def submit_ajax(request): """ Handles ajax paste submits. Reads json data from request and handles accordingly. These requests must come from the welbornprod site. """ # Submits should always be ajax/POST. if not request.is_ajax(): remoteip = get_remote_ip(request) if not remoteip: remoteip = '<Unknown IP>' log.error('Received non-ajax request from: {}'.format(remoteip)) return responses.error500(request, msgs=('Invalid request.', ), user_error=' '.join( ('Try entering a valid url,', 'or using the forms/buttons provided.', '-Cj'))) # Get the request args for this submit (JSON only). submitdata = responses.json_get_request(request) if (not submitdata) or (not submitdata.get('content', False)): # No valid submit data. exc = ValueError('Invalid data submitted.') return responses.json_response_err(exc) # Add the user's ip address to the paste data. submitdata['author_ip'] = get_remote_ip(request) # Try building a paste, and return a JSON response. return process_submit(submitdata)
def submit_ajax(request): """ Handles ajax paste submits. Reads json data from request and handles accordingly. These requests must come from the welbornprod site. """ # Submits should always be ajax/POST. if not request.is_ajax(): remoteip = get_remote_ip(request) if not remoteip: remoteip = '<Unknown IP>' log.error('Received non-ajax request from: {}'.format(remoteip)) return responses.error500( request, msgs=('Invalid request.', ), user_error=' '.join(( 'Try entering a valid url,', 'or using the forms/buttons provided.', '-Cj' )) ) # Get the request args for this submit (JSON only). submitdata = responses.json_get_request(request) if (not submitdata) or (not submitdata.get('content', False)): # No valid submit data. exc = ValueError('Invalid data submitted.') return responses.json_response_err(exc) # Add the user's ip address to the paste data. submitdata['author_ip'] = get_remote_ip(request) # Try building a paste, and return a JSON response. return process_submit(submitdata)
def submit_public(request): """ A public paste submission (may have to pass a gauntlet of checks) """ # Get the request args for this submit. submitdata = responses.json_get_request(request, suppress_errors=True) # Try using GET/POST.. if not submitdata: submitdata = responses.get_request_args(request) # Using multiple content args, but first for the rest. submitdata['content'] = '\n'.join(submitdata.getlist('content', [])) # Parse a few args that string values would break. onhold = parse_bool(submitdata.get('onhold', '')) private = parse_bool(submitdata.get('private', '')) submitdata.update({'onhold': onhold, 'private': private}) if (not submitdata) or (not submitdata.get('content', False)): # No valid submit data. exc = ValueError('Invalid data submitted.') return responses.json_response_err(exc) # Add author's ip to the paste info. submitdata['author_ip'] = get_remote_ip(request) invalidsubmit = invalidate_submit(submitdata) if invalidsubmit: # User is not allowed to paste again right now. log.debug('User paste invalidated: ' '{} - {}'.format(submitdata['author_ip'], invalidsubmit)) err = ValueError(invalidsubmit) return responses.json_response_err(err) # Try building a paste, and return JSON response. return process_submit(submitdata, apisubmit=True)
def clean_response(template_name, context_dict, **kwargs): """ same as render_response, except does code cleanup (no comments, etc.) returns cleaned HttpResponse. Keyword Args: see htmltools.render_clean()... """ if context_dict is None: context_dict = {} request = kwargs.get('request', None) or context_dict.get('request', None) # Add request to context if available. if request: context_dict.update({'request': request}) # Add server name, remote ip to context if not added already. if not context_dict.get('server_name', False): context_dict['server_name'] = get_server(request) if not context_dict.get('remote_ip', False): context_dict['remote_ip'] = get_remote_ip(request) # Add new context dict to kwargs for render_clean(). kwargs['context_dict'] = context_dict try: rendered = htmltools.render_clean(template_name, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: _log.error('Unable to render template: ' '{}\n{}'.format(template_name, ex)) return alert_message(request, 'Sorry, there was an error loading this page.') else: return HttpResponse(rendered)
def clean_response_req(template_name, context_dict, **kwargs): """ handles responses with RequestContext instead of Context, otherwise it's the same as clean_response """ if not context_dict: context_dict = {} request = kwargs.get('request', None) if request: # Add server name, remote ip to context if not added already. if not context_dict.get('server_name', False): context_dict['server_name'] = get_server(request) if not context_dict.get('remote_ip', False): context_dict['remote_ip'] = get_remote_ip(request) # Turn this into a request context. context_dict = RequestContext(request, context_dict) else: _log.error('No request passed to clean_response_req!\n' 'template: {}\n'.format(template_name) + 'context: {}\n'.format(repr(context_dict))) kwargs['context_dict'] = context_dict try: rendered = htmltools.render_clean(template_name, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: _log.error('Unable to render template with request context: ' '{}\n{}'.format(template_name, ex)) return alert_message(request, 'Sorry, there was an error loading this page.') else: return HttpResponse(rendered)
