class PathPage(parentpage): def __init__(self, parent): super(PathPage, self).__init__(parent, 'Select New Storage Dir') if guihelper.IsMSWindows(): shell = client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell") self.defaultdir = os.path.join(shell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments"), 'Phones') else: self.defaultdir = os.path.expanduser('~/Phones') def GetMyControls(self): vbs = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vbs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Storage Dir:'), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) self.path = ExpandoTextCtrl(self, -1, '', style=wx.TE_READONLY) self.path.SetBackgroundColour(self.GetBackgroundColour()) vbs.Add(self.path, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) btn = wx.Button(self, -1, 'Browse') wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, btn.GetId(), self.OnBrowse) vbs.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL, 5) return vbs def ok(self): return bool(self.path.GetValue()) def get(self, data): data['path'] = self.path.GetValue() def set(self, data): path = data.get('path', '') if not path: path = os.path.join(self.defaultdir, data.get('name', '')) self.path.SetValue(path) def OnBrowse(self, _): with guihelper.WXDialogWrapper( wx.DirDialog(self, defaultPath=self.path.GetLabel(), style=wx.DD_NEW_DIR_BUTTON), True) as (dlg, retcode): if retcode == wx.ID_OK: self.path.SetValue(dlg.GetPath())
def addRow(self, row, rowLabel=None): """Add one row of info, either header (col names) or normal data Adds items sequentially; FlexGridSizer moves to next row automatically """ labelBox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) if not rowLabel: if sys.platform == 'darwin': self.SetWindowVariant(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL) label = _translate('cond %s:') % str(row + 1 - int(self.hasHeader)).zfill(2) rowLabel = wx.StaticText(self, -1, label=label) rowLabel.SetForegroundColour(darkgrey) if sys.platform == 'darwin': self.SetWindowVariant(variant=wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) labelBox.Add(rowLabel, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM) self.sizer.Add(labelBox, 1, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) lastRow = [] for col in range(self.cols): # get the item, as unicode for display purposes: if len(str(self.grid[row][col])): # want 0, for example item = str(self.grid[row][col]) else: item = u'' # make a textbox: field = ExpandoTextCtrl(self, -1, item, size=(self.colSizes[col], 20)) field.Bind(EVT_ETC_LAYOUT_NEEDED, self.onNeedsResize) field.SetMaxHeight(100) # ~ 5 lines if self.hasHeader and row == 0: # add a default column name (header) if none provided header = self.grid[0] if item.strip() == '': c = col while self.colName(c) in header: c += 1 field.SetValue(self.colName(c)) field.SetForegroundColour(darkblue) # dark blue # or (self.parent and if not valid_var_re.match(field.GetValue()): # self.parent.exp.namespace.exists(field.GetValue()) ): # was always red when preview .xlsx file -- in # namespace already is fine if self.fixed: field.SetForegroundColour("Red") field.SetToolTip( wx.ToolTip( _translate( 'Should be legal as a variable name (alphanumeric)' ))) field.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.checkName) elif self.fixed: field.SetForegroundColour(darkgrey) field.SetBackgroundColour(white) # warn about whitespace unless will be auto-removed. invisible, # probably spurious: if (self.fixed or not self.clean) and item != item.strip(): field.SetForegroundColour('Red') # also used in show(): self.warning = _translate('extra white-space') field.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(self.warning)) if self.fixed: field.Disable() lastRow.append(field) self.sizer.Add(field, 1) self.inputFields.append(lastRow) if self.hasHeader and row == 0: self.header = lastRow
