def display(self, parent): """\ Actually builds the panel (with the text ctrl and the button to display the dialog) to set the value of the property interactively """ = wx.NewId() val = misc.wxstr(self.owner[][0]()) label = wxGenStaticText(parent, -1, _mangle(self.dispName), size=(_label_initial_width, -1)) label.SetToolTip(wx.ToolTip(_mangle(self.dispName))) if self.can_disable: self._enabler = wx.CheckBox(parent,, '', size=(1, -1)) self.text = wx.TextCtrl(parent,, val, size=(1, -1)) self.btn = wx.Button(parent,, " ... ", size=(_label_initial_width, -1)) if self.can_disable: #self._enabler = wxCheckBox(parent,, '', size=(1, -1)) wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self._enabler,, lambda event: self.toggle_active(event.IsChecked())) self.text.Enable(self.is_active()) self.btn.Enable(self.is_active()) self._enabler.SetValue(self.is_active()) self._target = self.text wx.EVT_BUTTON(self.btn,, self.display_dialog) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer.Add(label, 2, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 3) if getattr(self, '_enabler', None) is not None: sizer.Add(self._enabler, 1, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 3) option = 3 else: option = 4 sizer.Add(self.text, option, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 3) sizer.Add(self.btn, 1, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTER, 3) self.panel = sizer self.bind_event(self.on_change_val) wx.EVT_CHAR(self.text, self.on_char)
def setup_object_introspection( d3module, viewFrame, objectDict, renderWindow, objectChoice, introspect_button_id, ): """Setup all object introspection for standard module views with a choice for object introspection. Call this if you have a wx.Choice and wx.Button ready! viewFrame is the actual window of the module view. objectDict is a dictionary with object name strings as keys and object instances as values. renderWindow is an optional renderWindow that'll be used for updating, pass as None if you don't have this. objectChoice is the object choice widget. objectChoiceId is the event id connected to the objectChoice widget. In order to use this, the module HAS to use the IntrospectModuleMixin. """ # fill out the objectChoice with the object names objectChoice.Clear() for objectName in objectDict.keys(): objectChoice.Append(objectName) # default on first object objectChoice.SetSelection(0) # setup the two default callbacks wx.EVT_BUTTON( viewFrame, introspect_button_id, lambda e: d3module._defaultObjectChoiceCallback( viewFrame, renderWindow, objectChoice, objectDict))
def __init__(self, parent, quote): # context help pre = wx.PreDialog() pre.SetExtraStyle(wx.DIALOG_EX_CONTEXTHELP) # pre-init self.m_id = wx.NewId() self.m_quote = quote self.m_parent = parent # post-init pre.Create(parent, -1, "%s %s - %s" % (message('quote_title'),self.m_quote.ticker(),, size=(560,370)) self.PostCreate(pre) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # property panel self.m_propwindow = iTradeQuotePropertiesPanel(self,wx.NewId(),self.m_quote,None) sizer.Add(self.m_propwindow, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # context help if wx.Platform != "__WXMSW__": btn = wx.ContextHelpButton(self) box.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) # CLOSE btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, message('close')) btn.SetHelpText(message('close_desc')) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, self.OnClose) box.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE|wx.ALL, 5) sizer.AddSizer(box, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wx.ALL, 5) self.SetAutoLayout(True) self.SetSizerAndFit(sizer)
def __init__(self, parent, wxId, id, style): # Create a wxButton of the appropriate type. if style != Button.STYLE_MINI: widget = wx.Button(parent, wxId, uniConv(language.translate(id))) else: widget = wx.ToggleButton(parent, wxId, uniConv(language.translate(id))) # Default buttons are usually a bit different visually. if style == Button.STYLE_DEFAULT: widget.SetDefault() base.Widget.__init__(self, widget) self.widgetId = id if style == Button.STYLE_MINI: # The mini buttons use the small style. self.setSmallStyle() # The size of the mini buttons is configurable. bestSize = widget.GetBestSize() width = 30 height = bestSize[1] try: width = st.getSystemInteger('button-mini-width') if st.getSystemInteger('button-mini-height'): height = st.getSystemInteger('button-mini-height') except: pass widget.SetMinSize((width, height)) if style != Button.STYLE_MINI: # We will handle the click event ourselves. wx.EVT_BUTTON(parent, wxId, self.onClick) #self.updateDefaultSize() else: # Pop back up when toggled down. wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON(parent, wxId, self.onToggle)
def Packages(self, nom): self.panelPackages = wx.Panel(self, -1) self.txtPackages = wx.StaticText(self.panelPackages, -1, _(nom), (10, 10), wx.DefaultSize) self.txtPackages.SetFont(self.fontTitle) self.Menu = wx.ListBox(self.panelPackages, 99, pos=(15, 45), size=(430, 235), style=Variables.widget_borders) self.PackageButton = wx.Button(self.panelPackages, 98, _("Install"), pos=(10, 295)) try: self.available_packages = open( Variables.playonlinux_rep + "/configurations/listes/POL_Functions", "r").read() self.available_packages = string.split(self.available_packages, "/") self.available_packages_ = [] for key in self.available_packages: if ("POL_Install" in key): self.available_packages_.append( key.replace("POL_Install_", "")) self.available_packages.sort() self.Menu.InsertItems(self.available_packages_, 0) self.Menu.Select(0) except: # File does not exits ; it will be created when pol is updated pass #$REPERTOIRE/configurations/listes/ wx.EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(self, 99, self.install_package) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 98, self.install_package) self.AddPage(self.panelPackages, nom)
def General(self, nom): self.panelGeneral = wx.Panel(self, -1) self.AddPage(self.panelGeneral, nom) self.general_elements = {} # Les polices if(os.environ["POL_OS"] == "Mac"): self.fontTitle = wx.Font(14, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD, False, "", wx.FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) self.caption_font = wx.Font(11, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL,False, "", wx.FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) else : self.fontTitle = wx.Font(12, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD, False, "", wx.FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) self.caption_font = wx.Font(8, wx.FONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wx.FONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wx.FONTWEIGHT_NORMAL,False, "", wx.FONTENCODING_DEFAULT) self.txtGeneral = wx.StaticText(self.panelGeneral, -1, _("General"), (10,10), wx.DefaultSize) self.txtGeneral.SetFont(self.fontTitle) self.AddGeneralButton(_("Make a new shortcut from this virtual drive"),"newshort",1) self.AddGeneralChamp(_("Name"),"name","",2) self.AddGeneralElement(_("Wine version"),"wineversion",[],[],3) self.AddGeneralChamp(_("Debug flags"), "winedebug", "", 4) self.AddGeneralElement(_("Virtual drive"), "wineprefix", playonlinux.Get_Drives(), playonlinux.Get_Drives(), 5) self.AddGeneralChamp(_("Arguments"), "arguments", "", 6) self.configurator_title = wx.StaticText(self.panelGeneral, -1, "", (10,294), wx.DefaultSize) self.configurator_title.SetFont(self.fontTitle) self.configurator_button = wx.Button(self.panelGeneral, 106, _("Run configuration wizard"), pos=(15,324)) wx.EVT_TEXT(self, 202, self.setname) wx.EVT_TEXT(self, 206, self.setargs) wx.EVT_TEXT(self, 204, self.setwinedebug) wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self, 203, self.assign) wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self, 205, self.assignPrefix) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 601, self.Parent.Parent.Parent.WineVersion)
def __init__(self, parent, parameters): BaseDialog.__init__(self, parent,, parameters.label(), (700, 300)) self.thePersonaName = '' self.theVariable = '' self.theModalQualifier = '' self.theCharacteristic = '' self.theGrounds = [] self.theWarrant = [] self.theBacking = [] self.theRebuttal = [] self.isCreate = True self.theId = -1 self.panel = 0 self.inPersona = False if (parameters.__class__.__name__ == 'PersonaCharacteristicDialogParameters'): self.inPersona = True if (self.inPersona): self.thePersonaName = parameters.persona() self.theVariable = parameters.behaviouralVariable() self.commitVerb = 'Add' mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.panel = PersonaCharacteristicNotebook(self, self.thePersonaName) mainSizer.Add(self.panel, 1, wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add( self.buildCommitButtonSizer(PERSONACHARACTERISTIC_BUTTONCOMMIT_ID, True), 0, wx.CENTER) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, PERSONACHARACTERISTIC_BUTTONCOMMIT_ID, self.onCommit)
