예제 #1
파일: multicpu.py 프로젝트: fivejjs/dpmix
    def __call__(self, data, gamma, mu_prior_mean, Phi0, nu0):
        self.new_Sigma = np.zeros_like(self.Sigma)
        self.new_mu = np.zeros((self.Sigma.shape[0], self.Sigma.shape[1]), dtype=np.float)
        if isinstance(self.labels, list):
            self.count = np.zeros((len(self.labels), len(self.comps)), dtype=np.int)
            self.count = np.zeros(len(self.comps), dtype=np.int)
        jj = -1

        for j in self.comps:
            jj += 1
            if isinstance(self.labels, list):
                nobs = data.shape[0]
                mask = np.zeros(nobs, dtype=np.bool)
                cumobs = 0
                ii = 0
                for labs in self.labels:
                    submask = labs == j
                    mask[cumobs : (cumobs + len(labs))] = submask
                    self.count[ii, jj] = np.sum(submask)
                    cumobs += len(labs)
                    ii += 1
                mask = self.labels == j
                self.count[jj] = np.sum(mask)

            Xj = data[mask]
            nj, ndim = Xj.shape

            sumxj = Xj.sum(0)

            gam = gamma[j]
            mu_hyper = mu_prior_mean

            post_mean = (mu_hyper / gam + sumxj) / (1 / gam + nj)
            post_cov = 1 / (1 / gam + nj) * self.Sigma[jj]

            new_mu = npr.multivariate_normal(post_mean, post_cov)

            Xj_demeaned = Xj - new_mu

            mu_SS = np.outer(new_mu - mu_hyper, new_mu - mu_hyper) / gam
            data_SS = np.dot(Xj_demeaned.T, Xj_demeaned)
            post_Phi = data_SS + mu_SS + Phi0[j]

            # symmetrize
            post_Phi = (post_Phi + post_Phi.T) / 2

            # P(Sigma) ~ IW(nu + 2, nu * Phi)
            # P(Sigma | theta, Y) ~
            post_nu = nj + ndim + nu0 + 2

            # pymc rinverse_wishart takes
            new_Sigma = invwishartrand_prec(post_nu, post_Phi)
            # store new results
            self.new_Sigma[jj] = new_Sigma
            self.new_mu[jj] = new_mu

        del self.labels
        del self.Sigma
예제 #2
    def _set_initial_values(self, alpha0, nu0, Phi0, mu0, Sigma0, weights0, e0,
        if nu0 is None:
            nu0 = 1

        if Phi0 is None:
            Phi0 = np.empty((self.ncomp, self.ndim, self.ndim))
            Phi0[:] = np.eye(self.ndim) * nu0

        if Sigma0 is None:
            # draw from prior .. bad idea for vague prior ???
            Sigma0 = np.empty((self.ncomp, self.ndim, self.ndim))
            for j in xrange(self.ncomp):
                Sigma0[j] = invwishartrand_prec(nu0 + 1 + self.ndim, Phi0[j])

        # starting values, are these sensible?
        if mu0 is None:
            mu0 = np.empty((self.ncomp, self.ndim))
            for j in xrange(self.ncomp):
                mu0[j] = npr.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(self.ndim),
                                                 self.gamma[j] * Sigma0[j])

        if weights0 is None:
            weights0 = (1 / self.ncomp) * np.ones((self.ncomp, 1))

        self._alpha0 = alpha0
        self.e = e0
        self.f = f0

        self._weights0 = weights0
        self._mu0 = mu0
        self._Sigma0 = Sigma0
        self._nu0 = nu0  # prior degrees of freedom
        self._Phi0 = Phi0  # prior location for Sigma_j's
예제 #3
파일: dpmix.py 프로젝트: fivejjs/dpmix
    def _set_initial_values(self, alpha0, nu0, Phi0, mu0, Sigma0, weights0,
                            e0, f0):
        if nu0 is None:
            nu0 = 1

        if Phi0 is None:
            Phi0 = np.empty((self.ncomp, self.ndim, self.ndim))
            Phi0[:] = np.eye(self.ndim) * nu0

        if Sigma0 is None:
            # draw from prior .. bad idea for vague prior ??? 
            Sigma0 = np.empty((self.ncomp, self.ndim, self.ndim))
            for j in xrange(self.ncomp):
                Sigma0[j] = invwishartrand_prec(nu0 + 1 + self.ndim, Phi0[j])
            #Sigma0 = Phi0.copy()

