def doAction(self, umlObjects, selectedObjects, umlFrame): """ Do the tool's action @param OglObject [] umlObjects : list of the uml objects of the diagram @param OglObject [] selectedObjects : list of the selected objects @param UmlFrame umlFrame : the frame of the diagram @since 1.0 @author C.Dutoit <*****@*****.**> """ filename = FileSelector("Choose a layout file to import", wildcard="Layout file (*.lay) | *.lay", flags=FD_OPEN | FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | FD_CHANGE_DIR) f = open(filename, "r") lstFile = f.readlines() f.close() lst = [] for el in lstFile: spl = el.split(",") lst.append(spl) print(f"Read {lst}") for oglObject in umlObjects: for line in lst: if line[0] == oglObject.getPyutObject().getName(): oglObject.SetPosition(float(line[1]), float(line[2])) oglObject.SetSize(float(line[3]), float(line[4]))
def SaveAs(self, e=None): file = FileSelector("保存します", expanduser('~'), "untitled.wnf", "wnf", "*.wnf") if not file: return self.File = file try: with open(self.File, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(self.editor.GetValue()) except PermissionError as err: self.stat.SetStatusText(f"保存できませんでした。{str(err)}", 1) Timer(2, lambda: self.stat.SetStatusText("", 1)).start() return self.changed = False self.SetTitle(f"{BASETITLE} - {basename(self.File)}")
def _askForFileExport(self, defaultFileName: str = '') -> str: """ Called by a plugin to ask for the export file name Returns: """ wxYield() outputFormat: OutputFormatType = self.getOutputFormat() wildCard: str = f'{outputFormat[0]} (*. {outputFormat[1]} )|*.{outputFormat[1]}' file: str = FileSelector("Choose the export file name", default_filename=defaultFileName, wildcard=wildCard, flags=FD_SAVE | FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT | FD_CHANGE_DIR) return file
def Open(self, e=None): if self.changed: dlg = MessageDialog(self, "編集中の内容を保存して既存ファイルを開きますか?", "確認", style=OK | CANCEL) if dlg.ShowModal() == ID_OK: self.Save() dlg.Destroy() file = FileSelector("開くファイルを選択", expanduser('~'), "", "*.wnf") if not file: return self.File = file with open(self.File, encoding='utf-8') as f: self.editor.SetValue( self.SetTitle(f"{BASETITLE} - {basename(self.File)}") self.changed = False
def _askForFileImport(self, multiSelect: bool = False, startDirectory: str = None): """ Called by plugin to ask which file must be imported Args: multiSelect: True to allow multi-file selection Returns: filename or "" for multiple=False, fileNames[] or [] else "", [] indicates that the user pressed the cancel button """ inputFormat: PyutPlugin.INPUT_FORMAT_TYPE = self.getInputFormat() defaultDir: str = startDirectory if defaultDir is None: defaultDir = self._ctrl.getCurrentDir() if multiSelect: dlg = FileDialog(self._umlFrame, "Choose files to import", wildcard=inputFormat[0] + " (*." + inputFormat[1] + ")|*." + inputFormat[1], defaultDir=defaultDir, style=FD_OPEN | FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | FD_MULTIPLE | FD_CHANGE_DIR) dlg.ShowModal() if dlg.GetReturnCode() == ID_CANCEL: return [], "" return dlg.GetFilenames(), dlg.GetDirectory() else: file = FileSelector("Choose a file to import", wildcard=inputFormat[0] + " (*." + inputFormat[1] + ")|*." + inputFormat[1], flags=FD_OPEN | FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | FD_CHANGE_DIR) return file
def doAction(self, umlObjects, selectedObjects, umlFrame): """ Do the tool's action @param OglObject [] umlObjects : list of the uml objects of the diagram @param OglObject [] selectedObjects : list of the selected objects @param UmlFrame umlFrame : the frame of the diagram @since 1.0 @author C.Dutoit <*****@*****.**> """ file = FileSelector("Choose a file name to export layout", wildcard="Layout file (*.lay) |*.lay", flags=FD_SAVE | FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT | FD_CHANGE_DIR) f = open(file, "w") for el in umlObjects: f.write(el.getPyutObject().getName() + "," + str(el.GetPosition()[0]) + "," + str(el.GetPosition()[1]) + "," + str(el.GetSize()[0]) + "," + str(el.GetSize()[1]) + "\n") f.close()
NCT_numbers = [] for a in range(len(gantt_df)): ident = str(gantt_df['Alternative IDs'][a]).split(',') ident = re.findall(nct, ' '.join(ident)) if len(ident) > 0: ident = ident[0] else: ident = 'No NCT Identifier' NCT_numbers.append(ident) ncts = pd.Series(NCT_numbers) gantt_df['NCT Number'] = ncts return gantt_df app = App() ta_file = FileSelector("Please select a TA-Scan Export Saved as an .xlsx file", default_extension='.xlsx') ctgov_file = FileSelector( "Please select a Export Saved as an .csv file", default_extension='.csv') # Read in TA Scan data and format keeping only necessary columns to merge with the data ta_df = pd.read_excel(ta_file, header=0) ta_df = remove_nonascii(ta_df) ta_df = extract_NCT(ta_df) ta_df = ta_df[ta_df['NCT Number'] != 'No NCT Identifier'] ta_df = ta_df[[ 'NCT Number', 'Enrollment', 'Nr sites', 'Study start', 'Study end' ]].reset_index(level=0, drop=True) ta_df.columns = [ 'NCT Number', 'Enrollment', 'Num. of Sites', 'Start Date', 'Completion Date'