예제 #1
def extract(request, calc_id, what):
    Wrapper over the `oq extract` command. If setting.LOCKDOWN is true
    only calculations owned by the current user can be retrieved.
    user = utils.get_user_data(request)
    username = user['name'] if user['acl_on'] else None
    job = logs.dbcmd('get_job', int(calc_id), username)
    if job is None:
        return HttpResponseNotFound()

    # read the data and save them on a temporary .pik file
    with datastore.read(job.ds_calc_dir + '.hdf5') as ds:
        fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=what.replace('/', '-'),
        n = len(request.path_info)
        query_string = request.get_full_path()[n:]
        obj = _extract(ds, what + query_string)
        if inspect.isgenerator(obj):
            array, attrs = 0, {k: _array(v) for k, v in obj}
        elif hasattr(obj, '__toh5__'):
            array, attrs = obj.__toh5__()
        else:  # assume obj is an array
            array, attrs = obj, {}
        numpy.savez_compressed(fname, array=array, **attrs)

    # stream the data back
    stream = FileWrapper(open(fname, 'rb'))
    stream.close = lambda: (FileWrapper.close(stream), os.remove(fname))
    response = FileResponse(stream, content_type='application/octet-stream')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = ('attachment; filename=%s' %
    return response
예제 #2
def extract(request, calc_id, what):
    Wrapper over the `oq extract` command. If `setting.LOCKDOWN` is true
    only calculations owned by the current user can be retrieved.
    job = logs.dbcmd('get_job', int(calc_id))
    if job is None:
        return HttpResponseNotFound()
    if not utils.user_has_permission(request, job.user_name):
        return HttpResponseForbidden()

        # read the data and save them on a temporary .npz file
        with datastore.read(job.ds_calc_dir + '.hdf5') as ds:
            fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix=what.replace('/', '-'),
            n = len(request.path_info)
            query_string = unquote_plus(request.get_full_path()[n:])
            aw = _extract(ds, what + query_string)
            a = {}
            for key, val in vars(aw).items():
                key = str(key)  # can be a numpy.bytes_
                if key.startswith('_'):
                elif isinstance(val, str):
                    # without this oq extract would fail
                    a[key] = numpy.array(val.encode('utf-8'))
                elif isinstance(val, dict):
                    # this is hack: we are losing the values
                    a[key] = list(val)
                    a[key] = val
            numpy.savez_compressed(fname, **a)
    except Exception as exc:
        tb = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(exc.__traceback__))
        return HttpResponse(content='%s: %s\n%s' %
                            (exc.__class__.__name__, exc, tb),

    # stream the data back
    stream = FileWrapper(open(fname, 'rb'))
    stream.close = lambda: (FileWrapper.close(stream), os.remove(fname))
    response = FileResponse(stream, content_type='application/octet-stream')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = ('attachment; filename=%s' %
    response['Content-Length'] = str(os.path.getsize(fname))
    return response
예제 #3
def extract(request, calc_id, what):
    Wrapper over the `oq extract` command. If `setting.LOCKDOWN` is true
    only calculations owned by the current user can be retrieved.
    job = logs.dbcmd('get_job', int(calc_id))
    if job is None:
        return HttpResponseNotFound()
    if not utils.user_has_permission(request, job.user_name):
        return HttpResponseForbidden()

        # read the data and save them on a temporary .npz file
        with datastore.read(job.ds_calc_dir + '.hdf5') as ds:
            fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(
                prefix=what.replace('/', '-'), suffix='.npz')
            n = len(request.path_info)
            query_string = unquote_plus(request.get_full_path()[n:])
            aw = _extract(ds, what + query_string)
            a = {}
            for key, val in vars(aw).items():
                key = str(key)  # can be a numpy.bytes_
                if isinstance(val, str):
                    # without this oq extract would fail
                    a[key] = numpy.array(val.encode('utf-8'))
                elif isinstance(val, dict):
                    # this is hack: we are losing the values
                    a[key] = list(val)
                    a[key] = val
            numpy.savez_compressed(fname, **a)
    except Exception as exc:
        tb = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(exc.__traceback__))
        return HttpResponse(
            content='%s: %s\n%s' % (exc.__class__.__name__, exc, tb),
            content_type='text/plain', status=500)

