit(size=(20,2),font="Ariel 20")] ] while True: button, values = form.Layout(layout).Read() fname = values[0] lname = values[1] email = values[2] phone_no=values[3] if len(fname)>=3 and len(lname)>=3 and len(phone_no)==10 and len(email)<50: details = crdent.uname + '::' + crdent.passwd + '::' + fname + '::' + lname + '::' + email + '::' + phone_no sg.popup_ok("Details Changed !",keep_on_top=True) form.Close() return details else: sg.change_look_and_feel(th) wrong_a = sg.FlexForm('Error !') # begin with a blank form layout = [ [sg.Text("First name should have atleast 3 characters !\nLast name should have atleast 3 characters !\nPhone number must be of 10 digits !\nEmail should not have more than 50 characters !\n")], [sg.Button('OK')] ] button,values= wrong_a.Layout(layout).Read() wrong_a.Close()
def loggedin(log_crd): crdfinder(log_crd) sg.change_look_and_feel(th) options = sg.Window('View Details', keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0),gsys(1)), element_justification='c') # begin with a blank form layout = [ [sg.Text('')], [sg.Text(f'Welcome {crdent.fname} {crdent.lname} ',size=(40,2), font="Ariel 32")], [sg.Text('')], [sg.Button("Order",size=(20,3), font="Ariel 32"),sg.Button("Order History",size=(20,3), font="Ariel 32")], [sg.Button("View Details",size=(20,3), font="Ariel 32"),sg.Button("Edit Details",size=(20,3), font="Ariel 32")], [sg.Button("Change Password",size=(20,3), font="Ariel 32"),sg.Button("Feedback",size=(20,3), font="Ariel 32")], [sg.Button("Logout", font="Ariel 32")] ] button,values = options.Layout(layout).Read() l_choice = button options.Close() return l_choice
def curr_passwd(): sg.change_look_and_feel(th) passwd = sg.Window('Change Password', keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0),gsys(1)), element_justification='c') # begin with a blank form layout = [ [sg.Text('\nChange Password !\n\n',font="Ariel 32")], [sg.Text("Current Password", font="Ariel 20", size=(20, 1)), sg.InputText( password_char='*',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text('')], [sg.Text('')], [sg.Submit(font="Ariel 20", size=(20, 1)),sg.Cancel(font="Ariel 20", size=(20, 1))] ] button, values = passwd.Layout(layout).Read() if button == 'Cancel' or button==sg.WIN_CLOSED: passwd.Close() return "error code 913372" current_passwd = values[0] passwd.Close() return crdent.uname+"::"+current_passwd+"::"
def view(log_crd): crdfinder(log_crd) sg.change_look_and_feel(th) pdet = sg.Window('View Details', keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0),gsys(1)), element_justification='c') # begin with a blank form layout = [ [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('User Details \n', font="Ariel 32", size=(50, 2),justification="c")], [sg.Frame(layout=[ [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text(f' Username :: {crdent.uname}\n\n First Name :: {crdent.fname}\n\n Last Name :: {crdent.lname}\n\n Email :: {}\n\n Contact no. :: {}',font="Ariel 22",size=(35,10))], [sg.Text("")] ] ,title='Details')], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Button(" < Back", font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1))] ] button,values = pdet.Layout(layout).Read() pdet.Close()
def feedback(): fed_bck=' ' sg.change_look_and_feel(th) feed = sg.Window('Feedback', keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0),gsys(1)), element_justification='c') # begin with a blank form layout = [ [sg.Text('')], [sg.Text('Feedback',font='Ariel 32')], [sg.Text('')], [sg.Text('')], [sg.Multiline(size=(60, 10),font='Ariel 20')], [sg.Button('Send',size=(20,2),font='Ariel 26'),sg.Button("Exit",size=(20,2),font='Ariel 26')] ] Button, values = feed.Layout(layout).Read() if (Button=='Send'): fed_bck=crdent.uname+'::\n'+values[0]+'\n' else: fed_bck="return code 913372" feed.Close() return fed_bck
def order_history(history): if (history=='flag'): cus_dets = "Username :: " + crdent.uname #+ "\nName ::" + crdent.fname + ' ' + crdent.lname return cus_dets else : for i in range (len(history)-1,0,-1): if history[i]=="=": last=i break sg.change_look_and_feel(th) his=sg.Window('Order History', keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0), gsys(1)),element_justification='c') layout=[ [sg.Frame(layout=[ [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text("",size=(28,3)),sg.Button("< Back",size=(10,2),font="Ariel 12")], [sg.Text("",size=(3,3)),sg.Multiline(f"{history[:last]}",size=(60,30)),sg.Text("",size=(3,3))], [sg.Text("")] ],title='Order History') ] ] event = his.Layout(layout).Read() his.Close()
