def force_text(s, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'): """ Similar to smart_text, except that lazy instances are resolved to strings, rather than kept as lazy objects. If strings_only is True, don't convert (some) non-string-like objects. """ # Handle the common case first for performance reasons. if isinstance(s, six.text_type): return s if not isinstance(s, six.string_types): if six.PY3: if isinstance(s, bytes): s = six.text_type(s, encoding, errors) else: s = six.text_type(s) elif hasattr(s, '__unicode__'): s = six.text_type(s) else: s = six.text_type(bytes(s), encoding, errors) else: # Note: We use .decode() here, instead of six.text_type(s, encoding, # errors), so that if s is a SafeBytes, it ends up being a # SafeText at the end. s = s.decode(encoding, errors) return s
def force_bytes(s, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'): """ If strings_only is True, don't convert (some) non-string-like objects. """ # Handle the common case first for performance reasons. if isinstance(s, bytes): return s if isinstance(s, six.buffer_types): return bytes(s) if not isinstance(s, six.string_types): try: if six.PY3: return six.text_type(s).encode(encoding) else: return bytes(s) except UnicodeEncodeError: if isinstance(s, Exception): # An Exception subclass containing non-ASCII data that doesn't # know how to print itself properly. We shouldn't raise a # further exception. return b' '.join( force_bytes(arg, encoding, errors=errors) for arg in s) return six.text_type(s).encode(encoding, errors) else: return s.encode(encoding, errors)
def encode(s, encoding="utf-8", errors="strict"): try: return encode_default(s, encoding, errors) except UnicodeEncodeError: if isinstance(s, Exception): # An Exception subclass containing non-ASCII data that doesn't # know how to print itself properly. We shouldn't raise a # further exception. return b" ".join( force_bytes(arg, encoding, errors=errors) for arg in s) return six.text_type(s).encode(encoding, errors)
def encode_default(s, encoding="utf-8", errors="strict"): return six.text_type(s).encode(encoding)
def encode(s, encoding="utf-8", errors="strict"): if hasattr(s, "__unicode__"): return six.text_type(s) else: return six.text_type(bytes(s), encoding, errors)