예제 #1
    def _update_resource_dictionary(self, resource_dict):
        Revise the resource file structure with values from defaults, command line, and elsewhere in model
        :param resource_dict: the resource file dictionary
        _method_name = '_update_resource_dictionary'

        # add API version if not present
        if API_VERSION not in resource_dict:
            resource_dict[API_VERSION] = DEFAULT_API_VERSION

        # add kind if not present
        if KIND not in resource_dict:
            resource_dict[KIND] = DEFAULT_KIND

        # add a metadata section if not present, since we'll at least add name
        if METADATA not in resource_dict:
            resource_dict[METADATA] = PyOrderedDict()
        metadata_section = resource_dict[METADATA]

        # if metadata name not present, use the domain name from the model, or default
        if K_NAME not in metadata_section:
            domain_name = dictionary_utils.get_element(
                self._model.get_model_topology(), NAME)
            if domain_name is None:
                domain_name = DEFAULT_WLS_DOMAIN_NAME
            metadata_section[K_NAME] = domain_name

        # add a spec section if not present, since we'll at least add domain home
        if SPEC not in resource_dict:
            resource_dict[SPEC] = PyOrderedDict()
        spec_section = resource_dict[SPEC]

        # only set domain home if it is not present in spec section
        if DOMAIN_HOME not in spec_section:
            spec_section[DOMAIN_HOME] = self._model_context.get_domain_home()

        # only set image if it is not present in spec section
        if IMAGE not in spec_section:
            spec_section[IMAGE] = DEFAULT_IMAGE

        # imagePullSecrets is required unless imagePullPolicy is Never
        pull_secrets_required = True
        if IMAGE_PULL_POLICY in spec_section:
            policy = str(spec_section[IMAGE_PULL_POLICY])
            pull_secrets_required = (policy != NEVER)

        # if imagePullSecrets required and not present, add a list with one FIX ME value
        if pull_secrets_required and (IMAGE_PULL_SECRETS not in spec_section):
            secrets_list = DictionaryList()
            secrets_list.append({'name': DEFAULT_IMAGE_PULL_SECRETS})
            spec_section[IMAGE_PULL_SECRETS] = secrets_list

        # if webLogicCredentialsSecret not present, add it using the FIX ME value
        if WEBLOGIC_CREDENTIALS_SECRET not in spec_section:

        # only update clusters if section is not present in spec section
        if CLUSTERS not in spec_section:
            topology = self._model.get_model_topology()
            model_clusters = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
                topology, CLUSTER)
            if len(model_clusters) > 0:
                cluster_list = DictionaryList()
                spec_section[CLUSTERS] = cluster_list
                for cluster_name, cluster_values in model_clusters.items():
                    server_count = k8s_helper.get_server_count(
                        cluster_name, cluster_values, self._model.get_model())
                    cluster_dict = PyOrderedDict()
                    cluster_dict[CLUSTER_NAME] = cluster_name
                    cluster_dict[REPLICAS] = server_count

    def _update_resource_dictionary(self, resource_dict):
        Revise the resource file structure with values from defaults, command line, and elsewhere in model
        :param resource_dict: the resource file dictionary
        _method_name = '_update_resource_dictionary'

        # add a metadata section if not present, since we'll at least add name
        if METADATA not in resource_dict:
            _add_to_top(resource_dict, METADATA, PyOrderedDict())
        metadata_section = resource_dict[METADATA]

        # add kind if not present
        if KIND not in resource_dict:
            _add_to_top(resource_dict, KIND, DEFAULT_KIND)

        # add API version if not present
        if API_VERSION not in resource_dict:
            _add_to_top(resource_dict, API_VERSION, DEFAULT_API_VERSION)

        # if metadata name not present, use the domain name from the model, or default
        if K_NAME not in metadata_section:
            domain_name = dictionary_utils.get_element(self._model.get_model_topology(), NAME)
            if domain_name is None:
                domain_name = DEFAULT_WLS_DOMAIN_NAME
            domain_name = k8s_helper.get_domain_uid(domain_name)
            metadata_section[K_NAME] = domain_name
        domain_uid = metadata_section[K_NAME]

        # add a spec section if not present, since we'll at least add domain home
        if SPEC not in resource_dict:
            resource_dict[SPEC] = PyOrderedDict()
        spec_section = resource_dict[SPEC]

        # only set domain home if it is not present in spec section
        if DOMAIN_HOME not in spec_section:
            spec_section[DOMAIN_HOME] = self._model_context.get_domain_home()

        # only set image if it is not present in spec section
        if IMAGE not in spec_section:
            spec_section[IMAGE] = DEFAULT_IMAGE