def POL_SetupWindow_checkbox_list(self, message, title, liste, cut): self.Destroy_all() self.DrawDefault(message, title) self.scrolled_panel.Show() = message.count("\\n") + 1 self.scrolled_panel.SetPosition((20, 85 + * 16)) self.areaList = string.split(liste, cut) # We have to destroy all previous items (catching exception in case one is already destroyed) self.i = 0 try: while (self.i <= len(self.item_check)): self.item_check[self.i].Destroy() self.i += 1 except: pass self.item_check = [] # Now we can rebuild safely the widget self.i = 0 while (self.i < len(self.areaList)): self.item_check.append( wx.CheckBox(self.scrolled_panel, -1, pos=(0, (self.i * 25)), label=str(self.areaList[self.i]))) self.i += 1 self.scrolled_panel.SetVirtualSize((0, self.i * (25))) self.scrolled_panel.SetScrollRate(0, 25) self.DrawCancel() self.DrawNext() self.separator = cut wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_FORWARD, self.release_checkboxes)
def __init__(self, parent, objt, rType): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, 'Edit Use Case Contribution', style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX, size=(475, 300)) self.theSource = objt.source() self.theDestination = objt.destination() self.theMeansEnd = objt.meansEnd() self.theContribution = objt.contribution() mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.panel = UseCaseContributionPanel(self) mainSizer.Add(self.panel, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, REFERENCECONTRIBUTION_BUTTONCOMMIT_ID, self.onCommit) if (objt.meansEnd() != ''): self.theCommitVerb = 'Create' self.SetLabel = 'Create Reference Contribution' else: self.theCommitVerb = 'Edit' self.panel.load(objt, rType)
def __init__(self, parent, id, cert, certMgr): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, None, id, "", size=wx.Size(700, 400), style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER) title = GetCNFromX509Subject(cert.GetSubject()) self.SetTitle(title) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.panel = CertificateViewerPanel(self, -1, cert, certMgr) sizer.Add(self.panel, 1, wx.EXPAND) b = wx.Button(self, -1, "Close") sizer.Add(b, 0) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, b.GetId(), self.OnClose) wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnClose) self.SetSizer(sizer) self.SetAutoLayout(1)
def Populate(self, title, icon=None): self.title = title self.icon = icon panel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY) vsz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsz = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) if self.icon is not None: hsz.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(panel, wx.ID_ANY, self.icon), 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE, 2) font = wx.NORMAL_FONT font.SetPointSize(8) font.SetWeight(wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD) titleCtrl = wx.StaticText(panel, wx.ID_ANY, self.title) titleCtrl.SetFont(font) hsz.Add(titleCtrl, 1, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE, 2) btn = self.CloseButton(panel) if btn is not None: hsz.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALL, 2) wx.EVT_BUTTON(btn, wx.ID_ANY, self.DoClose) vsz.Add(hsz, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 2) self.AddInnerContent(vsz, panel) panel.SetSizer(vsz) sz = wx.BoxSizer() sz.Add(panel, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(sz) self.Fit()
def GetMyControls(self): vs=wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) _sbs=wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, 'User Selection'), wx.VERTICAL) _fgs=wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 2, 5, 5) _fgs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Phone Model:'), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) self._model=wx.StaticText(self, -1, '') _fgs.Add(self._model, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) _fgs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Port:'), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) self._port=wx.StaticText(self, -1, '') _fgs.Add(self._port, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) _fgs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Detection Status:'), 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) self._status=wx.StaticText(self, -1, '') _fgs.Add(self._status, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0) _sbs.Add(_fgs, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0) vs.Add(_sbs, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) self._det_btn=wx.Button(self, -1, 'Detect Phone') vs.Add(self._det_btn, 0, wx.ALL, 5) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self._det_btn.GetId(), self.OnDetect) return vs
def __init__(self, parent): super(SyncMLWarningDialog, self).__init__(parent, wx.ID_ANY, _('Compatibility warning')) textWidget = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, _('The SyncML feature is disabled, because the module\n' 'could not be loaded. This may be because your platform\n' 'is not supported, or under Windows, you may be missing\n' 'some mandatory DLLs. Please see the SyncML section of\n' 'the online help for details (under "Troubleshooting").')) self.checkbox = wx.CheckBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, _('Never show this dialog again')) self.checkbox.SetValue(True) button = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, _('OK')) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer.Add(textWidget, 0, wx.ALL, 10) sizer.Add(self.checkbox, 0, wx.ALL, 3) sizer.Add(button, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE, 3) self.SetSizer(sizer) wx.EVT_BUTTON(button, wx.ID_ANY, self.OnOK) wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnOK) self.Fit()
def _bindEvents(self): controlFrame = self.slice3dVWR.controlFrame wx.EVT_BUTTON(controlFrame, controlFrame.createSliceButtonId, self._handlerCreateSlice) # for ortho view use sliceDirection.createOrthoView() wx.grid.EVT_GRID_CELL_RIGHT_CLICK(self._grid, self._handlerGridRightClick) wx.grid.EVT_GRID_LABEL_RIGHT_CLICK(self._grid, self._handlerGridRightClick) wx.grid.EVT_GRID_RANGE_SELECT(self._grid, self._handlerGridRangeSelect) # now do the fusion stuff wx.EVT_CHOICE(self.slice3dVWR.controlFrame, self.slice3dVWR.controlFrame.overlayModeChoice.GetId(), self._handlerOverlayModeChoice) wx.EVT_COMMAND_SCROLL( self.slice3dVWR.controlFrame, self.slice3dVWR.controlFrame.fusionAlphaSlider.GetId(), self._handlerFusionAlphaSlider)
def __init__(self, parent, reqList, setTargets, envName): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, PROPERTY_ID, 'Add Target', style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX | wx.THICK_FRAME | wx.RESIZE_BORDER, size=(400, 250)) b = Borg() self.dbProxy = b.dbProxy self.theTarget = '' self.theEffectiveness = '' self.theRationale = '' self.commitLabel = 'Add' mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.theTargetDictionary = self.dbProxy.targetNames(reqList, envName) defaultTargets = set(self.theTargetDictionary.keys()) targetList = list(defaultTargets.difference(setTargets)) mainSizer.Add( WidgetFactory.buildComboSizerList(self, 'Target', (87, 30), TARGET_COMBOTARGET_ID, targetList), 0, wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add( WidgetFactory.buildComboSizerList( self, 'Effectiveness', (87, 30), TARGET_COMBOEFFECTIVENESS_ID, ['None', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High']), 0, wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add( WidgetFactory.buildMLTextSizer(self, 'Rationale', (87, 60), TARGET_TEXTRATIONALE_ID), 1, wx.EXPAND) mainSizer.Add( WidgetFactory.buildAddCancelButtonSizer(self, TARGET_BUTTONCOMMIT_ID), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, TARGET_BUTTONCOMMIT_ID, self.onCommit)
def add_button(self, action, sizer, method=None, enabled=True, name=None, default=False): """ Creates a button. """ ui = self.ui if ((action.defined_when != '') and (not ui.eval_when(action.defined_when))): return None if name is None: name = id = button = wx.Button(self.control, -1, name) button.Enable(enabled) if default: button.SetDefault() if (method is None) or (action.enabled_when != '') or (id != ''): editor = ButtonEditor(ui=ui, action=action, control=button) if id != '':, editor) if action.visible_when != '': ui.add_visible(action.visible_when, editor) if action.enabled_when != '': ui.add_enabled(action.enabled_when, editor) if method is None: method = editor.perform wx.EVT_BUTTON(self.control, button.GetId(), method) sizer.Add(button, 0, wx.LEFT, 5) if action.tooltip != '': button.SetToolTipString(action.tooltip) return button