        # starting values, are these sensible?
        if mu0 is None:
            mu0 = np.empty((self.ncomp, self.ndim))
            for j in xrange(self.ncomp):
                mu0[j] = npr.multivariate_normal(np.zeros((self.ndim)),

        if weights0 is None:
            weights0 = (1/self.ncomp)*np.ones((self.ncomp, 1))
            #_, weights0 = stick_break_proc(1, 1, size=self.ncomp - 1)

        self._alpha0 = alpha0
        self.e = e0
        self.f = f0

        self._weights0 = weights0
        self._mu0 = mu0
        self._Sigma0 = Sigma0
        self._nu0 = nu0 # prior degrees of freedom
        self._Phi0 = Phi0 # prior location for Sigma_j's
예제 #4
파일: multicpu.py 프로젝트: jethrotan/dpmix
    def __call__(self, data, gamma, mu_prior_mean, Phi0, nu0):
        self.new_Sigma = np.zeros_like(self.Sigma)
        self.new_mu = np.zeros((self.Sigma.shape[0], self.Sigma.shape[1]),
        if isinstance(self.labels, list):
            self.count = np.zeros((len(self.labels), len(self.comps)),
            self.count = np.zeros(len(self.comps), dtype=np.int)
        jj = -1

        for j in self.comps:
            jj += 1
            if isinstance(self.labels, list):
                nobs = data.shape[0]
                mask = np.zeros(nobs, dtype=np.bool)
                cumobs = 0
                ii = 0
                for labs in self.labels:
                    submask = labs == j
                    mask[cumobs:(cumobs + len(labs))] = submask
                    self.count[ii, jj] = np.sum(submask)
                    cumobs += len(labs)
                    ii += 1
                mask = self.labels == j
                self.count[jj] = np.sum(mask)

            Xj = data[mask]
            nj, ndim = Xj.shape

            sumxj = Xj.sum(0)

            gam = gamma[j]
            mu_hyper = mu_prior_mean

            post_mean = (mu_hyper / gam + sumxj) / (1 / gam + nj)
            post_cov = 1 / (1 / gam + nj) * self.Sigma[jj]

            new_mu = npr.multivariate_normal(post_mean, post_cov)

            Xj_demeaned = Xj - new_mu

            mu_SS = np.outer(new_mu - mu_hyper, new_mu - mu_hyper) / gam
            data_SS = np.dot(Xj_demeaned.T, Xj_demeaned)
            post_Phi = data_SS + mu_SS + Phi0[j]

            # symmetrize
            post_Phi = (post_Phi + post_Phi.T) / 2

            # P(Sigma) ~ IW(nu + 2, nu * Phi)
            # P(Sigma | theta, Y) ~
            post_nu = nj + ndim + nu0 + 2

            # pymc rinverse_wishart takes
            new_Sigma = invwishartrand_prec(post_nu, post_Phi)
            # store new results
            self.new_Sigma[jj] = new_Sigma
            self.new_mu[jj] = new_mu

        del self.labels
        del self.Sigma
예제 #5
    N = 10000
    nu = 6.0
    phi = 2 * np.identity(4)
    phi[1, 2] = 1
    phi[2, 1] = 1

    mu = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.float64)
    Sigma = sampler.pyiwishartrand_prec(nu, phi)

    res = np.zeros((4, 4))
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(N):
        res += sampler.pyiwishartrand_prec(nu, phi)
    print res / N
    print time.time() - t1

    t2 = time.time()
    res = np.zeros((4, 4))
    for i in range(N):
        res += wishart.invwishartrand_prec(nu, phi)
    print res / N
    print time.time() - t2

    t3 = time.time()
    res = np.zeros(4)
    for i in range(N):
        s = sampler.pymvnorm(mu, Sigma)
        res += s
    print res / N
    print time.time() - t3
예제 #6
파일: dpmix.py 프로젝트: jethrotan/dpmix
    def _update_mu_Sigma(self, Sigma, labels, other_dat=None):
        is_hdp = isinstance(labels, list)

        mu_output = np.zeros((self.ncomp, self.ndim))
        Sigma_output = np.zeros((self.ncomp, self.ndim, self.ndim))
        if is_hdp:
            ct = np.zeros((len(labels), self.ncomp), dtype=np.int)
            ct = np.zeros(self.ncomp, dtype=np.int)

        if other_dat is None:
            data = self.data
            data = other_dat

        if self.parallel:
            num_jobs = len(self.compsdevmap)
            for tid in self.compsdevmap:
                rng = self.compsdevmap[tid]
                    CompUpdate(np.arange(rng[0], rng[1]), labels,

            #while num_jobs:
            for tid in self.compsdevmap:
                result = self.result_queue[tid].get()
                newcomps = result.comps
                rng = (newcomps[0], newcomps[-1] + 1)
                mu_output[rng[0]:rng[1]] = result.new_mu
                Sigma_output[rng[0]:rng[1]] = result.new_Sigma
                if is_hdp:
                    ct[:, rng[0]:rng[1]] = result.count
                    ct[rng[0]:rng[1]] = result.count
                num_jobs -= 1


            for j in xrange(self.ncomp):
                if is_hdp:
                    nobs = data.shape[0]
                    mask = np.zeros(nobs, dtype=np.bool)
                    count = np.zeros(len(labels), dtype=np.int)
                    cumobs = 0
                    ii = 0
                    for labs in labels:
                        submask = labs == j
                        mask[cumobs:(cumobs + len(labs))] = submask
                        count[ii] = np.sum(submask)
                        cumobs += len(labs)
                        ii += 1
                    mask = labels == j
                    count = np.sum(mask)

