def info(self, *, device_mac: str, **kwargs) -> Optional[Thermostat]: """Retrieves details of a thermostat. :param str device_mac: The device mac. e.g. ``CO_EA1_ABCDEF1234567890`` :rtype: Optional[Thermostat] """ thermostats = [ _thermostat for _thermostat in self._list_thermostats() if _thermostat['mac'] == device_mac ] if len(thermostats) == 0: return None thermostat = thermostats[0] iot_prop = super()._earth_client().get_iot_prop( did=device_mac, keys=[ for prop_def in Thermostat.props().values()]) if "data" in and "props" in["data"]: thermostat.update(["data"]["props"]) device_info = super()._earth_client().get_device_info( did=device_mac, keys=[ for prop_def in Thermostat.device_info_props().values() ]) if "data" in and "settings" in[ "data"]: thermostat.update(["data"]["settings"]) return Thermostat(**thermostat)
def hold(self, *, device_mac: str, device_model: str, until: datetime, **kwargs) -> WyzeResponse: """Holds the current thermostat settings until a certain date/time. :param str device_mac: The device mac. e.g. ``CO_EA1_ABCDEF1234567890`` :param str device_model: The device model. e.g. ``CO_EA1`` :param datetime until: The new end date/time of the hold. :rtype: WyzeResponse """ return self._set_thermostat_properties(device_mac, device_model, [ DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["device_hold"], value=1), DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["device_hold_time"], value=until.timestamp()), ])
def clear_hold(self, *, device_mac: str, device_model: str, **kwargs) -> WyzeResponse: """Clears any existing hold on the thermostat and resumes "smart" operations. :param str device_mac: The device mac. e.g. ``CO_EA1_ABCDEF1234567890`` :param str device_model: The device model. e.g. ``CO_EA1`` :rtype: WyzeResponse """ return self._set_thermostat_properties(device_mac, device_model, [ DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["asw_hold"], value=0), DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["device_hold"], value=0), DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["device_hold_time"], value=0), ])
def set_mode(self, *, device_mac: str, device_model: str, system_mode: ThermostatSystemMode, fan_mode: ThermostatFanMode, **kwargs) -> WyzeResponse: """Sets the system and fan modes of the thermostat. .. note:: Fan mode and system mode cannot be set independently via this method. :param str device_mac: The device mac. e.g. ``CO_EA1_ABCDEF1234567890`` :param str device_model: The device model. e.g. ``CO_EA1`` :param ThermostatSystemMode system_mode: The new system mode. e.g. ``ThermostatSystemMode.AUTO`` :param ThermostatFanMode fan_mode: The new fan mode. e.g. ``ThermostatFanMode.CYCLE`` :rtype: WyzeResponse """ return self._set_thermostat_properties(device_mac, device_model, [ DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["fan_mode"],, DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["system_mode"],, ])
def set_temperature(self, *, device_mac: str, device_model: str, cooling_setpoint: int, heating_setpoint: int, **kwargs) -> WyzeResponse: """Sets the heating and cooling setpoints of the thermostat. .. note:: Heating and cooling setpoints cannot be set independently via this method. :param str device_mac: The device mac. e.g. ``CO_EA1_ABCDEF1234567890`` :param str device_model: The device model. e.g. ``CO_EA1`` :param int cooling_setpoint: The new cooling setpoint. e.g. ``72`` :param int heating_setpoint: The new heating setpoint. e.g. ``68`` :rtype: WyzeResponse """ return self._set_thermostat_properties(device_mac, device_model, [ DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["cooling_setpoint"], value=cooling_setpoint), DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["heating_setpoint"], value=heating_setpoint), ])
def set_fan_mode(self, *, device_mac: str, device_model: str, fan_mode: ThermostatFanMode, **kwargs) -> WyzeResponse: """Sets the fan mode of the thermostat. :param str device_mac: The device mac. e.g. ``CO_EA1_ABCDEF1234567890`` :param str device_model: The device model. e.g. ``CO_EA1`` :param ThermostatFanMode fan_mode: The new fan mode. e.g. ``ThermostatFanMode.CYCLE`` :rtype: WyzeResponse """ return self._set_thermostat_properties( device_mac, device_model, DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["fan_mode"],
def set_cooling_setpoint(self, *, device_mac: str, device_model: str, cooling_setpoint: int, **kwargs) -> WyzeResponse: """Sets the cooling setpoint of the thermostat. :param str device_mac: The device mac. e.g. ``CO_EA1_ABCDEF1234567890`` :param str device_model: The device model. e.g. ``CO_EA1`` :param int cooling_setpoint: The new cooling setpoint. e.g. ``72`` :rtype: WyzeResponse """ return self._set_thermostat_properties( device_mac, device_model, DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["cooling_setpoint"], value=cooling_setpoint))
def set_system_mode(self, *, device_mac: str, device_model: str, system_mode: ThermostatSystemMode, **kwargs) -> WyzeResponse: """Sets the system mode of the thermostat. :param str device_mac: The device mac. e.g. ``CO_EA1_ABCDEF1234567890`` :param str device_model: The device model. e.g. ``CO_EA1`` :param ThermostatSystemMode system_mode: The new system mode. e.g. ``ThermostatSystemMode.AUTO`` :rtype: WyzeResponse """ return self._set_thermostat_properties( device_mac, device_model, DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["system_mode"],
def set_lock(self, *, device_mac: str, device_model: str, locked: int, **kwargs) -> WyzeResponse: """Sets the device lock for a thermostat. If set, the thermostat can only be updated via the app and not by using the physical controls. :param str device_mac: The device mac. e.g. ``CO_EA1_ABCDEF1234567890`` :param str device_model: The device model. e.g. ``CO_EA1`` :param int locked (int): The new locked state. e.g. ``1`` :rtype: WyzeResponse """ return self._set_thermostat_properties( device_mac, device_model, DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["locked"], value=locked))
def set_current_scenario(self, *, device_mac: str, device_model: str, scenario: ThermostatScenarioType, **kwargs) -> WyzeResponse: """Sets the current scenario of the thermostat. :param str device_mac: The device mac. e.g. ``CO_EA1_ABCDEF1234567890`` :param str device_model: The device model. e.g. ``CO_EA1`` :param ThermostatScenarioType scenario: The new scenario. e.g. ``ThermostatScenarioType.HOME`` :rtype: WyzeResponse """ return self._set_thermostat_property( device_mac, device_model, DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["current_scenario"],
def set_behavior(self, *, device_mac: str, device_model: str, behavior: int, **kwargs) -> WyzeResponse: """Sets the comfort balance behavior for a thermostat. This setting allows the user to toggle between preset behaviors for weighing cost savings vs. climate comfort. An update to this property will modify the device's scenario setpoints. :param str device_mac: The device mac. e.g. ``CO_EA1_ABCDEF1234567890`` :param str device_model: The device model. e.g. ``CO_EA1`` :param int behavior: The new behavior. e.g. ``1`` :rtype: WyzeResponse """ return self._set_thermostat_properties( device_mac, device_model, DeviceProp(definition=Thermostat.props()["save_comfort_balance"], value=behavior))
def list(self, **kwargs) -> Sequence[Thermostat]: """Lists all thermostats available to a Wyze account. :rtype: Sequence[Thermostat] """ return [Thermostat(**device) for device in self._list_thermostats()]