예제 #1
def error500(error):
    return 'Sorry, server error :/ Import dinaosaur'

@error(403) #Unauthorized access
def error403(error):
    return 'Halt, authorized personal only >:)'

@error(503) #Server not responding
def error503(error):
    return 'service unavailable: server in maintanance. Try again later :))'

@error(504) #Gateway timeout
def error504(error):
    return 'Gateway timeout, lolz'

# This starts the server
# Access it at http://localhost:8080

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from bottle import install, run
    from wtplugin import WtDbPlugin, WtCorsPlugin

    run(host='localhost', port=8080, reloader=True, debug=False, autojson=False)
예제 #2
def delete_item(db, model):
    if model == None:
        abort(404, "The item you requested was not found in the database")
    brand= request.forms.get('brand')
    model = request.forms.get('model')
    os = request.forms.get('os')
    image= request.forms.get('image')
    screensize = request.forms.get('screensize')
    response.status = 204
    db.execute('''DELETE FROM phones  WHERE model = ?''', (brand, os, image, screensize, model))

#    from bottle import route, run
#    @route('/todo')
    #def todo_list():
#    c = conn.cursor()
#    c.execute("SELECT id, task FROM todo WHERE status LIKE '1'") result = c.fetchall()
#    return str(result)

def error404(error):
    response.status = 404
    response.content_type = 'application/JSON'
    response_body = {'status': response.status, 'message': error.body}

    return json.dumps(response_body)

def error505(code):
    return 'Oops there is something wrong!'
# Error handling
# TODO (optional):
#       Add sensible error handlers for all errors that may occur when a user
#       accesses your API.

# This starts the server
# Access it at http://localhost:8080
# If you have problems with the reloader (i.e. your server does not
# automatically reload new code after you save this file), set `reloader=False`
# and reload manually.
# You might want to set `debug=True` while developing and/or debugging and to
# `False` before you submit.
# The installed plugin 'WtPlugin' takes care of enabling CORS (Cross-Origin
# Resource Sharing; you need this if you use your API from a website) and
# provides you with a database cursor.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from bottle import install, run
    from wtplugin import WtDbPlugin, WtCorsPlugin

    run(host='localhost', port=8080, reloader=True, debug=True, autojson=False)