예제 #1
def lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon, lat, radius=1):
    calculates lon, lat coordinates of a point on a sphere with
    radius radius

    # Unpack xarray object into plane arrays
    if hasattr(lon, 'data'):
        lon = lon.data
    if hasattr(lat, 'data'):
        lat = lat.data

    if lon.ndim != lat.ndim:
        raise ValueError('coordinate must share the same number of dimensions')

    if lon.ndim == 1:
        lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

    lon_r = xu.radians(lon)
    lat_r = xu.radians(lat)

    x = radius * xu.cos(lat_r) * xu.cos(lon_r)
    y = radius * xu.cos(lat_r) * xu.sin(lon_r)
    z = radius * xu.sin(lat_r)

    return x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten()
예제 #2
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: davidh-ssec/satpy
def angle2xyz(azi, zen):
    """Convert azimuth and zenith to cartesian."""
    azi = xu.deg2rad(azi)
    zen = xu.deg2rad(zen)
    x = xu.sin(zen) * xu.sin(azi)
    y = xu.sin(zen) * xu.cos(azi)
    z = xu.cos(zen)
    return x, y, z
예제 #3
def lonlat2xyz(lon, lat):
    """Convert lon lat to cartesian."""
    lat = xu.deg2rad(lat)
    lon = xu.deg2rad(lon)
    x = xu.cos(lat) * xu.cos(lon)
    y = xu.cos(lat) * xu.sin(lon)
    z = xu.sin(lat)
    return x, y, z
예제 #4
def angle2xyz(azi, zen):
    """Convert azimuth and zenith to cartesian."""
    azi = xu.deg2rad(azi)
    zen = xu.deg2rad(zen)
    x = xu.sin(zen) * xu.sin(azi)
    y = xu.sin(zen) * xu.cos(azi)
    z = xu.cos(zen)
    return x, y, z
예제 #5
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: davidh-ssec/satpy
def lonlat2xyz(lon, lat):
    """Convert lon lat to cartesian."""
    lat = xu.deg2rad(lat)
    lon = xu.deg2rad(lon)
    x = xu.cos(lat) * xu.cos(lon)
    y = xu.cos(lat) * xu.sin(lon)
    z = xu.sin(lat)
    return x, y, z
예제 #6
 def distance_to_point(self, lat, lon):
     Use Haversine formula to estimate distances from all
     gridpoints to a given location (lat, lon)
     R = 6371.  # Radius of earth in km
     lat = np.radians(lat)
     lon = np.radians(lon)
     dlat = lat - xu.radians(self['lat'].values)
     dlon = lon - xu.radians(self['lon'].values)
     a = xu.sin(dlat/2)**2 + xu.cos(lat) * xu.cos(xu.radians(self['lat'].values)) * \
     c = 2 * xu.arctan2(xu.sqrt(a), xu.sqrt(1.0 - a))
     return R * c
예제 #7
 def distance_to_point(self, lat, lon):
     Use Haversine formula to estimate distances from all
     gridpoints to a given location (lat, lon)
     R = 6371. # Radius of earth in km
     lat = np.radians(lat)
     lon = np.radians(lon)
     dlat = lat - xu.radians(self['lat'].values)
     dlon = lon - xu.radians(self['lon'].values)
     a = xu.sin(dlat/2)**2 + xu.cos(lat) * xu.cos(xu.radians(self['lat'].values)) * \
     c = 2 * xu.arctan2(xu.sqrt(a), xu.sqrt(1.0-a))
     return R*c
예제 #8
파일: filelib.py 프로젝트: wy2136/pycesmLE
def rotate_vector(u, v, angle):
    '''Rotate the vector (u, v) to (u_lon, v_lat).

    ** Input **
        u: velocity in x direction (shape: nt,nj,ni)
        v: velocity in y direction (shape: nt,nj,ni)
        angle: the angle between x and longitude (in radians, shape: nj,ni)

    ** Returns **
        u_lon: velocity in zonal direction (shape: nt,nj,ni)
        v_lat: velocity in meridional direction (shape: nt,nj,ni)
    u_lon = u * cos(angle) - v * sin(angle)
    v_lat = u * sin(angle) + v * cos(angle)