    # stream the data back
    stream = FileWrapper(open(fname, 'rb'))
    stream.close = lambda: (FileWrapper.close(stream), os.remove(fname))
    response = FileResponse(stream, content_type='application/octet-stream')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = (
        'attachment; filename=%s' % os.path.basename(fname))
    response['Content-Length'] = str(os.path.getsize(fname))
    return response
예제 #4
def extract(request, calc_id, what):
    Wrapper over the `oq extract` command. If setting.LOCKDOWN is true
    only calculations owned by the current user can be retrieved.
    job = logs.dbcmd('get_job', int(calc_id))
    if job is None:
        return HttpResponseNotFound()
    if not utils.user_has_permission(request, job.user_name):
        return HttpResponseForbidden()

    # read the data and save them on a temporary .pik file
    with datastore.read(job.ds_calc_dir + '.hdf5') as ds:
        fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(
            prefix=what.replace('/', '-'), suffix='.npz')
        n = len(request.path_info)
        query_string = unquote_plus(request.get_full_path()[n:])
        obj = _extract(ds, what + query_string)
        if inspect.isgenerator(obj):
            array, attrs = 0, {k: _array(v) for k, v in obj}
        elif hasattr(obj, '__toh5__'):
            array, attrs = obj.__toh5__()
        else:  # assume obj is an array
            array, attrs = obj, {}
        a = {}
        for key, val in attrs.items():
            if isinstance(key, bytes):
                key = key.decode('utf-8')
            if isinstance(val, str):
                # without this oq extract would fail
                a[key] = numpy.array(val.encode('utf-8'))
                a[key] = val
        numpy.savez_compressed(fname, array=array, **a)

    # stream the data back
    stream = FileWrapper(open(fname, 'rb'))
    stream.close = lambda: (FileWrapper.close(stream), os.remove(fname))
    response = FileResponse(stream, content_type='application/octet-stream')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = (
        'attachment; filename=%s' % os.path.basename(fname))
    response['Content-Length'] = str(os.path.getsize(fname))
    return response
예제 #5
def extract(request, calc_id, what):
    Wrapper over the `oq extract` command. If `setting.LOCKDOWN` is true
    only calculations owned by the current user can be retrieved.
    job = logs.dbcmd('get_job', int(calc_id))
    if job is None:
        return HttpResponseNotFound()
    if not utils.user_has_permission(request, job.user_name):
        return HttpResponseForbidden()
    path = request.get_full_path()
    n = len(request.path_info)
    query_string = unquote_plus(path[n:])
        # read the data and save them on a temporary .npz file
        with datastore.read(job.ds_calc_dir + '.hdf5') as ds:
            fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp(
                prefix=what.replace('/', '-'), suffix='.npz')
            obj = _extract(ds, what + query_string)
            hdf5.save_npz(obj, fname)
    except Exception as exc:
        tb = ''.join(traceback.format_tb(exc.__traceback__))
        return HttpResponse(
            content='%s: %s in %s\n%s' %
            (exc.__class__.__name__, exc, path, tb),
            content_type='text/plain', status=500)

    # stream the data back
    stream = FileWrapper(open(fname, 'rb'))
    stream.close = lambda: (FileWrapper.close(stream), os.remove(fname))
    response = FileResponse(stream, content_type='application/octet-stream')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = (
        'attachment; filename=%s' % os.path.basename(fname))
    response['Content-Length'] = str(os.path.getsize(fname))
    return response
예제 #6
def calc_result(request, result_id):
    Download a specific result, by ``result_id``.

    The common abstracted functionality for getting hazard or risk results.

    :param request:
        `django.http.HttpRequest` object. Can contain a `export_type` GET
        param (the default is 'xml' if no param is specified).
    :param result_id:
        The id of the requested artifact.
        If the requested ``result_id`` is not available in the format
        designated by the `export_type`.

        Otherwise, return a `django.http.HttpResponse` containing the content
        of the requested artifact.

