def fig_qpq_sample(qpq7=None, outfil=None): # Load QPQ7 if qpq7 is None: qpq7 = equ.load_qpq(7) bg_coord = SkyCoord(ra=qpq7['RAD_BG'], dec=qpq7['DECD_BG'], unit=u.deg) fg_coord = SkyCoord(ra=qpq7['RAD'], dec=qpq7['DECD'], unit=u.deg) # Small sep gdsep = np.where(qpq7['R_PHYS'] < 300.)[0] ngd = len(gdsep) print('Nclose = {:d}'.format(ngd)) # Get PA, x, y PA = [] for ii, gds in enumerate(gdsep): PA.append(fg_coord[gds].position_angle(bg_coord[gds])) PA = Quantity(PA) x = qpq7['R_PHYS'][gdsep] * np.cos(PA) y = qpq7['R_PHYS'][gdsep] * np.sin(PA) if outfil is None: outfil = 'fig_qpq_sample.pdf' pp = PdfPages(outfil) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 5)) plt.clf() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) xpsimp.dark_bkgd(plt) jet = cm = plt.get_cmap('jet') ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax.set_frame_on(False) #ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.5)) #ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1.)) #ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.set_xlim(-300, 300) ax.set_ylim(-300, 300) #ax.set_xlabel('Relative Velocity (km/s)') #ax.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux') ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) mplt = ax.scatter(x, y, c=qpq7['L_BOL'][gdsep], cmap=jet, edgecolor='none') mplt.set_clim(vmin=45, vmax=47.) cb = fig.colorbar(mplt) cb.set_label(r'$\log \; L_{\rm Bol}$') # Fonts # Write plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0., w_pad=0.1) pp.savefig() pp.close() plt.close() print('Genereated {:s}'.format(outfil))
def fig_cos_dwarfs_images(outfil=None): from xastropy.obs import x_getsdssimg as xgs # Init COS-Dwarfs, COS-Halos cos_dwarfs = COSDwarfs() cos_dwarfs.load_mega(skip_ions=True) cos_halos = COSHalos() cos_halos.load_mega(skip_ions=True) # Start the plot if outfil is None: outfil='fig_cos_dwarfs_images.pdf' pp = PdfPages(outfil) dx = 0.2 dy = 0.40 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) fig.clf() # Setup for dark xpsimp.dark_bkgd(plt) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) # Axes ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) ax.set_xlim(8.0, 11.7) #ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(300.)) ax.set_ylim(-13,-8.2) ax.set_ylabel('sSFR') ax.set_xlabel('log M*') iend = -1 #iend = 5 imsize = 0.3 # arcmin for cgm_abs in cos_halos.cgm_abs[0:iend]: img, oBW = xgs.getimg(cgm_abs.galaxy.coord.ra.deg, cgm_abs.galaxy.coord.dec.deg, imsize=imsize) # Figure out placement ximg = cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass yimg = np.log10([1])-cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass # Show scl=2. ax.imshow(img,extent=(ximg-dx/scl, ximg+dx/scl, yimg-dy/scl, yimg+dy/scl),aspect=dx/dy) iend = -1 #iend = 5 imsize = 0.8 # arcmin for cgm_abs in cos_dwarfs.cgm_abs[0:iend]: img, oBW = xgs.getimg(cgm_abs.galaxy.coord.ra.deg, cgm_abs.galaxy.coord.dec.deg, imsize=imsize) # Figure out placement ximg = cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass yimg = np.log10([1])-cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass # Show scl=2. ax.imshow(img,extent=(ximg-dx/scl, ximg+dx/scl, yimg-dy/scl, yimg+dy/scl),aspect=dx/dy) xputils.set_fontsize(ax,17.) # Write fig.tight_layout(pad=0.2,h_pad=0.,w_pad=0.1) pp.savefig() plt.close() # Finish print('tlk_coshalos: Wrote {:s}'.format(outfil)) pp.close()
