예제 #1
class DataGenerator(object):

    def __init__(self):        
        self.debug_mode = DEBUG        
        '''Initialize random seed from constants for reproducibility'''
        self.r = random.Random()
        '''Initialize data managers'''
        self.file_system = DirectoryTreeManager(self.r)
        self.file_update_manager = FileUpdateManager()
        '''Parameters to model files and directories'''
        self.stereotype_file_types_probabilities = dict()
        self.stereotype_file_types_extensions = dict()
        self.file_types_sizes = dict()  #Bytes
        self.directory_count_distribution = None
        self.file_level_deduplication_ratio = 0.0
        self.file_to_dir_operations_ratio = 0.05
        '''Parameters to model files updates'''
        self.file_update_location_probabilities = dict() #Extracted from Tarasov paper, Home dataset
        self.file_type_update_probabilities = dict()
        self.current_updated_file = None
        self.current_updated_file_type = None
        self.last_update_time = -1
        self.file_update_sizes = dict()  #Bytes

    def initialize_from_recipe(self, stereotype_recipe):
        print "Initializing data generator from stereotype recipe..." + stereotype_recipe
        for l in open(stereotype_recipe, "r"):
            model_attribute = l.split(',')[0]
            if model_attribute in dir(self):
                if model_attribute == "directory_count_distribution":
                    fitting = l.split(',')[1]
                    kw_params = eval(l[l.index('{'):])
                    setattr(self, model_attribute, (fitting, kw_params))
                elif model_attribute == "file_level_deduplication_ratio":
                    setattr(self, model_attribute, float(l.split(',')[1]))
                elif model_attribute == "file_to_dir_operations_ratio":
                    setattr(self, model_attribute, float(l.split(',')[1]))
                else: setattr(self, model_attribute, eval(l[l.index('{'):]))

    '''Initialize the file system of the user (delegated to Impressions benchmark)'''
    def create_file_system_snapshot(self):
        print "Creating initial file system snapshot..."
        '''Get initial number of directories for this user'''
        (function, kv_params) = self.directory_count_distribution
        num_dirs = get_random_value_from_fitting(function, kv_params)
        '''Change config file of Impressions'''
        fs_config = ''
        for line in open(FS_IMAGE_CONFIG_PATH, 'r'):
            if "Parent_Path: " in line:
                line = "Parent_Path: " + FS_SNAPSHOT_PATH + " 1\n"
                if not DEBUG and not os.path.exists(FS_SNAPSHOT_PATH):
            if "Numdirs" in line:
                line = "Numdirs: " + str(num_dirs) + " N\n"
            fs_config = ''.join([fs_config, line])
        fs_config_file = open(FS_IMAGE_CONFIG_PATH, 'w')
        print >> fs_config_file, fs_config[:-1]
        '''Create the file system'''
        if not DEBUG: 
            subprocess.call([FS_IMAGE_PATH, FS_IMAGE_CONFIG_PATH])        

    '''Generate the logical structure of the initial snapshot before migration to sandbox'''
    def initialize_file_system_tree(self, fs_snapshot_path):

    '''Create file at random based on the file type popularity for this stereotype'''
    def create_file(self):
        '''Prior creating a file, we first decide which type of file to create'''
        file_type = self.file_system.get_fitness_proportionate_element(self.stereotype_file_types_probabilities)
        '''After choosing the type, we proceed by generating the size of the file'''           
        (function, kv_params) = self.file_types_sizes[file_type]
        size = int(get_random_value_from_fitting(function, kv_params))

        '''Ensure that files are not huge'''
        if size > FILE_SIZE_MAX: 
            size = FILE_SIZE_MAX

        '''After generating the file size, we should decide the path for the new file'''
        synthetic_file_base_path = self.file_system.get_random_fs_directory(FS_SNAPSHOT_PATH)
        '''Create a realistic name'''
        synthetic_file_base_path += get_random_alphanumeric_string(random.randint(1,20)) + \
        '''Invoke SDGen to generate realistic file contents'''
        characterization = DATA_CHARACTERIZATIONS_PATH + file_type
        success = True
        if not DEBUG:
                '''Decide whether we have to create a new file or to take deduplicated content'''
                if self.file_level_deduplication_ratio < self.r.random():
                    cp = subprocess.call(['java', '-jar', DATA_GENERATOR_PATH, characterization, str(size), synthetic_file_base_path], cwd=DATA_GENERATOR_PROPERTIES_DIR)
                    print "--------------------------------------------------------"
                    print "CREATING [NEW] FILE: ", synthetic_file_base_path, str(size)                         
                    '''Get a random file as content and store it with a new name'''
                    src_path, file_type = self.file_system.get_file_based_on_type_popularity(self.stereotype_file_types_probabilities, self.stereotype_file_types_extensions)
                    if src_path== None: 
                        return None
                    print "--------------------------------------------------------"
                    print "CREATING [DEDUPLICATED] FILE: ", synthetic_file_base_path, str(size)  
                    shutil.copyfile(src_path, synthetic_file_base_path)
            except Exception as ex:
                print ex
                success = False
        if success: 
            return synthetic_file_base_path
        return None

    '''Move a file (if there is any) to a random location within the synthetic file system'''
    def move_file(self):
        src_path, file_type = self.file_system.get_file_based_on_type_popularity( 
            self.stereotype_file_types_probabilities, self.stereotype_file_types_extensions)
        dest_path = self.file_system.get_random_fs_directory(FS_SNAPSHOT_PATH)
        print "--------------------------------------------------------"
        if src_path == None or dest_path == None:
            print "WARNING: No files to move!", src_path, dest_path
            return None, None
        print "MOVE FILE: ", src_path, " TO: ", dest_path
        dest_path += src_path.split(os.sep)[-1]
        success = True
        if not DEBUG:            
                shutil.move(src_path, dest_path)
            except Exception as ex:
                print ex
                success = False
        if success:
            if src_path == self.current_updated_file:
                self.current_updated_file = dest_path
            return src_path, dest_path
        return None, None