class TestFrame(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, log): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, title="Test ExpandoTextCtrl") self.log = log self.pnl = p = wx.Panel(self) self.eom = ExpandoTextCtrl( p, size=(250, -1), value="This control will expand as you type") self.Bind(EVT_ETC_LAYOUT_NEEDED, self.OnRefit, self.eom) # create some buttons and sizers to use in testing some # features and also the layout vBtnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) btn = wx.Button(p, -1, "Set MaxHeight") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSetMaxHeight, btn) vBtnSizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) btn = wx.Button(p, -1, "Set Font") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSetFont, btn) vBtnSizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) btn = wx.Button(p, -1, "Write Text") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnWriteText, btn) vBtnSizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) btn = wx.Button(p, -1, "Append Text") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnAppendText, btn) vBtnSizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) btn = wx.Button(p, -1, "Set Value") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSetValue, btn) vBtnSizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) btn = wx.Button(p, -1, "Get Value") self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnGetValue, btn) vBtnSizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) for x in range(3): btn = wx.Button(p, -1, " ") vBtnSizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 5) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOtherBtn, btn) hBtnSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) for x in range(3): btn = wx.Button(p, -1, " ") hBtnSizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL, 5) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOtherBtn, btn) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) col1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) col1.Add(self.eom, 0, wx.ALL, 10) col1.Add(hBtnSizer) sizer.Add(col1) sizer.Add(vBtnSizer) p.SetSizer(sizer) # Put the panel in a sizer for the frame so we can use self.Fit() frameSizer = wx.BoxSizer() frameSizer.Add(p, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(frameSizer) self.Fit() def OnRefit(self, evt): # The Expando control will redo the layout of the # sizer it belongs to, but sometimes this may not be # enough, so it will send us this event so we can do any # other layout adjustments needed. In this case we'll # just resize the frame to fit the new needs of the sizer. self.Fit() def OnSetMaxHeight(self, evt): mh = self.eom.GetMaxHeight() dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(self, "", "Enter new max height:", "MaxHeight", mh, -1, 1000) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.eom.SetMaxHeight(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() def OnSetFont(self, evt): dlg = wx.FontDialog(self, wx.FontData()) dlg.GetFontData().SetInitialFont(self.eom.GetFont()) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.eom.SetFont(dlg.GetFontData().GetChosenFont()) dlg.Destroy() def OnWriteText(self, evt): self.eom.WriteText("\nThis is a test... Only a test. If this had " "been a real emergency you would have seen the " "quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog.\n") def OnAppendText(self, evt): self.eom.AppendText("\nAppended text.") def OnSetValue(self, evt): self.eom.SetValue("A new value.") def OnGetValue(self, evt): self.log.write("-----------------\n" + self.eom.GetValue()) def OnOtherBtn(self, evt): # just for testing... #print(self.eom.numLines) self.eom._adjustCtrl()
class _PlotCanvas(_PlotCanvas_Base): def __init__(self, dock, parent, Real_Time=False): _PlotCanvas_Base.__init__(self, dock, parent, Real_Time) #print 'REAL_TIME ??',Real_Time,self.Real_Time self.parent = parent # some initial values SHOULD NOT BE HERE !! self.grid_x = 10 self.grid_y = 10 # ************************************************************* # popup menus # ************************************************************* pre = [ _(0, 'Remove Cursors'), _(0, 'Memo Visible'), _(0, 'Move Memo Here'), _(0, 'Copy to Clipboard'), '-', _(0, 'Linear Expansion'), _(0, 'Not Transparent'), _(0, 'Transparency 200'), _(0, 'Transparency 150'), _(0, 'Transparency 100'), _(0, 'Transparency 50') ] self.Popup_Menu = My_Popup_Menu(self._OnPopupItemSelected, None, pre=pre) self.Transparancy = 0 # At this point we can do all actions that really draw !! # call OnSize, to make sure the dc-buffer is initialized. self.Set_Canvas(self.BG_Color, self.Grid_Color) self._On_Size(None) # ***************************************************************** # ***************************************************************** def _On_Show_Popup(self, event): self.Popup_Menu.SetChecked(1, self.Memo_Extra) self.Popup_Menu.SetChecked(4, self.Linear_Interpolation) for