def add(socket, command, arguments): if len(arguments) > 0: if wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, arguments): socket.sysmessage(tr("Where do you want to place the item '%s'?") % arguments) socket.attachtarget("commands.add.additem", [arguments, False]) elif wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_NPC, arguments): socket.sysmessage(tr("Where do you want to spawn the npc '%s'?") % arguments) socket.attachtarget("commands.add.addnpc", [arguments]) elif wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, arguments): node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, arguments) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == "id": # Found the display id dispid = hex2dec(subnode.value) socket.sysmessage(tr("Where do you want to place the multi '%s'?") % arguments) socket.attachmultitarget("commands.add.addmulti", dispid - 0x4000, [arguments, False], 0, 0, 0) else: socket.sysmessage(tr("No Item, NPC or Multi definition by that name found.")) return global generated if not generated: generated = True socket.sysmessage(tr("Generating add menu.")) socket.sysmessage(tr("Please wait...")) generateAddMenu(socket.player.serial) return menu = findmenu("ADDMENU") if menu: menu.send(socket.player) else: socket.sysmessage(tr("No ADDMENU menu found."))
def add(socket, command, arguments): if len(arguments) > 0: if wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, arguments): socket.sysmessage("Where do you want to place the item '%s'?" % arguments) socket.attachtarget("commands.add.additem", [arguments, False]) elif wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_NPC, arguments): socket.sysmessage("Where do you want to spawn the npc '%s'?" % arguments) socket.attachtarget("commands.add.addnpc", [arguments]) elif wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, arguments): socket.sysmessage("Where do you want to place the multi '%s'?" % arguments) socket.attachtarget("commands.add.addmulti", [arguments, False]) else: socket.sysmessage('No Item, NPC or Multi definition by that name found.') return global generated if not generated: socket.sysmessage('Generating add menu.') socket.sysmessage('Please wait...') generateAddMenu() generated = 1 menu = findmenu('ADDMENU') if menu: menu.send(socket.player) else: socket.sysmessage('No ADDMENU menu found.')
def loadMenu(id, parent = None): definition = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MENU, id) if not definition: if parent: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown submenu %s in menu %s.\n" % (id, else: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown menu: %s.\n" % id) return name = definition.getattribute('name', '') menu = TailoringMenu(id, parent, name) # See if we have any submenus for i in range(0, definition.childcount): child = definition.getchild(i) # Submenu if == 'menu': if not child.hasattribute('id'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Submenu with missing id attribute in menu %s.\n" % else: loadMenu(child.getattribute('id'), menu) # Craft an item elif in ['tailor', 'setailor']: if not child.hasattribute('definition'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Tailor action without definition in menu %s.\n" % else: itemdef = child.getattribute('definition') try: # See if we can find an item id if it's not given if not child.hasattribute('itemid'): item = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef) itemid = 0 if item: itemchild = item.findchild('id') if itemchild: itemid = itemchild.value else: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Tailor action with invalid definition %s in menu %s.\n" % (itemdef, else: itemid = hex2dec(child.getattribute('itemid', '0')) if child.hasattribute('name'): name = child.getattribute('name') else: name = generateNamefromDef(itemdef) if == 'setailor': action = SeTailorItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) else: action = TailorItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Tailor action with invalid item id in menu %s.\n" % # Process subitems for j in range(0, child.childcount): subchild = child.getchild(j) action.processnode(subchild, menu) # Sort the menu. This is important for the makehistory to make. menu.sort()
def loadMenu(id, parent = None): definition = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MENU, id) if not definition: if parent: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown submenu %s in menu %s.\n" % (id, else: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown menu: %s.\n" % id) return name = definition.getattribute('name', '') menu = GlassblowingMenu(id, parent, name) # See if we have any submenus for i in range(0, definition.childcount): child = definition.getchild(i) # Submenu if == 'menu': if not child.hasattribute('id'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Submenu with missing id attribute in menu %s.\n" % else: loadMenu(child.getattribute('id'), menu) # Craft an item elif == 'glassblowing': if not child.hasattribute('definition'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Glassblowing action without definition in menu %s.\n" % else: itemdef = child.getattribute('definition') try: # See if we can find an item id if it's not given if not child.hasattribute('itemid'): item = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef) itemid = 0 if item: itemchild = item.findchild('id') if itemchild: itemid = itemchild.value else: itemid = hex2dec(child.getattribute('itemid', '0')) if child.hasattribute('name'): name = child.getattribute('name') else: name = generateNamefromDef(itemdef) action = GlassblowerItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Glassblowing action with invalid item id in menu %s.\n" % # Process subitems for j in range(0, child.childcount): subchild = child.getchild(j) action.processnode(subchild, menu) # Sort the menu. This is important for the makehistory to make. menu.sort()
def static(socket, command, arguments): if len(arguments) > 0: if wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, arguments): socket.sysmessage("Where do you want to place the item '%s'?" % arguments) socket.attachtarget("commands.add.additem", [arguments, True]) elif wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, arguments): socket.sysmessage("Where do you want to place the multi '%s'?" % arguments) socket.attachtarget("commands.add.addmulti", [arguments, True]) else: socket.sysmessage('No Item, NPC or Multi definition by that name found.') else: socket.sysmessage('Usage: static <id>')
def generateMenu( id, parent = None ): titleid = 1015162 menu0 = InscriptionMenu(id, parent, titleid) # add spell scrolls # loop circles for i in range(0, 8): menu = InscriptionMenu(id + str(i), menu0, circle_ids[i]) # loop spells for j in range(0, 8): spell_num = i * 8 + j # if reactive armor spell if spell_num == 6: spell_num = 0 elif spell_num < 6: spell_num += 1 # spell < weaken itemdef = str(hex(int(0x1f2d) + spell_num)).replace('0x', '') item2 = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef) if item2: itemchild = item2.findchild('id') if itemchild: itemid = int(itemchild.value) actionid = 1027981 + spell_num action = InsItemAction(menu, itemid, itemdef, actionid) # required mana action.mana = req_manas[i] # empty scroll action.materials.append([['ef3','e34'], 1, 1044377]) # required reagents regs = spell_regs[spell_num] for k in range(0, len(regs)): action.materials.append([[regs[k]], 1, reagents[regs[k]] + 1044353]) # skill action.skills[INSCRIPTION] = req_skills[i] # Others menu = InscriptionMenu(id + '8', menu0, 1044294) # runebook itemdef = '22c5' item2 = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef) itemchild = item2.findchild('id') itemid = int(itemchild.value) actionid = 1041267 action = InsItemAction(menu, itemid, itemdef, actionid) # recall scroll action.materials.append([['1f4c'], 1, 1044445]) # gate travel scroll action.materials.append([['1f60'], 1, 1044446]) # 8 runes action.materials.append([['1f14'], 8, 1044447])