def __init__(self, parent, title, message): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.RESIZE_BOX, size=(400, 300), title=title) fd, self.filename = tempfile.mkstemp('.html') os.write(fd, message) os.close(fd) box = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': self.html = IEHtmlWindow(self) else: self.html = DefaultHtmlWindow(self) self.html.Load(self.filename) if wx.Platform == '__WXMSW__': box.Add(, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 1) else: box.Add(self.html, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 1) box2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) btnOK = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, tr("OK")) btnOK.SetDefault() box2.Add(btnOK, 0, 0) box.Add(box2, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.ALL, 2) self.SetSizer(box) # self.SetAutoLayout(True) # box.Fit(self) wx.EVT_BUTTON(btnOK, wx.ID_OK, self.OnOk) wx.EVT_CLOSE(self, self.OnOk)
def setup(self, parent): super(BackgroundCalcCtrl, self).setup(parent) #AvoPlotXYSubplot is a class, not an object/instance so you can't do this! #also get_mpl_axes is a method - so you would need () to make this do what you intended #self.axes = AvoPlotXYSubplot.get_mpl_axes self.axes = self.series.get_parent_element().get_mpl_axes() self.plot_obj = parent spec_type = classify_spectrum h2o_button = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Fit H2O") self.peak_height_text = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Peak Height:\n") self.Add(self.peak_height_text) self.Add(h2o_button, 0, wx.ALIGN_TOP|wx.ALL,border=10) # sizer = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Spec Type:\n%s"%spec_type, 0, wx.ALIGN_TOP|wx.ALL) # sizer_peak_height = wx.sizer(self.peak_height_text,0,wx.ALIGN_TOP|wx.ALL) # self.Add(sizer) # self.Add(sizer_peak_height) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, h2o_button.GetId(), self.fit_h2o) # self.SetSizer(sizer) # self.sizer.Fit(self) self.SetAutoLayout(True)
def __init__(self, parent, log): self.parent = parent wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, -1) apply_button = wx.Button(self, ID_APPLY, "Apply") clear_button = wx.Button(self, ID_CLEAR, "Clear") close_button = wx.Button(self, ID_CLOSE, "Close") wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, ID_CLOSE, self.OnClose) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, ID_APPLY, self.OnApply) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, ID_CLEAR, self.OnClear) lc = wx.LayoutConstraints() lc.bottom.SameAs(self, wx.Bottom, 10) lc.left.SameAs(self, wx.Left, 10) lc.height.AsIs() lc.width.PercentOf(self, wx.Width, 25) apply_button.SetConstraints(lc) lc = wx.LayoutConstraints() lc.bottom.SameAs(self, wx.Bottom, 10) lc.left.RightOf(apply_button, 5) lc.height.AsIs() lc.width.PercentOf(self, wx.Width, 25) clear_button.SetConstraints(lc) lc = wx.LayoutConstraints() lc.bottom.SameAs(self, wx.Bottom, 10) lc.left.RightOf(clear_button, 5) lc.height.AsIs() lc.width.PercentOf(self, wx.Width, 25) close_button.SetConstraints(lc) src_static = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Original Sequence', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) lc = wx.LayoutConstraints(), wx.Top, 5) lc.left.SameAs(self, wx.Left, 5) lc.height.AsIs() lc.right.SameAs(self, wx.Right, 5) src_static.SetConstraints(lc) src_text = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, '', style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) lc = wx.LayoutConstraints(), 5) lc.left.SameAs(self, wx.Left, 5) lc.height.PercentOf(self, wx.Height, 30) lc.right.SameAs(self, wx.Right, 5) src_text.SetConstraints(lc) self.src_text = src_text dest_static = wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Transformed Sequence', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER) lc = wx.LayoutConstraints(), 5) lc.left.SameAs(self, wx.Left, 5) lc.height.AsIs() lc.right.SameAs(self, wx.Right, 5) dest_static.SetConstraints(lc) dest_text = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, '', style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) lc = wx.LayoutConstraints(), 5) lc.left.SameAs(self, wx.Left, 5) lc.height.PercentOf(self, wx.Height, 30) lc.right.SameAs(self, wx.Right, 5) dest_text.SetConstraints(lc) self.dest_text = dest_text
def __init__(self, PanelData, MainFrame): # Create Data Frame window wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent=PanelData, style=wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) # Specify relevant variables self.MainFrame = MainFrame self.MainFrame.saved = False self.MainFrame.Dataset = {} # Panel: Data Handler self.PanelDataHandler = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY) sizerPanelDataHandler = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # Text: Create, Modify or Save Dataset TxtDataset = wx.StaticText(self.PanelDataHandler, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.CENTRE, label="Create or Modify Dataset") sizerPanelDataHandler.Add(TxtDataset, 0, wx.EXPAND) sizerPanelDataHandler.AddSpacer(3) # Panel: Create, Modify or Save Dataset PanelDataset = wx.Panel(self.PanelDataHandler, wx.ID_ANY) sizerPanelDataset = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.MainFrame.ButtonDataCreate = wx.Button( PanelDataset, wx.ID_ANY, size=(175, 28), style=wx.CENTRE, label="&Create new Dataset") sizerPanelDataset.Add(self.MainFrame.ButtonDataCreate, 0, wx.EXPAND) sizerPanelDataset.AddSpacer(5) self.MainFrame.ButtonDataModify = wx.Button( PanelDataset, wx.ID_ANY, size=(175, 28), style=wx.CENTRE, label="&Modify loaded Dataset") self.MainFrame.ButtonDataModify.Disable() sizerPanelDataset.Add(self.MainFrame.ButtonDataModify, 0, wx.EXPAND) PanelDataset.SetSizer(sizerPanelDataset) sizerPanelDataHandler.Add(PanelDataset, 0, wx.EXPAND) sizerPanelDataHandler.AddSpacer(15) # Text: Save Dataset TxtSave = wx.StaticText(self.PanelDataHandler, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.CENTRE, label="Save Dataset") sizerPanelDataHandler.Add(TxtSave, 0, wx.EXPAND) sizerPanelDataHandler.AddSpacer(3) # Panel: Save Dataset PanelSaveFile = wx.Panel(self.PanelDataHandler, wx.ID_ANY) sizerPanelSaveFile = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.DataSaveFile = wx.TextCtrl(PanelSaveFile, wx.ID_ANY, size=(500, 21), value=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'dataset.h5')) sizerPanelSaveFile.Add(self.DataSaveFile, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.MainFrame.ButtonDataSave = wx.Button(PanelSaveFile, wx.ID_ANY, label="&Save Dataset", size=(110, 28)) self.MainFrame.ButtonDataSave.Disable() sizerPanelSaveFile.Add(self.MainFrame.ButtonDataSave, 0, wx.EXPAND) PanelSaveFile.SetSizer(sizerPanelSaveFile) sizerPanelDataHandler.Add(PanelSaveFile, 0, wx.EXPAND) sizerPanelDataHandler.AddSpacer(15) # Text: Load Dataset TxtLoad = wx.StaticText(self.PanelDataHandler, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.CENTRE, label="Load existing Dataset") sizerPanelDataHandler.Add(TxtLoad, 0, wx.EXPAND) sizerPanelDataHandler.AddSpacer(3) # Panel: Load Dataset PanelLoadFile = wx.Panel(self.PanelDataHandler, wx.ID_ANY) sizerPanelLoadFile = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.DataLoadFile = wx.TextCtrl(PanelLoadFile, wx.ID_ANY, size=(500, 21), value=os.path.join( os.getcwd(), 'dataset.h5')) sizerPanelLoadFile.Add(self.DataLoadFile, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.MainFrame.ButtonDataLoad = wx.Button(PanelLoadFile, wx.ID_ANY, label="&Load Dataset", size=(110, 28)) sizerPanelLoadFile.Add(self.MainFrame.ButtonDataLoad, 0, wx.EXPAND) PanelLoadFile.SetSizer(sizerPanelLoadFile) sizerPanelDataHandler.Add(PanelLoadFile, 0, wx.EXPAND) sizerPanelDataHandler.AddSpacer(15) # Text: Select Result Folder TxtSelect = wx.StaticText(self.PanelDataHandler, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.CENTRE, label="Select Result Folder") sizerPanelDataHandler.Add(TxtSelect, 0, wx.EXPAND) sizerPanelDataHandler.AddSpacer(3) # Panel: Select Result Folder PanelResult = wx.Panel(self.PanelDataHandler, wx.ID_ANY) sizerPanelResult = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.TextResult = wx.TextCtrl(PanelResult, wx.ID_ANY, size=(500, 21), value=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'STEN')) sizerPanelResult.Add(self.TextResult, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.MainFrame.ButtonResult = wx.Button(PanelResult, wx.ID_ANY, label="&Result Folder", size=(110, 28)) sizerPanelResult.Add(self.MainFrame.ButtonResult, 0, wx.EXPAND) PanelResult.SetSizer(sizerPanelResult) sizerPanelDataHandler.Add(PanelResult, 0, wx.EXPAND) sizerPanelDataHandler.AddSpacer(40) # Panel: Model Information Panel PanelModelInfo = wx.Panel(self.PanelDataHandler, wx.ID_ANY) sizerModelInfo = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.TxtModelInfo = wx.StaticText(PanelModelInfo, wx.ID_ANY, label='', style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, size=(100, 200)) sizerModelInfo.Add(self.TxtModelInfo, 0, wx.EXPAND) PanelModelInfo.SetSizer(sizerModelInfo) sizerPanelDataHandler.Add(PanelModelInfo, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Panel: Calculation Progression PanelCalculation = wx.Panel(self.PanelDataHandler, wx.ID_ANY) sizerCalculation = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.TxtProgress = wx.StaticText(PanelCalculation, wx.ID_ANY, label='', style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT, size=(150, 200)) sizerCalculation.Add(self.TxtProgress, 0, wx.EXPAND) PanelCalculation.SetSizer(sizerCalculation) sizerPanelDataHandler.Add(PanelCalculation, 0, wx.EXPAND) # Create vertical structure of Data Handler Frame sizerFrame = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizerFrame.AddSpacer(3) sizerFrame.Add(self.PanelDataHandler, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(sizerFrame) self.PanelDataHandler.SetSizer(sizerPanelDataHandler) # Button Events wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.MainFrame.ButtonDataCreate.Id, self.createData) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.MainFrame.ButtonDataModify.Id, self.modifyData) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.MainFrame.ButtonDataSave.Id, self.saveData) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.MainFrame.ButtonDataLoad.Id, self.loadData) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.MainFrame.ButtonResult.Id, self.resultFolder)
def __init__(self, parent, id, title): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, id, title) if platform=='darwin': # Default is too big on Mac self.SetWindowVariant(wx.WINDOW_VARIANT_SMALL) self.canvas=parent.canvas panel1 = wx.Panel(self,-1) grid1 = wx.FlexGridSizer(0, 4, 6, 6) grid1.AddGrowableCol(3, proportion=1) self.object = wx.CheckBox(panel1, -1) if self.canvas.locked&Locked.OBJ: self.object.SetValue(True) grid1.Add(self.object) grid1.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(panel1, -1, wx.Bitmap("Resources/obj.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))) grid1.Add([0,0]) grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(panel1, -1, '3D objects')) self.polygon= wx.CheckBox(panel1, -1, style=wx.CHK_3STATE) if self.canvas.locked&Locked.POLYGON==Locked.POLYGON: self.polygon.SetValue(True) elif self.canvas.locked&Locked.POLYGON: self.polygon.Set3StateValue(wx.CHK_UNDETERMINED) grid1.Add(self.polygon) grid1.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(panel1, -1, wx.Bitmap("Resources/unknown.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))) grid1.Add([0,0]) grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(panel1, -1, 'Polygons')) self.facade = wx.CheckBox(panel1, -1) if self.canvas.locked&Locked.FAC: self.facade.SetValue(True) grid1.Add([0,0]) grid1.Add(self.facade) grid1.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(panel1, -1, wx.Bitmap("Resources/fac.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))) grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(panel1, -1, 'Facades')) self.forest = wx.CheckBox(panel1, -1) if self.canvas.locked&Locked.FOR: self.forest.SetValue(True) grid1.Add([0,0]) grid1.Add(self.forest) grid1.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(panel1, -1, wx.Bitmap("Resources/for.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))) grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(panel1, -1, 'Forests')) self.draped = wx.CheckBox(panel1, -1) if self.canvas.locked&Locked.POL: self.draped.SetValue(True) grid1.Add([0,0]) grid1.Add(self.draped) grid1.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(panel1, -1, wx.Bitmap("Resources/pol.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))) grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(panel1, -1, 'Draped')) self.ortho = wx.CheckBox(panel1, -1) if self.canvas.locked&Locked.ORTHO: self.ortho.SetValue(True) grid1.Add([0,0]) grid1.Add(self.ortho) grid1.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(panel1, -1, wx.Bitmap("Resources/ortho.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))) grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(panel1, -1, 'Orthophotos')) self.unknown = wx.CheckBox(panel1, -1) if self.canvas.locked&Locked.UNKNOWN: self.unknown.SetValue(True) grid1.Add([0,0]) grid1.Add(self.unknown) grid1.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(panel1, -1, wx.Bitmap("Resources/unknown.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))) grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(panel1, -1, 'Other')) = wx.CheckBox(panel1, -1) if self.canvas.locked&Locked.NET: grid1.Add( grid1.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(panel1, -1, wx.Bitmap("Resources/net.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))) grid1.Add([0,0]) grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(panel1, -1, 'Networks')) self.exclusion= wx.CheckBox(panel1, -1) if self.canvas.locked&Locked.EXCLUSION: self.exclusion.SetValue(True) grid1.Add(self.exclusion) grid1.Add(wx.StaticBitmap(panel1, -1, wx.Bitmap("Resources/exc.png", wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG))) grid1.Add([0,0]) grid1.Add(wx.StaticText(panel1, -1, 'Exclusions')) panel1.SetSizer(grid1) box2=myCreateStdDialogButtonSizer(self, wx.OK|wx.CANCEL) box0 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) box0.Add(panel1, 0, wx.LEFT|wx.RIGHT|wx.TOP|wx.EXPAND, 10) box0.Add(box2, 0, wx.ALL|wx.EXPAND, 10) self.SetSizerAndFit(box0) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_OK, self.OnOK) wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, self.polygon.GetId(), self.OnPolygons) wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, self.facade.GetId(), self.OnPolygon) wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, self.forest.GetId(), self.OnPolygon) wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, self.draped.GetId(), self.OnPolygon) wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, self.ortho.GetId(), self.OnPolygon) wx.EVT_CHECKBOX(self, self.unknown.GetId(), self.OnPolygon)
def __init__(self, mw, parent, id=-1): wx.Panel.__init__(self, parent, id) vbs=wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # General bs=wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "General"), wx.HORIZONTAL) bs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Fingerprint"), 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL, 5) self.fingerprint=wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "a", style=wx.TE_READONLY, size=(300,-1)) bs.Add(self.fingerprint, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL, 5) bs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, ""), 0, wx.ALL, 5) # spacer bs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Port"), 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL, 5) self.porttext=wx.StaticText(self, -1, "<No Port>") bs.Add(self.porttext, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL, 5) vbs.Add(bs, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) # authorization bs=wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Authorization"), wx.VERTICAL) hbs=wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) butadd=wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "Add ...") hbs.Add(butadd, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL, 5) hbs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, ""), 0, wx.ALL, 5) # spacer self.butedit=wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "Edit ...") self.butedit.Enable(False) hbs.Add(self.butedit, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL, 5) hbs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, ""), 0, wx.ALL, 5) # spacer self.butdelete=wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "Delete") self.butdelete.Enable(False) hbs.Add(self.butdelete, 0, wx.ALL|wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_VERTICAL, 5) bs.Add(hbs, 0, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, butadd.GetId(), self.OnAddAuth) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.butedit.GetId(), self.OnEditAuth) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.butdelete.GetId(), self.OnDeleteAuth) # and the authorization listview self.authlist=wx.ListCtrl(self, wx.NewId(), style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL) self.authlist.InsertColumn(0, "User") self.authlist.InsertColumn(1, "Allowed Addresses") self.authlist.InsertColumn(2, "Expires") self.authlist.SetColumnWidth(0, 300) self.authlist.SetColumnWidth(1, 300) self.authlist.SetColumnWidth(2, 100) bs.Add(self.authlist, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) vbs.Add(bs, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) self.itemDataMap={} wx.lib.mixins.listctrl.ColumnSorterMixin.