def main(): data = "world" domain = "domain.pddl" agents = ["Jafar", "Aladdin", "Jasmine", "Genie", "Dragon"] worldManagement.create(data, agents, genesis=True) too_long = 20 run = True while run: calculating = [ subprocess.Popen([ "metricff//Metric-FF-v2.1//ff", '-o', os.path.join(data, domain), '-f', os.path.join(data, agent + ".pddl"), '-s', '3', '>', os.path.join(data, agent + ".soln") ]) for agent in agents ] thinking_time = time.clock() while not finished_thinking(calculating): time.sleep(0.1) thinking_time = time.clock() if thinking_time > too_long: break translations, formalplans = questTranslation.interpret(data) motivations = [ questClassification.classify(formalplan) for formalplan in formalplans ] for translation, motivation in zip(translations, motivations): print(translation, motivation) action = input() if action == "exit": run = False else: worldManagement.update(data, action, agents)
def main(): data = "world" domain = "domain.pddl" agents = ["baker","blacksmith"] worldManagement.create(data,agents,genesis=True) pyperplan = os.path.join("pyperplan","") too_long = 20 run = True while run: calculating = [subprocess.Popen(["C:\\Python34\python.exe", pyperplan, os.path.join(data,domain), os.path.join(data,agent+".pddl")]) for agent in agents] thinking_time = time.clock() while not finished_thinking(calculating): time.sleep(0.1) thinking_time = time.clock() if thinking_time > too_long: break translations, formalplans = questTranslation.interpret(data) motivations = [questClassification.classify(formalplan) for formalplan in formalplans] for translation,motivation in zip(translations,motivations): print(translation,motivation) action = input() if action == "exit": run = False else: worldManagement.update(data, action, agents)
def main(): data = "world" domain = "domain.pddl" agents = sorted([ "baker", "king", "lumberjack", "blacksmith", "merchant", "guard", "daughter" ]) write_domains(data, domain, agents, worldManagement.preferences) worldManagement.create(data, agents, genesis=True) too_long = 10000 run = True calculating = [] opened_files = [] while run: for agent in agents: opened_files.append(open(os.path.join(data, agent + ".soln"), "w")) calculating.append( subprocess.Popen([ os.path.join("metricff", "Metric-FF-v2.1", "ff"), '-o', os.path.join(data, agent, "domain" + agent + ".pddl"), '-f', os.path.join(data, agent, agent + ".pddl"), '-s', '3' ], stdout=opened_files[-1])) thinking_time = time.perf_counter() print('Thinking') while not finished_thinking(calculating): time.sleep(0.5) print("..", end=".") thinking_time = time.perf_counter() if thinking_time > too_long: break for opened_file in opened_files: opened_file.close() print("Done") translations, _, formalplans = questTranslation.interpret(data) print(formalplans) motivations = [ questClassification.classify(formalplan) for formalplan in formalplans ] for translation, motivation in zip(translations, motivations): print(translation, motivation) action = input() if action == "exit": run = False else: worldManagement.update(data, action, agents)
def main(): data = "world" domain = "domain.pddl" #agents = sorted(["baker", "king", "lumberjack", "blacksmith", "merchant", "guard", "daughter"]) agents = sorted(["baker", "king", "lumberjack", "blacksmith", "merchant", "guard", "daughter"]) motivation_count = dict() motivations = ["Knowledge","Comfort","Reputation","Serenity","Protection","Conquest","Wealth","Ability","Equipment"] for motiv in motivations: motivation_count[motiv] = 0 motivation_count["Not found"] = 0 print(motivation_count) emptyOrComplete = 0 quest_log = open("quest_log.txt","w") too_long = 600 # 10 minutes run = True #Creates all the domains and populates a list of action objects listOfActions = write_domains(data, domain, agents, worldManagement.preferences) #makes all the goals worldManagement.create(data,agents, attempts_per_agent=4, genesis=True, verbose=False) while run: calculating = [] opened_files = [] for agent in agents: calculating.append(questPlanning.plan_quest(agent)) #opened_files.append(open(os.path.join(data,agent+".soln"),"w")) #calculating.append(subprocess.Popen([os.path.join("metricff","Metric-FF-v2.1","ff"), '-o', os.path.join(data,"domain"+agent+".pddl"), '-f', os.path.join(data,agent+".pddl"), '-s', '3'],stdout=opened_files[-1])) thinking_time = time.clock() thinking_timelast = thinking_time print('Thinking') while not finished_thinking(calculating): time.sleep(0.5) print(".", end=".") sys.stdout.flush() thinking_timelast += 0.5 #print(thinking_timelast) if thinking_time + too_long < thinking_timelast: print(thinking_time) print("Took too long!") for stillcalculating in calculating: if stillcalculating.poll() == None: stillcalculating.kill() break for opened_file in opened_files: opened_file.close() print("Done") translations, formalplans, NPCNames = questTranslation.interpret(data) #print(formalplans) motivations = [questClassification.classify_fuzzy(formalplan) for formalplan in formalplans] for formalplan,motivation,npcname,translation in zip(formalplans,motivations,NPCNames,translations): #prints the quest print(npcname) print(translation,motivation) if len(formalplan) < 1: emptyOrComplete += 1 else: print(" ".join(formalplan)+" "+motivation[0]) quest_log.write(" ".join(formalplan)) quest_log.write(" m:"+motivation[0]) quest_log.write("\n\n") motivation_count[motivation[0]] += 1 """ for formalplan in formalplans: #print(formalplan) if len(formalplan) < 1: emptyOrComplete += 1 else: print(" ".join(formalplan)) quest_log.write(" ".join(formalplan)) quest_log.write("\n\n") """ #Prints the motivations #print(motivation_count) #print(emptyOrComplete) action = input() if action == "exit": run = False else: worldManagement.update(data, action, agents, listOfActions) #run -= 1 #print ('This is iteration number '+ str(run)) quest_log.close()