    Parameters for the GET request can include an `export_type`, such as 'xml',
    'geojson', 'csv', etc.
    # If the result for the requested ID doesn't exist, OR
    # the job which it is related too is not complete,
    # throw back a 404.
        job_id, job_status, job_user, datadir, ds_key = logs.dbcmd(
            'get_result', result_id)
        if not utils.user_has_permission(request, job_user):
            return HttpResponseForbidden()
    except dbapi.NotFound:
        return HttpResponseNotFound()

    etype = request.GET.get('export_type')
    export_type = etype or DEFAULT_EXPORT_TYPE

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        exported = core.export_from_db((ds_key, export_type), job_id, datadir,
    except DataStoreExportError as exc:
        # TODO: there should be a better error page
        return HttpResponse(content='%s: %s' % (exc.__class__.__name__, exc),
    if not exported:
        # Throw back a 404 if the exact export parameters are not supported
        return HttpResponseNotFound(
            'Nothing to export for export_type=%s, %s' % (export_type, ds_key))
    elif len(exported) > 1:
        # Building an archive so that there can be a single file download
        archname = ds_key + '-' + export_type + '.zip'
        zipfiles(exported, os.path.join(tmpdir, archname))
        exported = os.path.join(tmpdir, archname)
    else:  # single file
        exported = exported[0]

    content_type = EXPORT_CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.get(export_type,

    fname = 'output-%s-%s' % (result_id, os.path.basename(exported))
    stream = FileWrapper(open(exported, 'rb'))  # 'b' is needed on Windows
    stream.close = lambda: (FileWrapper.close(stream), shutil.rmtree(tmpdir))
    response = FileResponse(stream, content_type=content_type)
    response['Content-Disposition'] = ('attachment; filename=%s' %
    response['Content-Length'] = str(os.path.getsize(exported))
    return response
예제 #7
def get_result(request, result_id):
    Download a specific result, by ``result_id``.

    The common abstracted functionality for getting hazard or risk results.

    :param request:
        `django.http.HttpRequest` object. Can contain a `export_type` GET
        param (the default is 'xml' if no param is specified).
    :param result_id:
        The id of the requested artifact.
        If the requested ``result_id`` is not available in the format
        designated by the `export_type`.

        Otherwise, return a `django.http.HttpResponse` containing the content
        of the requested artifact.

    Parameters for the GET request can include an `export_type`, such as 'xml',
    'geojson', 'csv', etc.
    # If the result for the requested ID doesn't exist, OR
    # the job which it is related too is not complete,
    # throw back a 404.
        job_id, job_status, datadir, ds_key = logs.dbcmd(
            'get_result', result_id)
    except dbapi.NotFound:
        return HttpResponseNotFound()

    etype = request.GET.get('export_type')
    export_type = etype or DEFAULT_EXPORT_TYPE

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        exported = core.export_from_db((ds_key, export_type), job_id, datadir,
    except DataStoreExportError as exc:
        # TODO: there should be a better error page
        return HttpResponse(content='%s: %s' % (exc.__class__.__name__, exc),
    if exported is None:
        # Throw back a 404 if the exact export parameters are not supported
        return HttpResponseNotFound('export_type=%s is not supported for %s' %
                                    (export_type, ds_key))

    content_type = EXPORT_CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.get(export_type,

    bname = os.path.basename(exported)
    if bname.startswith('.'):
        # the "." is added by `export_from_db`, strip it
        bname = bname[1:]
    fname = 'output-%s-%s' % (result_id, bname)
    # 'b' is needed when running the WebUI on Windows
    stream = FileWrapper(open(exported, 'rb'))
    stream.close = lambda: (FileWrapper.close(stream), shutil.rmtree(tmpdir))
    response = FileResponse(stream, content_type=content_type)
    response['Content-Disposition'] = ('attachment; filename=%s' %
    return response
예제 #8
def calc_result(request, result_id):
    Download a specific result, by ``result_id``.

    The common abstracted functionality for getting hazard or risk results.

    :param request:
        `django.http.HttpRequest` object. Can contain a `export_type` GET
        param (the default is 'xml' if no param is specified).
    :param result_id:
        The id of the requested artifact.
        If the requested ``result_id`` is not available in the format
        designated by the `export_type`.

