def pdf_points(): topology = 'topos/eon.simpltopo.txt' wavelengths = 16 iterations = 100000 departures = 1 curves = ( ("FF", {}), ("FF - Adaptive", {}), ("FF/LF - Adaptive", {}), ("FF/LF/2 - Adaptive", {}), ("MinCost - Adaptive", {}) ) # Sulle x la distance # Sulle y interference x = [] with open("pdf-all.txt", "w+") as f: for load in xrange(80, 151, 10): for idx, method in enumerate(curves): sim = Simulator(topology, wavelengths, iterations, load, departures, idx, None) distances, interferences = for d, i in zip(distances, interferences): f.write("%d %d %.20f\n" % (idx, d, i))
def interference(): topology = 'topos/eon.simpltopo.txt' wavelengths = 16 iterations = 200000 departures = 1 curves = ( ("FF", []), ("FF - Adaptive", []), ("FF/LF - Adaptive", []), ("FF/LF/2 - Adaptive", []), ("MinCost - Adaptive", []) ) x = [] #for i in xrange(64, 151): for i in xrange(80, 151, 10): x.append(i) for method, (label, points) in enumerate(curves): sim = Simulator(topology, wavelengths, iterations, i, departures, method, 0) stats = points.append((stats[0], stats[-1])) f = open('', 'w+') f.write("from pylab import *\nfrom matplotlib import rc\n") f.write("rc('text', usetex=True)\nrc('font', family='serif')\nfigure()\n") f.write("x = " + repr(x) + "\n") colors = ('k', 'r', 'g', 'b', 'm') labels = map(lambda x: x[0], curves) for idx, (label, points) in enumerate(curves): y = map(lambda x: x[0], points) e = map(lambda x: x[1], points) f.write(("y%d = " % idx) + repr(y) + "\n") f.write(("e%d = " % idx) + repr(e) + "\n") f.write("errorbar(x, y%d, yerr=e%d, ls='-', fmt='%s.')\n" % (idx, idx, colors[idx])) f.write("grid(True)\n") f.write("xlabel(r'\\textit{Traffic load (Erlang)}')\n") f.write("ylabel(r'\\textit{Average interference level}')\n") f.write("legend(" + repr(labels) + ", loc=4)\n") f.write("savefig('graph.eps')\n") f.write("show()\n") f.close()
def capture(topology, wavelengths, iterations, arrivals, departures, reference): # Use a fixed seed if you want to see the real difference sim = Simulator(topology, wavelengths, iterations, arrivals, departures, reference, None) # snapshot = sim.simple_run(3000) # samples = random.sample(snapshot, min(3000, len(snapshot))) samples = sim.simple_run(3000) if len(samples) > 10: statistics = stats(map(lambda x: float(x[0]) / float(x[1]), samples)) average, confidence = statistics[0], statistics[-1] print statistics print "Collected:", average, confidence return average, confidence else: return 0, 0