예제 #1
파일: engine.py 프로젝트: tcummings19/3x84
def main():
    x84 main entry point. The system begins and ends here.

    Command line arguments to engine.py:

    - ``--config=`` location of alternate configuration file
    - ``--logger=`` location of alternate logging.ini file
    # load existing .ini files or create default ones.
    import x84.bbs.ini

    from x84.bbs import get_ini
    from x84.bbs.ini import CFG

    if sys.maxunicode == 65535:
        # apple is the only known bastardized variant that does this;
        # presumably for memory/speed savings (UCS-2 strings are faster
        # than UCS-4).  Python 3 dynamically allocates string types by
        # their widest content, so such things aren't necessary, there.
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('This python is built without wide unicode support. '
                      'some internationalized languages will not be possible.')

    # retrieve list of managed servers
    servers = get_servers(CFG)

    # begin unmanaged servers
    if (CFG.has_section('web') and
            (not CFG.has_option('web', 'enabled')
             or CFG.getboolean('web', 'enabled'))):
        # start https server for one or more web modules.
        from x84 import webserve

    if get_ini(section='msg', key='network_tags'):
        # start background timer to poll for new messages
        # of message networks we may be a member of.
        from x84 import msgpoll

        # begin main event loop
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # exit on ^C, killing any client sessions.
        for server in servers:
            for thread in server.threads[:]:
                if not thread.stopped:
                    thread.stopped = True
            for key, client in server.clients.items()[:]:
                kill_session(client, 'server shutdown')
                del server.clients[key]
    return 0
예제 #2
import struct
import glob
import os

# Reading Binary Packet Formats
from ctypes import LittleEndianStructure, Union, c_uint8

# x84 specific
from x84.bbs.ini import init, get_ini
from x84.cmdline import parse_args

# Database for holding FidoNet Specific Items and Kludges
FIDO_DB = 'pymail'

# Read in default .x84 INI File.

class FidonetConfiguration():
    # Holds configuration values from x84 Default.ini
    # also builds up lists of areas per network and
    # their data -> tag translatons
    def __init__(self):
        self.__network_list = []     # List of Fido Networks
        self.__node_address = {}     # Your Address
        self.__export_address = {}   # Your Network Hub's Address
        self.__network_areas = {}    # Message Areas by network
        self.__default_areas = {}    # Default if no Valid Area Tag
        self.__inbound_folder = None
        self.__unpack_folder = None
        self.read_configuration()    # Load All INI settings on startup.