예제 #1
def info(ff, pyngl_map=True, print_timeid=False):
    ''' domain information of WRF output '''
    ts = getvar(ff, "times", timeidx=ALL_TIMES)  #-1 isn't work
    nt = np.int32(len(ts))
    dtimes = []
    #for t in ts:
    #    dtimes.append(str(t.values)[0:19])
    dtimes = [str(t.values)[0:19] for t in ts]
    var = getvar(ff, "QCLOUD", timeidx=0)  #Xarray
    (nz, ny, nx) = var.shape  #nz = np.int32(len(var[:,0,0]))
    (lat, lon) = latlon_coords(var)  # Get the latitude and longitude points
    lat = to_np(lat)
    lon = to_np(lon)
    '|ny:{}'.format(ny)+'|nx:{} '.format(nx)+'.'*6+'Get Dimensions '+ \
    'and coordinates(lat. & long.)')
    if pyngl_map:
        #Set some map options based on information in WRF output file
        res = get_pyngl(var)
        del var
        res.tfDoNDCOverlay = True  # required for native projection
            'pyngl_map = {}, Get WRF map-related resources'.format(pyngl_map))
        res = Ngl.Resources()
    if print_timeid:
        for i, dtime in enumerate(dtimes):
            print('\033[95m({:02d}){}\033[0m'.format(i, dtime))

    return nt, nz, ny, nx, dtimes, lat, lon, res
예제 #2
def print_cape_for_timestamp(wrf_data, timestamp, filepath):
    slp = pressure_lib.get_sea_level_pressure(wrf_data)
    cinfo = getvar(wrf_data, "cape_2d", missing=0.0)
    cape = cinfo[0, :, :].fillna(0)

    lat, lon = latlon_coords(slp)
    lat_normal = to_np(lat)
    lon_normal = to_np(lon)

    # rain sum
    cape_res = get_pyngl(cinfo)
    cape_res.nglDraw = False  # don't draw plot
    cape_res.nglFrame = False  # don't advance frame

    cape_res.cnFillOn = True  # turn on contour fill
    cape_res.cnLinesOn = False  # turn off contour lines
    cape_res.cnLineLabelsOn = False  # turn off line labels
    cape_res.cnFillMode = "RasterFill"  # These two resources
    cape_res.cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
    cape_res.cnFillColors        = numpy.array([ [255,255,255], [  0,255,  0], [  0,128,  0], \
                                                 [240,230,140], [255,255,  0], [255,140,  0], \
                                                 [255,  0,  0], [139,  0,  0], [186, 85,211],\
                                                 [153, 50,204], [139,  0,139], ],'f') / 255.
    cape_res.cnLevels = numpy.array(
        [.1, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500])

    cape_res = geography_lib.initialize_geography(cape_res, "gray50")

    cape_res.lbTitleString = "Convective available potential energy [CAPE] in (J/kg)"
    cape_res.lbOrientation = "horizontal"
    cape_res.lbTitleFontHeightF = 0.015
    cape_res.lbLabelFontHeightF = 0.015

    cape_res.tiMainString = "Thunderstorm probability (%s)" % timestamp.strftime(
        "%b %d %Y %HUTC")
    cape_res.trGridType = "TriangularMesh"  # can speed up plotting.
    cape_res.tfDoNDCOverlay = True  # required for native projection

    # pressure
    p_res = pressure_lib.get_pressure_resource(lat_normal, lon_normal)

    wk_res = Ngl.Resources()
    wk_res.wkWidth = 2500
    wk_res.wkHeight = 2500
    output_path = "%scape_%s" % (filepath, timestamp.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H"))
    wks_comp = Ngl.open_wks("png", output_path, wk_res)

    # creating plots for the measurands
    capeplot = Ngl.contour_map(wks_comp, cape, cape_res)
    pplot = Ngl.contour(wks_comp, slp, p_res)

    Ngl.overlay(capeplot, pplot)
    Ngl.maximize_plot(wks_comp, capeplot)
    Ngl.delete_wks(wks_comp)  # delete currently used workstation
예제 #3
def initialize_rain_resource(rain_con):
    rr_res = get_pyngl(rain_con)
    rr_res.nglDraw = False  # don't draw plot
    rr_res.nglFrame = False  # don't advance frame

    rr_res.cnFillOn = True  # turn on contour fill
    rr_res.cnLinesOn = False  # turn off contour lines
    rr_res.cnLineLabelsOn = False  # turn off line labels
    rr_res.cnFillMode = "RasterFill"  # These two resources
    rr_res.cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
    rr_res.cnFillColors        = numpy.array([ [255,255,255], [255,255,255], [152,251,152], \
                                               [127,255,  0], [ 50,205, 50], [  0,255,  0], \
                                               [  0,128,  0], [  0,100,  0], [255,255,  0], \
                                               [255,165,  0], [255, 69,  0], [139,  0,139], \
                                               [  0,  0, 255] ],'f') / 255.
    rr_res.cnLevels            = numpy.array( [ .1, .2, .4, .8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4,  \
                                                12.8, 25.6, 51.2, 102.4, 204.8 ])

    rr_res = geography_lib.initialize_geography(rr_res, "gray50")
    return rr_res
예제 #4
파일: wrf3.py 프로젝트: zhishang80/pyngl
        "You do not have the necessary '{}' file to run this example.".format(
    print("You need to supply your own WRF output file")
    print("WRF output files usually have names like '{}'".format(filename))