def getPlacementData(definition, dispid = 0, xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0, zoffset = 0): node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, definition) if not node: return (dispid, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset) # Return, wrong definition if node.hasattribute('inherit'): (dispid, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset) = getPlacementData(node.getattribute('inherit'), dispid, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'id': # Found the display id dispid = hex2dec(subnode.value) elif == 'inherit': # Inherit another definition if subnode.hasattribute('id'): (dispid, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset) = getPlacementData(subnode.getattribute('id'), dispid, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset) else: (dispid, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset) = getPlacementData(subnode.value, dispid, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset) elif == 'placement': # Placement info xoffset = hex2dec(subnode.getattribute('xoffset', '0')) yoffset = hex2dec(subnode.getattribute('yoffset', '0')) zoffset = hex2dec(subnode.getattribute('zoffset', '0')) return (dispid, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset)
def onLoad(): wolfpack.registerglobal(EVENT_SKILLGAIN, "system.skillgain") # Load all the neccesary data from the definitions for i in range(0, ALLSKILLS): skilldef = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_SKILL, str(i)) # Load the skill information if skilldef: SKILLS[i] = { SKILL_GAINFACTOR: 1.0, SKILL_STRCHANCE: 0.0, SKILL_DEXCHANCE: 0.0, SKILL_INTCHANCE: 0.0 } for j in range(0, skilldef.childcount): child = skilldef.getchild(j) if == 'name': SKILLS[i][SKILL_NAME] = child.value elif == 'title': SKILLS[i][SKILL_TITLE] = child.value elif == 'defname': SKILLS[i][SKILL_DEFNAME] = child.value elif == 'gainchance': SKILLS[i][SKILL_GAINFACTOR] = float(child.value) elif == 'strchance': SKILLS[i][SKILL_STRCHANCE] = float(child.value) elif == 'dexchance': SKILLS[i][SKILL_DEXCHANCE] = float(child.value) elif == 'intchance': SKILLS[i][SKILL_INTCHANCE] = float(child.value)
def go(socket, command, arguments): player = socket.player if len(arguments) == 0: global generated if not generated: socket.sysmessage("Generating go menu.") socket.sysmessage("Please wait...") generateGoMenu() generated = 1 menu = findmenu("GOMENU") if menu: socket.sysmessage("Bringing up the travel gump.") menu.send(player) else: socket.sysmessage("Didn't find the GOMENU menu.") return elif arguments.count(",") >= 1: parts = arguments.split(",") pos = player.pos try: pos.x = int(parts[0]) pos.y = int(parts[1]) if len(parts) >= 3: pos.z = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) >= 4: = int(parts[3]) if not isValidPosition(pos): socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False player.removefromview() player.moveto(pos) player.update() player.socket.resendworld() return except: pass # If we reach this point it was no valid coordinate # See if we can get a def location = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_LOCATION, arguments) if location: (x, y, z, map) = location.text.split(",") pos = wolfpack.coord(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(map)) if not isValidPosition(pos): socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False player.removefromview() player.moveto(pos) player.update() player.socket.resendworld() else: socket.sysmessage("Usage: <x, y, z, map>|<location>") return
def go(socket, command, arguments): player = socket.player if len(arguments) == 0: global generated if not generated: socket.sysmessage('Generating go menu.') socket.sysmessage('Please wait...') generateGoMenu() generated = 1 menu = findmenu('GOMENU') if menu: socket.sysmessage('Bringing up the travel gump.') menu.send(player) else: socket.sysmessage("Didn't find the GOMENU menu.") return elif arguments.count(',') >= 1: parts = arguments.split(',') pos = player.pos try: pos.x = int(parts[0]) pos.y = int(parts[1]) if len(parts) >= 3: pos.z = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) >= 4: = int(parts[3]) if not isValidPosition(pos): socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False player.removefromview() player.moveto(pos) player.update() player.socket.resendworld() return except: pass # If we reach this point it was no valid coordinate # See if we can get a def location = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_LOCATION, arguments) if location: (x, y, z, map) = location.text.split(',') pos = wolfpack.coord(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(map)) if not isValidPosition(pos): socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False player.removefromview() player.moveto(pos) player.update() player.socket.resendworld() else: socket.sysmessage('Usage: <x, y, z, map>|<location>') return
def onLoad(): wolfpack.registerglobal(EVENT_SKILLUSE, "skills") # Load all the neccesary data from the definitions for i in range(0, ALLSKILLS): skilldef = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_SKILL, str(i)) # Load the skill information if skilldef: SKILLS[i] = { SKILL_GAINFACTOR: 1.0, SKILL_STRCHANCE: 0.0, SKILL_DEXCHANCE: 0.0, SKILL_INTCHANCE: 0.0 } for j in range(0, skilldef.childcount): child = skilldef.getchild(j) if == 'name': SKILLS[i][SKILL_NAME] = child.value elif == 'title': SKILLS[i][SKILL_TITLE] = child.value elif == 'defname': SKILLS[i][SKILL_DEFNAME] = child.value elif == 'gainchance': SKILLS[i][SKILL_GAINFACTOR] = float(child.value) elif == 'strchance': SKILLS[i][SKILL_STRCHANCE] = float(child.value) elif == 'dexchance': SKILLS[i][SKILL_DEXCHANCE] = float(child.value) elif == 'intchance': SKILLS[i][SKILL_INTCHANCE] = float(child.value)
def buildHouse(house, definition): node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, definition) if not node: return if node.hasattribute('inherit'): value = str(node.getattribute('inherit')) buildHouse(house, value) # Recursion for i in range(0, node.childcount): child = node.getchild(i) # Inherit another definition if == 'inherit': if child.hasattribute('id'): buildHouse(house, child.getattribute('id')) else: buildHouse(house, child.value) # Add a normal item to the house elif == 'item': x = int(child.getattribute('x', '0')) y = int(child.getattribute('y', '0')) z = int(child.getattribute('z', '0')) id = str(child.getattribute('id', '')) item = wolfpack.additem(id) item.moveto(house.pos.x + x, house.pos.y + y, house.pos.z + z, item.update() # Add a house door to the house elif == 'door': x = int(child.getattribute('x', '0')) y = int(child.getattribute('y', '0')) z = int(child.getattribute('z', '0')) id = hex2dec(child.getattribute('id', '')) item = wolfpack.additem('housedoor') = id item.moveto(house.pos.x + x, house.pos.y + y, house.pos.z + z, item.update() # Add a sign to the house elif == 'sign': x = int(child.getattribute('x', '0')) y = int(child.getattribute('y', '0')) z = int(child.getattribute('z', '0')) sign = wolfpack.additem('housesign') if child.hasattribute('id'): = hex2dec(child.getattribute('id', '')) sign.moveto(house.pos.x + x, house.pos.y + y, house.pos.z + z, sign.update()
def static(socket, command, arguments): if len(arguments) > 0: if wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, arguments): socket.sysmessage(tr("Where do you want to place the item '%s'?") % arguments) socket.attachtarget("commands.add.additem", [arguments, True]) elif wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, arguments): node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, arguments) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == "id": # Found the display id dispid = hex2dec(subnode.value) socket.sysmessage(tr("Where do you want to place the multi '%s'?") % arguments) socket.attachmultitarget("commands.add.addmulti", dispid - 0x4000, [arguments, True], 0, 0, 0) else: socket.sysmessage(tr("No Item, NPC or Multi definition by that name found.")) else: socket.sysmessage(tr("Usage: static <id>"))
