예제 #1
def prepare_to_send_ca_texts():
    now_ca = this_hour('America/Los_Angeles')

    # Dirty texts
    dirty_start = convert_tz(now_ca.replace(hour = 8), utc) # 8am PST
    dirty_end = dirty_start + datetime.timedelta(hours = 14) # 10pm PST

    rows = CAISO.objects.all().filter(date__range=(dirty_start, dirty_end)).best_guess_points()
    worst_time = min(rows, key = (lambda r : r.fraction_clean)).date

    schedule_task(worst_time, "workers.utils.send_ca_texts(0)")

    add_to_report('Scheduled "dirty" texts to go out at {}'.format(worst_time))

    # Clean texts
    clean_start = convert_tz(now_ca.replace(hour = 17), utc) # 5pm PST
    clean_end = clean_start + datetime.timedelta(hours = 5) # 10pm PST

    rows = CAISO.objects.all().filter(date__range=(clean_start, clean_end)).best_guess_points()
    best_time = max(rows, key = (lambda r : r.fraction_clean)).date

    schedule_task(best_time, "workers.utils.send_ca_texts(1)")

    add_to_report('Scheduled "clean" texts to go out at {}'.format(best_time))
예제 #2
def send_text(msg, up, force = False):
    text = msg.msg
    if len(text) >= 160:
        m = "Failed to send text, too long. {} -> {!s}".format(text, up)
        return False

    if not up.user.is_active:
        m = "Failed to send text, user inactive. {} -> {!s}.".format(text, up)
        return False

    if not (force or up.is_verified):
        m = "Failed to send text, user not verified. {} -> {!s}.".format(text, up)
        return False

        client = get_twilio_client()
        c = client.sms.messages.create(to = up.phone,
                from_ = WATTTIME_PHONE,
                body = text)
    except twilio.TwilioRestException as e:
        m = "Failed to send text, twilio exception '{!s}'. {} -> {!s}.".format(e, text, up)
        return False

    sms_tools.models.TwilioSMSEvent(user = up.user,
            msg_type = msg.msg_type,
            to_number = up.phone,
            from_number = WATTTIME_PHONE,
            body = msg.msg).save()

    debug ("Sent text. {} -> {!s}.".format(text, up))

    return True
예제 #3
def send_ne_texts_if_necessary():
    now = _now()
    now_ne = _now('America/New_York')

    is_weekday = (now_ne.isoweekday() <= 5)
    is_daytime = (9 <= now_ne.hour < 17)
    is_evening = (17 <= now_ne.hour < 22)

    fuel = NE.objects.all().latest().marginal_fuel
    fuel_name = MARGINAL_FUELS[fuel]
    # 0 = coal
    # 1 = oil
    # 2 = natural gas
    # 3 = refuse
    # 4 = hydro
    # 5 = wood
    # 6 = nuclear
    # 7 = solar
    # 8 = wind
    # 9 = none
    dirty_fuel = [0, 1]
    clean_fuel = [8, 7, 6, 5, 4]

    is_dirty = fuel in dirty_fuel
    is_clean = fuel in clean_fuel

    # No more than one message in each 20 hour period
    last_okay_time = now - datetime.timedelta(hours = 20)

    ups = UserProfile.objects.all()

    # Dirty texts, working hours
    if is_weekday and is_daytime and is_dirty:
        last_msg = latest_by_category(LastMessageSent.NE_dirty_daytime)
        if last_msg is None or last_msg.date < last_okay_time:
            if last_msg is None:
                last_msg = LastMessageSent()
                last_msg.category = LastMessageSent.NE_dirty_daytime
            last_msg.date = now

            debug("Sending NE texts for dirty, working hours {}".format(last_msg.date))

            for up in ups:
                if up.user.is_active and up.is_verified and up.region() == newengland:
                    if up.get_region_settings().message_frequency == 0:
                        message = ne_message_dirty_daytime(up, fuel_name)
                        res = send_text(message, up)

                        msg = 'Sent text "{}" to {}'.format(message.msg, up)
                        if not res:
                            msg = "FAILED: " + msg

    # Dirty texts, after hours
    if is_dirty and (is_evening or (is_daytime and (not is_weekday))):
        last_msg = latest_by_category(LastMessageSent.NE_dirty_evening)
        if last_msg is None or last_msg.date < last_okay_time:
            if last_msg is None:
                last_msg = LastMessageSent()
                last_msg.category = LastMessageSent.NE_dirty_evening
            last_msg.date = now

            debug("Sending NE texts for dirty, after hours {}".format(last_msg.date))

            for up in ups:
                if up.user.is_active and up.is_verified and up.region() == newengland:
                    if up.get_region_settings().message_frequency == 1:
                        message = ne_message_dirty_evening(up, fuel_name)
                        res = send_text(message, up)

                        msg = 'Sent text "{}" to {}'.format(message.msg, up)
                        if not res:
                            msg = "FAILED: " + msg

    # Clean texts, after hours
    if is_clean and (is_evening or (is_daytime and (not is_weekday))):
        last_msg = latest_by_category(LastMessageSent.NE_clean)
        if last_msg is None or last_msg.date < last_okay_time:
            if last_msg is None:
                last_msg = LastMessageSent()
                last_msg.category = LastMessageSent.NE_clean
            last_msg.date = now

            debug("Sending NE texts for clean {}".format(last_msg.date))

            for up in ups:
                if up.user.is_active and up.is_verified and up.region() == newengland:
                    if up.get_region_settings().message_frequency == 2:
                        message = ne_message_clean(up, fuel_name)
                        res = send_text(message, up)

                        msg = 'Sent text "{}" to {}'.format(message.msg, up)
                        if not res:
                            msg = "FAILED: " + msg