i in range(5): self.Popup_Menu.SetChecked(5 + i, self.Transparancy == i) self.Hit_Pos = self.ScreenToClient(event.GetPosition()) self.PopupMenu(self.Popup_Menu, pos=self.Hit_Pos) # ***************************************************************** # ***************************************************************** def _OnPopupItemSelected(self, event): ID = event.Int if ID == 0: self._Draw_Cursor(0, -1) self._Draw_Cursor(1, -1) elif ID == 1: if not (self.Memo_Extra): self.Memo_Extra = ExpandoTextCtrl(self, size=(100, -1), pos=self.Hit_Pos, value=self.Memo_Extra_Text) else: #print 'YTRFGJKOP',self.Hit_Pos,event.GetId(),self.Memo_Extra.GetId() self.Memo_Extra_Text = self.Memo_Extra.GetValue() self.Memo_Extra.Destroy() self.Memo_Extra = None elif ID == 2: if not (self.Memo_Extra): self.Memo_Extra = ExpandoTextCtrl(self, size=(100, -1), pos=self.Hit_Pos, value=self.Memo_Extra_Text) else: self.Memo_Extra.SetPosition(self.Hit_Pos) elif ID == 3: import SendKeys SendKeys.SendKeys('%{PRTSC}') elif ID == 4: self.Linear_Interpolation = not (self.Linear_Interpolation) self.Set_Data(self.Data) # _Redraw_Data () #self._Redraw() elif ID in range(5, 10): self.Transparancy = ID - 5 val = 5 + 50 * (5 - self.Transparancy) self.TopFrame.SetTransparent(val) # ***************************************************************** # Draw "LEFT" measurement cursor # ***************************************************************** def _On_Mouse_Left(self, event): x, y = event.GetPosition() self._Draw_Cursor(0, x, y) # ***************************************************************** # Dragging of the measurement cursors # ***************************************************************** def _On_Mouse_Move(self, event): if event.LeftIsDown(): self._On_Mouse_Left(event) elif event.MiddleIsDown(): self._On_Mouse_Middle(event) # ***************************************************************** # Draw "RIGHT" measurement cursor # ***************************************************************** def _On_Mouse_Middle(self, event): x, y = event.GetPosition() self._Draw_Cursor(1, x, y) # ***************************************************************** # ***************************************************************** def _On_Size(self, event): for chan in range(len(self.gain)): self._Correct_Gain(chan) self._Redraw_Screen() # ***************************************************************** # adds a new signal-channel to the plot canvas # ***************************************************************** def Add_Channel(self): self.curves.append(_Channel(self.Buf_max)) self.gain.append(1) self.offset.append(0) self.cal1.append(None) self.cal2.append(None)'Signal') # ***************************************************************** # Convenience function that returns the number of displayed signals # ***************************************************************** def Get_NCurve(self): return len(self.curves) # ***************************************************************** # Let the main program change one or more parameters of the _Channel # ***************************************************************** def Set_Channel(self, chan, base_gain=1.0, base_offset=0, name='Signal', cal1=None, cal2=None, delay=None, color=None): # if curves don't exists here, create them while self.Get_NCurve() <= chan: self.Add_Channel()[chan] = name self.cal1[chan] = cal1 self.cal2[chan] = cal2 self.gain[chan] = base_gain self.offset[chan] = base_offset self._Correct_Gain(chan, delay, color) self._Redraw_Screen() # ***************************************************************** # Called by the timer, to refresh the label values, # and by measurement cursors # ***************************************************************** def Get_DataSet(self, from_end): #v3print ( 'Scope.Get_DataSet: self.curves =', self.curves ) if not self.curves: return """ self.old_Cursor = [ -1, -1 ] if self.oldx < 0 : # Display of realtime signals p = ( self.Buf_wp - 1 ) % self.Buf_max else: # display of measurement cursor p = self.Buf_rp - ( self.Dp - self.oldx ) % self.Size [0] """ # Display of realtime signals if self.Real_Time: p = (self.Buf_wp - 1 - from_end) % self.Buf_max else: p = from_end data = [] for chan, curve in enumerate(self.curves): #v3print ( 'Scope.Get_DataSet: chan/ curve =', chan, curve ) #data.append ( self.gain [ chan ] * curve.Buf [ p ] + \ # self.offset [ chan ]) gain = self.parent.Signal_Gain[chan] if gain: offset = self.parent.Signal_Offset[chan] data.append(gain * curve.Buf[p] + offset) else: data.append(curve.Buf[p]) #v3print ( 'Data', data ) return data # ***************************************************************** # ***************************************************************** def _Correct_Gain(self, chan, delay=None, color=None): cal1 = self.cal1[chan] cal2 = self.cal2[chan] self.base_gain = self.gain[chan] self.base_offset = self.offset[chan] if (cal1 != None) and (cal2 != None) and (cal1 != cal2): w1 = self.GetClientSize()[1] w2 = 0 gain2 = 1.0 * (w2 - w1) / (cal2 - cal1) offset2 = 1.0 * (cal2 * w1 - cal1 * w2) / (cal2 - cal1) gain = gain2 * self.base_gain, offset = gain2 * self.base_offset + offset2 else: gain = self.base_gain offset = self.base_offset self.curves[chan]._Set_Channel(gain, offset, delay, color) # ***************************************************************** # ***************************************************************** def Set_Data(self, data=None): """ Sets all the data in none Real-Time mode. Is also called in Real-Time mode, on resize and history cursor movement. In that case data is None, because Real-Time data is stored in the curves themself, and this function should do nothing. """ if data == None: if self.Real_Time: return try: a = self.Data except: return else: self.Data = data #v3print ( 'Normal Scope, set data', self.Data.shape ) # M = the number of available channels # N = the number of samples in one channel M, N = self.Data.shape if N < 2: return # if delivered number of signals too large, # create new channels Ncurves = len(self.curves) if M > Ncurves: M = Ncurves #while len ( self.curves ) < M : # self.Add_Channel ( ) #print 'Set_Data',N, self.Size[0],self.curves if N >= self.Size[0]: N_Average = 1 + N / self.Size[0] MaxI = (N / N_Average) #* N_Average for i, curve in enumerate(self.curves[:M]): for ii in range(MaxI): curve.Buf[ii] = 0 for ai in range(N_Average): curve.Buf[ii] += self.Data[i, ii * N_Average + ai] curve.Buf[ii] /= N_Average else: N_Average = self.Size[0] / N MaxI = (N - 1) * N_Average if self.Linear_Interpolation: N_Afloat = 1.0 * N_Average for i, curve in enumerate(self.curves[:M]): # we don't use the last element for ii in range(N - 1): delta = (self.Data[i, ii + 1] - self.Data[i, ii]) / N_Afloat for ai in range(N_Average): curve.Buf [ ii * N_Average + ai ] = \ self.Data [ i, ii ] + ai * delta else: for i, curve in enumerate(self.curves[:M]): for ii in range(N): for ai in range(N_Average): curve.Buf[ii * N_Average + ai] = self.Data[i, ii] # and draw it self.Dp = MaxI self._Redraw_Screen() # ***************************************************************** # Adds MANY dataset to the history buffer # data must be a 2-dimensional array # ***************************************************************** def Append_Data(self, data): #print 'HHH',type(data),data,data.shape,len ( self.curves ) # M = the number of available channels # N = the number of samples in one channel #if data.ndim == 1 : # M = 1 # N = data.shape[0] #else: M, N = data.shape if self.Buf_wp + N >= self.Buf_max: N1 = self.Buf_max - self.Buf_wp N2 = N - N1 else: N1 = N N2 = 0 # if delivered number of signals too large, # create new channels Ncurves = len(self.curves) if M > Ncurves: M = Ncurves #while len ( self.curves ) < M : # self.Add_Channel ( ) #print N,N1,N2,M,self.Buf_wp,self.Buf_max # Here just process the number of available channels (M) for i, curve in enumerate(self.curves[:M]): if len(curve.Delayed) > 0: curve.Delayed = r_[curve.Delayed[N1:], data[i][:N1]] curve.Buf[self.Buf_wp:self.Buf_wp + N1] = curve.Delayed[:N1] else: curve.Buf[self.Buf_wp:self.Buf_wp + N1] = data[i][:N1] """ if i == 0 : self.Delayed = r_ [ self.Delayed [N1:], data [i][:N1]] curve.Buf [ self.Buf_wp : self.Buf_wp + N1 ] = self.Delayed [:N1] else : curve.Buf [ self.Buf_wp : self.Buf_wp + N1 ] = data [i][:N1] """ #print 'EEEEEEEERRRRREEEEOOOORRRR',len(curve.Buf[:N2]),N-N1,curve.Buf.shape,data.shape #print N2,self.Buf_max,curve.Buf.shape,curve.Buf [:N2].shape,data [i][ N1 : N ].shape curve.Buf[:N2] = data[i][N1:N] self.Buf_wp += N self.Buf_wp %= self.Buf_max # ***************************************************************** # notify the display update timer, that there's new data available # ***************************************************************** ## self.My_Parent.New_Data = True