__init__(self,3) wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED(self.authlist, self.authlist.GetId(), self.OnEditAuth) wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED(self.authlist, self.authlist.GetId(), self.OnAuthListItemFondled) wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_DESELECTED(self.authlist, self.authlist.GetId(), self.OnAuthListItemFondled) wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_FOCUSED(self.authlist, self.authlist.GetId(), self.OnAuthListItemFondled) # devices bs=wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Devices"), wx.VERTICAL) buttoggle=wx.Button(self, wx.NewId(), "Toggle Allowed") bs.Add(buttoggle, 0, wx.ALL, 5) self.devicelist=wx.ListCtrl(self, wx.NewId(), style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.LC_SINGLE_SEL) self.devicelist.InsertColumn(0, "Allowed") self.devicelist.InsertColumn(1, "Name") self.devicelist.InsertColumn(2, "Available") self.devicelist.InsertColumn(3, "Description") self.devicelist.SetColumnWidth(0, 100) self.devicelist.SetColumnWidth(1, 300) self.devicelist.SetColumnWidth(2, 100) self.devicelist.SetColumnWidth(3, 300) bs.Add(self.devicelist, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) vbs.Add(bs, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 5) self.setupauthorization() self.SortListItems() self.SetSizer(vbs) self.SetAutoLayout(True)
def __init__(self, parent, id, title): wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, id, title, wx.DefaultPosition, (800, 600)) hbox= wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vbox = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hboxcontrols = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hboxlist = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) vbox.Add(hboxcontrols, 1, wx.EXPAND) vbox.Add(hboxlist, 1, wx.EXPAND) #comment load motor and load led when working on gui #load motor motorSettings = settings.MotorSettings().get() self.motorController = motorControl.MotorControl(motorSettings) self.motorController.setAllSpeed(100) #parse motor setting to get min and max angle, store result in hash motors motors = {} motorsConfig=motorSettings["motorConfig"] for motor in motorsConfig: motors[motor[3]] = [motor[1], motor[2]] #load led self.ledController = python2arduino.Arduino() #uncomment when working on gui #motors = {"bowl": [0, 150], "bottom": [0, 150], "mid": [0, 150], "top": [0, 150], "head": [0, 150]} #visual element #bowl button pnlBowl = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) hboxcontrols.Add(pnlBowl, 1, wx.ALL |wx.EXPAND, 1) self.sldBowl = wx.Slider(pnlBowl, -1, motors["bowl"][0], motors["bowl"][0], motors["bowl"][1], wx.DefaultPosition, (-1, -1), wx.SL_VERTICAL | wx.SL_LABELS) textBowl = wx.StaticText(pnlBowl, -1, 'Bowl') vboxBowl = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vboxBowl.Add(self.sldBowl, 1, wx.CENTER, 0) vboxBowl.Add(textBowl, 1, wx.CENTER) pnlBowl.SetSizer(vboxBowl) #bottom button pnlBottom = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) hboxcontrols.Add(pnlBottom, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 1) self.sldBottom = wx.Slider(pnlBottom, -1, motors["bottom"][1], motors["bottom"][0], motors["bottom"][1], wx.DefaultPosition, (-1, -1), wx.SL_VERTICAL | wx.SL_LABELS) textBottom = wx.StaticText(pnlBottom, -1, 'Bottom') vboxBottom = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vboxBottom.Add(self.sldBottom, 1, wx.CENTER) vboxBottom.Add(textBottom, 1, wx.CENTER) pnlBottom.SetSizer(vboxBottom) #middle button pnlMiddle = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) hboxcontrols.Add(pnlMiddle, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 1) self.sldMiddle = wx.Slider(pnlMiddle, -1, motors["mid"][0], motors["mid"][0], motors["mid"][1], wx.DefaultPosition, (-1, -1), wx.SL_VERTICAL | wx.SL_LABELS) textMiddle = wx.StaticText(pnlMiddle, -1, 'Middle') vboxMiddle= wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vboxMiddle.Add(self.sldMiddle, 1, wx.CENTER) vboxMiddle.Add(textMiddle, 1, wx.CENTER) pnlMiddle.SetSizer(vboxMiddle) #top button pnlTop = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) hboxcontrols.Add(pnlTop, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 1) self.sldTop = wx.Slider(pnlTop, -1, motors["top"][0], motors["top"][0], motors["top"][1], wx.DefaultPosition, (-1, -1), wx.SL_VERTICAL | wx.SL_LABELS) textTop = wx.StaticText(pnlTop, -1, 'Top') vboxTop = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vboxTop.Add(self.sldTop, 1, wx.CENTER) vboxTop.Add(textTop, 1, wx.CENTER) pnlTop.SetSizer(vboxTop) #head button pnlHead = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) hboxcontrols.Add(pnlHead, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 1) self.sldHead = wx.Slider(pnlHead, -1, motors["head"][0], motors["head"][0], motors["head"][1], wx.DefaultPosition, (-1, -1), wx.SL_VERTICAL | wx.SL_LABELS) textHead = wx.StaticText(pnlHead, -1, 'Head') vboxHead = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vboxHead.Add(self.sldHead, 1, wx.CENTER) vboxHead.Add(textHead, 1, wx.CENTER) pnlHead.SetSizer(vboxHead) #red button pnlRed = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) hboxcontrols.Add(pnlRed, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 1) self.sldRed = wx.Slider(pnlRed, -1, 0, 0, 255, wx.DefaultPosition, (-1, -1), wx.SL_VERTICAL | wx.SL_LABELS) textRed = wx.StaticText(pnlRed, -1, 'Red') vboxRed = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vboxRed.Add(self.sldRed, 1, wx.CENTER) vboxRed.Add(textRed, 1, wx.CENTER) pnlRed.SetSizer(vboxRed) #green button pnlGreen = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) hboxcontrols.Add(pnlGreen, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 1) self.sldGreen = wx.Slider(pnlGreen, -1, 0, 0, 255, wx.DefaultPosition, (-1, -1), wx.SL_VERTICAL | wx.SL_LABELS) textGreen = wx.StaticText(pnlGreen, -1, 'Green') vboxGreen = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vboxGreen.Add(self.sldGreen, 1, wx.CENTER) vboxGreen.Add(textGreen, 1, wx.CENTER) pnlGreen.SetSizer(vboxGreen) #blue button pnlBlue = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) hboxcontrols.Add(pnlBlue, 1, wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND, 1) self.sldBlue = wx.Slider(pnlBlue, -1, 0, 0, 255, wx.DefaultPosition, (-1, -1), wx.SL_VERTICAL | wx.SL_LABELS) textBlue = wx.StaticText(pnlBlue, -1, 'Blue') vboxBlue = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vboxBlue.Add(self.sldBlue, 1, wx.CENTER) vboxBlue.Add(textBlue, 1, wx.CENTER) pnlBlue.SetSizer(vboxBlue) #buttons pnlButtons = wx.Panel(self, -1, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER) vboxButton = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) gotoButton = wx.Button(pnlButtons, 7, 'Go To') vboxButton.Add(gotoButton, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.TOP, 15) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 7, self.OnGoto) savePositionButton = wx.Button(pnlButtons, 8, 'Save to list') vboxButton.Add(savePositionButton, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.TOP, 15) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 8, self.OnSavePosition) deletePositionButton = wx.Button(pnlButtons, 9, 'Delete from list') vboxButton.Add(deletePositionButton, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.TOP, 15) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 9, self.OnDeletePosition) playButton = wx.Button(pnlButtons, 10, 'Play') vboxButton.Add(playButton, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.TOP, 15) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 10, self.OnPlay) stopButton = wx.Button(pnlButtons, 11, 'Stop') vboxButton.Add(stopButton, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, 15) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, 11, self.OnStop) pnlButtons.SetSizer(vboxButton) #list of position self.positionList = wx.ListCtrl(self, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT) self.positionList.InsertColumn(0, 'bowl') self.positionList.InsertColumn(1, 'bottom') self.positionList.InsertColumn(2, 'middle') self.positionList.InsertColumn(3, 'top') self.positionList.InsertColumn(4, 'head') self.positionList.InsertColumn(5, 'red') self.positionList.InsertColumn(6, 'green') self.positionList.InsertColumn(7, 'blue') hboxlist.Add(self.positionList, 1, wx.EXPAND) hbox.Add(vbox, 5, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 1) hbox.Add(pnlButtons, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 1) self.SetSize((800, 600)) self.SetSizer(hbox) self.Centre()
