예제 #1
    def _send_quiet_roll_msg(self):
        Notifies all staff and specified player(s) in the room of the result
        of the roll.

        namelist = []
        roll_msg = "|w[Private Roll]|n " + Roll.build_msg(
        if self.rhs.lower() in (
        else:  # send roll message to each recipient
            for name in self.rhs.split(","):
                recipient = self.caller.search(name.strip(), use_nicks=True)
                if recipient:
                    recipient.msg(roll_msg, options={"roll": True})
        roll_msg += " (Shared with: %s)" % ", ".join(namelist)
        self.caller.msg(roll_msg, options={"roll": True})
        # GMs always get to see rolls.
        staff_list = [
            x for x in self.caller.location.contents
            if x.check_permstring("Builders")
        for gm in staff_list:
            gm.msg(roll_msg, options={"roll": True})
예제 #2
    def func(self):
        """Run the @check command"""

        caller = self.caller
        skill = None
        maximum_difference = 100
        flub = "flub" in self.switches
        if not self.args:
            caller.msg("Usage: @check <stat>[+<skill>][ at <difficulty number>][=receiver1,receiver2,etc]")
        args = self.lhs if self.rhs else self.args
        args = args.lower()
        # if args contains ' at ', then we split into halves. otherwise, it's default of 6
        diff_list = args.split(' at ')
        difficulty = stats_and_skills.DIFF_DEFAULT
        if len(diff_list) > 1:
            if not diff_list[1].isdigit() or not 0 < int(diff_list[1]) < maximum_difference:
                caller.msg("Difficulty must be a number between 1 and %s." % maximum_difference)
            difficulty = int(diff_list[1])
        args = diff_list[0]
        arg_list = args.split("+")
        if len(arg_list) > 1:
            skill = arg_list[1].strip()
        stat = arg_list[0].strip()
        matches = stats_and_skills.get_partial_match(stat, "stat")
        if not matches or len(matches) > 1:
            caller.msg("There must be one unique match for a character stat. Please check spelling and try again.")
        # get unique string that matches stat
        stat = matches[0]
        if skill:
            matches = stats_and_skills.get_partial_match(skill, "skill")
            if not matches:
                # check for a skill not in the normal valid list
                if skill in caller.db.skills:
                    matches = [skill]
                    caller.msg("No matches for a skill by that name. Check spelling and try again.")
            if len(matches) > 1:
                caller.msg("There must be one unique match for a character skill. Please check spelling and try again.")
            skill = matches[0]
        quiet = bool(self.rhs)
        stats_and_skills.do_dice_check(caller, stat, skill, difficulty, quiet=quiet, flub=flub)
        if quiet:
            namelist = [name.strip() for name in self.rhs.split(",") if caller.search(name.strip(), use_nicks=True)]
            roll_msg = Roll.build_msg(caller.ndb.last_roll) + " " + "(Private roll sent to: %s)" % ", ".join(namelist)
            # they have a recipient list; only tell those people (and GMs)
            for name in namelist:
                recipient = caller.search(name, use_nicks=True)
                recipient.msg(roll_msg, options={'roll':True})
            # GMs always get to see rolls.
            staff_list = [x for x in caller.location.contents if x.check_permstring("Builders")]
            for GM in staff_list:
                GM.msg("{w(Private roll) {n" + roll_msg)