예제 #1
def make_encoding(ship_a, ship_b, attack_range, agent):
    """This function calculates the average time to destruction when a shoots at b.

      ship_a ((Ship, str)): Attacker and hull zone tuple.
      ship_b ((Ship, str)): Defender and hull zone tuple.
      trials (int): Number of trials in average calculation.
      range (str): Attack range.
    roll_counts = []
    # Reset ship b for each trial
    world_state = WorldState()
    world_state.addShip(ship_a, 0)
    world_state.addShip(ship_b, 1)

    pool_colors, pool_faces = ship_a.roll("front", attack_range)
    attack = AttackState(attack_range=attack_range,

    # The defense token and die locations have been reordered in the encoding, put them back to
    # their original ordering here.
    encoding = Encodings.encodeAttackState(world_state)

    return encoding, world_state
예제 #2
def test_defense_tokens_model(spend_defense_tokens_model):
    """Test basic network learning loop.

    Test lifetime predictions during the spend defense tokens phase.
    network, errors, eval_errors = spend_defense_tokens_model
    phase_name = "attack - spend defense tokens"
    world_size = Encodings.calculateWorldStateSize()
    action_size = Encodings.calculateActionSize(phase_name)
    attack_size = Encodings.calculateAttackSize()
    input_size = world_size + action_size + attack_size

    target_device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    batch_size = 32
    batch = torch.Tensor(batch_size, input_size).to(target_device)

    print("Eval errors for B were {}".format(eval_errors))
    #print("First and last errors in b are {} and {}".format(eval_errors[0], eval_errors[-1]))

    assert eval_errors[0] > eval_errors[-1]

    # Let's examine predictions for different dice pools and spent defense tokens.
    # Go through the following scenarios:
    # 1.1 An attack with more than enough damage to destroy the ship
    # 1.2 The same attack but a brace that would prevent destruction
    # 1.3 The same attack but a redirect that would prevent destruction
    # Result: 1.1 should have lower lifetime than 1.2 and 1.3
    # 2.1 An attack that can barely destroy the ship
    # 2.2 An attack that barely will not destroy the ship
    # Result: 2.1 should have lower lifetime than 2.2.
    # Ideally 1.1 and 2.1 would predict the current round.
    world_state = WorldState()
    world_state.round = 1
    ship_a = Ship(name="Ship A", template=ship_templates["All Defense Tokens"], upgrades=[], player_number=1)
    ship_b = Ship(name="Ship B", template=ship_templates["All Defense Tokens"], upgrades=[], player_number=2)
    world_state.addShip(ship_a, 0)
    world_state.addShip(ship_b, 1)
    pool_colors, pool_faces = ['black'] * 4, ['hit_crit'] * 4
    world_state.setPhase("ship phase", phase_name)
    # Set the front hull zone to 2 shields
    ship_b.get_range('shields')[ArmadaTypes.hull_zones.index('front')] = 2
    # Set the hull to 3 (by assigning damage to reduce the remaining hull to 3)
    ship_b.set('damage', ship_b.get('hull') - 3)
    attack = AttackState('short', ship_a, 'left', ship_b, 'front', pool_colors, pool_faces)
    action_encoding = torch.cat((Encodings.encodeWorldState(world_state),
                                 Encodings.encodeAction(world_state.sub_phase, None)))
    state_encoding = Encodings.encodeAttackState(world_state)
    batch[0] = torch.cat(
        (action_encoding.to(target_device), state_encoding.to(target_device)))

    action = [("brace", (ArmadaTypes.green, None))]
    action_encoding = torch.cat((Encodings.encodeWorldState(world_state),
                                 Encodings.encodeAction(world_state.sub_phase, action)))
    state_encoding = Encodings.encodeAttackState(world_state)
    batch[1] = torch.cat(
        (action_encoding.to(target_device), state_encoding.to(target_device)))

    world_state = WorldState()
    world_state.round = 1
    ship_a = Ship(name="Ship A", template=ship_templates["All Defense Tokens"], upgrades=[], player_number=1)
    ship_b = Ship(name="Ship B", template=ship_templates["All Defense Tokens"], upgrades=[], player_number=2)
    world_state.addShip(ship_a, 0)
    world_state.addShip(ship_b, 1)
    pool_colors, pool_faces = ['black'] * 4, ['hit_crit'] * 2 + ['hit'] * 2
    world_state.setPhase("ship phase", phase_name)
    # Set the front hull zone to 2 shields
    ship_b.get_range('shields')[ArmadaTypes.hull_zones.index('front')] = 2
    # Set the hull to 3 (by assigning damage to reduce the remaining hull to 3)
    ship_b.set('damage', ship_b.get('hull') - 3)
    attack = AttackState('short', ship_a, 'left', ship_b, 'front', pool_colors, pool_faces)

    action = [("redirect", (ArmadaTypes.green, [('left', 4)]))]
    action_encoding = torch.cat((Encodings.encodeWorldState(world_state),
                                 Encodings.encodeAction(world_state.sub_phase, action)))
    state_encoding = Encodings.encodeAttackState(world_state)
    batch[2] = torch.cat(
        (action_encoding.to(target_device), state_encoding.to(target_device)))

    round_status = network(batch[:3])
    print("super cool estimated rounds of destructions are {}".format(round_status[:3]))

    # Using no defense token results in destruction, the final round should be less
    assert(round_status[0].item() < round_status[1].item())
    assert(round_status[0].item() < round_status[2].item())
예제 #3
def test_resolve_attack_effects_model(resolve_attack_effects_model):
    """Test basic network learning loop.

