예제 #1
def api_edit_blog(request, *, id, name, summary, content):
    """edit the blog:
        if exist id:    update the blog
        else:           save the blog
    if not name or not name.strip():
        raise APIValueError('name', 'blog name cannot be empty.')
    if not summary or not summary.strip():
        raise APIValueError('summary', 'blog summary cannot be empty.')
    if not content or not content.strip():
        raise APIValueError('content', 'blog content cannot be empty.')
    # save the blog
    if id == '':
        blog = Blog(user_id=request.__user__.id, user_name=request.__user__.name, user_image=request.__user__.image,
                    name=name.strip(), summary=summary.strip(), content=content.strip())
        yield from save_model(blog)
    # update the blog
        blog = yield from find_model(model='blog', id=id)
        blog.name = name
        blog.summary = summary
        blog.content = content
        yield from update_model(blog)
    return blog