    return u_lon, v_lat
예제 #9
 def test_horizontal_gradient(self):
     tols = {'rtol': 1e-3, 'atol': 1e-3}
     gradvar = self.grd.horizontal_gradient(self.tvar1)
     gradx = self.grd.horizontal_gradient(self.xt)
     #dxdy = gradx.y_component
     s = self.scale
     actual_gx = gradvar.x_component.to_masked_array()
     actual_gy = gradvar.y_component.to_masked_array()
     expected_gx = (xu.cos(self.xu * s) * s).to_masked_array()
     expected_gy = (
         -xu.sin(self.yv * s) * s
         #               + xu.cos(self.xv * s) * s * dxdy
     self.assertArray2dCloseInside(actual_gx / s,
                                   expected_gx / s,
     #print dxdy[:,20].values
     #print self.grd._arrays['cell_y_size_at_t_location'][:,20].values
     #print self.grd._arrays['cell_y_size_at_v_location'][:,20].values
     self.assertArray2dCloseInside(actual_gy / s,
                                   expected_gy / s,
예제 #10
 def setUp(self):
     self.x = np.arange(start=0, stop=101, step=10, dtype=float)
     self.y = np.arange(start=0, stop=101, step=10, dtype=float)
     self.xx, self.yy = np.meshgrid(self.x, self.y)
     self.xrx = xr.DataArray(self.xx, dims=['y', 'x'])
     self.xry = xr.DataArray(self.yy, dims=['y', 'x'])
     self.xrt = xu.sin(self.xrx / 30.) + xu.cos(self.xry / 30.)
     self.t = np.sin(self.xx / 30.) + np.cos(self.yy / 30.)
예제 #11
 def setUp(self):
     self.x = np.arange(start=0, stop=101, step=10,dtype=float)
     self.y = np.arange(start=0, stop=101, step=10,dtype=float)
     self.xx,self.yy = np.meshgrid(self.x, self.y)
     self.xrx = xr.DataArray(self.xx,dims=['y','x'])
     self.xry = xr.DataArray(self.yy,dims=['y','x'])
     self.xrt = xu.sin(self.xrx/30.) + xu.cos(self.xry/30.)
     self.t = np.sin(self.xx/30.) + np.cos(self.yy/30.)
예제 #12
 def nearest_points(self, lat, lon, npt=1):
     Use the lat-lon arrays to return a list of indices
     of the nearest npt points to the given lat-lon
     # Use sin of lat lon to handle periodic
     # and not worry about if we are in negative
     # degrees
     dist = xu.hypot(xu.sin(xu.radians(self['lat'].values)) -
              xu.cos(xu.radians(self['lon'].values)) -
     # Get indices of the flattened array
     nearest_raw = dist.argsort(axis=None)[:npt]
     # Convert back to 2-d coords
     nearest = np.unravel_index(nearest_raw, self['lat'].shape)
     return nearest
예제 #13
 def nearest_points(self, lat, lon, npt=1):
     Use the lat-lon arrays to return a list of indices
     of the nearest npt points to the given lat-lon
     # Use sin of lat lon to handle periodic
     # and not worry about if we are in negative
     # degrees
     dist = xu.hypot(xu.sin(xu.radians(self['lat'].values)) -
              xu.cos(xu.radians(self['lon'].values)) - 
     # Get indices of the flattened array
     nearest_raw = dist.argsort(axis=None)[:npt]
     # Convert back to 2-d coords
     nearest = np.unravel_index(nearest_raw, self['lat'].shape)
     return nearest
예제 #14
 def setUp(self):
     # only testing on a regular grid
     x = np.arange(start=0, stop=1.e7, step=1.e5,dtype=float)
     y = np.arange(start=0, stop=1.2e7, step=1.e5,dtype=float)
     x,y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
     self.grd = agrids.plane_2d_grid(ycoord=y,xcoord=x)
     self.scale = 2. * 3.14159 / 1.e7
     self.xt = self.grd._arrays['plane_x_coordinate_at_t_location']
     self.yt = self.grd._arrays['plane_y_coordinate_at_t_location']
     self.xu = self.grd.change_grid_location_t_to_u(self.xt)
     self.yu = self.grd.change_grid_location_t_to_u(self.yt)
     self.xv = self.grd.change_grid_location_t_to_v(self.xt)
     self.yv = self.grd.change_grid_location_t_to_v(self.yt)
     self.tvar1 = xu.sin(self.xt * self.scale) + xu.cos(self.yt * self.scale)
     self.uvar1 = xu.sin(self.xu * self.scale) + xu.cos(self.yu * self.scale)
     self.vvar1 = xu.sin(self.xv * self.scale) + xu.cos(self.yv * self.scale)
     self.vector = grids.VectorField2d(self.uvar1 ,self.vvar1,
                                       x_component_grid_location = 'u',
                                       y_component_grid_location = 'v')
     self.tvar2 = xu.cos(self.yt * self.scale)
예제 #15
 def test_horizontal_divergence(self):
     # TODO : in 3D test divergence of curl is zero.
     tols = {'rtol':1e-3,'atol':1e-3}
     s = self.scale
     divvar = self.grd.horizontal_divergence(self.vector)
     dxdy = grids._dj(self.xv).shift(y=1) \
           / self.grd._arrays["cell_y_size_at_t_location"] # custom derivative
     actual_div = divvar.to_masked_array()
     expected_div = (xu.cos(self.xt * s) * s
                   - xu.sin(self.yt * s) * s
                   + xu.cos(self.xt * s) * s * dxdy
예제 #16
 def setUp(self):
     # only testing on a regular grid
     x = np.arange(start=0, stop=1.e7, step=1.e5, dtype=float)
     y = np.arange(start=0, stop=1.2e7, step=1.e5, dtype=float)
     x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
     self.grd = agrids.plane_2d_grid(ycoord=y, xcoord=x)
     self.scale = 2. * 3.14159 / 1.e7
     self.xt = self.grd._arrays['plane_x_coordinate_at_t_location']
     self.yt = self.grd._arrays['plane_y_coordinate_at_t_location']
     self.xu = self.grd.change_grid_location_t_to_u(self.xt)
     self.yu = self.grd.change_grid_location_t_to_u(self.yt)
     self.xv = self.grd.change_grid_location_t_to_v(self.xt)
     self.yv = self.grd.change_grid_location_t_to_v(self.yt)
     self.tvar1 = xu.sin(self.xt * self.scale) + xu.cos(
         self.yt * self.scale)
     self.uvar1 = xu.sin(self.xu * self.scale) + xu.cos(
         self.yu * self.scale)
     self.vvar1 = xu.sin(self.xv * self.scale) + xu.cos(
         self.yv * self.scale)
     self.vector = grids.VectorField2d(self.uvar1,
     self.tvar2 = xu.cos(self.yt * self.scale)
예제 #17
 def test_horizontal_divergence(self):
     # TODO : in 3D test divergence of curl is zero.
     tols = {'rtol': 1e-3, 'atol': 1e-3}
     s = self.scale
     divvar = self.grd.horizontal_divergence(self.vector)
     dxdy = grids._dj(self.xv).shift(y=1) \
           / self.grd._arrays["cell_y_size_at_t_location"] # custom derivative
     actual_div = divvar.to_masked_array()
     expected_div = (xu.cos(self.xt * s) * s - xu.sin(self.yt * s) * s +
                     xu.cos(self.xt * s) * s * dxdy).to_masked_array()
     self.assertArray2dCloseInside(actual_div / s,
                                   expected_div / s,
예제 #18
 def test_horizontal_gradient(self):
     tols = {'rtol':1e-3,'atol':1e-3}
     gradvar =  self.grd.horizontal_gradient(self.tvar1)
     gradx   =   self.grd.horizontal_gradient(self.xt)
     #dxdy = gradx.y_component
     s = self.scale
     actual_gx = gradvar.x_component.to_masked_array()
     actual_gy = gradvar.y_component.to_masked_array()
     expected_gx = (xu.cos(self.xu * s) * s).to_masked_array()
     expected_gy = (- xu.sin(self.yv * s) * s
     #               + xu.cos(self.xv * s) * s * dxdy
     self.assertArray2dCloseInside(actual_gx / s,expected_gx / s ,
     #print dxdy[:,20].values
     #print self.grd._arrays['cell_y_size_at_t_location'][:,20].values
     #print self.grd._arrays['cell_y_size_at_v_location'][:,20].values
     self.assertArray2dCloseInside(actual_gy / s,expected_gy /s ,
                                   depth=2, **tols)
예제 #19
def eady_growth_rate(data):
    """Calculate the local Eady Growth rate.
    Following Vallis (2017) p.354.

