예제 #1
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = super().get_linesep(lines)

        license_template = Config.read_file(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(name)), ".styleguide-license")

        # Get year when file was most recently modified in Git history
        # Committer date is used instead of author date (the one shown by "git
        # log" because the year the file was last modified in the history should
        # be used. Author dates can be older than this or even out of order in
        # the log.
        cmd = ["git", "log", "-n", "1", "--format=%ci", "--", name]
        last_year = subprocess.run(cmd,

        # Check if file has uncomitted changes in the working directory
        cmd = ["git", "diff-index", "--quiet", "HEAD", "--", name]
        has_uncommitted_changes = subprocess.run(cmd).returncode

        # If file hasn't been committed yet or has changes in the working
        # directory, use current calendar year as end of copyright year range
        if last_year == "" or has_uncommitted_changes:
            last_year = str(date.today().year)

        success, first_year, appendix = self.__try_regex(
            lines, last_year, license_template)
        if not success:
            success, first_year, appendix = self.__try_string_search(
                lines, last_year, license_template)

        output = ""

        # Determine copyright range and trailing padding
        if first_year != last_year:
            year_range = first_year + "-" + last_year
            year_range = first_year

        for line in license_template:
            # Insert copyright year range
            line = line.replace("{year}", year_range)

            # Insert padding which expands to the 80th column. If there is more
            # than one padding token, the line may contain fewer than 80
            # characters due to rounding during the padding width calculation.
            PADDING_TOKEN = "{padding}"
            padding_count = line.count(PADDING_TOKEN)
            if padding_count:
                padding = 80 - len(line) + len(PADDING_TOKEN) * padding_count
                padding_width = int(padding / padding_count)
                line = line.replace(PADDING_TOKEN, " " * padding_width)

            output += line + linesep

        # Copy rest of original file into new one
        output += appendix

        return output, True
예제 #2
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)

        license_template = Config.read_file(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(name)), ".styleguide-license")

        success, year, appendix = self.__try_regex(lines, license_template)
        if not success:
            success, year, appendix = self.__try_string_search(
                lines, license_template)

        output = ""

        # Determine copyright range and trailing padding
        if year != self.__current_year:
            year = year + "-" + self.__current_year

        for line in license_template:
            # Insert copyright year range
            line = line.replace("{year}", year)

            # Insert padding which expands to the 80th column. If there is more
            # than one padding token, the line may contain fewer than 80
            # characters due to rounding during the padding width calculation.
            PADDING_TOKEN = "{padding}"
            padding_count = line.count(PADDING_TOKEN)
            if padding_count:
                padding = 80 - len(line) + len(PADDING_TOKEN) * padding_count
                padding_width = int(padding / padding_count)
                line = line.replace(PADDING_TOKEN, " " * padding_width)

            output += line + linesep

        # Copy rest of original file into new one
        output += appendix

        return (output, lines != output, True)
예제 #3
    def run_pipeline(self, config_file, name, lines):
        linesep = Task.get_linesep(lines)

        license_template = Config.read_file(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(name)), ".styleguide-license")

        # Strip newlines at top of file
        stripped_lines = lines.lstrip().split(linesep)

        # If a comment at the beginning of the file is considered a license, it
        # is replaced with an updated license. Otherwise, a license header is
        # inserted before it.
        first_comment_is_license = False
        license_end = 0

        # Regex for tokenizing on comment boundaries
        token_regex = re.compile("^/\*|\*/|^//")

        in_multiline_comment = False
        for line in stripped_lines:
            # If part of comment contains "Copyright (c)", comment is license.
            if "Copyright (c)" in line:
                first_comment_is_license = True

            line_has_comment = False
            for match in token_regex.finditer(line):
                # If any comment token was matched, the line has a comment
                line_has_comment = True

                token = match.group()

                if token == "/*":
                    in_multiline_comment = True
                elif token == "*/":
                    in_multiline_comment = False
            if not in_multiline_comment and not line_has_comment:
                license_end += 1

        # If comment at beginning of file is non-empty license, update it
        if first_comment_is_license and license_end > 0:
            file_parts = \
                 linesep + linesep.join(stripped_lines[license_end:]).lstrip()]
            file_parts = ["", linesep + lines.lstrip()]

        # Default year when none is found is current one
        year = self.__current_year

        year_regex = re.compile("Copyright \(c\).*\s(20..)")
        modify_copyright = False
        for line in file_parts[0].split(linesep):
            match = year_regex.search(line)
            # If license contains copyright pattern, extract the first year
            if match:
                year = match.group(1)
                modify_copyright = True

        output = ""

        # Determine copyright range and trailing padding
        if modify_copyright and year != self.__current_year:
            year = year + "-" + self.__current_year

        for line in license_template:
            # Insert copyright year range
            line = line.replace("{year}", year)

            # Insert padding which expands to the 80th column. If there is more
            # than one padding token, the line may contain fewer than 80
            # characters due to rounding during the padding width calculation.
            PADDING_TOKEN = "{padding}"
            padding_count = line.count(PADDING_TOKEN)
            if padding_count:
                padding = 80 - len(line) + len(PADDING_TOKEN) * padding_count
                padding_width = int(padding / padding_count)
                line = line.replace(PADDING_TOKEN, " " * padding_width)

            output += line + linesep

        # Copy rest of original file into new one
        if len(file_parts) > 1:
            output += file_parts[1]

        return (output, lines != output, True)