예제 #1
    def __init__(self, tx_id, rx_id, sample_rate, fmax):
        gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "COST207 Rural Area 4 paths",
                                gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex),
                                gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex))

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        # Statistics of this channel, taken from
        # "Mobile Radio Channels", Paetzold, 2011, p 357
        # Delays of the multipath components in seconds
        delays = [0, 0.2e-6, 0.4e-6, 0.6e-6]
        print 'delays', delays
        # Delays expressed in samples
        self.taps_delays = [int(sample_rate * delay) for delay in delays]
        print 'delays in samples', self.taps_delays
        # power delay profile
        self.pdp = [1, 0.63, 0.1, 0.01]
        # channel options
        self.channel_opts = {'N': 2001,
                             'fmax': fmax}
        self.mpc_channel = mpc_channel_cc(self.taps_delays, self.pdp)
        # The different multipath components have to be uncorrelated. This is
        # the reason for choosing changing values for N
        self.mpc1 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:rice", "gmea", 14,
        self.mpc2 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:jakes", "mea", 12,
        self.mpc3 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:jakes", "mea", 10,
        self.mpc4 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:jakes", "mea", 8,

        self.connect(self,      (self.mpc_channel, 0))
        self.connect(self.mpc1, (self.mpc_channel, 1))
        self.connect(self.mpc2, (self.mpc_channel, 2))
        self.connect(self.mpc3, (self.mpc_channel, 3))
        self.connect(self.mpc4, (self.mpc_channel, 4))
        self.connect(self.mpc_channel, self)
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, tx_id, rx_id, sample_rate, fmax):
        gr.hier_block2.__init__(self, "COST207 Typical Urban 12 paths",
                                gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex),
                                gr.io_signature(1, 1, gr.sizeof_gr_complex))

        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        # Statistics of this channel, taken from
        # "Mobile Radio Channels", Paetzold, 2011, p 357
        # Delays of the multipath components in seconds
        delays = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.4, 1.8, 2.4, 3.0, 3.2, 5.0]
        delays = [el * 1e-6 for el in delays]
        print 'delays', delays
        # Delays expressed in samples
        self.taps_delays = [int(sample_rate * delay) for delay in delays]
        print 'delays in samples', self.taps_delays
        # power delay profile
        self.pdp = [0.4, 0.5, 1, 0.63, 0.6, 0.32, 0.2, 0.32, 0.25, 0.13, 0.08, 0.1]
        # channel options
        self.channel_opts = {'N': 2001,
                             'fmax': fmax}
        self.mpc_channel = mpc_channel_cc(self.taps_delays, self.pdp)
        # The different multipath components have to be uncorrelated. This is
        # the reason for choosing changing values for N
        self.mpc1 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:jakes", "mea",
                                      10, self.channel_opts)
        self.mpc2 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:jakes", "mea",
                                      12, self.channel_opts)
        self.mpc3 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:jakes", "mea",
                                      14, self.channel_opts)
        self.mpc4 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:gauss1", "gmea",
                                      10, self.channel_opts)
        self.mpc5 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:gauss1", "gmea",
                                      9, self.channel_opts)
        self.mpc6 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:gauss1", "gmea",
                                      8, self.channel_opts)
        self.mpc7 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:gauss1", "gmea",
                                      6, self.channel_opts)
        self.mpc8 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:gauss1", "gmea",
                                      7, self.channel_opts)
        self.mpc9 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:gauss2", "gmea",
                                      10, self.channel_opts)
        self.mpc10 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:gauss2", "gmea",
                                       9, self.channel_opts)
        self.mpc11 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:gauss2", "gmea",
                                       7, self.channel_opts)
        self.mpc12 = gauss_rand_proc_c(sample_rate, "cost207:gauss2", "gmea",
                                       8, self.channel_opts)

        self.connect(self,      (self.mpc_channel, 0))
        self.connect(self.mpc1, (self.mpc_channel, 1))
        self.connect(self.mpc2, (self.mpc_channel, 2))
        self.connect(self.mpc3, (self.mpc_channel, 3))
        self.connect(self.mpc4, (self.mpc_channel, 4))
        self.connect(self.mpc5, (self.mpc_channel, 5))
        self.connect(self.mpc6, (self.mpc_channel, 6))
        self.connect(self.mpc7, (self.mpc_channel, 7))
        self.connect(self.mpc8, (self.mpc_channel, 8))
        self.connect(self.mpc9, (self.mpc_channel, 9))
        self.connect(self.mpc10, (self.mpc_channel, 10))
        self.connect(self.mpc11, (self.mpc_channel, 11))
        self.connect(self.mpc12, (self.mpc_channel, 12))
        self.connect(self.mpc_channel, self)