def login(): sg.change_look_and_feel(th) form = sg.Window('Main Menu', keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0),gsys(1)), element_justification='c') # begin with a blank form layout = [ [sg.Text("\n" * int(gsys(1) / 100))], [sg.Text('Login \n',font="Ariel 32")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Name',font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText('Username',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text('Password',font="Ariel 20", size=(10, 1)), sg.InputText('Password', password_char='*',font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text('\n')], [sg.Submit(size=(20,2), font="Ariel 20")] ] button, values = form.Layout(layout).Read() us=values[0] pas=values[1] form.Close() comstr = us+'::'+pas+'::' return comstr
def serverGUI(): global ad, qt sf.order_menu() sg.theme("DarkBlack") layout = [[sg.Text("")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text("Welcome to Cafe Management System", font="Ariel 32")], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Frame(layout=[[sg.Text("", size=(2, 2))], [ sg.Text("", size=(2, 2)), sg.Multiline(key="orders", size=(30, 30)), sg.Text("", size=(2, 2)) ], [sg.Text("", size=(2, 2))]], title="Orders"), sg.Text("", size=(1, 1)), sg.Frame(layout=[[ sg.Text("", size=(3, 2)), sg.Image(r"listen.gif", size=(1, 1), key="-listen-") ], [ sg.Text("", size=(2, 2)), sg.Multiline(key="-con-", size=(30, 29)), sg.Text("", size=(2, 2)) ], [sg.Text("", size=(2, 2))]], title="Connections"), sg.Text("", size=(1, 1)), sg.Frame(layout=[[sg.Text("")], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Text("", size=(5, 2)), sg.Button("Add Food Item", size=(20, 2), font="Ariel 16"), sg.Text("", size=(5, 2)) ], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Text("", size=(5, 2)), sg.Button("Add Drink", size=(20, 2), font="Ariel 16"), sg.Text("", size=(5, 2)) ], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Text("", size=(5, 2)), sg.Button("Remove Item", size=(20, 2), font="Ariel 16"), sg.Text("", size=(5, 2)) ], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Text("", size=(5, 2)), sg.Button("Check Feedback", size=(20, 2), font="Ariel 16"), sg.Text("", size=(5, 2)) ], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Text("", size=(5, 2)), sg.Button("Exit", size=(20, 2), font="Ariel 16"), sg.Text("", size=(5, 2)) ], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text("")]], title="Options") ]] window = sg.Window('Server', layout, size=(gsys(0), gsys(1)), element_justification='c', finalize=True) while True: ord = sf.s_orders() addr = sf.add(ad) window["orders"].update(ord) window["-con-"].update(addr) window.FindElement("-listen-").UpdateAnimation("listen.gif", time_between_frames=80) event, values = window.Read(timeout=5) if event == "Remove Item": drinks, d_cost, food, f_cost = sf.order() rm = sg.Window('Remove Item', keep_on_top=True, size=(int(gsys(0) / 1.8), int(gsys(1) / 1.5)), element_justification='c') layout = [ [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text("Remove Item", font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Frame(layout=[ *[[ sg.Text("", size=(2, 1)), sg.Button( f"{drinks[i]}", font='Ariel 16', size=(15, 1)), sg.Text("", size=(2, 1)) ] for i in range(0, len(drinks))], *[[ sg.Text("", font='Ariel 16', size=(2, 1)), ] for i in range(0, 10 - len(drinks))] ], title="Drinks"), sg.Frame(layout=[ *[[ sg.Text("", size=(2, 1)), sg.Button( f"{food[i]}", font='Ariel 16', size=(15, 1)), sg.Text("", size=(2, 1)) ] for i in range(0, len(food))], *[[ sg.Text("", font='Ariel 16', size=(2, 1)), ] for i in range(0, 10 - len(food))] ], title="Food") ], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Cancel(font="Ariel 20", size=(15, 2))], [sg.Text("")], ] button, val = rm.Layout(layout).Read() if button != sg.WIN_CLOSED and button != "Cancel": if (sg.popup_ok_cancel( "Are you sure you want to remove this item ! ", keep_on_top=True) == "OK"): sf.rm_items(button) sg.popup_ok("Item Removed ! ", keep_on_top=True) rm.Close() if event == "Add Drink": drinks = sg.Window('New Drinks', keep_on_top=True, size=(int(gsys(0) / 2), int(gsys(1) / 2)), element_justification='c') layout = [[sg.Text("")], [sg.Text("New Drink", size=(16, 3), font="Ariel 16")], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Text("Name", size=(10, 2), font="Ariel 16"), sg.InputText("Item Name", font="Ariel 16") ], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Text("Cost", size=(10, 2), font="Ariel 16"), sg.InputText("50", font="Ariel 16") ], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Submit(font="Ariel 20", size=(8, 2)), sg.Cancel(font="Ariel 