self.Draw_Curves() # ***************************************************************** # Redraw the signals and the grid, when the window is resized # ***************************************************************** def _Redraw_Screen(self): # The Buffer init is done here, to make sure the buffer is always # the same size as the Window self.Size = self.GetClientSize() #print '_Redraw_Screen, get size',self.Size if self.Size[0] * self.Size[1] <= 0: return # Make new offscreen bitmap: this bitmap will always have the # current drawing in it, so it can be used to save the image to # a file, or whatever. self._Buffer = wx.Bitmap(*self.Size) # remove measurement cursors (must be done before creating dc) #self._Draw_Cursor ( 0, -1 ) #self._Draw_Cursor ( 1, -1 ) # don't use _Draw_Cursor, because then a lot of flicker will result for C in [0, 1]: if self.old_Cursor[C] >= 0: self.old_CMemo[C].Destroy() self.old_CMemo[C] = None self.CMemo_Labels = [[], []] self.old_Cursor[C] = -1 dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer) dc.SetBrush(self.Brush) # draw the grid self.grid_x = 1.0 * self.Size[0] / XDIV self.grid_y = 1.0 * self.Size[1] / YDIV self.erase_th = int(0.5 * self.grid_x) for xi in range(XDIV): self._Draw_Grid_Block(dc, xi) self.Erase_Block[xi] = False self.Draw_Curves(True) #dc.EndDrawing() # Refresh must be called to garantee a correct visible image self.Refresh() # ***************************************************************** # Draws a chunk of newly received data to the display, # can also Redraw the complete signal, in case of resize # ***************************************************************** def Draw_Curves(self, Redraw=False): #print 'Draw_Curves: Redraw, RealTime =', Redraw, self.Real_Time if not (self.curves): return # Clipping doesn't make much sense !! dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer) dc.SetBrush(self.Brush) # In case not realtime, simply draw from the start if not (self.Real_Time): #print 'Block-1' N = self.Dp x11 = 0 xbuf = 0 for curve in self.curves: curve._Draw(dc, N, x11, xbuf) return #if self.grid_x < 1 : return #print 'redraw,',Redraw if Redraw: # in case of a total redraw #print 'OOOO',self.Dp,self.grid_x, Redraw if self.grid_x < 1: self.grid_x = 10 x22 = self.Dp n = self.Dp % int(self.grid_x) N = self.Size[0] - (self.grid_x - n) if n > self.erase_th: N = N - self.grid_x # Be sure everything is integer !! N = int(N) x11 = (x22 - N) % self.Size[0] xbuf = (self.Buf_rp - N) % self.Buf_max #print 'Block-2',self.Dp,N,x11,x22,xbuf,self.Buf_wp,self.Buf_rp else: # in case of normal draw of small chunks x11 = self.Dp N = (self.Buf_wp - self.Buf_rp) % self.Buf_max # Be sure everything is integer !! N = int(N) x22 = (x11 + N) % self.Size[0] xbuf = self.Buf_rp #print 'Block-3',self.Dp,N,x11,x22,xbuf,self.Buf_wp,self.Buf_rp x1, x1r = divmod(x11, int(self.grid_x)) x2, x2r = divmod(x22, int(self.grid_x)) x1_next = (x1 + 1) % XDIV if not ( self.Erase_Block [ x1_next ] ) and \ ( ( x1r > self.erase_th ) or ( x2r > self.erase_th ) or ( x1 != x2 ) ) : self._Draw_Grid_Block(dc, x1_next) # draw curves, here wrapping around display end is done, # curve._Draw does the wrapping around the history buffer if x11 <= x22: for curve in self.curves: curve._Draw(dc, N, x11, xbuf) else: for curve in self.curves: curve._Draw(dc, self.Size[0] - x11, x11, xbuf) curve._Draw(dc, x22, 0, (xbuf + self.Size[0] - x11) % self.Buf_max) if not (Redraw): self.Buf_rp = (self.Buf_wp - 1) % self.Buf_max self.Dp = (self.Dp + N - 1) % self.Size[0] #dc.EndDrawing() # ***************************************************************** # Draws a vertical grid block (and thereby erasing the signals) # over 1 X-division. # ***************************************************************** def _Draw_Grid_Block(self, dc, xi): dc.SetPen(wx.Pen(self.Grid_Color, 1)) rectangles = [] # we need to do this so complex to be sure the blocks will overlap # and thus getting a 1-width line !! xi = xi % XDIV x = int(round(xi * self.grid_x)) w = int(round((xi + 1) * self.grid_x + 1)) - x for i in range(YDIV): y = int(round(i * self.grid_y)) h = int(round((i + 1) * self.grid_y + 1)) - y if y + h > self.Size[1]: h = self.Size[1] - y rectangles.append((x, y, w, h)) dc.DrawRectangleList(rectangles) self.Erase_Block[xi] = True self.Erase_Block[(xi + 1) % XDIV] = False # ***************************************************************** # Draws