def fig_images(outfil=None): from xastropy.obs import x_getsdssimg as xgs # Init COS-Halos sightline cos_halos = COSHalos() cos_halos.load_mega(skip_ions=True) #xdb.set_trace() # Start the plot if outfil is None: outfil = 'fig_coshalo_images.pdf' pp = PdfPages(outfil) dx = 0.2 dy = 0.55 imsize = 1.2 for ss in range(5): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) fig.clf() # Setup for dark xpsimp.dark_bkgd(plt) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) # Axes ax = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax.set_xlim(9.4, 11.7) #ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(300.)) ax.set_ylim(-13, -9) ax.set_ylabel('sSFR') ax.set_xlabel('log M*') # Plot if ss == 0: mstar = [ cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass for cgm_abs in cos_halos.cgm_abs ] sSFR = [ np.log10([1]) - cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass for cgm_abs in cos_halos.cgm_abs ] ax.scatter(mstar, sSFR) elif ss == 1: # Show our first one cgm_abs = cos_halos[('J0950+4831', '177_27')] img, oBW = xgs.getimg(cgm_abs.galaxy.coord.ra.deg, cgm_abs.galaxy.coord.dec.deg, imsize=imsize) # Figure out placement ximg = cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass yimg = np.log10([1]) - cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass # Show ax.imshow(img, extent=(ximg - dx, ximg + dx, yimg - dy, yimg + dy), aspect=dx / dy) elif ss == 2: # Show two cgm_list = [('J0950+4831', '177_27'), ('J1245+3356', '236_36')] for icgm in cgm_list: cgm_abs = cos_halos[icgm] img, oBW = xgs.getimg(cgm_abs.galaxy.coord.ra.deg, cgm_abs.galaxy.coord.dec.deg, imsize=imsize) # Figure out placement ximg = cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass yimg = np.log10([1]) - cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass # Show ax.imshow(img, extent=(ximg - dx, ximg + dx, yimg - dy, yimg + dy), aspect=dx / dy) elif ss >= 3: # Show half if ss == 3: iend = 20 else: iend = -1 for cgm_abs in cos_halos.cgm_abs[0:iend]: img, oBW = xgs.getimg(cgm_abs.galaxy.coord.ra.deg, cgm_abs.galaxy.coord.dec.deg, imsize=1.2) # Figure out placement ximg = cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass yimg = np.log10([1]) - cgm_abs.galaxy.stellar_mass # Show scl = 2. ax.imshow(img, extent=(ximg - dx / scl, ximg + dx / scl, yimg - dy / scl, yimg + dy / scl), aspect=dx / dy) xputils.set_fontsize(ax, 17.) # Write fig.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0., w_pad=0.1) pp.savefig() plt.close() # Finish print('tlk_coshalos: Wrote {:s}'.format(outfil)) pp.close()
def fig_kin_measures(outfil=None): # Init COS-Halos sightline cos_halos = COSHalos() cos_halos.load_single( ('J1220+3853', '225_38') ) cgm_abs = cos_halos.cgm_abs[0] #print('zem = {:g}'.format(cgm_abs.abs_sys.zem)) HI = 972.5368*u.AA # ######################################## # Finder (out of order to avoid PDF issues) #finder.main([, cgm_abs.galaxy.coord], imsize=2.*u.arcmin, show_circ=False) # Start the plot if outfil is None: outfil='fig_kin_measures.pdf' pp = PdfPages(outfil) # dv lclr = 'cyan' vmnx = np.array([-350.,200.])* ymnx = (-0.05, 1.4) for ss in range(2): plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5)) plt.clf() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 1) xpsimp.dark_bkgd(plt) # Axes spec = cos_halos.load_bg_cos_spec(0, HI) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,0]) #ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.5)) #ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1.)) #ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.set_xlim(vmnx.value) ax.set_ylim(ymnx) ax.set_xlabel('Relative Velocity (km/s)') ax.