20", size=(8, 2)) ]] button, val = drinks.Layout(layout).Read() if button == "Submit": sf.add_items("New drinks", val[0], val[1]) drinks.Close() if event == "Add Food Item": food = sg.Window('New Food Item', keep_on_top=True, size=(int(gsys(0) / 2), int(gsys(1) / 2)), element_justification='c') layout = [[sg.Text("")], [ sg.Text("New Food Item", size=(16, 3), font="Ariel 16") ], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Text("Name", size=(10, 2), font="Ariel 16"), sg.InputText("Item Name", font="Ariel 16") ], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Text("Cost", size=(10, 2), font="Ariel 16"), sg.InputText("00", font="Ariel 16") ], [sg.Text("")], [ sg.Submit(font="Ariel 20", size=(8, 2)), sg.Cancel(font="Ariel 20", size=(8, 2)) ]] button, val = food.Layout(layout).Read() if button == "Submit": sf.add_items("New Food Item", val[0], val[1]) food.Close() if event == "Check Feedback": fed = sf.read_feedback() feed = sg.Window("Feedback", size=(int(gsys(0) / 2), int(gsys(1) / 1.5)), keep_on_top=True, element_justification="c") layout = [[sg.Text("")], [sg.Text("Feedback", font="Ariel 20")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Multiline(f"{fed}", font="Ariel 12", size=(50, 20))], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Button("Back", size=(10, 2), font="Ariel 16")]] button = feed.Layout(layout).Read() feed.Close() if (event == "Exit" or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED): if (sg.popup_ok_cancel("Are you sure you want to exit ? ", keep_on_top=True) == "OK"): break window.Close() qt = True
def order(drinks,d_cost,food,f_cost): drinks=eval(drinks) food=eval(food) d_cost=eval(d_cost) f_cost=eval(f_cost) sg.change_look_and_feel(th) layout = [ [sg.Text("")], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Frame(layout=[ *[[sg.Checkbox(f'{drinks[i]}',font='Ariel 16',size=(15,2)),sg.Text(f'{d_cost[i]}',font='Ariel 16',size=(5,2))] for i in range (0,len(drinks))], * [[sg.Text("",font='Ariel 16',size=(15,2)),] for i in range(0, 10 - len(drinks))] ] ,title='Drinks'), sg.Frame(layout=[ *[[sg.Checkbox(f'{food[i]}',font='Ariel 16',size=(15,2)),sg.Text(f'{f_cost[i]}',font='Ariel 16',size=(5,2))] for i in range (0,len(food))], * [[sg.Text("",font='Ariel 16',size=(15,2)), ] for i in range(0, 10 - len(food))] ] ,title='Food'), sg.Frame(layout=[ [sg.Text(size=(1, 1), font=('Helvetica', 12)),sg.Text(size=(15, 30), font=('Helvetica', 12), justification='left', key='-items-'), sg.Text(size=(5, 30), font=('Helvetica', 12), justification='right', key='-costs-'),sg.Text(size=(1, 1), font=('Helvetica', 12))], [sg.Text(size=(1, 1), font=('Helvetica', 12)),sg.Text("Total",size=(15,1), font=('Helvetica', 12), justification='left'), sg.Text(size=(5, 1), font=('Helvetica', 12), justification='right', key='-OUTPUT-')] ] , title='Order') ], [sg.Text("")], [sg.Button("Show Total",font='Ariel 20',size=(10,2)),sg.Button("Order",font='Ariel 20',size=(10,2)),sg.Button("Cancel",font='Ariel 20',size=(10,2))] ] order = sg.Window('Order',layout, keep_on_top=True, size=(gsys(0), gsys(1)),element_justification='c') # begin with a blank form while True: event, values = order.Read() total = 0 ordered=[] o_cost=[] items='' costs='' if event in (sg.WIN_CLOSED, 'Cancel'): if sg.popup_ok_cancel("Press 'OK' to go back !", keep_on_top=True) == 'OK': order.Close() return "No","Orders" for i in range (0,len(drinks)): if(values[i]==True ): total=total+int(d_cost[i]) ordered.append(drinks[i]) o_cost.append(d_cost[i]) for j in range (0,len(food)): if(values[i+j+1] == True): ordered.append(food[j]) o_cost.append(f_cost[j]) total = total + int(f_cost[j]) if event=='Order': if len(ordered)==0: sg.popup("Nothing is selected !",keep_on_top=True) else : if sg.popup_ok_cancel("Press 'OK' to confirm order !",keep_on_top=True) == 'OK': cus_dets = "Username :: " + crdent.uname +"\nName :: "+crdent.fname+" " +crdent.lname if (sg.popup_ok_cancel("Do you want to print the receipt",keep_on_top=True) == "OK"): rec=" -- Order Receipt --\n " for i in range(0, len(ordered)): rec = rec + f" {ordered[i]} ({o_cost[i]}) \n" rec=rec+f" ___________________\n Total :: {total}\n" rname=f"{crdent.uname}_{'%H-%M-%S_%Y-%m-%d')}.dat" file= open (f"receipts/{rname}","wt") file.write(rec) file.close() sg.popup_ok(f"Receipt saved in 'receipts' directory with name :\n{rname}", keep_on_top=True) order.Close() return cus_dets,ordered for i in range (0,len(ordered)): items=items+f"{ordered[i]}\n" costs=costs+f"{o_cost[i]}\n" order['-OUTPUT-'].update(total) order['-items-'].update(items) order['-costs-'].update(costs) order.Close()