        # imagePullSecrets is required unless imagePullPolicy is Never
        pull_secrets_required = True
        if IMAGE_PULL_POLICY in spec_section:
            policy = str(spec_section[IMAGE_PULL_POLICY])
            pull_secrets_required = (policy != NEVER)

        # if imagePullSecrets required and not present, add a list with one FIX ME value
        if pull_secrets_required and (IMAGE_PULL_SECRETS not in spec_section):
            secrets_list = list()
            secrets_list.append({'name': DEFAULT_IMAGE_PULL_SECRETS})
            spec_section[IMAGE_PULL_SECRETS] = secrets_list

        # if webLogicCredentialsSecret not present, add it using the FIX ME value
        if WEBLOGIC_CREDENTIALS_SECRET not in spec_section:

        # only update clusters if section is not present in spec section
        if CLUSTERS not in spec_section:
            topology = self._model.get_model_topology()
            model_clusters = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(topology, CLUSTER)
            if len(model_clusters) > 0:
                cluster_list = list()
                spec_section[CLUSTERS] = cluster_list
                for cluster_name, cluster_values in model_clusters.items():
                    server_count = k8s_helper.get_server_count(cluster_name, cluster_values, self._model.get_model(),
                    cluster_dict = PyOrderedDict()
                    cluster_dict[CLUSTER_NAME] = cluster_name
                    cluster_dict[REPLICAS] = server_count

                    self._logger.info("WLSDPLY-10002", cluster_name, server_count, method_name=_method_name,

        # create a configuration section in spec if needed
        if CONFIGURATION not in spec_section:
            spec_section[CONFIGURATION] = PyOrderedDict()
        configuration_section = spec_section[CONFIGURATION]

        # create a model section in configuration if needed
        if MODEL not in configuration_section:
            configuration_section[MODEL] = PyOrderedDict()
        model_section = configuration_section[MODEL]

        # set domainType if not specified
        if DOMAIN_TYPE not in model_section:
            model_section[DOMAIN_TYPE] = self._model_context.get_domain_type()

        if SECRETS in configuration_section:
            # if secrets specified, convert them to a hyphen list
            secrets = alias_utils.convert_to_model_type("list", configuration_section[SECRETS], MODEL_LIST_DELIMITER)
            secrets_list = list()

            # pull the secrets from the model
            secrets_list = list()
            _add_secrets(self._model.get_model(), secrets_list, domain_uid)

        if secrets_list:
            configuration_section[SECRETS] = secrets_list

예제 #3
def _build_template_hash(model, model_context, aliases):
    Create a dictionary of substitution values to apply to the templates.
    :param model: Model object used to derive values
    :param model_context: used to determine domain type
    :param aliases: used to derive folder names
    :return: the hash dictionary
    template_hash = dict()

    # domain name and prefix

    domain_name = dictionary_utils.get_element(model.get_model_topology(),
    if domain_name is None:
        domain_name = DEFAULT_WLS_DOMAIN_NAME

    template_hash[DOMAIN_NAME] = domain_name

    # should change spaces to hyphens?
    template_hash[DOMAIN_PREFIX] = domain_name.lower()

    # domain UID

    domain_uid = k8s_helper.get_domain_uid(domain_name)
    template_hash[DOMAIN_UID] = domain_uid

    # admin credential

    admin_secret = domain_uid + target_configuration_helper.WEBLOGIC_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SUFFIX
    template_hash[WEBLOGIC_CREDENTIALS_SECRET] = admin_secret

    # configuration / model
    template_hash[DOMAIN_TYPE] = model_context.get_domain_type()

    # clusters

    clusters = []
    cluster_list = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
        model.get_model_topology(), CLUSTER)
    for cluster_name in cluster_list:
        cluster_hash = dict()
        cluster_hash[CLUSTER_NAME] = cluster_name

        cluster_values = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
            cluster_list, cluster_name)
        server_count = k8s_helper.get_server_count(cluster_name,
        cluster_hash[REPLICAS] = str(server_count)

    template_hash[CLUSTERS] = clusters
    template_hash[HAS_CLUSTERS] = len(clusters) != 0

    # databases

    databases = []

    location = LocationContext().append_location(JDBC_SYSTEM_RESOURCE)
    name_token = aliases.get_name_token(location)
    location.append_location(JDBC_RESOURCE, JDBC_DRIVER_PARAMS)

    system_resources = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
        model.get_model_resources(), JDBC_SYSTEM_RESOURCE)
    for jdbc_name in system_resources:
        database_hash = dict()
        database_hash[DATASOURCE_NAME] = jdbc_name

        named = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
            system_resources, jdbc_name)
        resources = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
            named, JDBC_RESOURCE)
        driver_params = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
            resources, JDBC_DRIVER_PARAMS)
        url = dictionary_utils.get_element(driver_params, URL)
        if url is None:
            url = ''
        database_hash[DS_URL] = url