def __init__(self, parent, title, copyFrom, copyTo): """ Set up the Dialog Box and all GUI Widgets. """ if (os.path.exists(copyFrom)): # Set up local variables self.parent = parent # Initialize Threaded File Copy object and the timer that updates the progress dialog self.threadedFileCopy = None self.timer = None size = (350, 200) # Create the Dialog Box itself, with no minimize/maximize/close buttons wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, size=size, style=wx.CAPTION) # Create a main VERTICAL sizer for the form mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # File label if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("File: %s"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("File: %s") # extract the file name... (dir, fileName) = os.path.split(copyFrom) self.destFileStr = os.path.join(copyTo, fileName) self.lblFile = wx.StaticText(self, -1, prompt % fileName, style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) # Add the label to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(self.lblFile, 0, wx.ALL, 10) # Progress Bar self.progressBar = wx.Gauge(self, -1, 100, style=wx.GA_HORIZONTAL | wx.GA_SMOOTH) # Add the element to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(self.progressBar, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, 10) # Create a Row Sizer r1Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Bytes Transferred label if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("%d bytes of %d transferred"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("%d bytes of %d transferred") self.lblBytes = wx.StaticText(self, -1, prompt % (100000000, 100000000), style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) # Add the label to the Row Sizer r1Sizer.Add(self.lblBytes, 5, wx.EXPAND) # Percent Transferred label self.lblPercent = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "%5.1d %%" % 1000.1, style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) # Add the Element to the Row Sizer r1Sizer.Add(self.lblPercent, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) # Add the Row Sizer to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(r1Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, 10) # Create a Row Sizer r2Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Elapsed Time label if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("Elapsed Time: %d:%02d:%02d"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("Elapsed Time: %d:%02d:%02d") self.lblElapsedTime = wx.StaticText(self, -1, prompt % (0, 0, 0), style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) # Add the element to the Row Sizer r2Sizer.Add(self.lblElapsedTime, 0) # Add a spacer r2Sizer.Add((1, 0), 1, wx.EXPAND) # Remaining Time label if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("Time Remaining: %d:%02d:%02d"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("Time Remaining: %d:%02d:%02d") self.lblTimeRemaining = wx.StaticText(self, -1, prompt % (0, 0, 0), style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) # Add the element to the Row Sizer r2Sizer.Add(self.lblTimeRemaining, 0) # Add the Row Sizer to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(r2Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, 10) # Transfer Speed label if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("Transfer Speed: %d k/sec"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("Transfer Speed: %d k/sec") self.lblTransferSpeed = wx.StaticText(self, -1, prompt % 0, style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) # Add the element to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(self.lblTransferSpeed, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, 10) # Cancel Button self.btnCancel = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel Remaining Files")) # Add the element to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(self.btnCancel, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, 10) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, self.OnCancel) # Attach the main sizer to the form self.SetSizer(mainSizer) # Turn Auto Layout on self.SetAutoLayout(True) # Lay out the form self.Layout() # Center on the Screen TransanaGlobal.CenterOnPrimary(self) # Initialize variables used in file transfer BytesRead = 0 # "cancelled" is intialized to false. If the user cancels the file transfer, # this variable gets set to true to signal the need to interrupt the transfer. self.cancelled = False # Note the starting time of the transfer for progress reporting purposes self.StartTime = time.time() self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.UpdateDisplay) EVT_THREAD_COMPLETE(self, self.OnFileCopyComplete) # Create a timer used to update the Progress Dialog self.timer = wx.Timer(self) # Start the timer, firing it every half second self.timer.Start(500) self.size1 = os.stat(copyFrom)[6] self.threadedFileCopy = ThreadedFileCopy(self, copyFrom, copyTo) # Show the form self.ShowModal()
def __init__(self, parent, headers, cfg, cfgGl, applyFunc): wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, "Headers", style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE) self.headers = headers self.cfg = cfg self.cfgGl = cfgGl self.applyFunc = applyFunc # whether some events are blocked self.block = False self.hdrIndex = -1 if len(self.headers.hdrs) > 0: self.hdrIndex = 0 vsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Empty lines after headers:"), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.elinesEntry = wx.SpinCtrl(self, -1) self.elinesEntry.SetRange(0, 5) wx.EVT_SPINCTRL(self, self.elinesEntry.GetId(), self.OnMisc) wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS(self.elinesEntry, self.OnKillFocus) hsizer.Add(self.elinesEntry, 0, wx.LEFT, 10) vsizer.Add(hsizer) vsizer.Add(wx.StaticLine(self, -1), 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP | wx.BOTTOM, 10) tmp = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Strings:") vsizer.Add(tmp) self.stringsLb = wx.ListBox(self, -1, size=(200, 100)) vsizer.Add(self.stringsLb, 0, wx.EXPAND) hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.addBtn = gutil.createStockButton(self, "Add") hsizer.Add(self.addBtn) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.addBtn.GetId(), self.OnAddString) gutil.btnDblClick(self.addBtn, self.OnAddString) self.delBtn = gutil.createStockButton(self, "Delete") hsizer.Add(self.delBtn, 0, wx.LEFT, 10) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.delBtn.GetId(), self.OnDeleteString) gutil.btnDblClick(self.delBtn, self.OnDeleteString) vsizer.Add(hsizer, 0, wx.TOP, 5) hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Text:"), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.textEntry = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1) hsizer.Add(self.textEntry, 1, wx.LEFT, 10) wx.EVT_TEXT(self, self.textEntry.GetId(), self.OnMisc) vsizer.Add(hsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 20) vsizer.Add( wx.StaticText(self, -1, "'${PAGE}' will be replaced by the page number."), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.TOP, 5) hsizerTop = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) gsizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(3, 2, 5, 0) gsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Header line:"), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.lineEntry = wx.SpinCtrl(self, -1) self.lineEntry.SetRange(1, 5) wx.EVT_SPINCTRL(self, self.lineEntry.GetId(), self.OnMisc) wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS(self.lineEntry, self.OnKillFocus) gsizer.Add(self.lineEntry) gsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "X offset (characters):"), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.RIGHT, 10) self.xoffEntry = wx.SpinCtrl(self, -1) self.xoffEntry.SetRange(-100, 100) wx.EVT_SPINCTRL(self, self.xoffEntry.GetId(), self.OnMisc) wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS(self.xoffEntry, self.OnKillFocus) gsizer.Add(self.xoffEntry) gsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Alignment:"), 