def clean_response( template_name, context=None, request=None, status=200, **kwargs): """ same as render_response, except does code cleanup (no comments, etc.) returns cleaned HttpResponse. Arguments: template_name : Known template name to render. context : Context dict. request : Request() object (or None). status : Status code for the HttpResponse(). Keyword Args: link_list : Auto link list for render_html() auto_link_args : Keyword arguments dict for render_html() and auto_link() """ context = context or {} # Check kwargs for a request obj, then check the context if it's not # there. request = request or context.get('request', None) # Add request to context if available. if request: # Add server name, remote ip to context if not added already. if not context.get('server_name', False): context['server_name'] = get_server(request) if not context.get('remote_ip', False): context['remote_ip'] = get_remote_ip(request) try: rendered = htmltools.render_clean( template_name, context=context, request=request, link_list=kwargs.get('link_list', None), auto_link_args=kwargs.get('auto_link_args', None) ) except Exception: logtraceback( log.error, message='Unable to render: {}, context: {}, request: {}'.format( template_name, context, request ) ) # 500 page. return error500(request, msgs=('Error while building that page.',)) if rendered: # Return final page response. return HttpResponse(rendered, status=status or 200) # Something went wrong in the render chain. # It catches most errors, logs them, and returns ''. msgs = [ 'Unable to build that page right now, sorry.', 'The error has been logged and emailed to me.' ] return error500(request, msgs=msgs)
def view_index(request): """ List all uploaded images, or an album's images (GET /img?album=<name>). Present the upload button to staff. """ alert_msg = None alert_class = None imagefilter = {'disabled': False} album = request.GET.get('album', None) if album: # Filter by album. TODO: This may need it's own view. if album == 'none': # Grab all image without an album set. album = '' if album == 'all': # Grab all images. album = None else: # Filter on user-specified album. imagefilter['album'] = album else: # View a single image by id. TODO: Needs it's own url pattern. imageid = request.GET.get('id', None) if imageid: return view_image_id(request, imageid) if request.user.is_staff: if request.FILES: # Handle file upload. alert_class, alert_msg = handle_files(request) else: if request.FILES: log.error('Non-staff tried to upload files: {}'.format( utilities.get_remote_ip(request))) # No private images for the public. imagefilter['private'] = False images = wp_image.objects.filter(**imagefilter) if album and (not images): alert_msg = 'No album by that name.' alert_class = 'error' album = None if images: images = images.order_by('-publish_date') # Allow user sort by album. if request.GET.get('sort', None) == 'album': images = images.order_by('album') context = { 'images': images, 'album': album, 'alert_message': alert_msg, 'alert_class': alert_class } return responses.clean_response(template_name='img/index.html', context=context, request=request)
def error500(request, msgs=None): """ Fake-raise a 500 error. I say fake because no exception is raised, but the user is directed to the 500-error page. If a message is passed, it is sent via the messages framework. Arguments: request : Request object from view. message : Optional message for the messages framework. """ if msgs and isinstance(msgs, str): msgs = [msgs] if msgs: # Send messages using the message framework. for m in msgs: messages.error(request, m) context = {'request': request, 'server_name': get_server(request), 'remote_ip': get_remote_ip(request), } try: rendered = htmltools.render_clean('home/500.html', context_dict=context, request=request) except Exception as ex: _log.error('Unable to render template: home/500.html\n' '{}'.format(ex)) if msgs: # Send message manually. errmsgfmt = '<html><body>\n{}</body></html>' # Style each message. msgfmt = '<div style="color: darkred;">{}</div>' errmsgs = '\n'.join((msgfmt.format(m) for m in msgs)) # Build final html page. errmsg = errmsgfmt.format(errmsgs) else: errmsg = 'There was an error while building this page.' return HttpResponseServerError(errmsg) # Successfully rendered 500.html page. return HttpResponse(rendered)
def view_scriptkids(request): """ return my script kiddie view for people trying to access wordpress-login pages and stuff like that. """ # get ip if possible. ip_address = utilities.get_remote_ip(request) try: path = request.path except AttributeError: path = '<error getting path>' log.error('ScriptKid Access from: {} -> {}'.format(ip_address, path)) # get insulting image to display scriptkid_img = hometools.get_scriptkid_image() if scriptkid_img is not None: scriptkid_img = utilities.get_relative_path(scriptkid_img) use_img = (scriptkid_img is not None) use_ip = (ip_address is not None) context = { 'use_img': use_img, 'scriptkid_img': scriptkid_img, 'use_ip': use_ip, 'ip_address': ip_address, } # Try banning the ip. ban_ip = use_ip and (ip_address != '') if ban_ip: if utilities.ban_add(request): log.error('Banned script kid: {}'.format(ip_address)) else: log.error('Could not ban script kid: {}'.format(ip_address)) else: log.debug('Not banning scriptkid: {}'.format(ip_address)) # return formatted template. return responses.clean_response( 'home/scriptkids.html', context=context, request=request)
def view_loader(request): """ accepts GET/POST request containing a filename 'file'. uses ajax in loader.html to pass that filename to ajax_contents(). everything after that is handled in loader.html's javascript with the help of wpviewer.js. raises 404 on error or file not found.. """ rawpath = request.POST.get('file', request.GET.get('file', '')) if rawpath: file_path = utilities.strip_chars(rawpath, ('"', "'")) context = { 'file': file_path, } return responses.clean_response( 'viewer/loader.html', context=context, request=request) log.error('Empty file name given: {}'.format( utilities.get_remote_ip(request)) ) raise Http404('No file name given.')