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux') # Zero line ax.plot(vmnx.value, (0.,0.), ':', color='lightgreen') ax.plot((0.,0.), ymnx, '--', color='lightgray') # Data velo = spec.relative_vel(HI*(cgm_abs.galaxy.z+1)) ax.plot(velo, spec.flux, color='white', drawstyle='steps') # Label if ss == 0: ax.plot((-95,-95), ymnx, '--', color='cyan') ax.text(-50., 1.2, r'$\delta v$', ha='center', fontsize=21., color=lclr) elif ss == 1: ax.plot((-170,-170), ymnx, '-', color='cyan') ax.plot((60,60), ymnx, '-', color='cyan') ax.text(-50., 1.2, r'$\Delta v$', ha='center', fontsize=21., color=lclr) # Fonts xputils.set_fontsize(ax,17.) # Write plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2,h_pad=0.,w_pad=0.1) pp.savefig() plt.close() # ######################################## # Simple HI stack plot trans = np.array([HI.value, 1031.9261])*u.AA lbls = [r'HI Ly$\gamma$', 'OVI 1031'] plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5)) plt.clf() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 1) for qq,itran,lbl in zip(range(len(trans)),trans,lbls): # Load spec = cos_halos.load_bg_cos_spec(0, itran) # Axes ax = plt.subplot(gs[qq,0]) ax.set_xlim(-500., 500.) ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 1.3) ax.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux') if qq == 0: ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) else: ax.set_xlabel('Relative Velocity (km/s)') # Velo velo = spec.relative_vel(itran*(cgm_abs.galaxy.z+1)) ax.plot(velo, spec.flux, color='white', drawstyle='steps', lw=1.3) # Label ax.text(-400., 0.2, lbl, ha='left', fontsize=21., color=lclr) # Fonts xputils.set_fontsize(ax,17.) # Write plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2,h_pad=0.,w_pad=0.1) pp.savefig() plt.close() # Finish print('tlk_coshalos: Wrote {:s}'.format(outfil)) pp.close()
def fig_cosdwarf_hist(outfil=None, cos_dwarfs=None): # Init COS-Halos sightline if cos_dwarfs is None: cos_dwarfs = COSDwarfs() cos_dwarfs.load_mega(skip_ions=True) cos_dwarfs.load_abskin(flg=1) # ######################################## # Finder (out of order to avoid PDF issues) #finder.main([, cgm_abs.galaxy.coord], imsize=2.*u.arcmin, show_circ=False) # Start the plot if outfil is None: outfil='fig_cosdwarf_kin_hist.pdf' pp = PdfPages(outfil) # dv lclr = 'yellow' plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.clf() xpsimp.dark_bkgd(plt) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2) for ss in range(2): ax = plt.subplot(gs[ss]) #ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.5)) #ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) if ss == 0: xmnx = [-400., 400.] # km/s ymnx = (0, 10) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\delta v$ (km/s)') binsz = 25. gdk = cos_dwarfs.abs_kin('HI')['flg'] > 0 val = cos_dwarfs.abs_kin('HI')['delta_v'][gdk] ax.text(-200., 8, 'HI', ha='left', fontsize=21., color=lclr) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(200.)) elif ss == 1: xmnx = [0., 400.] # km/s ymnx = (0, 10) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\Delta v$ (km/s)') val = cos_dwarfs.abs_kin('HI')['Dv'][gdk] ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(100.)) ax.set_ylabel('N') ax.set_xlim(xmnx) ax.set_ylim(ymnx) ax.minorticks_on() # Zero line #ax.plot(vmnx.value, (0.,0.), ':', color='lightgreen') #ax.plot((0.,0.), ymnx, '--', color='lightgray') # Histogram bins = np.arange(xmnx[0], xmnx[1] + binsz, binsz) ax.hist(val, bins=bins, color='yellow', histtype='stepfilled', edgecolor='white') # Labels #ax.text(-50., 1.2, r'$\Delta v$', ha='center', fontsize=21., color=lclr) # Fonts xputils.set_fontsize(ax,17.) # Write plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2,h_pad=0.,w_pad=0.1) pp.savefig() plt.close() # Finish print('tlk_cgm_kin: Wrote {:s}'.format(outfil)) pp.close()
