def klassview(klass): form = DateForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): # POST _d = pdfBytes = makeSheets( _schoolyear, _d, klass, #TODO check list not empty ... pids=request.form.getlist('Pupil')) return send_file(io.BytesIO(pdfBytes), attachment_filename='Mantel_%s.pdf' % klass, mimetype='application/pdf', as_attachment=True) # GET p = Pupils(_schoolyear) pdlist = p.classPupils(klass) klasses = [k for k in p.classes() if k >= '01' and k < '13'] return render_template('text_cover_klass.html', form=form, schoolyear=str(_schoolyear), klass=klass, klasses=klasses, pupils=[(pd['PID'], for pd in pdlist])
def textCover(): p = Pupils(_schoolyear) klasses = [k for k in p.classes() if k >= '01' and k < '13'] #TODO: Maybe a validity test for text report classes? #TODO: dateofissue return render_template( 'text_cover_entry.html', schoolyear=str(_schoolyear), dateofissue=Dates.dateConv(_date), klasses=klasses) #['01', '01K', '02', '02K', '03', '03K']
def migratePupils (schoolyear): """Read the pupil data from the previous year and build a preliminary database table for the current (new) year, migrating the class names according to <CONF.MISC.MIGRATE_CLASS> """ # Get pupil data from previous year pdb = Pupils (schoolyear-1) # Maximum year number for various streams: maxyear = {} try: for x in CONF.MISC.STREAM_MAX_YEAR: k, v = x.split (':') maxyear [k] = v except: REPORT.Fail (_BAD_STREAM_MAX_YEAR, val=x) rows = [] for c_old in pdb.classes (): # Increment the year part of the class name try: cnum = int (c_old [:2]) + 1 ctag = c_old [2:] except: REPORT.Fail (_BADCLASSNAME, klass=c_old) c_new = '%02d%s' % (cnum, ctag) for prow in pdb.classPupils (c_old): left = False if prow ['EXIT_D']: # If there is an exit date, assume the pupil has left. left = True else: try: mxy = maxyear [prow ['STREAM']] except: mxy = maxyear [''] if cnum > int (mxy): left = True if left: REPORT.Info (_PUPIL_LEFT, klass=c_old, ()) continue prow ['CLASS'] = c_new rows.append (prow) # Create the database table PUPILS from the loaded pupil data. db = DB (schoolyear, flag='CANCREATE') # Use (CLASS, PSORT) as primary key, with additional index on PID. # This makes quite a small db (without rowid). db.makeTable2 ('PUPILS', PupilData.fields (), data=rows, force=True, pk=('CLASS', 'PSORT'), index=('PID',))
def klasses(): """View: select school-class (single report generation). """ schoolyear = session['year'] # Collect list of school-classes. # Accept all classes here, then – when it turns out that the class # has no possible templates – show a message indicating this state # of affairs. pupils = Pupils(schoolyear) # List the classes with the oldest pupils first, as these are more # likely to need grades. klasslist = sorted(pupils.classes(), reverse=True) return render_template(os.path.join(_BPNAME, 'klasses.html'), heading=_HEADING, klasses=klasslist)
def index(): schoolyear = session['year'] form = DateForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): # POST # Store date of issue _date = form.getDate() db = DB(schoolyear) db.setInfo('TEXT_DATE_OF_ISSUE', _date) # GET form.defaultIssueDate(schoolyear) p = Pupils(schoolyear) _kmap = CONF.TEXT.REPORT_TEMPLATES['Mantelbogen'] klasses = [] for k in p.classes(): klass = Klass(k) if klass.match_map(_kmap): klasses.append(str(klass)) return render_template(os.path.join(_BPNAME, 'index.html'), form=form, heading=_HEADING, klasses=klasses)
def pupil(pid): """View: select report type and [edit-existing vs. new] for single report. All existing report dates for this pupil will be presented for selection. If there are no existing dates for this pupil, the only option is to construct a new one. Also a report type can be selected. The list might include invalid types as it is difficult at this stage (considering potential changes of stream or even school-class) to determine exactly which ones are valid. """ class _Form(FlaskForm): KLASS = SelectField("Klasse") STREAM = SelectField("Maßstab") EDITNEW = SelectField("Ausgabedatum") RTYPE = SelectField("Zeugnistyp") schoolyear = session['year'] # Get pupil data pupils = Pupils(schoolyear) pdata = pupils.pupil(pid) pname = klass = pdata.getKlass(withStream=True) # Get existing dates. db = DB(schoolyear) rows ='GRADES', PID=pid) dates = [_NEWDATE] for row in'GRADES', PID=pid): dates.append(row['TERM']) # If the stream, or even school-class have changed since an # existing report, the templates and available report types may be # different. To keep it simple, a list of all report types from the # configuration file GRADES.REPORT_TEMPLATES is presented for selection. # An invalid choice can be flagged at the next step. # If there is a mismatch between school-class/stream of the pupil as # selected on this page and that of the existing GRADES entry, a # warning can be shown at the next step. rtypes = [ rtype for rtype in CONF.GRADES.REPORT_TEMPLATES if rtype[0] != '_' ] kname = klass.klass stream = form = _Form(KLASS=kname, STREAM=stream, RTYPE=_DEFAULT_RTYPE) form.KLASS.choices = [(k, k) for k in reversed(pupils.classes())] form.STREAM.choices = [(s, s) for s in CONF.GROUPS.STREAMS] form.EDITNEW.choices = [(d, d) for d in dates] form.RTYPE.choices = [(t, t) for t in rtypes] if form.validate_on_submit(): # POST klass = Klass.fromKandS(, rtag = rtype = kmap = CONF.GRADES.REPORT_TEMPLATES[rtype] tfile = klass.match_map(kmap) if tfile: return redirect( url_for('bp_grades.make1', pid=pid, kname=klass, rtag=rtag, rtype=rtype)) else: flash( "Zeugnistyp '%s' nicht möglich für Gruppe %s" % (rtype, klass), "Error") # GET return render_template(os.path.join(_BPNAME, 'pupil.html'), form=form, heading=_HEADING, klass=kname, pname=pname)