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.alignCombo = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, style=wx.CB_READONLY) for it in [("Left", util.ALIGN_LEFT), ("Center", util.ALIGN_CENTER), ("Right", util.ALIGN_RIGHT)]: self.alignCombo.Append(it[0], it[1]) gsizer.Add(self.alignCombo) wx.EVT_COMBOBOX(self, self.alignCombo.GetId(), self.OnMisc) hsizerTop.Add(gsizer) bsizer = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.StaticBox(self, -1, "Style"), wx.HORIZONTAL) vsizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # wxGTK adds way more space by default than wxMSW between the # items, have to adjust for that pad = 0 if misc.isWindows: pad = 5 self.addCheckBox("Bold", self, vsizer2, pad) self.addCheckBox("Italic", self, vsizer2, pad) self.addCheckBox("Underlined", self, vsizer2, pad) bsizer.Add(vsizer2) hsizerTop.Add(bsizer, 0, wx.LEFT, 40) vsizer.Add(hsizerTop, 0, wx.TOP, 20) hsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) hsizer.Add((1, 1), 1) previewBtn = gutil.createStockButton(self, "Preview") hsizer.Add(previewBtn) applyBtn = gutil.createStockButton(self, "Apply") hsizer.Add(applyBtn, 0, wx.LEFT, 10) cancelBtn = gutil.createStockButton(self, "Cancel") hsizer.Add(cancelBtn, 0, wx.LEFT, 10) okBtn = gutil.createStockButton(self, "OK") hsizer.Add(okBtn, 0, wx.LEFT, 10) vsizer.Add(hsizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.TOP, 20) util.finishWindow(self, vsizer) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, previewBtn.GetId(), self.OnPreview) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, applyBtn.GetId(), self.OnApply) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, cancelBtn.GetId(), self.OnCancel) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, okBtn.GetId(), self.OnOK) wx.EVT_LISTBOX(self, self.stringsLb.GetId(), self.OnStringsLb) # list of widgets that are specific to editing the selected string self.widList = [ self.textEntry, self.xoffEntry, self.alignCombo, self.lineEntry, self.boldCb, self.italicCb, self.underlinedCb ] self.updateGui() self.textEntry.SetFocus()
def buildControls(self): mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.panel = InterfaceListPanel(self) mainSizer.Add(self.panel, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(mainSizer) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_OK, self.onCommit)
def __init__(self, parent, title, fileName, fileSize, localDir, connectionID, collectionName, direction, bufferSize): """ Set up the Dialog Box and all GUI Widgets. """ # Set up local variables self.parent = parent self.fileSize = fileSize self.bufferSize = int(bufferSize) # Create the Dialog Box itself, with no minimize/maximize/close buttons wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, -1, title, size = (350,200), style=wx.CAPTION) # Create a main VERTICAL sizer for the form mainSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) # File label if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("File: %s"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("File: %s") self.lblFile = wx.StaticText(self, -1, prompt % fileName, style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) # Add the label to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(self.lblFile, 0, wx.ALL, 10) # Progress Bar self.progressBar = wx.Gauge(self, -1, 100, style=wx.GA_HORIZONTAL | wx.GA_SMOOTH) # Add the element to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(self.progressBar, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, 10) # Create a Row Sizer r1Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Bytes Transferred label if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("%d bytes of %d transferred"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("%d bytes of %d transferred") self.lblBytes = wx.StaticText(self, -1, prompt % (100000000, 100000000), style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) # Add the label to the Row Sizer r1Sizer.Add(self.lblBytes, 5, wx.EXPAND) # Percent Transferred label self.lblPercent = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "%5.1d %%" % 1000.1, style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) # Add the Element to the Row Sizer r1Sizer.Add(self.lblPercent, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) # Add the Row Sizer to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(r1Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, 10) # Create a Row Sizer r2Sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # Elapsed Time label if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("Elapsed Time: %d:%02d:%02d"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("Elapsed Time: %d:%02d:%02d") self.lblElapsedTime = wx.StaticText(self, -1, prompt % (0, 0, 0), style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) # Add the element to the Row Sizer r2Sizer.Add(self.lblElapsedTime, 0) # Add a spacer r2Sizer.Add((1, 0), 1, wx.EXPAND) # Remaining Time label if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("Time Remaining: %d:%02d:%02d"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("Time Remaining: %d:%02d:%02d") self.lblTimeRemaining = wx.StaticText(self, -1, prompt % (0, 0, 0), style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT) # Add the element to the Row Sizer r2Sizer.Add(self.lblTimeRemaining, 0) # Add the Row Sizer to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(r2Sizer, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, 10) # Transfer Speed label if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: # Encode with UTF-8 rather than TransanaGlobal.encoding because this is a prompt, not DB Data. prompt = unicode(_("Transfer Speed: %d k/sec"), 'utf8') else: prompt = _("Transfer Speed: %d k/sec") self.lblTransferSpeed = wx.StaticText(self, -1, prompt % 0, style=wx.ST_NO_AUTORESIZE) # Add the element to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(self.lblTransferSpeed, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, 10) # Cancel Button btn = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, _("Cancel")) # Add the element to the Main Sizer mainSizer.Add(btn, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT | wx.BOTTOM, 10) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, self.OnCancel) # Attach the main sizer to the form self.SetSizer(mainSizer) # Turn Auto Layout on self.SetAutoLayout(True) # Lay out the form self.Layout() # Center on the Screen self.CenterOnScreen() # Show the form self.Show() # make sure the loca directory ends with the proper path seperator character if localDir[-1] != os.sep: localDir = localDir + os.sep # Initialize variables used in file transfer BytesRead = 0 # "cancelled" is intialized to false. If the user cancels the file transfer, # this variable gets set to true to signal the need to interrupt the transfer. self.cancelled = False # Note the starting time of the transfer for progress reporting purposes self.StartTime = time.time() if "__WXMSW__" in wx.PlatformInfo: srb = ctypes.cdll.srbClient else: srb = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("srbClient.dylib") # If we are sending files from the SRB to the local File System... if direction == srb_DOWNLOAD: self.SetTitle(_('Downloading . . .')) if 'unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo: tmpCollectionName = collectionName.encode(TransanaGlobal.encoding) tmpFileName = fileName.encode(TransanaGlobal.encoding) # Open the proper File Object on the SRB FileResult = srb.srbDaiObjOpen(connectionID, tmpCollectionName, tmpFileName, 0) # Make sure the object opened correctly if FileResult < 0: # If the file object did not open correctly, display an Error message. self.parent.srbErrorMessage(FileResult) else: # Create and Open a local binary file for writing to accept the data being sent from the SRB outputFile = file(localDir + fileName, 'wb', self.bufferSize) # While there is data, read it from the SRB and write it to the local file system. # ("while 1" tells the program to just keep looping until a "break" command is triggered.) while True: BufSize = self.bufferSize # Initialize the buffer to empty spaces to prepare for the SRB Call Buf = ' ' * BufSize # Get a block of data from the SRB and put it in the Buffer fileWrite = srb.srbDaiObjRead(connectionID, FileResult, Buf, BufSize) # The SRB returns the number of bytes read or an error message (negative value) if fileWrite < 0: # A SRB Error has occurred self.parent.srbErrorMessage(fileWrite) elif (fileWrite == 0) or self.cancelled: # The file has no more data, so we need to break out of the while loop, OR # the user has requested to