def createBoat(player, deed, pos): boat = wolfpack.addmulti(str(deed.gettag('multisection'))) if boat == None: player.socket.sysmessage( tr('This deed is broken. Failed to create boat')) boat.owner = player boat.settag('boat_anchored', 1) boat.settag('boat_facing', 0) # boat is facing north boat.settag('deedid', deed.baseid) # For DryDock boat.moveto(pos) boat.update() boat.decay = 0 if deed.hastag('hasname'): = splank = None pplank = None # Create special items node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, str(deed.gettag('multisection'))) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'ids': boat.settag('boat_id_north', hex2dec(subnode.getattribute('north', '0'))) boat.settag('boat_id_east', hex2dec(subnode.getattribute('east', '0'))) boat.settag('boat_id_south', hex2dec(subnode.getattribute('south', '0'))) boat.settag('boat_id_west', hex2dec(subnode.getattribute('west', '0'))) elif == 'special_items': # Found section subsubnode = subnode.findchild('tillerman') if subsubnode != None: tillerman = createBoatSpecialItem('3e4e', subsubnode, boat) boat.settag('boat_tillerman', tillerman.serial) if deed.hastag('hasname'): = 'Tillerman of ' + subsubnode = subnode.findchild('hold') if subsubnode != None: hold = createBoatSpecialItem('3eae', subsubnode, boat) subsubnode = subnode.findchild('planks') if subsubnode != None: portclosed = subsubnode.findchild('port_closed') pplank = createBoatSpecialItem('3eb1', portclosed, boat) starclosed = subsubnode.findchild('star_closed') splank = createBoatSpecialItem('3eb2', starclosed, boat) splank.settag('plank_starboard', 1) if not deed.hastag('lock'): createKeys(splank, pplank, hold, boat, player) else: applyKeys(splank, pplank, hold, deed)
def make(self, player, arguments, nodelay=0): node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, self.definition) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == "id": # Found the display id dispid = hex2dec(subnode.value) player.socket.sysmessage(tr("Where do you want to place the multi '%s'?") % self.definition) player.socket.attachmultitarget("commands.add.addmulti", dispid - 0x4000, [self.definition, False], 0, 0, 0) MakeAction.make(self, player, arguments, nodelay)
def sendresponse(player, arguments, target): if target.item: object = target.item elif target.char: if target.char.rank > player.rank and player != target.char: player.socket.sysmessage("You've burnt your fingers!") return object = target.char else: player.socket.sysmessage('You need to target a character or an item.') return # Maybe we need to choose a location if len(arguments) == 0: player.socket.sysmessage('Where do you want to send the targetted object?') player.socket.attachtarget('commands.go.sendresponse2', [object.serial]) else: # Try to parse a target location for the object. parts = arguments[0].split(',') pos = player.pos try: pos.x = int(parts[0]) pos.y = int(parts[1]) if len(parts) >= 3: pos.z = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) >= 4: = int(parts[3]) object.removefromview() object.moveto(pos) object.update() if not object.ischar() or not object.socket: return object.socket.resendworld() return except: pass # If we reach this point it was no valid coordinate # See if we can get a def location = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_LOCATION, arguments[0]) if location: (x,y,z,map) = location.text.split(',') pos = wolfpack.coord(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(map)) object.removefromview() object.moveto(pos) object.update() if object.ischar() and object.socket: object.socket.resendworld() else: player.socket.sysmessage('Usage: send <x, y, z, map>|<location>')
def givequestdescription(id): quest = '' node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_QUEST, str(id)) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'description': quest = subnode.text return quest
def givequestreportids(id): quest = '' node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_QUEST, str(id)) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'reportid': quest = subnode.text.split(',') return quest
def givequestxpreward(id): quest = '' node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_QUEST, str(id)) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'rewardxp': quest = subnode.text return int(quest)
def givequestrequiredlevel(id): quest = 0 node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_QUEST, str(id)) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'requiredlevel': if len(subnode.text): quest = subnode.text return int(quest)
def givequestitemeachamount(id): quest = '' node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_QUEST, str(id)) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'itemamounts': quest = subnode.text.split(',') # Returning the list return quest
def givequestrequiredskills(id): skills = '' node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_QUEST, str(id)) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'requiredskills': if len(subnode.text): skills = subnode.text.split(',') return skills
def make(self, player, arguments, nodelay=0): node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, self.definition) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'id': # Found the display id dispid = hex2dec(subnode.value) player.socket.sysmessage( tr("Where do you want to place the multi '%s'?") % self.definition) player.socket.attachmultitarget("commands.add.addmulti", dispid - 0x4000, [self.definition, False], 0, 0, 0) MakeAction.make(self, player, arguments, nodelay)
def static(socket, command, arguments): if len(arguments) > 0: if wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, arguments): socket.sysmessage( tr("Where do you want to place the item '%s'?") % arguments) socket.attachtarget("commands.add.additem", [arguments, True]) elif wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, arguments): node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, arguments) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'id': # Found the display id dispid = hex2dec(subnode.value) socket.sysmessage( tr("Where do you want to place the multi '%s'?") % arguments) socket.attachmultitarget("commands.add.addmulti", dispid - 0x4000, [arguments, True], 0, 0, 0) else: socket.sysmessage( tr('No Item, NPC or Multi definition by that name found.')) else: socket.sysmessage(tr('Usage: static <id>'))
def add(socket, command, arguments): if len(arguments) > 0: if wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, arguments): socket.sysmessage( tr("Where do you want to place the item '%s'?") % arguments) socket.attachtarget("commands.add.additem", [arguments, False]) elif wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_NPC, arguments): socket.sysmessage( tr("Where do you want to spawn the npc '%s'?") % arguments) socket.attachtarget("commands.add.addnpc", [arguments]) elif wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, arguments): node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, arguments) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'id': # Found the display id dispid = hex2dec(subnode.value) socket.sysmessage( tr("Where do you want to place the multi '%s'?") % arguments) socket.attachmultitarget("commands.add.addmulti", dispid - 0x4000, [arguments, False], 0, 0, 0) else: socket.sysmessage( tr('No Item, NPC or Multi definition by that name found.')) return global generated if not generated: generated = True socket.sysmessage(tr('Generating add menu.')) socket.sysmessage(tr('Please wait...')) generateAddMenu(socket.player.serial) return menu = findmenu('ADDMENU') if menu: menu.send(socket.player) else: socket.sysmessage(tr('No ADDMENU menu found.'))
