def run(self): # Graphics stuff. Start last! glib.timeout_add(500, self.run_checks) self.window = VideoWindow()
class Streamer(object): def __init__(self): # Init stuff gi.require_version("Gst", "1.0") glib.threads_init() gobject.threads_init() gst.init(None) # Vars self.is_running = True self.current_id = -1 self.current_url = "" self.current_stream = None self.session = Livestreamer() self.player = None self.window = None def run(self): # Graphics stuff. Start last! glib.timeout_add(500, self.run_checks) self.window = VideoWindow() def run_checks(self): if not self.is_running: return False self.test_skip() self.test_next() return True def test_skip(self): # Check for skips if self.current_id != -1 and self.player: skips = None try: skips = req_skips(self.current_id) except NetException: print("Connection timeout or something! Continuing ...") if skips and 'skip' in skips and skips['skip']: print("Skipping video {0} / '{1}'".format(self.current_id, self.current_url)) self.player.stop() def test_next(self): if not self.player or not self.player.is_playing(): video = None try: video = req_video() except NetException: print("Connection timeout or something! Continuing ...") if video and 'state' in video and video['state'] == 1: self.current_id = video['id'] self.current_url = video['url'] print("Switching to video {0} / '{1}'".format(self.current_id, self.current_url)) streams = None try: streams = self.session.streams(self.current_url) except NoPluginError: print("Livestreamer is unable to handle video {0} / '{1}'".format(self.current_id, self.current_url)) except PluginError as err: print("Livestreamer plugin error: {0}".format(err)) # Make sure there are streams available if not streams: print("Livestreamer found no streams {0} / '{1}'".format(self.current_id, self.current_url)) return # Pick the stream we want self.current_stream = streams[config.QUALITY] if not self.current_stream: print("There was no stream of quality '{0}' available on {1} / {2}".format(config.QUALITY, self.current_id, self.current_url)) return # Play! self.player = LivestreamerPlayer(self.window) if not print("Failed to start playback.") else: print("Playback started.") def close(self): self.is_running = False self.window.close() if self.player: self.player.stop()