    Test lifetime predictions during the resolve attack effects phase.
    network, errors, eval_errors = resolve_attack_effects_model
    phase_name = "attack - resolve attack effects"
    world_size = Encodings.calculateWorldStateSize()
    action_size = Encodings.calculateActionSize(phase_name)
    attack_size = Encodings.calculateAttackSize()
    input_size = world_size + action_size + attack_size

    # First verify that errors decreased during training.
    # print("Errors for A were {}".format(errors))
    print("Eval errors for A were {}".format(eval_errors))
    assert eval_errors[0] > eval_errors[-1]

    # Let's examine predictions for different ranges and hull zones.
    target_device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    batch_size = 4
    batch = torch.Tensor(batch_size, input_size).to(target_device)

    # Let's examine predictions for different dice pools and spent defense tokens.
    # Go through the following scenarios:
    # 1.1 An attack upon a ship with only 1 hull remaining
    # 1.2 The same dice pool but on a ship with full hull
    # 1.3 A dice pool with only blank dice
    # 1.4 A dice pool with only blanks when attacking at long range.

    # Create a state from resolve attack effects and an empty action.
    world_state = WorldState()
    world_state.round = 1
    ship_a = Ship(name="Ship A", template=ship_templates["All Defense Tokens"], upgrades=[], player_number=1)
    ship_b = Ship(name="Ship B", template=ship_templates["All Defense Tokens"], upgrades=[], player_number=2)
    world_state.addShip(ship_a, 0)
    world_state.addShip(ship_b, 1)
    pool_colors, pool_faces = ['black'] * 4, ['hit_crit'] * 4
    world_state.setPhase("ship phase", "attack - resolve attack effects")
    ship_b.set('damage', ship_b.get('hull') - 1)
    attack = AttackState('short', ship_a, 'left', ship_b, 'front', pool_colors, pool_faces)
    action_encoding = torch.cat((Encodings.encodeWorldState(world_state),
                                 Encodings.encodeAction(world_state.sub_phase, None)))
    state_encoding = Encodings.encodeAttackState(world_state)
    batch[0] = torch.cat(
        (action_encoding.to(target_device), state_encoding.to(target_device)))

    # Same dice pool but the defender has full hull
    ship_b.set('damage', 0)
    attack = AttackState('short', ship_a, 'left', ship_b, 'front', pool_colors, pool_faces)
    action_encoding = torch.cat((Encodings.encodeWorldState(world_state),
                                 Encodings.encodeAction(world_state.sub_phase, None)))
    state_encoding = Encodings.encodeAttackState(world_state)
    batch[1] = torch.cat(
        (action_encoding.to(target_device), state_encoding.to(target_device)))

    # Full hull and all blanks
    pool_colors, pool_faces = ['black'] * 4, ['blank'] * 4
    world_state.setPhase("ship phase", "attack - resolve attack effects")
    attack = AttackState('short', ship_a, 'left', ship_b, 'front', pool_colors, pool_faces)
    state_encoding = Encodings.encodeAttackState(world_state)
    batch[2] = torch.cat(
        (action_encoding.to(target_device), state_encoding.to(target_device)))

    # Full hull, all blanks, firing at red range
    pool_colors, pool_faces = ['red'] * 2, ['blank'] * 2
    world_state.setPhase("ship phase", "attack - resolve attack effects")
    attack = AttackState('long', ship_a, 'left', ship_b, 'front', pool_colors, pool_faces)
    state_encoding = Encodings.encodeAttackState(world_state)
    batch[3] = torch.cat(
        (action_encoding.to(target_device), state_encoding.to(target_device)))

    lifetime_out = network(batch)
    print("super cool attack effects round estimates are {}".format(lifetime_out))

    # The lifetimes should go up sequentially with the above scenarios.
    # However if the ship won't be destroyed the NN can't make an accurate relative number so be
    # lenient once lifetimes go above round 6. The first scenario should result in destruction
    # however.
    assert(lifetime_out[0].item() < 6)
    for i in range(batch.size(0) - 1):
        assert(lifetime_out[i].item() < lifetime_out[i+1].item() or 
                (lifetime_out[i].item() > 6. and lifetime_out[i+1].item() > 6.))