def createBoat( player, deed, pos ): boat = wolfpack.addmulti(str(deed.gettag('multisection'))) if boat == None: player.socket.sysmessage(tr('This deed is broken. Failed to create boat')) boat.owner = player boat.settag( 'boat_anchored', 1 ) boat.settag( 'boat_facing', 0 ) # boat is facing north boat.settag( 'deedid', deed.baseid ) # For DryDock boat.moveto(pos) boat.update() boat.decay = 0 if deed.hastag('hasname'): = splank = None pplank = None # Create special items node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MULTI, str(deed.gettag('multisection')) ) count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'ids': boat.settag('boat_id_north', hex2dec( subnode.getattribute( 'north', '0' ) ) ) boat.settag('boat_id_east', hex2dec( subnode.getattribute( 'east', '0' ) ) ) boat.settag('boat_id_south', hex2dec( subnode.getattribute( 'south', '0' ) ) ) boat.settag('boat_id_west', hex2dec( subnode.getattribute( 'west', '0' ) ) ) elif == 'special_items': # Found section subsubnode = subnode.findchild('tillerman') if subsubnode != None: tillerman = createBoatSpecialItem( '3e4e', subsubnode, boat ) boat.settag('boat_tillerman', tillerman.serial) if deed.hastag('hasname'): = 'Tillerman of ' + subsubnode = subnode.findchild('hold') if subsubnode != None: hold = createBoatSpecialItem( '3eae', subsubnode, boat ) subsubnode = subnode.findchild('planks') if subsubnode != None: portclosed = subsubnode.findchild('port_closed') pplank = createBoatSpecialItem( '3eb1', portclosed, boat ) starclosed = subsubnode.findchild('star_closed') splank = createBoatSpecialItem( '3eb2', starclosed, boat ) splank.settag('plank_starboard', 1) if not deed.hastag('lock'): createKeys( splank, pplank, hold, boat, player ) else: applyKeys( splank, pplank, hold, deed )
def givenpcname(id): npc = '' node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_NPC, str(id)) if node: count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'name': npc = subnode.text return npc else: return "Error"
def givequestname(id): quest = '' node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_QUEST, str(id)) if node: count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'name': quest = subnode.text return quest else: return "Error"
def giveitemname(id): item = '' node = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, str(id)) if node: count = node.childcount for i in range(0, count): subnode = node.getchild(i) if == 'name': item = subnode.text return item else: return "Error"
def searchidscmd( socket, command, arguments ): out = open( 'missingids.xml', "wb" ) if == 'posix': nl = "\n" else: nl = "\r\n" out.write( '<definitions>%s' % ( nl ) ) for id in range(0x0, 0x4000): tile = tiledata( id ) # unused ids have only 5 entries in tiledata if len( tile ) > 5: itemdef = hex(id).split("x")[1] if not getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef): out.write( '\t<!-- %s -->%s' % ( tile['name'], nl ) ) out.write( '\t<item id="%s">%s' % ( itemdef, nl ) ) out.write( '\t\t<id>%s</id>%s' % ( hex(id), nl ) ) out.write( '\t</item>%s' % ( nl ) ) out.write( nl ) out.write( '</definitions>%s' % ( nl ) ) out.close()
def loadMenu(id, parent = None): definition = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MENU, id) if not definition: if parent: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown submenu %s in menu %s.\n" % (id, else: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown menu: %s.\n" % id) return name = definition.getattribute('name', '') menu = AlchemyMenu(id, parent, name) # See if we have any submenus for i in range(0, definition.childcount): child = definition.getchild(i) # Submenu if == 'menu': if not child.hasattribute('id'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Submenu with missing id attribute in menu %s.\n" % else: loadMenu(child.getattribute('id'), menu) # Craft an item elif == 'craft': if not child.hasattribute('definition'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "craft action without definition in menu %s.\n" % else: itemdef = child.getattribute('definition') try: # See if we can find an item id if it's not given if not child.hasattribute('itemid'): item = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef) itemid = 0 if item: itemchild = item.findchild('id') if itemchild: itemid = itemchild.value else: itemid = hex2dec(child.getattribute('itemid', '0')) except Exception, e: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Craft action with invalid item id in menu %s: %s\n" % (, str(e))) if child.hasattribute('name'): name = child.getattribute('name') else: name = generateNamefromDef(itemdef) action = BrewItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) # Process subitems for j in range(0, child.childcount): subchild = child.getchild(j) # Normal Material if == 'material': if not subchild.hasattribute('id'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Material element without id list in menu %s.\n" % break else: ids = subchild.getattribute('id').split(';') try: amount = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('amount', '1')) materialname = subchild.getattribute('name', 'Unknown') except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Material element with invalid id list in menu %s.\n" % break action.materials.append([ids, amount, materialname]) # Skill requirement elif in skillnamesids: skill = skillnamesids[] try: minimum = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('min', '0')) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid min value in menu %s.\n" % (, try: maximum = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('max', '1200')) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid max value in menu %s.\n" % (, action.skills[skill] = [minimum, maximum]
def adddecor( socket, command, args ): if len(args) > 0: args= str( args.strip() ) args = args.split( ' ' ) if len( args ) == 2: ( key, value ) = args # Tree Lists if key == 'tree': # Random Forest Trees if value == 'forest': if socket.hastag( 'last_tree_forest' ): templist = [] for choice in forestlist: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_tree_forest' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_forest', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( forestlist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_forest', str( item ) ) if item in trees: if wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][TREE] ) and wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][LEAVES] ): socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the tree '%s', '%s' ?" % ( trees[item][TREE], trees[item][LEAVES ]) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createtree', [ item ] ) return True # Random Fruit Tree elif value == 'fruit': item = random.choice( fruitlist ) if socket.hastag( 'last_tree_fruit' ): templist = [] for choice in fruitlist: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_tree_fruit' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_fruit', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( fruitlist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_fruit', str( item ) ) if item in trees: if wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][TREE] ) and wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][LEAVES] ): socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the tree '%s', '%s' ?" % ( trees[item][TREE], trees[item][LEAVES ]) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createtree', [ item ] ) return True # Random Swamp Tree elif value == 'swamp': item = random.choice( swamplist ) if socket.hastag( 'last_tree_swamp' ): templist = [] for choice in swamplist: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_tree_swamp' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_swamp', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( swamplist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_swamp', str( item ) ) if item in trees: if wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][TREE] ) and wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][LEAVES] ): socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the tree '%s', '%s' ?" % ( trees[item][TREE], trees[item][LEAVES ]) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createtree', [ item ] ) return True # Random Trees elif value == 'random': if socket.hastag( 'last_tree_random' ): templist = [] for choice in treeindex: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_tree_random' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_random', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( treeindex ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_random', str( item ) ) if item in trees: if wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][TREE] ) and wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][LEAVES] ): socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the tree '%s', '%s' ?" % ( trees[item][TREE], trees[item][LEAVES ]) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createtree', [ item ] ) return True # Yew Trees elif value == 'yew': socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the yew tree?" ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createyewtree', [] ) return True # Tree Logs log1, log2 elif value in [ 'log1', 'log2' ]: #added by Jim 20040814 item = value socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the fallen log [%s]?" % ( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createlog', [ item ] ) return True # Jungle Trees elif value == 'jungle': if socket.hastag( 'last_tree_jungle' ): templist = [] for choice in jungleindex: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_tree_jungle' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_jungle', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( jungleindex ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_jungle', str( item ) ) socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the jungle tree [%s]?" %( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createjungletree', [ item ] ) return True # Specific Tree elif value in trees: item = value if wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][TREE] ) and wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][LEAVES] ): socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the tree '%s', '%s' ?" % ( trees[item][TREE], trees[item][LEAVES]) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createtree', [ item ] ) return True else: socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor tree [ id, yew, jungle, random, forest, fruit, swamp, log[1-2] ]" ) return False elif key == 'ground': # Forest Ground Decoration if value == "forest": if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_forest' ): templist = [] for choice in forest_decor: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_forest' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_forest', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( forest_decor ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_forest', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Swamp Ground Decoration elif value == "swamp": if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_swamp' ): templist = [] for choice in swamp_decor: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_swamp' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_swamp', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( swamp_decor ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_swamp', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Plains/Grass Ground Decoration elif value == "plains": if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_plains' ): templist = [] for choice in plains_decor: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_plains' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_plains', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( plains_decor ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_plains', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Jungle Ground Decoration elif value == "jungle": if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_jungle' ): templist = [] for choice in jungle_decor: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_jungle' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_jungle', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( jungle_decor ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_jungle', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Desert Ground Decoration elif value == "desert": if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_desert' ): templist = [] for choice in desert_decor: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_desert' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_desert', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( desert_decor ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_desert', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Random Ground Flowers elif value in [ "flowers", "smallflowers", "bigflowers" ]: if value == "flowers": flowers = flowers_decor elif value == "smallflowers": flowers = smallflowers_decor elif value == "bigflowers": flowers = bigflowers_decor if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_flowers' ): templist = [] for choice in flowers: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_flowers' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_flowers', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( flowers ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_flowers', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True #ferns elif value == "fern": if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_fern' ): templist = [] for choice in fern_decor: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_fern' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_fern', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( fern_decor ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_fern', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Nothing else: socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor ground [ forest, swamp, plains, jungle, desert ]" ) return False # No Args else: socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor [ tree, ground ]" ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor tree [ id, yew, jungle, random, forest, fruit, swamp, log[1-2] ]" ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor ground [ forest, swamp, plains, jungle, desert ]" ) return False # No Args else: socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor [ tree, ground ]" ) return False # No Args else: socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor [ tree, ground ]" ) return False return False
def loadMenu(id, parent = None): definition = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MENU, id) if not definition: if parent: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown submenu %s in menu %s.\n" % (id, else: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown menu: %s.\n" % id) return name = definition.getattribute('name', '') menu = CarpentryMenu(id, parent, name) # See if we have any submenus for i in range(0, definition.childcount): child = definition.getchild(i) # Submenu if == 'menu': if not child.hasattribute('id'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Submenu with missing id attribute in menu %s.\n" % else: loadMenu(child.getattribute('id'), menu) # Craft an item elif == 'craft': if not child.hasattribute('definition') or not child.hasattribute('name'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Carpenter action without definition or name in menu %s.\n" % else: itemdef = child.getattribute('definition') name = child.getattribute('name') try: # See if we can find an item id if it's not given if not child.hasattribute('itemid'): item = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef) itemid = 0 if item: itemchild = item.findchild('id') if itemchild: itemid = itemchild.value else: itemid = hex2dec(child.getattribute('itemid', '0')) action = CarpItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Carpenter action with invalid item id in menu %s.\n" % # Process subitems for j in range(0, child.childcount): subchild = child.getchild(j) # How much of the primary resource should be consumed if == 'ingots': action.submaterial1 = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('amount', '0')) # Normal Material if == 'boards' or == 'wood' or == 'cloth' or == 'material': if not subchild.hasattribute('id'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Material element without id list in menu %s.\n" % break else: ids = subchild.getattribute('id').split(';') try: amount = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('amount', '1')) materialname = subchild.getattribute('name', 'Unknown') except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Material element with invalid id list in menu %s.\n" % break action.materials.append([ids, amount, materialname]) # Consume all available materials scaled by the # amount of each submaterial elif == 'stackable': action.stackable = 1 # Skill requirement elif in skillnamesids: skill = skillnamesids[] try: minimum = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('min', '0')) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid min value in menu %s.\n" % (, try: maximum = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('max', '1200')) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid max value in menu %s.\n" % (, action.skills[skill] = [minimum, maximum] # Sort the menu. This is important for the makehistory to make. menu.sort()