    '''Move and empty directory to a random place within the synthetic file system'''
    def move_directory(self):
        print "--------------------------------------------------------"
        src_path = self.file_system.get_empty_directory(FS_SNAPSHOT_PATH)
        if src_path == None:
            print "WARNING: No empty directories to move!"
            return None, None
        dest_path = src_path
        '''Avoid moving a directory to itself'''
        trials = 0
        while src_path in dest_path:
            dest_path = self.file_system.get_random_fs_directory(FS_SNAPSHOT_PATH) + src_path.split(os.sep)[-1]
            trials +=1
            '''Avoid infinite loops'''
            if trials > 5:
                dest_path = None

        if dest_path == None:
            print "WARNING: Not enough distinct directories to move!"
            return None, None

        '''If things are ok, do the move operation'''
        print "MOVE DIRECTORY: ", src_path, " TO: ", dest_path
        success = True
        if not DEBUG:
                shutil.move(src_path, dest_path)
            except Exception as ex:
                print ex
                success = False
        if success:
            return src_path, dest_path
        return None, None

    '''Delete a file at random depending on the file type popularity for this stereotype'''
    def delete_file(self):
        print "--------------------------------------------------------"
        to_delete, file_type = self.file_system.get_file_based_on_type_popularity( 
            self.stereotype_file_types_probabilities, self.stereotype_file_types_extensions)
        if to_delete == None: return None
        print "DELETING FILE: ", to_delete  
        success = True         
        if not DEBUG:
            except OSError as ex:
                print ex
                success = False 
        if success:
            '''Delete a random file from the '''
            if to_delete == self.current_updated_file:
                self.current_updated_file = None
            return to_delete
        return None

    '''Create a directory in a random point of the file system'''
    def create_directory(self):
        print "--------------------------------------------------------"
        '''Pick a random position in the fs hierarchy (consider only dirs)'''
        directory_path = self.file_system.get_random_fs_directory(FS_SNAPSHOT_PATH)
        to_create = directory_path + get_random_alphanumeric_string()
        print "CREATING DIRECTORY: ", to_create
        success = True
        if not DEBUG:
            except Exception as ex:
                print ex
                success = False
        if success:
            return to_create
        return None

    '''Delete an empty directory from the structure, if it does exist. If not,
    we prefer to do not perform file deletes as they may yield cascade operations'''
    def delete_directory(self):
        print "--------------------------------------------------------"
        dir_path_to_delete = self.file_system.get_empty_directory(FS_SNAPSHOT_PATH)
        if dir_path_to_delete != None and (DEBUG or os.listdir(dir_path_to_delete) == []):  # do not remove root directory            
            print "DELETING DIRECTORY: ", dir_path_to_delete
            success = True
            if not DEBUG:
                except Exception as ex:
                    print ex
                    success = False            
            if success:
                return dir_path_to_delete
        return None

    def update_file(self):
        print "--------------------------------------------------------"
        '''We have to respect both temporal and spatial localities, as well as to model updates themselves'''
        '''Make use of the UpdateManager for the last aspect'''
        '''1) If there is a file that has been updated, check if we should continue editing it'''
        if self.current_updated_file == None or time.time()-self.last_update_time > 30: #TODO: This threshold should be changed by a real distribution
            '''2) Select a random file of the given type to update (this is a simple approach, which can be
            sophisticated, if necessary, by adding individual "edit probabilities" to files based on distributions)'''
            self.current_updated_file, self.current_updated_file_type = self.file_system.get_file_based_on_type_popularity(
                    self.file_type_update_probabilities, self.stereotype_file_types_extensions)
            self.last_update_time = time.time()

        if self.current_updated_file != None:            
            print "FILE TO EDIT: ", self.current_updated_file
            '''3) Select the type of update to be done (Prepend, Middle or Append)'''
            update_type = self.file_system.get_fitness_proportionate_element(self.file_update_location_probabilities)
            if not DEBUG:
                '''4) Select the size of the update to be done (1%, 40% of the content)'''
                file_size = os.path.getsize(self.current_updated_file)         
                (function, kv_params) = self.file_update_sizes[self.current_updated_file_type]
                relative_size = float(get_random_value_from_fitting(function, kv_params))
                updated_bytes = abs(int(file_size - (file_size*relative_size))) #TODO: At the moment we only consider additions of content in updates           
                if updated_bytes > FILE_SIZE_MAX: 
                    updated_bytes = FILE_SIZE_MAX
                print "UPDATE TYPE: ", update_type, " UPDATE SIZE: ", updated_bytes
                content_type = DATA_CHARACTERIZATIONS_PATH + self.file_system.get_type_of_file(self.current_updated_file, self.stereotype_file_types_extensions)
                self.file_update_manager.modify_file(self.current_updated_file, update_type, content_type, updated_bytes)
        else: print "WARNING: No files to update!"
        '''5) Return the path to the locally updated file to be transferred to the sandbox'''
        return self.current_updated_file
    def delete_file_or_directory(self):
        if self.r.random() > self.file_to_dir_operations_ratio:
            return self.delete_file(), True
            return self.delete_directory(), False
    def move_file_or_directory(self):
        if self.r.random() > self.file_to_dir_operations_ratio:
            return self.move_file(), True
            return self.move_directory(), False
    def create_file_or_directory(self):
        if self.r.random() > self.file_to_dir_operations_ratio:
            return self.create_file(), True
            return self.create_directory(), False