cancel the file transfer. break else: # Data is read from the file # We are tracking the number of bytes read for progress reporting purposes, # and so that we know what size buffer we need for reading more data BytesRead = BytesRead + fileWrite # Reduce the size of the Buffer to match the data return size. (We were getting # incomplete downloads without this step!) if fileWrite < self.bufferSize: Buf = Buf[:fileWrite] try: # Let's write the data in the buffer to the local file outputFile.write(Buf) except exceptions.IOError, (errNum, errStr): # The transfer must be interrupted self.cancelled = True # To display an error message, we need to import the error dialog import Dialogs # Create and display the error message errDlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(self, errStr) errDlg.ShowModal() errDlg.Destroy() # Let's provide the user with feedback as we read the file self.UpdateDisplay(BytesRead) # When all the data has been read (or the transfer cancelled), we can close the local file. # Before we do, let's flush the file in case there is still data in the buffer. outputFile.flush() outputFile.close() # We can now close the SRB Data object (file) TempInt = srb.srbDaiObjClose(connectionID, FileResult) # srbDaiObjClose Error Checking if TempInt < 0: self.parent.srbErrorMessage(TempInt)
def __init__(self, parent, file_contents): #set the title to the file name frame_title = "%s - Data Select - %s" % (file_contents.filename, avoplot.PROG_SHORT_NAME) wx.Dialog.__init__(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, frame_title, style=wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE | wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX | wx.MINIMIZE_BOX) self.parent = parent self.filename = file_contents.filename #set up the icon for the frame self.SetIcon(wx.ArtProvider.GetIcon("avoplot")) #create top level panel to hold all frame elements top_panel = wx.Panel(self, wx.ID_ANY) #create top level sizer to contain all frame elements topsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) vsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) topsizer.AddSpacer(5) topsizer.Add(vsizer, 1, wx.EXPAND) #create all the frame elements self.splitter = wx.SplitterWindow(top_panel, -1) self.splitter.SetMinimumPaneSize(50) self.file_contents_panel = FileContentsPanel(self.splitter, file_contents) self.data_series_panel = DataSeriesSelectPanel(self.splitter, self, file_contents) width, sash_pos = self.data_series_panel.GetSizeTuple() self.splitter.SplitHorizontally(self.file_contents_panel, self.data_series_panel, -2 * sash_pos) vsizer.Add(self.splitter, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, border=5) self.SetSize((width + 60, -1)) #create main buttons buttons_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.plot_button = wx.Button(top_panel, wx.ID_ANY, "Plot") self.cancel_button = wx.Button(top_panel, wx.ID_ANY, "Cancel") buttons_sizer.Add(self.cancel_button, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM) buttons_sizer.Add(self.plot_button, 1, wx.ALIGN_RIGHT | wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.plot_button.GetId(), self.on_plot) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.cancel_button.GetId(), self.on_cancel) vsizer.Add(buttons_sizer, 0, wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_BOTTOM | wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, border=10) #configure layout and position top_panel.SetSizer(topsizer) topsizer.Fit(top_panel) top_panel.SetAutoLayout(True) self.Center(wx.BOTH) self.SendSizeEvent() #force redraw (only needed for windows) self.splitter.SetSashGravity(0.5) self.Show()
def make_widgets(self): self.lblLattice = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Lattice", size=(80, -1)) self.cboUCtype = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, choices=[ "SC", "FCC", "BCC", "HCP", "Diamond", "bTin", "Graphite", "Hexag", "NaCl", "CsCl", "Cubic ZnS", "Hex Zns" ], style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.lblAtomtype = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Atom Types", size=(80, -1)) self.txtAtomType1 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "") self.txtAtomType2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "") self.lblACA = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "A, C/A", size=(80, -1)) self.txtAentry = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "") self.txtCAentry = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "") self.btnCancel = wx.Button(self, -1, "Cancel") self.btnBuild = wx.Button(self, -1, "Build") self.btnBuild.SetDefault() szrCrystalBuilder = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) szrLattice = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) szrAtomTypes = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) szrACA = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) szrButton = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) szrLattice.Add( self.lblLattice, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrLattice.Add( self.cboUCtype, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrAtomTypes.Add( self.lblAtomtype, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrAtomTypes.Add( self.txtAtomType1, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrAtomTypes.Add( self.txtAtomType2, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrACA.Add( self.lblACA, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrACA.Add( self.txtAentry, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrACA.Add( self.txtCAentry, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrButton.Add( self.btnBuild, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrButton.Add( self.btnCancel, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrCrystalBuilder.Add(szrLattice, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 0) szrCrystalBuilder.Add(szrAtomTypes, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 0) szrCrystalBuilder.Add(szrACA, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 0) szrCrystalBuilder.Add( szrButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.SetSizer(szrCrystalBuilder) szrCrystalBuilder.Fit(self) szrCrystalBuilder.SetSizeHints(self) self.cboUCtype.SetSelection(0) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.btnBuild.GetId(), self.do_build) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.btnCancel.GetId(), self.cancel) return
def make_widgets(self): self.lblCleavage = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Cleavage Direction", size=(110, -1)) self.cboCleavage = wx.ComboBox(self, -1, choices=["C", "B", "A"], style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.lblSlabDepth = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Slab Depth", size=(110, -1)) self.txtSlabDepth = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "") self.lblVacuum = wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Vacuum Amount", size=(110, -1)) self.txtVacuum = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "") self.btnCancel = wx.Button(self, -1, "Cancel") self.btnBuildSlab = wx.Button(self, -1, "Build") self.btnBuildSlab.SetDefault() szrSlab = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) szrCleavage = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) szrSlabDepth = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) szrVacuum = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) szrButton = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) szrCleavage.Add( self.lblCleavage, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrCleavage.Add( self.cboCleavage, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrSlabDepth.Add( self.lblSlabDepth, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrSlabDepth.Add( self.txtSlabDepth, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrVacuum.Add( self.lblVacuum, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrVacuum.Add( self.txtVacuum, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrButton.Add( self.btnBuildSlab, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrButton.Add( self.btnCancel, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) szrSlab.Add(szrCleavage, 0, 0, 0) szrSlab.Add(szrSlabDepth, 0, 0, 0) szrSlab.Add(szrVacuum, 0, 0, 0) szrSlab.Add( szrButton, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wx.ALL, 5) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.SetSizer(szrSlab) szrSlab.Fit(self) szrSlab.SetSizeHints(self) self.cboCleavage.SetSelection(0) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.btnBuildSlab.GetId(), self.do_slab_build) wx.EVT_BUTTON(self, self.btnCancel.GetId(), self.cancel) return