def loadMenu(id, parent=None): definition = getdefinition(WPDT_MENU, id) if not definition: if parent: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown submenu %s in menu %s.\n" % (id, else: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown menu: %s.\n" % id) return name = definition.getattribute('name', '') menu = BowcraftMenu(id, parent, name) # See if we have any submenus for i in range(0, definition.childcount): child = definition.getchild(i) # Submenu if == 'menu': if not child.hasattribute('id'): console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Submenu with missing id attribute in menu %s.\n" % else: loadMenu(child.getattribute('id'), menu) # Craft an item elif in ['fletch', 'sefletch']: if not child.hasattribute('definition'): console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Bowcraft action without definition in menu %s.\n" % else: itemdef = child.getattribute('definition') try: # See if we can find an item id if it's not given if not child.hasattribute('itemid'): item = getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef) itemid = 0 if item: itemchild = item.findchild('id') if itemchild: itemid = itemchild.value else: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Bowcraft action with invalid definition %s in menu %s.\n" % (itemdef, else: itemid = hex2dec(child.getattribute('itemid', '0')) if child.hasattribute('name'): name = child.getattribute('name') else: name = generateNamefromDef(itemdef) if == 'sefletch': action = SeFletchItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) else: action = FletchItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Bowcraft action with invalid item id in menu %s.\n" % # Process subitems for j in range(0, child.childcount): subchild = child.getchild(j) # How much of the primary resource should be consumed if == 'logs': action.submaterial1 = hex2dec( subchild.getattribute('amount', '0')) # Normal Material if == 'material': if not subchild.hasattribute('id'): console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Material element without id list in menu %s.\n" % break else: ids = subchild.getattribute('id').split(';') try: amount = hex2dec( subchild.getattribute('amount', '1')) materialname = subchild.getattribute( 'name', 'Unknown') except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Material element with invalid id list in menu %s.\n" % break action.materials.append( [ids, amount, materialname]) # Consume all available materials scaled by the # amount of each submaterial elif == 'stackable': action.stackable = True # This item will never be exceptional elif == 'nomark': action.markable = False # Skill requirement elif in skillnamesids: skill = skillnamesids[] try: minimum = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute( 'min', '0')) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid min value in menu %s.\n" % (, try: maximum = hex2dec( subchild.getattribute('max', '1200')) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid max value in menu %s.\n" % (, try: penalty = hex2dec( subchild.getattribute('penalty', '0')) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid penalty value in menu %s.\n" % (, action.skills[skill] = [minimum, maximum, penalty] # Sort the menu. This is important for the makehistory to make. menu.sort()
def adddecor( socket, command, args ): if len(args) > 0: args= str( args.strip() ) args = args.split( ' ' ) if len( args ) == 2: ( key, value ) = args # Tree Lists if key == 'tree': # Random Forest Trees if value == 'forest': if socket.hastag( 'last_tree_forest' ): templist = [] for choice in forestlist: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_tree_forest' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_forest', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( forestlist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_forest', str( item ) ) if item in trees: if wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][TREE] ) and wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][LEAVES] ): socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the tree '%s', '%s' ?" % ( trees[item][TREE], trees[item][LEAVES ]) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createtree', [ item ] ) return True # Random Fruit Tree elif value == 'fruit': item = random.choice( fruitlist ) if socket.hastag( 'last_tree_fruit' ): templist = [] for choice in fruitlist: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_tree_fruit' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_fruit', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( fruitlist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_fruit', str( item ) ) if item in trees: if wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][TREE] ) and wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][LEAVES] ): socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the tree '%s', '%s' ?" % ( trees[item][TREE], trees[item][LEAVES ]) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createtree', [ item ] ) return True # Random Swamp Tree elif value == 'swamp': item = random.choice( swamplist ) if socket.hastag( 'last_tree_swamp' ): templist = [] for choice in swamplist: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_tree_swamp' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_swamp', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( swamplist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_swamp', str( item ) ) if item in trees: if wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][TREE] ) and wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][LEAVES] ): socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the tree '%s', '%s' ?" % ( trees[item][TREE], trees[item][LEAVES ]) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createtree', [ item ] ) return True # Random Trees elif value == 'random': if socket.hastag( 'last_tree_random' ): templist = [] for choice in treeindex: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_tree_random' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_random', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( treeindex ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_random', str( item ) ) if item in trees: if wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][TREE] ) and wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][LEAVES] ): socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the tree '%s', '%s' ?" % ( trees[item][TREE], trees[item][LEAVES ]) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createtree', [ item ] ) return True # Yew Trees elif value == 'yew': socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the yew tree?" ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createyewtree', [] ) return True # Tree Logs log1, log2 elif value in [ 'log1', 'log2' ]: #added by Jim 20040814 item = value socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the fallen log [%s]?" % ( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createlog', [ item ] ) return True # Jungle Trees elif value == 'jungle': if socket.hastag( 'last_tree_jungle' ): templist = [] for choice in jungleindex: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_tree_jungle' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_jungle', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( jungleindex ) socket.settag( 'last_tree_jungle', str( item ) ) socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the jungle tree [%s]?" %( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createjungletree', [ item ] ) return True # Specific Tree elif value in trees: item = value if wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][TREE] ) and wolfpack.getdefinition( WPDT_ITEM, trees[item][LEAVES] ): socket.sysmessage( "Where do you want to place the tree '%s', '%s' ?" % ( trees[item][TREE], trees[item][LEAVES]) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createtree', [ item ] ) return True else: socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor tree [ id, yew, jungle, random, forest, fruit, swamp, log[1-2] ]" ) return False elif key == 'ground': # Forest Ground Decoration if value == "forest": if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_forest' ): templist = [] for choice in forest_decor: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_forest' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_forest', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( forest_decor ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_forest', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Swamp Ground Decoration elif value == "swamp": if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_swamp' ): templist = [] for choice in