a measurement cursor at position x, # a previous cursor is first removed. # Removing all cursors can be done by specifying a negative value for x # ***************************************************************** def _Draw_Cursor(self, C, x, y=None): dc = wx.BufferedDC(wx.ClientDC(self), self._Buffer) #dc.SetLogicalFunction ( wx.XOR ) dc.SetLogicalFunction(wx.INVERT) dc.SetPen(wx.Pen((0, 0, 0), 2, wx.SOLID)) #dc.SetPen ( wx.Pen ( (255,255,255), 2, wx.SOLID )) if self.old_Cursor[C] >= 0: dc.DrawLine(self.old_Cursor[C], 0, self.old_Cursor[C], self.Size[1]) if x >= 0: dc.DrawLine(x, 0, x, self.Size[1]) # calculate the position in the history array if self.Real_Time: from_end = self.Dp - x if x > self.Dp: from_end += self.Size[0] else: from_end = x if x >= self.Dp: from_end = self.Dp - 1 data = self.Get_DataSet(from_end) N = len(self.curves) if not (self.old_CMemo[C]): self.old_CMemo[C] = wx.Panel(self) self.old_CMemo[C].SetBackgroundColour(self.BG_Color) Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.old_CMemo[C].SetSizer(Sizer) for i in range(N): label = wx.StaticText(self.old_CMemo[C]) self.CMemo_Labels[C].append(label) label.SetForegroundColour(self.curves[i].Pen.GetColour()) Sizer.Add(label, 0, wx.EXPAND) # now add 2 extra memos for samp and time measurement for i in range(2): label = wx.StaticText(self.old_CMemo[C]) self.CMemo_Labels[C].append(label) label.SetForegroundColour(wx.BLACK) Sizer.Add(label, 0, wx.EXPAND) # now put in the actual measurement values # and determine the max width on the flight dc = wx.ScreenDC() w = 0 for chan in range(N): value = self.gain[chan] * data[chan] + self.offset[chan] line = nice_number(value) line =[chan] + ' =' + line w = max(w, dc.GetTextExtent(line)[0]) #v3print ( 'Label', chan, value, line, w ) self.CMemo_Labels[C][chan].SetLabel(line) # *********************************************************** # *********************************************************** # are there 2 cursors ? if (C == 0) and self.old_CMemo[1]: x2 = self.old_Cursor[1] elif (C == 1) and self.old_CMemo[0]: x2 = self.old_Cursor[0] else: x2 = None delta = None # *********************************************************** # LEFT cursor is always absolute # *********************************************************** if C == 0: line = 'Time =' + str(1.0 * x / 100) w = max(w, dc.GetTextExtent(line)[0]) self.CMemo_Labels[C][N].SetLabel(line) line = 'NSamp =' + str(x) w = max(w, dc.GetTextExtent(line)[0]) self.CMemo_Labels[C][N + 1].SetLabel(line) if x2: # if also RIGHT cursor available, adapt it dx = x2 - x delta = '-' else: delta = None # *********************************************************** # RIGHT cursor is absolute if there's no LEFT cursor # *********************************************************** else: # this is the RIGHT cursor if x2: dx = x - x2 delta = '-' else: # if other cursor not available dx = x delta = '' if delta != None: line = delta + 'Time =' + str(1.0 * dx / 100) w = max(w, dc.GetTextExtent(line)[0]) self.CMemo_Labels[1][N].SetLabel(line) line = delta + 'NSamp =' + str(dx) w = max(w, dc.GetTextExtent(line)[0]) self.CMemo_Labels[1][N + 1].SetLabel(line) # Print mean and std over the selected period if x2 == None: x2 = 0 if x > x2: x1 = x2 x2 = x else: x1 = x if (x1 >= 0): data = [] for i in range(x1, x2): from_end = i if i >= self.Dp: from_end = self.Dp - 1 data.append(self.Get_DataSet(from_end)) data = asarray(data).astype(int) import numpy print('mean / std = ', numpy.mean(data, 0).round().astype(int), numpy.std(data, 0).round().astype(int)) # *********************************************************** # draw the values on the left for the left cursor (if possible) # to the right for the right cursor # *********************************************************** if Platform_Windows: w -= 17 if ( ( C == 0 ) and ( x > w ) ) or \ ( ( C == 1 ) and ( (x+w) > self.Size[0] )) : self.old_CMemo[C].SetPosition((x - w - 2, y + 5)) else: self.old_CMemo[C].SetPosition((x + 2, y + 5)) self.old_CMemo[C].Refresh() #if x2: N += 2 self.old_CMemo[C].SetSize((w, N * 13)) #self.old_CMemo[C].SendSizeEvent () # *********************************************************** # remove this cursor # *********************************************************** else: if self.old_CMemo[C]: self.old_CMemo[C].Destroy() self.old_CMemo[C] = None self.CMemo_Labels = [[], []] #dc.EndDrawing() self.old_Cursor[C] = x self.Dock.SetFocus()