        Otherwise, return a `django.http.HttpResponse` containing the content
        of the requested artifact.

    Parameters for the GET request can include an `export_type`, such as 'xml',
    'geojson', 'csv', etc.
    # If the result for the requested ID doesn't exist, OR
    # the job which it is related too is not complete,
    # throw back a 404.
        job_id, job_status, job_user, datadir, ds_key = logs.dbcmd(
            'get_result', result_id)
        if not utils.user_has_permission(request, job_user):
            return HttpResponseForbidden()
    except dbapi.NotFound:
        return HttpResponseNotFound()

    etype = request.GET.get('export_type')
    export_type = etype or DEFAULT_EXPORT_TYPE

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        exported = core.export_from_db(
            (ds_key, export_type), job_id, datadir, tmpdir)
    except DataStoreExportError as exc:
        # TODO: there should be a better error page
        return HttpResponse(content='%s: %s' % (exc.__class__.__name__, exc),
                            content_type='text/plain', status=500)
    if not exported:
        # Throw back a 404 if the exact export parameters are not supported
        return HttpResponseNotFound(
            'Nothing to export for export_type=%s, %s' % (export_type, ds_key))
    elif len(exported) > 1:
        # Building an archive so that there can be a single file download
        archname = ds_key + '-' + export_type + '.zip'
        zipfiles(exported, os.path.join(tmpdir, archname))
        exported = os.path.join(tmpdir, archname)
    else:  # single file
        exported = exported[0]

    content_type = EXPORT_CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.get(
        export_type, DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE)

    fname = 'output-%s-%s' % (result_id, os.path.basename(exported))
    stream = FileWrapper(open(exported, 'rb'))  # 'b' is needed on Windows
    stream.close = lambda: (
        FileWrapper.close(stream), shutil.rmtree(tmpdir))
    response = FileResponse(stream, content_type=content_type)
    response['Content-Disposition'] = (
        'attachment; filename=%s' % os.path.basename(fname))
    response['Content-Length'] = str(os.path.getsize(exported))
    return response
예제 #9
파일: fs.py 프로젝트: daokh/pythonRepo
class FileSystemWorker(Worker):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Builds some instance variables that will last the life of the

        Worker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.root = os.path.abspath(self.app_info['document_root'])
        self.display_index = self.app_info['display_index']

    def serve_file(self, filepath, headers):
        filestat = os.stat(filepath)
        self.size = filestat.st_size
        modtime = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
        self.headers.add_header('Last-Modified', modtime)
        if headers.get('if_modified_since') == modtime:
            # The browser cache is up-to-date, send a 304.
            self.status = "304 Not Modified"
            self.data = []

        ct = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0]
        self.content_type = ct if ct else 'text/plain'
            f = open(filepath, 'rb')
            self.headers['Pragma'] = 'cache'
            self.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private'
            self.headers['Content-Length'] = str(self.size)
            if self.etag:
                self.headers.add_header('Etag', self.etag)
            if self.expires:
                self.headers.add_header('Expires', self.expires)

                # Implement 206 partial file support.
                start, end = headers['range'].split('-')
                start = 0 if not start.isdigit() else int(start)
                end = self.size if not end.isdigit() else int(end)
                if self.size < end or start < 0:
                    self.status = "214 Unsatisfiable Range Requested"
                    self.data = FileWrapper(f, CHUNK_SIZE)
                    self.data = LimitingFileWrapper(f, CHUNK_SIZE, limit=end)
                    self.status = "206 Partial Content"
                self.data = FileWrapper(f, CHUNK_SIZE)
        except IOError:
            self.status = "403 Forbidden"

    def serve_dir(self, pth, rpth):
        def rel_path(path):
            return os.path.normpath(path[len(self.root):] if path.startswith(self.root) else path)

        if not self.display_index:
            self.status = '404 File Not Found'
            return b('')
            self.content_type = 'text/html'

            dir_contents = [os.path.join(pth, x) for x in os.listdir(os.path.normpath(pth))]

            dirs = [rel_path(x)+'/' for x in dir_contents if os.path.isdir(x)]
            files = [rel_path(x) for x in dir_contents if os.path.isfile(x)]