#---Read data
a = Nio.open_file(filename + ".nc")  # Must add ".nc" suffix for Nio.open_file
tc = getvar(a, "tc")

#---Open file for graphics
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "wrf3")

# Set some map options based on information in WRF output file
res = get_pyngl(tc)
res.tfDoNDCOverlay = True  # required for native projection

#---Contour options
res.cnFillOn = True  # turn on contour fill
res.cnLinesOn = False  # turn off contour lines
res.cnLineLabelsOn = False  # turn off line labels
res.cnFillMode = "RasterFill"  # These two resources
res.trGridType = "TriangularMesh"  # can speed up plotting.
res.cnFillPalette = "ncl_default"

res.lbOrientation = "horizontal"  # default is vertical
res.pmLabelBarHeightF = 0.08
res.pmLabelBarWidthF = 0.65
res.lbTitleString = "%s (%s)" % (tc.description, tc.units)
res.lbTitleFontHeightF = 0.015
예제 #5
파일: wrf2.py 프로젝트: zhishang80/pyngl
    print("No shapefile outlines will be added.")

#---Read data
a = Nio.open_file("{}.nc".format(wrf_filename))
var_name = "slp"  # "slp", "ter"
var = getvar(a, var_name)

#---Send graphics to PNG file
wks_type = "png"
wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type, "wrf2")

# Set some map options based on information in WRF output file
res = get_pyngl(var)
res.tfDoNDCOverlay = True  # required for native projection

# Contour options
res.cnFillOn = True  # turn on contour fill
res.cnLinesOn = False  # turn off contour lines
res.cnLineLabelsOn = False  # turn off line labels

if var_name == "ter":
    # You may need to change these levels depending on your WRF output file.
    # Try first running this script with these two lines commented out.
    # This is for terrain
    res.cnFillPalette = "OceanLakeLandSnow"
    res.cnLevelSelectionMode = "ExplicitLevels"
예제 #6
def print_comp_for_timestamp(wrf_data, timestamp, filepath):
  slp = pressure_lib.get_sea_level_pressure(wrf_data)
  temperature = getvar(wrf_data,"tc")
  u = get_latitude_wind(wrf_data)
  v = get_longitude_wind(wrf_data)

  lat, lon = latlon_coords(temperature)
  lat_normal = to_np(lat)
  lon_normal = to_np(lon)
  # temperature
  t_res = get_pyngl(temperature)
  t_res.nglDraw             = False                  # don't draw plot
  t_res.nglFrame            = False                  # don't advance frame
  t_res.cnFillOn            = True                   # turn on contour fill
  t_res.cnLinesOn           = False                  # turn off contour lines
  t_res.cnLineLabelsOn      = False                  # turn off line labels
  t_res.cnFillMode          = "RasterFill"           # These two resources
  t_res.cnFillPalette       = "BlAqGrYeOrReVi200"
  t_res.cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"
  t_res.cnMinLevelValF      = -25.0                  # min. temperature for composite
  t_res.cnMaxLevelValF      = 45.0                   # max. temperature for composite
  t_res.cnLevelSpacingF     = 1                      # increment
  t_res = geography_lib.initialize_geography(t_res, "gray25")
  t_res.lbTitleString       = "%s in (%s)" % (temperature.description,temperature.units)
  t_res.lbOrientation       = "horizontal"
  t_res.lbTitleFontHeightF  = 0.015
  t_res.lbLabelFontHeightF  = 0.015                  
  t_res.tiMainString        = "Composite (%s)" % timestamp.strftime("%b %d %Y %HUTC")
  t_res.trGridType          = "TriangularMesh"       # can speed up plotting.
  t_res.tfDoNDCOverlay      = True                   # required for native projection

  # pressure
  p_res = pressure_lib.get_pressure_resource(lat_normal, lon_normal)
  # wind
  uv_res = Ngl.Resources()
  uv_res.nglDraw            =  False                # don't draw plot
  uv_res.nglFrame           =  False                # don't advance frame
  uv_res.vcFillArrowsOn     = True
  uv_res.vcRefMagnitudeF    = 15.0
  uv_res.vcRefLengthF       = 0.03
  uv_res.vcMinDistanceF     = 0.02
  uv_res.vcRefAnnoFontHeightF = 0.01
  uv_res.vcRefAnnoString1 = "$VMG$ m/s"
  uv_res.vcRefAnnoString2 = "ground windspeed (m/s) reference"
  uv_res.vfXArray           =  lon_normal
  uv_res.vfYArray           =  lat_normal

  wk_res = Ngl.Resources()
  wk_res.wkWidth = 2500
  wk_res.wkHeight = 2500
  output_path = "%scomp_%s" % (filepath, timestamp.strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H"))
  wks_comp = Ngl.open_wks("png", output_path, wk_res)

  # creating plots for the measurands
  tplot = Ngl.contour_map(wks_comp,temperature[0,:,:],t_res)
  pplot = Ngl.contour(wks_comp,slp,p_res)
  vector = Ngl.vector(wks_comp,u,v,uv_res)

  Ngl.overlay(tplot, vector)
  Ngl.overlay(tplot, pplot)
  Ngl.maximize_plot(wks_comp, tplot)
  Ngl.delete_wks(wks_comp) # delete currently used workstation