        # should change spaces to hyphens?
        database_hash[DATABASE_PREFIX] = jdbc_name.lower()

        # get the name that matches secret
        location.add_name_token(name_token, jdbc_name)
        secret_name = target_configuration_helper.get_secret_name_for_location(
            location, domain_uid, aliases)
        database_hash[DATABASE_CREDENTIALS] = secret_name


    template_hash[DATABASES] = databases
    template_hash[HAS_DATABASES] = len(databases) != 0

    return template_hash
예제 #4
def _build_template_hash(model, model_context, aliases, credential_injector):
    Create a dictionary of substitution values to apply to the templates.
    :param model: Model object used to derive values
    :param model_context: used to determine domain type
    :param aliases: used to derive folder names
    :param credential_injector: used to identify secrets
    :return: the hash dictionary
    template_hash = dict()

    # actual domain name

    domain_name = dictionary_utils.get_element(model.get_model_topology(),
    if domain_name is None:
        domain_name = DEFAULT_WLS_DOMAIN_NAME

    # domain UID, name and prefix must follow DNS-1123

    domain_uid = k8s_helper.get_domain_uid(domain_name)
    template_hash[DOMAIN_UID] = domain_uid
    template_hash[DOMAIN_NAME] = domain_uid
    template_hash[DOMAIN_PREFIX] = domain_uid

    # secrets that should not be included in secrets section
    declared_secrets = []

    # admin credential

    admin_secret = domain_uid + target_configuration_helper.WEBLOGIC_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_SUFFIX
    template_hash[WEBLOGIC_CREDENTIALS_SECRET] = admin_secret

    # configuration / model
    template_hash[DOMAIN_TYPE] = model_context.get_domain_type()

    # clusters

    clusters = []
    cluster_list = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
        model.get_model_topology(), CLUSTER)
    for cluster_name in cluster_list:
        cluster_hash = dict()
        cluster_hash[CLUSTER_NAME] = cluster_name

        cluster_values = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
            cluster_list, cluster_name)
        server_count = k8s_helper.get_server_count(cluster_name,
                                                   model.get_model(), aliases)
        cluster_hash[REPLICAS] = str(server_count)

    template_hash[CLUSTERS] = clusters
    template_hash[HAS_CLUSTERS] = len(clusters) != 0

    # databases

    databases = []

    location = LocationContext().append_location(JDBC_SYSTEM_RESOURCE)
    name_token = aliases.get_name_token(location)
    location.append_location(JDBC_RESOURCE, JDBC_DRIVER_PARAMS)

    system_resources = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
        model.get_model_resources(), JDBC_SYSTEM_RESOURCE)
    for jdbc_name in system_resources:
        database_hash = dict()
        database_hash[DATASOURCE_NAME] = jdbc_name

        named = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
            system_resources, jdbc_name)
        resources = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
            named, JDBC_RESOURCE)
        driver_params = dictionary_utils.get_dictionary_element(
            resources, JDBC_DRIVER_PARAMS)
        url = dictionary_utils.get_element(driver_params, URL)
        if url is None:
            url = ''
        database_hash[DS_URL] = url

        # should change spaces to hyphens?
        database_hash[DATABASE_PREFIX] = jdbc_name.lower()

        # get the name that matches secret
        location.add_name_token(name_token, jdbc_name)
        secret_name = target_configuration_helper.get_secret_name_for_location(
            location, domain_uid, aliases)
        database_hash[DATABASE_CREDENTIALS] = secret_name


    template_hash[DATABASES] = databases
    template_hash[HAS_DATABASES] = len(databases) != 0

    # additional secrets - exclude admin

    additional_secrets = []

    # combine user/password properties to get a single list
    secrets = []
    for property_name in credential_injector.get_variable_cache():
        halves = property_name.split(':', 1)
        name = halves[0]
        if name not in secrets:

    for secret in secrets:
        secrets_hash = dict()
        qualified_name = domain_uid + "-" + secret
        if qualified_name not in declared_secrets:
            secrets_hash[ADDITIONAL_SECRET_NAME] = qualified_name

    template_hash[ADDITIONAL_SECRETS] = additional_secrets
    template_hash[HAS_ADDITIONAL_SECRETS] = len(additional_secrets) != 0

    return template_hash