swamp_decor: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_swamp' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_swamp', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( swamp_decor ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_swamp', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Plains/Grass Ground Decoration elif value == "plains": if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_plains' ): templist = [] for choice in plains_decor: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_plains' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_plains', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( plains_decor ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_plains', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Jungle Ground Decoration elif value == "jungle": if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_jungle' ): templist = [] for choice in jungle_decor: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_jungle' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_jungle', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( jungle_decor ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_jungle', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Desert Ground Decoration elif value == "desert": if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_desert' ): templist = [] for choice in desert_decor: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_desert' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_desert', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( desert_decor ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_desert', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Random Ground Flowers elif value in [ "flowers", "smallflowers", "bigflowers" ]: if value == "flowers": flowers = flowers_decor elif value == "smallflowers": flowers = smallflowers_decor elif value == "bigflowers": flowers = bigflowers_decor if socket.hastag( 'last_ground_flowers' ): templist = [] for choice in flowers: if choice != str( socket.gettag( 'last_ground_flowers' ) ): templist += [ choice ] item = random.choice( templist ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_flowers', str( item ) ) else: item = random.choice( flowers ) socket.settag( 'last_ground_flowers', str( item ) ) socket.attachtarget( 'commands.adddecor.createground', [ item ] ) return True # Nothing else: socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor ground [ forest, swamp, plains, jungle, desert ]" ) return False # No Args else: socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor [ tree, ground ]" ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor tree [ id, yew, jungle, random, forest, fruit, swamp, log[1-2] ]" ) socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor ground [ forest, swamp, plains, jungle, desert ]" ) return False # No Args else: socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor [ tree, ground ]" ) return False # No Args else: socket.sysmessage( "Usage: adddecor [ tree, ground ]" ) return False return False
def loadMenu(id, parent=None): definition = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MENU, id) if not definition: if parent: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown submenu %s in menu %s.\n" % (id, else: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown menu: %s.\n" % id) return name = definition.getattribute('name', '') menu = CartographyMenu(id, parent, name) # See if we have any submenus for i in range(0, definition.childcount): child = definition.getchild(i) # Submenu if == 'menu': if not child.hasattribute('id'): console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Submenu with missing id attribute in menu %s.\n" % else: loadMenu(child.getattribute('id'), menu) # Craft an item elif == 'craft': if not child.hasattribute('definition'): console.log( LOG_ERROR, "craft action without definition in menu %s.\n" % else: itemdef = child.getattribute('definition') try: # See if we can find an item id if it's not given if not child.hasattribute('itemid'): item = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef) itemid = 0 if item: itemchild = item.findchild('id') if itemchild: itemid = itemchild.value else: itemid = hex2dec(child.getattribute('itemid', '0')) except Exception, e: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Craft action with invalid item id in menu %s: %s\n" % (, str(e))) if child.hasattribute('name'): name = child.getattribute('name') else: name = generateNamefromDef(itemdef) action = CartItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) # Process subitems for j in range(0, child.childcount): subchild = child.getchild(j) # Normal Material if == 'material': if not subchild.hasattribute('id'): console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Material element without id list in menu %s.\n" % break else: ids = subchild.getattribute('id').split(';') try: amount = hex2dec( subchild.getattribute('amount', '1')) materialname = subchild.getattribute( 'name', 'Unknown') except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Material element with invalid id list in menu %s.\n" % break action.materials.append( [ids, amount, materialname]) # Skill requirement elif in skillnamesids: skill = skillnamesids[] try: minimum = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute( 'min', '0')) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid min value in menu %s.\n" % (, try: maximum = hex2dec( subchild.getattribute('max', '1200')) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid max value in menu %s.\n" % (, action.skills[skill] = [minimum, maximum]
def sendresponse(player, arguments, target): if target.item: object = target.item elif target.char: if target.char.rank > player.rank and player != target.char: player.socket.sysmessage("You've burnt your fingers!") return object = target.char else: player.socket.sysmessage('You need to target a character or an item.') return # Maybe we need to choose a location if len(arguments) == 0: player.socket.sysmessage( 'Where do you want to send the targetted object?') player.socket.attachtarget('commands.go.sendresponse2', [object.serial]) else: # Try to parse a target location for the object. parts = arguments[0].split(',') pos = player.pos try: if len(parts) >= 3: pos.z = int(parts[2]) if len(parts) >= 4: = int(parts[3]) pos.x = int(parts[0]) pos.y = int(parts[1]) if not isValidPosition(pos): player.socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False object.removefromview() object.moveto(pos) object.update() if not object.ischar() or not object.socket: return object.socket.resendworld() return except: pass # If we reach this point it was no valid coordinate # See if we can get a def location = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_LOCATION, arguments[0]) if location: (x, y, z, map) = location.text.split(',') pos = wolfpack.coord(int(x), int(y), int(z), int(map)) if not isValidPosition(pos): player.socket.sysmessage("Error: Destination invalid!") return False object.removefromview() object.moveto(pos) object.update() if object.ischar() and object.socket: object.socket.resendworld() else: player.socket.sysmessage('Usage: send <x, y, z, map>|<location>') return
def loadMenu(id, parent = None): definition = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MENU, id) if not definition: if parent: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown submenu %s in menu %s.\n" % (id, else: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown menu: %s.\n" % id) return name = definition.getattribute('name', '') menu = TinkeringMenu(id, parent, name) # See if we have any submenus for i in range(0, definition.childcount): child = definition.getchild(i) # Submenu if == 'menu': if not child.hasattribute('id'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Submenu with missing id attribute in menu %s.\n" % else: loadMenu(child.getattribute('id'), menu) # Craft an item elif == 'tinker': if not child.hasattribute('definition') or not child.hasattribute('name'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Tinker action without definition or name in menu %s.\n" % else: itemdef = child.getattribute('definition') name = child.getattribute('name') try: # See if we can find an item id if it's not given if not child.hasattribute('itemid'): item = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef) itemid = 0 if item: itemchild = item.findchild('id') if itemchild: itemid = itemchild.value else: itemid = hex2dec(child.getattribute('itemid', '0')) action = TinkerItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Tinker action with invalid item id in menu %s.