def fig_coshalo_corr(outfil=None, cos_halos=None): # Init COS-Halos sightline if cos_halos is None: cos_halos = COSHalos() cos_halos.load_mega(skip_ions=True) cos_halos.load_abskin(flg=1) # ######################################## # Finder (out of order to avoid PDF issues) #finder.main([, cgm_abs.galaxy.coord], imsize=2.*u.arcmin, show_circ=False) # Start the plot if outfil is None: outfil='fig_coshalo_kin_corr.pdf' pp = PdfPages(outfil) # dv lclr = 'cyan' plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.clf() xpsimp.dark_bkgd(plt) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 3) dv_ymnx = [-300., 290.] # km/s Dv_ymnx = [0., 410.] # km/s gdk = cos_halos.abs_kin('Metal')['flg'] > 0 for ss in range(6): ax = plt.subplot(gs[ss%2,ss/2]) #ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(0.5)) #ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) if (ss/2) == 0: # dv vs. rho xmnx = (0, 150.) xlbl = r'$\rho$ (kpc)' xval = cos_halos.rho.value[gdk] elif (ss/2) == 1: xmnx = (9, 12.) xlbl = r'$\log M*$' xval = cos_halos.stellar_mass[gdk] elif (ss/2) == 2: xmnx = (-13., -8) xlbl = 'sSFR' sfr = [float(sfr[1]) for sfr in] xval = (np.log10(sfr)-cos_halos.stellar_mass)[gdk] # ax.set_xlim(xmnx) if ss == 0: ax.set_ylabel(r'$\delta v$ (km/s)') elif ss == 1: ax.set_ylabel(r'$\Delta v$ (km/s)') if (ss%2) == 0: ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([]) ymnx = dv_ymnx yval = cos_halos.abs_kin('Metal')['delta_v'][gdk] else: ymnx = Dv_ymnx yval = cos_halos.abs_kin('Metal')['Dv'][gdk] ax.set_xlabel(xlbl) ax.set_ylim(ymnx) ax.minorticks_on() #ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(100.)) # Zero line #ax.plot(vmnx.value, (0.,0.), ':', color='lightgreen') #ax.plot((0.,0.), ymnx, '--', color='lightgray') # Scatter plot ax.scatter(xval, yval, marker='o', color='cyan') # Labels #ax.text(-50., 1.2, r'$\Delta v$', ha='center', fontsize=21., color=lclr) # Fonts xputils.set_fontsize(ax,13.) # Write plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2,h_pad=0.,w_pad=0.1) pp.savefig() plt.close() # Finish print('tlk_coshalos: Wrote {:s}'.format(outfil)) pp.close()
def fig_cii_star(qpq7=None, outfil=None): """ Simple CII* plot for two systemsj """ # Spec files # Load QPQ7 #if qpq7 is None: # qpq7 = equ.load_qpq(7) if outfil is None: outfil = 'fig_qpq_ciistar.pdf' pp = PdfPages(outfil) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.5, 5)) plt.clf() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2) xpsimp.dark_bkgd(plt) qpq8_sys = ['J142758.73-012136.1', 'J120416.68+022110.9'] #qpq8_sys = ['J120416.68+022110.9'] qpq8_zfg = [2.2736, 2.4358] qpq8_vmnx = [(700, 880), (600, 770)] trans = [1334.5323, 1335.7077] lbls = ['CII 1334', 'CII* 1335'] for qq, qsys in enumerate(qpq8_sys): # Load spectrum sdict = eqs.spec_wvobs(qsys, trans[0] * (1 + qpq8_zfg[qq]) * u.AA, high_res=2) spec = sdict['spec'] spec.normalize(sdict['conti']) # Loop on transitions for jj, itrans in enumerate(trans): ax = plt.subplot(gs[jj, qq]) ax.set_xlim(qpq8_vmnx[qq]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(50.)) ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 1.2) ax.set_ylabel('Normalized Flux') if jj == 1: ax.set_xlabel('Relative Velocity (km/s)') else: ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # Plot velo = spec.relative_vel(itrans * u.AA * (1 + qpq8_zfg[qq])) ax.plot(velo, spec.flux, color='white', drawstyle='steps') ax.plot(qpq8_vmnx[qq], [1.] * 2, '--', color='cyan') # Label ax.text(0.80, 0.10, lbls[jj], transform=ax.transAxes, size='large', ha='center', color='yellow') # Write plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0., w_pad=0.1) pp.savefig() pp.close() plt.close() print('Genereated {:s}'.format(outfil))
def fig_molecules(): """ H2, Lya, CII plots """ # Spec files # Load QPQ7 #if qpq7 is None: # qpq7 = equ.load_qpq(7) # LineList H2 = LineList('H2') CO_waves = [1447.3521, 1477.5649, 1509.7480] CO_lbls = ['CO 2-0', 'CO 1-0', 'CO 0-0'] outfil = 'fig_qpq_molecules.pdf' pp = PdfPages(outfil) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.5, 4)) plt.clf() gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 5) xpsimp.dark_bkgd(plt) qpq8_sys = ['J114436.65+095904.9', 'J142758.73-012136.1'] qpq8_yrng = [(0., 1.2), (0., 1.2)] wvobs = [(4160, 4240.), (4735, 4950)] # Lyman-Werner, CO #qpq8_sys = ['J120416.68+022110.9'] qpq8_zfg = [2.973, 2.27616] trans = [1215.6701, 1334.5323] tvmnx = [(-400, 400), (-200, 200)] lbls = ['HI Lya', 'CII 1334'] for qq, qsys in enumerate(qpq8_sys): # Load spectrum sdict = eqs.spec_wvobs(qsys, wvobs[qq][0] * u.AA, high_res=2) spec = sdict['spec'] spec.normalize(sdict['conti']) if qq == 1: # Smooth for presentation tmpspec = XSpectrum1D.from_tuple((spec.wavelength, spec.flux)) spec = tmpspec.box_smooth(3) # Loop on standard transitions for jj, itrans in enumerate(trans): ax = plt.subplot(gs[qq, jj]) ax.set_xlim(tvmnx[jj]) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(200.)) ax.set_ylim(-0.05, 1.2) if jj == 0: ax.set_ylabel('Flux') ax.set_xlabel('Velocity (km/s)') # Plot velo = spec.relative_vel(itrans * u.AA * (1 + qpq8_zfg[qq])) ax.plot(velo, spec.flux, color='white', drawstyle='steps') ax.plot(tvmnx[jj], [1.] * 2, '--', color='lightgreen') # Label ax.text(0.50, 0.90, lbls[jj], transform=ax.transAxes, size='large', ha='center', color='yellow') # Molecules ax = plt.subplot(gs[qq, len(trans):]) ax.set_xlim(wvobs[qq]) ax.set_ylim(qpq8_yrng[qq]) ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength (Angstroms)') ax.plot(spec.wavelength, spec.flux, color='white', drawstyle='steps') if qq == 0: # Lyman-Werner wrlim = [iwv * u.AA / (1 + qpq8_zfg[qq]) for iwv in wvobs[qq]] gdlin = np.where((H2._fulltable['Jk'] < 7) & (H2._fulltable['wrest'] > wrlim[0]) & (H2._fulltable['wrest'] < wrlim[1]))[0] for igd in gdlin: if H2._fulltable['Jk'][igd] <= 2: clr = 'cyan' do_lbl = True else: clr = 'gray' do_lbl = False ax.plot( [H2._fulltable['wrest'][igd].value * (1 + qpq8_zfg[qq])] * 2, qpq8_yrng[qq], '--', color=clr) if do_lbl: ax.text(H2._fulltable['wrest'][igd].value * (1 + qpq8_zfg[qq]), 0.4, H2._fulltable['name'][igd], rotation=90., color=clr, size=12) else: # CO for jj, CO_wave in enumerate(CO_waves): ax.plot([CO_wave * (1 + qpq8_zfg[qq])] * 2, qpq8_yrng[qq], '--', color='cyan') ax.text(CO_wave * (1 + qpq8_zfg[qq]), 0.4, CO_lbls[jj], rotation=90, color='cyan', size=12) # Write plt.tight_layout(pad=0.2, h_pad=0., w_pad=0.1) pp.savefig() pp.close() plt.close() print('Genereated {:s}'.format(outfil))