            self.data = [INDEX_HEADER % dict(path='/'+rpth)]
            if rpth:
                self.data += [INDEX_ROW % dict(name='(parent directory)', cls='dir parent', link='/'.join(rpth[:-1].split('/')[:-1]))]
            self.data += [INDEX_ROW % dict(name=os.path.basename(x[:-1]), link=os.path.join(rpth, os.path.basename(x[:-1])).replace('\\', '/'), cls='dir') for x in dirs]
            self.data += ['<tr><th>Files</th></tr>']
            self.data += [INDEX_ROW % dict(name=os.path.basename(x), link=os.path.join(rpth, os.path.basename(x)).replace('\\', '/'), cls='file') for x in files]
            self.data += [INDEX_FOOTER]
            self.headers['Content-Length'] = self.size = str(sum([len(x) for x in self.data]))
            self.status = '200 OK'

    def run_app(self, conn):
        self.status = "200 OK"
        self.size = 0
        self.expires = None
        self.etag = None
        self.content_type = 'text/plain'
        self.content_length = None

        if __debug__:
            self.err_log.debug('Getting sock_file')
        # Build our file-like object
        sock_file = conn.makefile('rb',BUF_SIZE)
        request = self.read_request_line(sock_file)
        if request['method'].upper() not in ('GET', ):
            self.status = "501 Not Implemented"

            # Get our file path
            headers = dict([(str(k.lower()), v) for k, v in self.read_headers(sock_file).items()])
            rpath = request.get('path', '').lstrip('/')
            filepath = os.path.join(self.root, rpath)
            filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
            if __debug__:
                self.err_log.debug('Request for path: %s' % filepath)
            self.closeConnection = headers.get('connection', 'close').lower() == 'close'
            self.headers = Headers([('Date', formatdate(usegmt=True)),
                                    ('Server', HTTP_SERVER_SOFTWARE),
                                    ('Connection', headers.get('connection', 'close')),

            if not filepath.lower().startswith(self.root.lower()):
                # File must be within our root directory
                self.status = "400 Bad Request"
                self.closeConnection = True
            elif not os.path.exists(filepath):
                self.status = "404 File Not Found"
                self.closeConnection = True
            elif os.path.isdir(filepath):
                self.serve_dir(filepath, rpath)
            elif os.path.isfile(filepath):
                self.serve_file(filepath, headers)
                # It exists but it's not a file or a directory????
                # What is it then?
                self.status = "501 Not Implemented"
                self.closeConnection = True

            h = self.headers
            statcode, statstr = self.status.split(' ', 1)
            statcode = int(statcode)
            if statcode >= 400:
                h.add_header('Content-Type', self.content_type)
                self.data = [statstr]

            # Build our output headers
            header_data = HEADER_RESPONSE % (self.status, str(h))

            # Send the headers
            if __debug__:
                self.err_log.debug('Sending Headers: %s' % repr(header_data))

            for data in self.data:

            if hasattr(self.data, 'close'):

            if __debug__:
                self.err_log.debug('Finally closing sock_file')
예제 #10
class FileSystemWorker(Worker):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Builds some instance variables that will last the life of the

        Worker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

        self.root = os.path.abspath(self.app_info['document_root'])
        self.display_index = self.app_info['display_index']

    def serve_file(self, filepath, headers):
        filestat = os.stat(filepath)
        self.size = filestat.st_size
        modtime = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
        self.headers.add_header('Last-Modified', modtime)
        if headers.get('if_modified_since') == modtime:
            # The browser cache is up-to-date, send a 304.
            self.status = "304 Not Modified"
            self.data = []

        ct = mimetypes.guess_type(filepath)[0]
        self.content_type = ct if ct else 'text/plain'
            f = open(filepath, 'rb')
            self.headers['Pragma'] = 'cache'
            self.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private'
            self.headers['Content-Length'] = str(self.size)
            if self.etag:
                self.headers.add_header('Etag', self.etag)
            if self.expires:
                self.headers.add_header('Expires', self.expires)

