예제 #1
    def prep_menu_icon(self, icon):
        # First load the icon.
        ico_x = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CXSMICON)
        ico_y = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CYSMICON)
        hicon = win32gui.LoadImage(
            0, icon, win32con.IMAGE_ICON, ico_x, ico_y, win32con.LR_LOADFROMFILE

        hdcBitmap = win32gui.CreateCompatibleDC(0)
        hdcScreen = win32gui.GetDC(0)
        hbm = win32gui.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcScreen, ico_x, ico_y)
        hbmOld = win32gui.SelectObject(hdcBitmap, hbm)
        # Fill the background.
        brush = win32gui.GetSysColorBrush(win32con.COLOR_MENU)
        win32gui.FillRect(hdcBitmap, (0, 0, 16, 16), brush)
        # unclear if brush needs to be feed.  Best clue I can find is:
        # "GetSysColorBrush returns a cached brush instead of allocating a new
        # one." - implies no DeleteObject
        # draw the icon
            hdcBitmap, 0, 0, hicon, ico_x, ico_y, 0, 0, win32con.DI_NORMAL
        win32gui.SelectObject(hdcBitmap, hbmOld)

        return hbm
예제 #2
    def OnMeasureItem(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
        fmt = "5iP"
        buf = win32gui.PyMakeBuffer(struct.calcsize(fmt), lparam)
        data = struct.unpack(fmt, buf)
        ctlType, ctlID, itemID, itemWidth, itemHeight, itemData = data

        hicon, text = self.menu_item_map[itemData]
        if text is None:
            # Only drawing icon due to HBMMENU_CALLBACK
            cx = self.menu_icon_width
            cy = self.menu_icon_height
            # drawing the lot!
            dc = win32gui.GetDC(hwnd)
            oldFont = win32gui.SelectObject(dc, self.font_menu)
            cx, cy = win32gui.GetTextExtentPoint32(dc, text)
            win32gui.SelectObject(dc, oldFont)
            win32gui.ReleaseDC(hwnd, dc)

            cx += win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CXMENUCHECK)
            cx += self.menu_icon_width + self.icon_x_pad

            cy = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CYMENU)

        new_data = struct.pack(fmt, ctlType, ctlID, itemID, cx, cy, itemData)
        win32gui.PySetMemory(lparam, new_data)
        return True
예제 #3
    def OnDrawItem(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
        fmt = "5i2P4iP"
        data = struct.unpack(
            fmt, win32gui.PyGetString(lparam, struct.calcsize(fmt)))
        ctlType, ctlID, itemID, itemAction, itemState, hwndItem, \
                hDC, left, top, right, bot, itemData = data

        rect = left, top, right, bot
        hicon, text = self.menu_item_map[itemData]

        if text is None:
            # This means the menu-item had HBMMENU_CALLBACK - so all we
            # draw is the icon.  rect is the entire area we should use.
            win32gui.DrawIconEx(hDC, left, top, hicon, right - left, bot - top,
                                0, 0, win32con.DI_NORMAL)
            # If the user has selected the item, use the selected
            # text and background colors to display the item.
            selected = itemState & win32con.ODS_SELECTED
            if selected:
                crText = win32gui.SetTextColor(
                    hDC, win32gui.GetSysColor(win32con.COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT))
                crBkgnd = win32gui.SetBkColor(
                    hDC, win32gui.GetSysColor(win32con.COLOR_HIGHLIGHT))

            each_pad = self.icon_x_pad // 2
            x_icon = left + each_pad
            x_text = x_icon + self.menu_icon_width + each_pad

            # Draw text first, specifying a complete rect to fill - this sets
            # up the background (but overwrites anything else already there!)
            # Select the font, draw it, and restore the previous font.
            hfontOld = win32gui.SelectObject(hDC, self.font_menu)
            win32gui.ExtTextOut(hDC, x_text, top + 2, win32con.ETO_OPAQUE,
                                rect, text)
            win32gui.SelectObject(hDC, hfontOld)

            # Icon image next.  Icons are transparent - no need to handle
            # selection specially.
            win32gui.DrawIconEx(hDC, x_icon, top + 2, hicon,
                                self.menu_icon_width, self.menu_icon_height, 0,
                                0, win32con.DI_NORMAL)