        EGR = 0.31*du/dz*f/N

        data : xarray.DataSet
        The Isca dataset.  Requires fields 'temp', 'ps', 'pfull' and 'phalf'

    Returns a new xarray.DataArray of growth rate values on phalf levels,
    in s^-1.
    N2 = ixr.brunt_vaisala(data)
    f = 2.0 * omega * xruf.sin(xruf.deg2rad(data.lat))

    dz = ixr.domain.calculate_dz(data)
    du = ixr.domain.diff_pfull(data.ucomp, data)

    N = xruf.sqrt(N2.where(N2 > 0))

    egr = 0.31 * du / dz * f / N
    return np.abs(egr)
예제 #20
 def test_ufuncs(self):
     u = self.eager_array
     v = self.lazy_array
     self.assertLazyAndAllClose(np.sin(u), xu.sin(v))
예제 #21
 def test_univariate_ufunc(self):
     u = self.eager_var
     v = self.lazy_var
     self.assertLazyAndAllClose(np.sin(u), xu.sin(v))
예제 #22
파일: test_dask.py 프로젝트: jcmgray/xarray
 def test_ufuncs(self):
     u = self.eager_array
     v = self.lazy_array
     self.assertLazyAndAllClose(np.sin(u), xu.sin(v))
예제 #23
파일: test_dask.py 프로젝트: jcmgray/xarray
 def test_univariate_ufunc(self):
     u = self.eager_var
     v = self.lazy_var
     self.assertLazyAndAllClose(np.sin(u), xu.sin(v))
예제 #24
 def test_ufuncs(self):
     x = self.sp_xr
     assert_equal(np.sin(x), xu.sin(x))
예제 #25
 def test_univariate_ufunc(self):
     assert_sparse_equal(np.sin(self.data), xu.sin(self.var).data)
예제 #26
 def test_univariate_ufunc(self):
     sparse.utils.assert_eq(np.sin(self.data), xu.sin(self.var).data)