예제 #1
def get_nb_half_days_by_period_per_month(date_from, date_to):
    day_list = pd.date_range(date_from, date_to).tolist()
    cal = France()
    holidays = cal.holidays(date_from.year)
    holidays_date = [h[0] for h in holidays]
    md_dict = {}
    for i in range(1, 13):
        md_dict[i] = {
            "monday_am": 0,
            "monday_pm": 0,
            "tuesday_am": 0,
            "tuesday_pm": 0,
            "wednesday_am": 0,
            "wednesday_pm": 0,
            "thursday_am": 0,
            "thursday_pm": 0,
            "friday_am": 0,
            "friday_pm": 0,

    # for each day of the period
    for day in day_list:
        if not day.date() in holidays_date:
            if day.dayofweek == 0:
                md_dict[day.month]['monday_am'] += 1
                md_dict[day.month]['monday_pm'] += 1
            if day.dayofweek == 1:
                md_dict[day.month]['tuesday_am'] += 1
                md_dict[day.month]['tuesday_pm'] += 1
            if day.dayofweek == 2:
                md_dict[day.month]['wednesday_am'] += 1
                md_dict[day.month]['wednesday_pm'] += 1
            if day.dayofweek == 3:
                md_dict[day.month]['thursday_am'] += 1
                md_dict[day.month]['thursday_pm'] += 1
            if day.dayofweek == 4:
                md_dict[day.month]['friday_am'] += 1
                md_dict[day.month]['friday_pm'] += 1

    return md_dict
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, school_year):
        """Creates the class

        :param school_year: Starting year for the school year
        :type school_year: int

        # Initialize school calendar
        school_calendar = {}

        # Get holidays from National Education Ministry
        with open("Calendrier_Scolaire_Zone_B.ics", "r") as cal:
            edu_calendar = icsCalendar(cal.read())

        # Initialize days off ICS calendar
        days_off_school = icsCalendar()

        # Define begin/end of the school year we are in
        for event in edu_calendar.events:
            if ("Rentrée scolaire des élèves" in event.name
                    and event.begin.year == school_year):
                school_begin = event.begin
            if "Vacances d'été" in event.name and event.begin.year == school_year + 1:
                school_end = event.begin

        # Add events between begin and end of school year
        # First add school holidays, starting the day after the beginning
        for event in edu_calendar.events:
            if event.begin > school_begin and event.begin < school_end:
                # Remove 1s to end so that it does not overrides next day
                event._end_time = event._end_time.shift(seconds=-1)

        # Then take holidays from workalendar
        calendar = France()
        for year in [school_year, school_year + 1]:
            for day_off in calendar.holidays(year):
                begin = day_off[0]
                event = Event(day_off[1], begin)
                if event.begin > school_begin and event.begin < school_end:
                    # Remove 1s to end so that it does not overrides next day
                    event.end = event.end.shift(seconds=-1)

        # Create timeline object
        timeline = days_off_school.timeline

        def get_last_tue(date):
            while date.weekday() != 1:
                date = date.shift(days=-1)
            return date

        def set_end(date):
            return date.replace(hour=16, minute=30, second=0, microsecond=0)

        # Now create dict of all days of school year and status
        # ordered by week number
        current = school_begin
        while int(current.strftime("%w")) > 1:
            current = current.shift(days=-1)
        while current < school_end:
            day = current.strftime("%d")
            week_number = current.isocalendar()[1]
            if week_number not in school_calendar.keys():
                school_calendar[week_number] = []
                current_week = school_calendar[week_number]

            # Limite cantine
            limit = set_end(
                        weeks=-1) if current.weekday() >= 1 else current))
            past_cantine = arrow.now() > limit
            past_garderie = current < arrow.now()
            month = current.strftime("%B").capitalize()
            data = {
                "day": day,
                "month": month,
                "date": current.strftime("%Y%m%d")
            # If one of these is past, then save immediately
            data["bookable_cantine"] = not past_cantine
            data["bookable_garderie"] = not past_garderie
            if not data["bookable_cantine"] and not data["bookable_garderie"]:
                current = current.shift(days=+1)
            if current.isoweekday() in NON_WORKING_DAYS or current.isoweekday(
            ) in [
                data["bookable_cantine"] = False
                data["bookable_garderie"] = False
                data["bookable"] = False
            elif len([i for i in timeline.at(current)]) > 0:
                data["bookable_cantine"] = False
                data["bookable_garderie"] = False
                data["bookable"] = False
            elif current < school_begin:
                data["bookable_cantine"] = False
                data["bookable_garderie"] = False
                data["bookable"] = False
                data["bookable"] = True
            current = current.shift(days=+1)
        # Create set of periods
        i = 1
        periods = {
            i: {
                "begin": school_begin.format("YYYYMMDD"),
                "begin_pretty": school_begin.format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
        for event in sorted(edu_calendar.events):
            if event.begin < school_begin:
            if event.begin > school_end:
            if "Vacances" in event.name:
                periods[i]["end"] = event.begin.format("YYYYMMDD")
                periods[i]["end_pretty"] = event.begin.format("DD/MM/YYYY")
                i += 1
                periods[i] = {
                    "begin": event.end.format("YYYYMMDD"),
                    "begin_pretty": event.end.format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
        self.periods = periods
        self.calendar = school_calendar