                Xj = data[mask]
                nj = len(Xj)

                sumxj = Xj.sum(0)

                gam = self.gamma[j]
                mu_hyper = self.mu_prior_mean

                post_mean = (mu_hyper / gam + sumxj) / (1 / gam + nj)
                post_cov = 1 / (1 / gam + nj) * Sigma[j]

                new_mu = npr.multivariate_normal(post_mean, post_cov)

                Xj_demeaned = Xj - new_mu

                mu_SS = np.outer(new_mu - mu_hyper, new_mu - mu_hyper) / gam
                data_SS = np.dot(Xj_demeaned.T, Xj_demeaned)
                post_Phi = data_SS + mu_SS + self._Phi0[j]

                # symmetrize
                post_Phi = (post_Phi + post_Phi.T) / 2

                # P(Sigma) ~ IW(nu + 2, nu * Phi)
                # P(Sigma | theta, Y) ~
                post_nu = nj + self.ndim + self._nu0 + 2

                new_Sigma = invwishartrand_prec(post_nu, post_Phi)

                mu_output[j] = new_mu
                Sigma_output[j] = new_Sigma
                if is_hdp:
                    ct[:, j] = count
                    ct[j] = count

        return mu_output, Sigma_output, ct
예제 #7
if __name__ == '__main__':
    N = 10000
    nu = 6.0
    phi = 2*np.identity(4)
    phi[1,2]=1; phi[2,1]=1;

    mu = np.zeros(4, dtype=np.float64)
    Sigma = sampler.pyiwishartrand_prec(nu, phi)
    res = np.zeros((4,4))
    t1 = time.time()
    for i in range(N):
        res += sampler.pyiwishartrand_prec(nu, phi)
    print res / N
    print time.time() - t1

    t2 = time.time()
    res = np.zeros((4,4))
    for i in range(N):
        res += wishart.invwishartrand_prec(nu,phi)
    print res / N
    print time.time() - t2

    t3 = time.time()
    res = np.zeros(4)
    for i in range(N):
        s = sampler.pymvnorm(mu, Sigma)
        res += s
    print res / N
    print time.time() - t3
예제 #8
파일: dpmix.py 프로젝트: brodyh/dpmix
    def _update_mu_Sigma(self, Sigma, labels, other_dat=None):
        is_hdp = isinstance(labels, list)

        mu_output = np.zeros((self.ncomp, self.ndim))
        Sigma_output = np.zeros((self.ncomp, self.ndim, self.ndim))
        if is_hdp:
            ct = np.zeros((len(labels), self.ncomp), dtype=np.int)
            ct = np.zeros(self.ncomp, dtype=np.int)

        if other_dat is None:
            data = self.data
            data = other_dat

        if self.parallel:
            num_jobs = len(self.compsdevmap)
            for tid in self.compsdevmap:
                rng = self.compsdevmap[tid]
                self.work_queue[tid].put(CompUpdate(np.arange(rng[0], rng[1]), labels, Sigma[rng[0]:rng[1]]))

            #while num_jobs:
            for tid in self.compsdevmap:
                result = self.result_queue[tid].get()
                newcomps = result.comps
                rng = (newcomps[0], newcomps[-1]+1)
                mu_output[rng[0]:rng[1]] = result.new_mu
                Sigma_output[rng[0]:rng[1]] = result.new_Sigma
                if is_hdp:
                    ct[:,rng[0]:rng[1]] = result.count
                    ct[rng[0]:rng[1]] = result.count
                num_jobs -= 1            


            for j in xrange(self.ncomp):
                if is_hdp:
                    nobs = data.shape[0]
                    mask = np.zeros(nobs, dtype=np.bool)
                    count = np.zeros(len(labels), dtype=np.int)
                    cumobs = 0; ii = 0
                    for labs in labels:
                        submask = labs == j
                        mask[cumobs:(cumobs+len(labs))] = submask
                        count[ii] = np.sum(submask); 
                        cumobs+=len(labs); ii+=1
                    mask = labels == j
                    count = np.sum(mask)

                Xj = data[mask]
                nj = len(Xj)
                sumxj = Xj.sum(0)

                gam = self.gamma[j]
                mu_hyper = self.mu_prior_mean

                post_mean = (mu_hyper / gam + sumxj) / (1 / gam + nj)
                post_cov = 1 / (1 / gam + nj) * Sigma[j]

                new_mu = npr.multivariate_normal(post_mean, post_cov)
                Xj_demeaned = Xj - new_mu

                mu_SS = np.outer(new_mu - mu_hyper, new_mu - mu_hyper) / gam
                data_SS = np.dot(Xj_demeaned.T, Xj_demeaned)
                post_Phi = data_SS + mu_SS + self._Phi0[j]

                # symmetrize
                post_Phi = (post_Phi + post_Phi.T) / 2
                # P(Sigma) ~ IW(nu + 2, nu * Phi)
                # P(Sigma | theta, Y) ~
                post_nu = nj + self.ndim + self._nu0 + 2

                new_Sigma = invwishartrand_prec(post_nu, post_Phi)

                mu_output[j] = new_mu
                Sigma_output[j] = new_Sigma
                if is_hdp:
                    ct[:, j] = count
                    ct[j] = count

        return mu_output, Sigma_output, ct