예제 #1
def doymax(da: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray:
    """Return the day of year of the maximum value."""
    i = da.argmax(dim="time")
    out = da.time.dt.dayofyear.isel(time=i, drop=True)
    return out
예제 #2
    def _call_bases(self, image: xr.DataArray, intensity_threshold: float,
                    quality_threshold: float) -> xr.DataArray:
        Determines the nucleotide present in each pixel of each
        (round, channel). The pixel values in the resulting image are the base quality
        score. The base quality score is calculated as the intensity of the pixel
        divided by the L2 norm of the all channels for that pixel. The base
        call score as a range of (0, 1) with a value of 0  and 1 being no call and a
        perfect call, respectively.

        image : xr.DataArray
            Image for base calling.
            Should have the following dims: Axes.CH, Axes.X, Axes.Y
        intensity_threshold : float
            Minimum intensity a pixel must have to be called a base.
            Set to zero for no thresholding.
        quality_threshold : float
            Minimum intensity a pixel must have to be called a base.
            Set to zero for no thresholding.

        # Get the maximum value for each round/z
        max_chan = image.argmax(dim=Axes.CH.value)
        max_values = image.max(dim=Axes.CH.value)

        # Get the norms for each pixel
        norms = self._vector_norm(x=image, dim=Axes.CH)

        # Calculate the base qualities
        base_qualities = max_values / norms

        # Filter the base call qualities
        base_qualities_filtered = xr.where(base_qualities < quality_threshold,
                                           0, base_qualities)

        # Threshold the intensity values
        base_qualities_filtered = xr.where(max_values < intensity_threshold, 0,

        # Put the base calls in place
        base_calls = xr.full_like(other=image, fill_value=0)
        base_calls[max_chan] = base_qualities_filtered

        return base_calls
예제 #3
def doymax(da: xr.DataArray):
    """Return the day of year of the maximum value."""
    i = da.argmax(dim="time")
    out = da.time.dt.dayofyear[i]
    out.attrs["units"] = ""
    return out
예제 #4
def doymax(da: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray:
    """Return the day of year of the maximum value."""
    i = da.argmax(dim="time")
    out = da.time.dt.dayofyear[i]
    out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=1, calendar=get_calendar(da))
    return out
예제 #5
def first_run(
    da: xr.DataArray,
    window: int,
    dim: str = "time",
    coord: Optional[Union[str, bool]] = False,
    ufunc_1dim: Union[str, bool] = "from_context",
) -> xr.DataArray:
    """Return the index of the first item of the first run of at least a given length.

    da : xr.DataArray
      Input N-dimensional DataArray (boolean).
    window : int
      Minimum duration of consecutive run to accumulate values.
      When equal to 1, an optimized version of the algorithm is used.
    dim : str
      Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run (default: 'time').
    coord : Optional[str]
      If not False, the function returns values along `dim` instead of indexes.
      If `dim` has a datetime dtype, `coord` can also be a str of the name of the
      DateTimeAccessor object to use (ex: 'dayofyear').
    ufunc_1dim : Union[str, bool]
      Use the 1d 'ufunc' version of this function : default (auto) will attempt to select optimal
      usage based on number of data points.  Using 1D_ufunc=True is typically more efficient
      for DataArray with a small number of grid points.
      Ignored when `window=1`.

      Index (or coordinate if `coord` is not False) of first item in first valid run.
      Returns np.nan if there are no valid runs.
    ufunc_1dim = use_ufunc(ufunc_1dim, da, dim=dim)

    da = da.fillna(
        0)  # We expect a boolean array, but there could be NaNs nonetheless
    if window == 1:
        out = xr.where(da.any(dim=dim), da.argmax(dim=dim), np.NaN)
    elif ufunc_1dim:
        out = first_run_ufunc(x=da, window=window, dim=dim)
        da = da.astype("int")
        i = xr.DataArray(np.arange(da[dim].size), dims=dim)
        ind = xr.broadcast(i, da)[0].transpose(*da.dims)
        if isinstance(da.data, dsk.Array):
            ind = ind.chunk(da.chunks)
        wind_sum = da.rolling({dim: window}).sum(skipna=False)
        out = ind.where(wind_sum >= window).min(dim=dim) - (window - 1)
        # remove window - 1 as rolling result index is last element of the moving window

    if coord:
        crd = da[dim]
        if isinstance(coord, str):
            crd = getattr(crd.dt, coord)

        out = lazy_indexing(crd, out)

    if dim in out.coords:
        out = out.drop_vars(dim)

    return out