예제 #1
 def Build( self, projDirPath ):
     # Clear all widgets from the sizer
     self.bs1.Clear( True ) 
     if projDirPath is not None and os.path.isdir( projDirPath ):
         # Build tree control and add it to the sizer
         self.dtc = DirTreeCtrl( self, -1, style=
                                 wx.NO_BORDER | 
                                 wx.TR_DEFAULT_STYLE |
                                 wx.TR_EDIT_LABELS )
         self.dtc.SetRootDir( projDirPath )
         self.dtc.Expand( self.dtc.GetRootItem() )
         self.bs1.Add( self.dtc, 1, wx.EXPAND )
         # Bind tree control events
         self.dtc.Bind( wx.EVT_KEY_UP, p3d.wx.OnKeyUp )
         self.dtc.Bind( wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, p3d.wx.OnKeyDown )
         self.dtc.Bind( wx.EVT_LEFT_UP, p3d.wx.OnLeftUp )
         self.dtc.Bind( wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightDown )
         self.dtc.Bind( wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRightUp )
         self.dtc.Bind( wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.OnMiddleDown )
         self.dtc.Bind( wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLeftDClick )
         self.dtc.Bind( wx.EVT_TREE_END_LABEL_EDIT, self.OnTreeEndLabelEdit )
         # Build and display "project not set" warning
         tc = wx.StaticText( self, -1, 'Project directory not set', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER )
         font = tc.GetFont()
         font.SetWeight( wx.FONTWEIGHT_BOLD )
         tc.SetFont( font )
         self.bs1.AddSpacer( 10 )
         self.bs1.Add( tc, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.LEFT | wx.RIGHT, 2 )