예제 #1
def bootstrap_field(field: Field,
                    form_group: bool = True,
                    placeholder: Union[bool, str] = True,
                    label: bool = True,
                    errors: bool = True,
                    horizontal: bool = False,
                    inline: bool = False,
                    btn_color: str = 'default',
                    icon: Union[bool, str] = False,
                    **kwargs) -> Markup:
    """Render a WTForms Field with Bootstrap markup.

		field: The field to render.
		form_group: Whether or not to make it a form-group.
		placeholder: The string to display as a placeholder, True to display the
			default placeholder and something falsey to display nothing.
		label: Whether or not to display the field label.
		errors: Whether or not to display errors.
		horizontal: Whether to display the field horizontally.
		inline: Whether to display the field inline.
		btn_color: The color name to pass as the button color.
    # TODO respect inline
    if isinstance(field, HiddenField):
        # Handles CSRFTokenFields
        return Markup(str(field))

    is_text_field = field.type in TEXT_FIELD_TYPES
    field_classes = _space_join_cond({
        'btn btn-' + btn_color:
        field.type == 'SubmitField',
    if placeholder is True and field.type in TEXT_FIELD_TYPES:
        placeholder = 'Enter %s' % field.label.text
    html_str: Markup = field(class_=field_classes,
    html_str = _insert_icon(html_str, field, icon, is_text_field)

    horizontal_field_offset = 2
    label_html = ''
    if horizontal and field.errors:
        html_str += ERROR_ICON
    if field.type == 'BooleanField':
        html_str = Markup(
            f'<div class="checkbox"><label>{html_str} {field.label.text}'
    elif field.type != 'SubmitField' and label:
        label_html = field.label(class_=_space_join_cond({
            'control-label': True,
            'col-sm-2': horizontal
        horizontal_field_offset = 0
    if horizontal:
        html_str = label_html + _col(
            html_str, 10, offset=horizontal_field_offset)
        html_str = label_html + html_str
        if form_group and field.errors:
            html_str += ERROR_ICON

    if form_group:
        form_group_classes = _space_join_cond({
            'form-group': True,
            'has-error has-feedback': field.errors,
            'required': field.flags.required,
        html_str = Markup(
            f'<div class="{form_group_classes}">{html_str}</div>')

    html_str += _field_description(field, horizontal)
    html_str += _field_errors(field, errors, horizontal)

    return Markup(html_str)
예제 #2
def bootstrap_field(
	field: Field,
	form_group: bool = True,
	placeholder: Union[bool, str] = True,
	label: bool = True,
	errors: bool = True,
	horizontal: bool = False,
	inline: bool = False,
	btn_color: str = 'default',
	icon: Union[bool, str] = False,
	) -> Markup:
	"""Render a WTForms Field with Bootstrap markup.

		field: The field to render.
		form_group: Whether or not to make it a form-group.
		placeholder: The string to display as a placeholder, True to display the
			default placeholder and something falsey to display nothing.
		label: Whether or not to display the field label.
		errors: Whether or not to display errors.
		horizontal: Whether to display the field horizontally.
		inline: Whether to display the field inline.
		btn_color: The color name to pass as the button color.
	# TODO respect inline
	if isinstance(field, HiddenField):
		# Handles CSRFTokenFields
		return Markup(str(field))

	is_text_field = field.type in TEXT_FIELD_TYPES
	field_classes = _space_join_cond({
		'form-control': is_text_field,
		'btn btn-' + btn_color: field.type == 'SubmitField',
	if placeholder is True and field.type in TEXT_FIELD_TYPES:
		placeholder = 'Enter %s' % field.label.text
	html_str = field(
	html_str = _insert_icon(html_str, field, icon, is_text_field)

	horizontal_field_offset = 2
	label_html = ''
	if horizontal and field.errors:
		html_str += ERROR_ICON
	if field.type == 'BooleanField':
		html_str = (
			f'<div class="checkbox"><label>{html_str} {field.label.text}'
	elif field.type != 'SubmitField' and label:
		label_html = field.label(class_=_space_join_cond({
			'control-label': True,
			'col-sm-2': horizontal
		horizontal_field_offset = 0
	if horizontal:
		html_str = label_html + _col(html_str, 10, offset=horizontal_field_offset)
		html_str = label_html + html_str
		if form_group and field.errors:
			html_str += ERROR_ICON

	if form_group:
		form_group_classes = _space_join_cond({
			'form-group': True,
			'has-error has-feedback': field.errors,
			'required': field.flags.required,
		html_str = f'<div class="{form_group_classes}">{html_str}</div>'

	html_str += _field_description(field, horizontal)
	html_str += _field_errors(field, errors, horizontal)

	return Markup(html_str)