def on_left_up(self, event): loc = -1 self.scroll_x, self.scroll_y = 0, 0 if (self.drag_image): pt = event.GetPosition() loc, update, which_id = self.local_move_centre_pt( pt, self.drag_name, self.drag_image) self.drag_bmp = None self.drag_image.Hide() self.drag_image.EndDrag() self.drag_image = None if (loc == -1): win_data.selection_drop_all() if (not win_data.get_ok_to_delete("Program")): win_data.program().abort_move() else: win_data.program().end_move(loc, which_id) self.big_x = -1 self.Refresh(True) self.Update() else: win_data.program().end_move(loc, which_id) win_data.click_sound() # force the work area to redraw self.SetCursor(wx.NullCursor) self.Refresh()
def on_left_up(self, event): loc = -1 if (self.drag_image): pt = event.GetPosition() loc, update, dummy = self.local_move_centre_pt( pt, self.drag_name, self.drag_image) self.drag_bmp = None self.drag_image.Hide() self.drag_image.EndDrag() self.drag_image = None # check if we are removing it, is the program using it? if (win_data.config_check(loc, self.drag_name)): win_data.config_move_end(loc) win_data.click_sound() else: if (win_data.get_ok_to_delete("Module")): if (not win_data.config_move_to_trash()): # can't drop it - put it back error_message="Can not delete the device as it is used in the program.\n" +\ "Delete it from the program before deleting it here." wx.MessageBox(error_message, caption="Can't delete device.", style=wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) win_data.config_move_abort() else: win_data.config_move_abort() # force the work area to redraw self.SetCursor(wx.NullCursor) self.Refresh() win_data.force_redraw('config')
def on_left_up(self, event): # do parent processing loc, name, dummy = self.parent_on_left_up(event) if (loc >= 0): # it is a valid drop! win_data.config_add(loc, name) win_data.selection_take('cwork', name, loc) win_data.click_sound() # force the work area to redraw win_data.force_redraw('cwork') win_data.force_redraw('config')