profile_dict['image2_snowIndex'] = ndsi2mean # add mean snow index profile for image 1 profiles.append(profile_dict) # add to list # Translate timeslices across space (profiles) to timeseries across time at a point (pts) pts = wgt.convertProfilesListToPointTimeseries(profiles) # Collect all transect data to write out timeNow = profile_data={ 'sample_pts_lon_lat':sample_pts_lon_lat, 'sample_pts_PS':sample_pts_PS, 'sample_pts_frontdist':sample_pts_frontdist.tolist(),\ 'sampled_on_date_iso':timeNow.isoformat(), 'profile_shapefile':profile_shapefile, 'profile_shapefile_dir':profile_shapefile_dir,\ 'profile_shapefile_projection_Proj':originalSrsProj, 'profiles':profiles, 'pts':pts, 'transect_name':transName } # Write transect velocity data to json file jsonFnOut = transName + '_swathVelocitySampling_' + timeNow.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + '.json' wgt.writeJsonFile(profile_data,jsonFnOut) ## ANALYSIS AND PLOTTING for featNum in range(0,lyr.GetFeatureCount()): # iterate over all transects # just hacking these for testing - will change to loop #feat = lyr.GetFeature(59) # kaskWB if using the epsg102006 transects #feat = lyr.GetFeature(19) # kaskWB if using the st elias utm7n transects #feat = lyr.GetFeature(8) # nabeEB if using the wrangells utm7n transects #featNum = 17 # nabeEB if using new WStE transects feat = lyr.GetFeature(featNum) # get feature lineGeom = feat.geometry() # get geometry of profile line transName = feat.GetField(1) # transect name # Get json fn (assumes only one in this directory for each transect)
summerTiming = {'doys':suDoys,'midDates':suMidDates,'startDates':suStarts,'endDates':suEnds,'dDays':suDts} winterTiming = {'doys':wiDoys,'midDates':wiMidDates,'startDates':wiStarts,'endDates':wiEnds,'dDays':wiDts} # Save to dict for writing out velocityChangeDict[transName] = speedupDictNow velocityChangeDict2[transName] = speedupDictNow2 allSeasonalVelocities[transName]=seasonalVelocityDictToJson allGlacierTiming[transName]={'summer':summerTiming,'winter':winterTiming} # Plot seasonal velocity data #wgt.plotSeasonalVelocity(seasonalVelocityDict2,speedupDictNow2,termDist,1,1) #wgt.plotSeasonalSpeedup(speedupDictNow2,termDist,1,1) # Write timing out jsonFnOut0 = 'timingDict_fullyAutomated_27jan2017.json' wgt.writeJsonFile(allGlacierTiming,jsonFnOut0) # Write speedup plots out jsonFnOut1 = 'speedupDict_fullyAutomated_28nov2016.json' jsonFnOut2 = 'speedupDict_2iterTempFilter_fullyAutomated_28nov2016.json' wgt.writeJsonFile(velocityChangeDict,jsonFnOut1) wgt.writeJsonFile(velocityChangeDict2,jsonFnOut2) # Write seasonal velocity out jsonFnOut3 = 'seasonalVelocityProfiles_2iterTempFilter_fullyAutomated_24jan2017.json' wgt.writeJsonFile(allSeasonalVelocities,jsonFnOut3) # Define speedup distance from scipy.stats import ranksums
profiles.append(profile_dict) # add to list # Translate timeslices across space (profiles) to timeseries across time at a point (pts) pts = wgt.convertProfilesListToPointTimeseries(profiles) # Collect all transect data to write out timeNow = profile_data={ 'sample_pts_lon_lat':sample_pts_lon_lat, 'sample_pts_PS':sample_pts_PS, 'sample_pts_frontdist':sample_pts_frontdist.tolist(),\ 'sampled_on_date_iso':timeNow.isoformat(), 'profile_shapefile':profile_shapefile, 'profile_shapefile_dir':profile_shapefile_dir,\ 'profile_shapefile_projection_Proj':originalSrsProj, 'profiles':profiles, 'pts':pts, 'transect_name':transName } # Write transect velocity data to json file jsonFnOut = transName + '_swathVelocitySampling_' + timeNow.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d") + '.json' wgt.writeJsonFile(profile_data, jsonFnOut) ## ANALYSIS AND PLOTTING for featNum in range(0, lyr.GetFeatureCount()): # iterate over all transects # just hacking these for testing - will change to loop #feat = lyr.GetFeature(59) # kaskWB if using the epsg102006 transects #feat = lyr.GetFeature(19) # kaskWB if using the st elias utm7n transects #feat = lyr.GetFeature(8) # nabeEB if using the wrangells utm7n transects #featNum = 17 # nabeEB if using new WStE transects feat = lyr.GetFeature(featNum) # get feature lineGeom = feat.geometry() # get geometry of profile line transName = feat.GetField(1) # transect name # Get json fn (assumes only one in this directory for each transect) try:
alpha = np.append(alpha, dz / dx) elevDict[transName] = { 'dist': dist.tolist(), 'slope': alpha.tolist(), 'elevMean': zStats['means'], 'elevMin': zStats['mins'], 'elevMax': zStats['maxs'], 'elevStd': zStats['stds'], 'elevCount': zStats['counts'] } # Write transect velocity data to json file jsonFnOut = os.path.split( albersCenterlinesFn)[1][:-4] + '_elevationProfiles.json' wgt.writeJsonFile(elevDict, jsonFnOut) ## PLOTTING ELEVATION PROFILES color_idx = np.linspace(0, 1, len(elevDict)) cols = transIter = elevDict.iterkeys() meanMins = [] meanMeans = [] meanMaxs = [] meanDists = [] for i in range(0, len(elevDict)): transName = elevNow = elevDict[transName] randInd = np.random.randint(0, len(elevDict)) plt.plot(np.array(elevNow['dist']) / 1e3,
# plt.text(-.19,-.13,'UG rmse: ' + "{0:.3f}".format(rmseUp)) # plt.text(-.19,-.09,'DG r2: ' + "{0:.3f}".format(r2down)) # plt.text(-.19,-0.03,'DG rmse: ' + "{0:.3f}".format(rmseDown)) plt.xlim((-.2,.2)) plt.ylim((-.2,.2)) plt.xlabel('Observed speedup [m/d]',fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('Best linear \n fit speedup [m/d]',fontsize=16) plt.savefig(transNow + '_quantifySpeedupPlot_relToSnowline.pdf') plt.close() except KeyError: print "Key error on " + transNow ranksumExists = 0 wgt.writeJsonFile(quantifySpeedupDict,'quantifySpeedupDict_withSnowline_handTreated_07feb2017.json') # Look at all glaciers together #data = wgt.readJsonFile('/Users/wiar9509/Google Drive/wrangells/json/quantifySpeedupDict_07feb2017.json') qSpeed = wgt.readJsonFile('/Users/wiar9509/Google Drive/wrangells/json/quantifySpeedupDict_withSnowline_handTreated_07feb2017.json') # initialize transNameList = [] speedMagListUp = [] speedMagListDown = [] speedSlopeListUp = [] speedSlopeListDown = [] color_idx = np.linspace(0, 1, len(qSpeed)) cols =
interpProfileCoords = wgt.readVertexCoordsFromPolyline(transName+'_swathSamplePoints.shp') # read vertex coordinates from interpolated line stats = wgt.zonal_stats(outDirectory + transName+'_samplePolygons.shp', albersDemFn) # swath profile along transect zStats = wgt.readZonalStatsOutput(stats) # read swath profile output dz = np.diff(zStats['means']) dx = np.diff(dist) alpha = np.nan alpha = np.append(alpha,dz/dx) elevDict[transName] = {'dist':dist.tolist(),'slope':alpha.tolist(),'elevMean':zStats['means'],'elevMin':zStats['mins'],'elevMax':zStats['maxs'],'elevStd':zStats['stds'],'elevCount':zStats['counts']} # Write transect velocity data to json file jsonFnOut = os.path.split(albersCenterlinesFn)[1][:-4] + '_elevationProfiles.json' wgt.writeJsonFile(elevDict,jsonFnOut) ## PLOTTING ELEVATION PROFILES color_idx = np.linspace(0, 1, len(elevDict)) cols = transIter = elevDict.iterkeys() meanMins = [] meanMeans = [] meanMaxs = [] meanDists = [] for i in range(0,len(elevDict)): transName = elevNow = elevDict[transName]
# plt.text(-.19,-.09,'DG r2: ' + "{0:.3f}".format(r2down)) # plt.text(-.19,-0.03,'DG rmse: ' + "{0:.3f}".format(rmseDown)) plt.xlim((-.2, .2)) plt.ylim((-.2, .2)) plt.xlabel('Observed speedup [m/d]', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('Best linear \n fit speedup [m/d]', fontsize=16) plt.savefig(transNow + '_quantifySpeedupPlot_relToSnowline.pdf') plt.close() except KeyError: print "Key error on " + transNow ranksumExists = 0 wgt.writeJsonFile( quantifySpeedupDict, 'quantifySpeedupDict_withSnowline_handTreated_07feb2017.json') # Look at all glaciers together #data = wgt.readJsonFile('/Users/wiar9509/Google Drive/wrangells/json/quantifySpeedupDict_07feb2017.json') qSpeed = wgt.readJsonFile( '/Users/wiar9509/Google Drive/wrangells/json/quantifySpeedupDict_withSnowline_handTreated_07feb2017.json' ) # initialize transNameList = [] speedMagListUp = [] speedMagListDown = [] speedSlopeListUp = [] speedSlopeListDown = []