\n" % # Process subitems for j in range(0, child.childcount): subchild = child.getchild(j) # How much of the primary resource should be consumed if == 'ingots': action.submaterial1 = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('amount', '0')) elif == 'gems': action.submaterial2 = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('amount', '0')) # Standard material elif == 'logs': amount = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('amount', '0')) materialname = subchild.getattribute('name', 'Unknown') action.materials.append([['1bdd','1bde','1bdf','1be0','1be1','1be2','1bd7','1bd8','1bd9','1bda','1bdb','1bdc'], amount, 'Boards, Logs']) elif == 'nomark': action.markable = 0 elif == 'retaincolor': action.retaincolor = 1 # Normal Material elif == 'material': if not subchild.hasattribute('id'): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Material element without id list in menu %s.\n" % break else: ids = subchild.getattribute('id').split(';') try: amount = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('amount', '1')) materialname = subchild.getattribute('name', 'Unknown') except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Material element with invalid id list in menu %s.\n" % break action.materials.append([ids, amount, materialname]) # Skill requirement elif in skillnamesids: skill = skillnamesids[] try: minimum = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('min', '0')) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid min value in menu %s.\n" % (, try: maximum = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('max', '1200')) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid max value in menu %s.\n" % (, try: penalty = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute('penalty','0')) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid max value in menu %s.\n" % (, action.skills[skill] = [minimum, maximum, penalty] # Sort the menu. This is important for the makehistory to make. menu.sort()
def loadMenu(id, parent=None): definition = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MENU, id) if not definition: if parent: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown submenu %s in menu %s.\n" % (id, else: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown menu: %s.\n" % id) return name = definition.getattribute("name", "") menu = TinkeringMenu(id, parent, name) # See if we have any submenus for i in range(0, definition.childcount): child = definition.getchild(i) # Submenu if == "menu": if not child.hasattribute("id"): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Submenu with missing id attribute in menu %s.\n" % else: loadMenu(child.getattribute("id"), menu) # Craft an item elif == "tinker": if not child.hasattribute("definition") or not child.hasattribute("name"): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Tinker action without definition or name in menu %s.\n" % else: itemdef = child.getattribute("definition") name = child.getattribute("name") try: # See if we can find an item id if it's not given if not child.hasattribute("itemid"): item = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef) itemid = 0 if item: itemchild = item.findchild("id") if itemchild: itemid = itemchild.value else: itemid = hex2dec(child.getattribute("itemid", "0")) action = TinkerItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Tinker action with invalid item id in menu %s.\n" % # Process subitems for j in range(0, child.childcount): subchild = child.getchild(j) # How much of the primary resource should be consumed if == "ingots": action.submaterial1 = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute("amount", "0")) elif == "gems": action.submaterial2 = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute("amount", "0")) # Standard material elif == "logs": amount = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute("amount", "0")) materialname = subchild.getattribute("name", "Unknown") action.materials.append( [ [ "1bdd", "1bde", "1bdf", "1be0", "1be1", "1be2", "1bd7", "1bd8", "1bd9", "1bda", "1bdb", "1bdc", ], amount, "Boards, Logs", ] ) elif == "nomark": action.markable = 0 elif == "retaincolor": action.retaincolor = 1 # Normal Material elif == "material": if not subchild.hasattribute("id"): console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Material element without id list in menu %s.\n" % break else: ids = subchild.getattribute("id").split(";") try: amount = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute("amount", "1")) materialname = subchild.getattribute("name", "Unknown") except: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Material element with invalid id list in menu %s.\n" % break action.materials.append([ids, amount, materialname]) # Skill requirement elif in skillnamesids: skill = skillnamesids[] try: minimum = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute("min", "0")) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid min value in menu %s.\n" % (, ) try: maximum = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute("max", "1200")) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid max value in menu %s.\n" % (, ) try: penalty = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute("penalty", "0")) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid max value in menu %s.\n" % (, ) action.skills[skill] = [minimum, maximum, penalty] # Sort the menu. This is important for the makehistory to make. menu.sort()
def loadMenu(id, parent=None): definition = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_MENU, id) if not definition: if parent: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown submenu %s in menu %s.\n" % (id, else: console.log(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown menu: %s.\n" % id) return name = definition.getattribute('name', '') menu = CarpentryMenu(id, parent, name) # See if we have any submenus for i in range(0, definition.childcount): child = definition.getchild(i) # Submenu if == 'menu': if not child.hasattribute('id'): console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Submenu with missing id attribute in menu %s.\n" % else: menuid = child.getattribute('id') # Don't show boards menu for simple carpentry if extended_carpentry or menuid != 'CARPENTRY_BOARDS': loadMenu(menuid, menu) # Craft an item elif in ['carpenter', 'secarpenter']: if not child.hasattribute('definition'): console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Carpenter action without definition in menu %s.\n" % else: itemdef = child.getattribute('definition') try: # See if we can find an item id if it's not given if not child.hasattribute('itemid'): item = wolfpack.getdefinition(WPDT_ITEM, itemdef) itemid = 0 if item: itemchild = item.findchild('id') if itemchild: itemid = itemchild.value else: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Carpenter action with invalid definition %s in menu %s.\n" % (itemdef, else: itemid = hex2dec(child.getattribute('itemid', '0')) if child.hasattribute('name'): name = child.getattribute('name') else: name = generateNamefromDef(itemdef) if == 'secarpenter': action = SeCarpItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) else: action = CarpItemAction(menu, name, int(itemid), itemdef) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Carpenter action with invalid item id in menu %s.\n" % # Process subitems for j in range(0, child.childcount): subchild = child.getchild(j) # How much of the primary resource should be consumed if == 'boards': action.submaterial1 = hex2dec( subchild.getattribute('amount', '0')) # How much of the secondary resource should be consumed if == 'ingots': action.submaterial2 = hex2dec( subchild.getattribute('amount', '0')) # Normal Material if == 'wood' or == 'cloth' or == 'material': if not subchild.hasattribute('id'): console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Material element without id list in menu %s.\n" % break else: ids = subchild.getattribute('id').split(';') try: amount = hex2dec( subchild.getattribute('amount', '1')) materialname = subchild.getattribute( 'name', 'Unknown') except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "Material element with invalid id list in menu %s.\n" % break action.materials.append( [ids, amount, materialname]) # Consume all available materials scaled by the # amount of each submaterial elif == 'stackable': action.stackable = True elif == 'nomark': action.markable = False elif == 'noretaincolor': action.retaincolor = False # Skill requirement elif in skillnamesids: skill = skillnamesids[] try: minimum = hex2dec(subchild.getattribute( 'min', '0')) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid min value in menu %s.\n" % (, try: maximum = hex2dec( subchild.getattribute('max', '1200')) except: console.log( LOG_ERROR, "%s element with invalid max value in menu %s.\n" % (, action.skills[skill] = [minimum, maximum] # Sort the menu. This is important for the makehistory to make. menu.sort()