                # Implement 206 partial file support.
                start, end = headers['range'].split('-')
                start = 0 if not start.isdigit() else int(start)
                end = self.size if not end.isdigit() else int(end)
                if self.size < end or start < 0:
                    self.status = "214 Unsatisfiable Range Requested"
                    self.data = FileWrapper(f, CHUNK_SIZE)
                    self.data = LimitingFileWrapper(f, CHUNK_SIZE, limit=end)
                    self.status = "206 Partial Content"
                self.data = FileWrapper(f, CHUNK_SIZE)
        except IOError:
            self.status = "403 Forbidden"

    def serve_dir(self, pth, rpth):
        def rel_path(path):
            return os.path.normpath(
                path[len(self.root):] if path.startswith(self.root) else path)

        if not self.display_index:
            self.status = '404 File Not Found'
            return b('')
            self.content_type = 'text/html'

            dir_contents = [
                os.path.join(pth, x) for x in os.listdir(os.path.normpath(pth))

            dirs = [
                rel_path(x) + '/' for x in dir_contents if os.path.isdir(x)
            files = [rel_path(x) for x in dir_contents if os.path.isfile(x)]

            self.data = [INDEX_HEADER % dict(path='/' + rpth)]
            if rpth:
                self.data += [
                    INDEX_ROW % dict(name='(parent directory)',
                                     cls='dir parent',
            self.data += [
                INDEX_ROW %
                     link=os.path.join(rpth, os.path.basename(x[:-1])).replace(
                         '\\', '/'),
                     cls='dir') for x in dirs
            self.data += ['<tr><th>Files</th></tr>']
            self.data += [
                INDEX_ROW %
                     link=os.path.join(rpth, os.path.basename(x)).replace(
                         '\\', '/'),
                     cls='file') for x in files
            self.data += [INDEX_FOOTER]
            self.headers['Content-Length'] = self.size = str(
                sum([len(x) for x in self.data]))
            self.status = '200 OK'

    def run_app(self, conn):
        self.status = "200 OK"
        self.size = 0
        self.expires = None
        self.etag = None
        self.content_type = 'text/plain'
        self.content_length = None

        if __debug__:
            self.err_log.debug('Getting sock_file')

        # Build our file-like object
        sock_file = conn.makefile('rb', BUF_SIZE)
        request = self.read_request_line(sock_file)
        if request['method'].upper() not in ('GET', ):
            self.status = "501 Not Implemented"

            # Get our file path
            headers = dict([(str(k.lower()), v)
                            for k, v in self.read_headers(sock_file).items()])
            rpath = request.get('path', '').lstrip('/')
            filepath = os.path.join(self.root, rpath)
            filepath = os.path.abspath(filepath)
            if __debug__:
                self.err_log.debug('Request for path: %s' % filepath)

            self.closeConnection = headers.get('connection',
                                               'close').lower() == 'close'
            self.headers = Headers([
                ('Date', formatdate(usegmt=True)),
                ('Server', HTTP_SERVER_SOFTWARE),
                ('Connection', headers.get('connection', 'close')),

            if not filepath.lower().startswith(self.root.lower()):
                # File must be within our root directory
                self.status = "400 Bad Request"
                self.closeConnection = True
            elif not os.path.exists(filepath):
                self.status = "404 File Not Found"
                self.closeConnection = True
            elif os.path.isdir(filepath):
                self.serve_dir(filepath, rpath)
            elif os.path.isfile(filepath):
                self.serve_file(filepath, headers)
                # It exists but it's not a file or a directory????
                # What is it then?
                self.status = "501 Not Implemented"
                self.closeConnection = True

            h = self.headers
            statcode, statstr = self.status.split(' ', 1)
            statcode = int(statcode)
            if statcode >= 400:
                h.add_header('Content-Type', self.content_type)
                self.data = [statstr]

            # Build our output headers
            header_data = HEADER_RESPONSE % (self.status, str(h))

            # Send the headers
            if __debug__:
                self.err_log.debug('Sending Headers: %s' % repr(header_data))

            for data in self.data:

            if hasattr(self.data, 'close'):

            if __debug__:
                self.err_log.debug('Finally closing sock_file')