def get_remote_ip(request): """ Make the convenience function available for templates. """ return utilities.get_remote_ip(request)
def view_ip_simple(request): """ returns the remote ip in plain text. """ ip = '{}\n'.format(utilities.get_remote_ip(request)) return responses.text_response(ip)
def view_index(request): """ List all uploaded images, or an album's images (GET /img?album=<name>). Present the upload button to staff. """ alert_msg = None alert_class = None imagefilter = { 'disabled': False } album = request.GET.get('album', None) if album: # Filter by album. TODO: This may need it's own view. if album == 'none': # Grab all image without an album set. album = '' if album == 'all': # Grab all images. album = None else: # Filter on user-specified album. imagefilter['album'] = album else: # View a single image by id. TODO: Needs it's own url pattern. imageid = request.GET.get('id', None) if imageid: return view_image_id(request, imageid) if request.user.is_staff: if request.FILES: # Handle file upload. alert_class, alert_msg = handle_files(request) else: if request.FILES: log.error( 'Non-staff tried to upload files: {}'.format( utilities.get_remote_ip(request))) # No private images for the public. imagefilter['private'] = False images = wp_image.objects.filter(**imagefilter) if album and (not images): alert_msg = 'No album by that name.' alert_class = 'error' album = None if images: images = images.order_by('-publish_date') # Allow user sort by album. if request.GET.get('sort', None) == 'album': images = images.order_by('album') context = { 'images': images, 'album': album, 'alert_message': alert_msg, 'alert_class': alert_class } return responses.clean_response( template_name='img/index.html', context=context, request=request )
def error_response(request=None, errnum=500, msgs=None, user_error=None): """ Error Response, with optional messages through the messages framework. errnum can be 403, 404, or 500, (or any other number with a template in /home) If msgs is passed, it is sent via the messages framework. Arguments: request : Request object from view. errnum : Int, error number (decides which template to use). msgs : Optional error messages for the messages framework. Accepts a list. user_error : Friendly msg to show to the user, usually because it was their fault (invalid request/url). Without it, the default 'sorry, this was my fault..' msg is shown. """ if msgs and isinstance(msgs, str): log.warn('Received str for msgs!: {}'.format(msgs)) msgs = [msgs] if not request: # This happens when the request isn't passed from the original view. return text_response('\n'.join(( 'A developer error occurred.', 'The Request() object was lost somewhere down the line.', 'This error has been emailed to me, and I will fix it asap.', 'Thanks for your patience, -Cj', '\nOriginal message:\n{}'.format('\n'.join(msgs)) if msgs else '' ))) # Send messages using the message framework. for s in msgs: messages.error(request, s) context = { 'server_name': get_server(request), 'remote_ip': get_remote_ip(request), 'user_error': user_error, } templatefile = 'home/{}.html'.format(errnum) try: rendered = htmltools.render_clean( templatefile, context=context, request=request ) except Exception as ex: logmsg = 'Unable to render template: {}\n{}'.format(templatefile, ex) log.error(logmsg) # Send message manually. errmsgfmt = '<html><body>\n{}</body></html>' # Style each message. msgfmt = '<div style="color: darkred;">{}</div>' if msgs: errmsgs = '\n'.join((msgfmt.format(m) for m in msgs)) # Build final html page. errmsg = errmsgfmt.format(errmsgs) else: msgerrnum = 'Error: {}'.format(errnum) msgerrtxt = 'There was an error while building this page.' errmsg = errmsgfmt.format( msgfmt.format('<br>'.join((msgerrnum, msgerrtxt)))) return HttpResponseServerError(errmsg, status=errnum) if not rendered: rendered = htmltools.fatal_error_page( 'Unable to build that page, sorry.' ) # Successfully rendered {errnum}.html page. return HttpResponse(rendered, status=errnum)