            # Return the text and background colors to their
            # normal state (not selected).
            if selected:
                win32gui.SetTextColor(hDC, crText)
                win32gui.SetBkColor(hDC, crBkgnd)
예제 #4
 def prep_menu_icon(self, icon):
     ico_x = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CXSMICON)
     ico_y = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CYSMICON)
     hicon = win32gui.LoadImage(0, icon, win32con.IMAGE_ICON, ico_x, ico_y,
     hdcBitmap = win32gui.CreateCompatibleDC(0)
     hdcScreen = win32gui.GetDC(0)
     hbm = win32gui.CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcScreen, ico_x, ico_y)
     hbmOld = win32gui.SelectObject(hdcBitmap, hbm)
     brush = win32gui.GetSysColorBrush(win32con.COLOR_MENU)
     win32gui.FillRect(hdcBitmap, (0, 0, 16, 16), brush)
     win32gui.DrawIconEx(hdcBitmap, 0, 0, hicon, ico_x, ico_y, 0, 0,
     win32gui.SelectObject(hdcBitmap, hbmOld)
     return hbm
예제 #5
파일: caldev.py 프로젝트: XaqLab/Rodent_VR
 def OnPaint(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
     dc, ps = win32gui.BeginPaint(hwnd)
     brush = win32gui.CreateSolidBrush(BLACK)
     win32gui.SelectObject(dc, brush)
     win32gui.Rectangle(dc, 0, 0, self._width - 1, self._height - 1)
     # draw a square of four pixels for each center pixel
     for i in range(len(self._pixels)):
         pixel = self._pixels[i]
         left = int(pixel[1] * self._width / PROJECTOR_PIXEL_WIDTH)
         right = left + 1
         top = int(pixel[0] * self._height / PROJECTOR_PIXEL_HEIGHT)
         bottom = top + 1
         for row in [top, bottom]:
             for col in [left, right]:
                 win32gui.SetPixel(dc, col, row, GREEN)
     win32gui.SetBkColor(dc, BLACK)
     win32gui.SetTextColor(dc, WHITE)
     win32gui.EndPaint(hwnd, ps)
     return 0
예제 #6
파일: caldev.py 프로젝트: XaqLab/Rodent_VR
    def OnKeyDown(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
        if self._first_keydown:
            # only update once, ignore keyboard autorepeat
            self._first_keydown = False
            self._display_string = ""
            if wparam == win32con.VK_UP:
                self._pixels[self._selected_pixel][0] -= self._increment

            elif wparam == win32con.VK_DOWN:
                self._pixels[self._selected_pixel][0] += self._increment

            elif wparam == win32con.VK_LEFT:
                self._pixels[self._selected_pixel][1] -= self._increment

            elif wparam == win32con.VK_RIGHT:
                self._pixels[self._selected_pixel][1] += self._increment

            elif wparam == VK_1:
                self._selected_pixel = 0
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == VK_2:
                self._selected_pixel = 1
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == VK_3:
                self._selected_pixel = 2
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == VK_4:
                self._selected_pixel = 3
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == VK_5:
                self._selected_pixel = 4
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == VK_6:
                self._selected_pixel = 5
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == VK_7:
                self._selected_pixel = 6
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == VK_8:
                self._selected_pixel = 7
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == VK_9:
                self._selected_pixel = 8
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == win32con.VK_CONTROL:
                self._display_string = "increment = %d" % self._increment

            elif wparam == win32con.VK_SHIFT:
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == VK_F:
                if self._fullscreen:

            elif wparam == VK_N:
                if self._selected_pixel == len(self._pixels) - 1:
                    self._selected_pixel = 0
                    self._selected_pixel += 1
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == VK_O:
                # read parameters and pixels from a file
                # redraw the screen using the new pixels
                    hwnd, None, None,
                    win32con.RDW_INVALIDATE | win32con.RDW_INTERNALPAINT)

            elif wparam == VK_P:
                if self._selected_pixel == 0:
                    self._selected_pixel = len(self._pixels) - 1
                    self._selected_pixel -= 1
                self._display_string = "Pixel " + str(self._selected_pixel + 1)

            elif wparam == VK_Q:

            elif wparam == VK_S:

            elif wparam == VK_ESCAPE:

            elif wparam == VK_OEM_PLUS:
                self._increment = 10
                self._display_string = "increment = %d" % self._increment

            elif wparam == VK_OEM_MINUS:
                self._increment = 1
                self._display_string = "increment = %d" % self._increment

                self._show_help = True

            dc = win32gui.GetDC(hwnd)
            brush = win32gui.CreateSolidBrush(BLACK)
            win32gui.SelectObject(dc, brush)
            win32gui.SetTextColor(dc, WHITE)
            win32gui.SetBkColor(dc, BLACK)
            debug = win32gui.DrawText(
                dc, self._display_string, len(self._display_string),
                self._onscreen_display, win32con.DT_SINGLELINE
                | win32con.DT_CENTER | win32con.DT_VCENTER)
            win32gui.ReleaseDC(hwnd, dc)